Civil War
buried in
Stanislaus County, CA
M 's
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Mack, Samuel A.
Mack, Thomas
Mann, Rev. Jonathan L.
Mann, Wesley Smith
Mann, William Mortimer
Manning, Melvin |
McBee, James
McCumber, Thomas Case
McHugh, William H.
Miles, Theodore F.
Milnes, John Lansdale
Mitchell, George Washington |
Moltz, Peter J.
Moore, George Washington
Morgan, Charles
Morse, Aaron Bailey
Morton, John |
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Samuel A. Mack
1839-1881; Capt., Co. E, 13 PA Reserve Infantry (42 PA Vols and 1 PA
Rifles); Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot; wife Sarah; came to Mono
County, California by 1873; pension application #183073 filed on 04/27/1873;
application #467518 filed on 09/15/1890 on behalf of a minor, William
Rickey. |
Thomas Mack
1846-1909; Pvt., Co. G, 5 IN Cavalry; Oakdale Citizens Cemetery; born in
Ireland; member of McKinley Post GAR, Palo Alto, California; widow Mary B.;
came to California before 1880; pension application #815503; widow's pension
application filed in 1909; came to US with his parents as a very small
child. |
Rev. Jonathan L. Mann
1839-1893; Chaplain, 9 TN Cavalry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery; born in North
Carolina; wife Ella S.; came to Nevada County, California by 1880; retired
minister; pension application (no number or date given); died of
consumption. |
Wesley Smith Mann
1845-1924; Pvt., Co. A, 53 IN Infantry; Modesto Pioneer Cemetery; born in
Indiana; enlisted 02/24/1862; re-enlisted 02/15/1865; mustered out
07/21/1865 at Louisville, Kentucky; imprisoned 6 months at Andersonville
Prison; wife Rosa M.; came to Stanislaus County, California in 1874; past
GAR Commander; applied for pension. |
William Mortimer Mann
1846-1922; Pvt., Co. C, 22 IA Infantry; Acacia Memorial Park; born in Ohio;
enlisted at age 16 at Newton, Iowa; wounded during siege of Vicksburg; widow
Lucy V. Bailey; friend of Buffalo Bill Cody; lived in Colorado and Alaska
gold fields; applied for pension. |
Melvin Manning
1834-1911; Pvt., Co. D, 25 IL Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery; born in
Illinois; enlisted at Bloomfield, Illinois 06/01/1861; mustered out
09/05/1864 at Camp Butler, Springfield, Illinois; wife Sarah J.; applied for
pension. |
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James McBee
1832-1920; Pvt., Co. I, 10 TN Infantry; Turlock Memorial Park; born in
Tennessee; came to California in 1905. |
Thomas Case McCumber
1829-1898; Pvt., Co. G, 51 WI Infantry; Co. A, 53 WI Infantry; Modesto
Citizens Cemetery; born in New York; enlisted 03/07/1865 at Concord,
Wisconsin; sent to St. Louis and Ft. Leavenworth; mustered out 08/1865; wife
Lucinda Oswalt; brought his family to Knights Ferry, California in 1870;
later he bought 800 acres of grain land near Paradise City and began farming
as well as operating a ferry on the Tuolumne River; pension application
#946263 filed on 10/17/1890; died near Modesto, California. |
William H. McHugh
1832-1906; Reported to be US Navy veteran; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR
plot; born in Ireland; lived a hermit's life near LaGrange, California; died
by accidental drowning in the Modesto Irrigation District (MID) canal. |
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Theodore F. Miles
1848-1915; Pvt., Co. H, 1 MI Light Artillery; Turlock Memorial Park; born in
New York; wife Elsie; came to Weed, Siskiyou County, California by 1910;
pension application #1020914 filed on 05/18/1891 in Arkansas; widow's
pension application #1048327 filed in California. |
John Lansdale Milnes
1825-1901; Pvt., Co. H, 8 CA Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery; born in
England; enlisted at Mokelumne Hill, California 12/08/1864; mustered out at
Fort Point, San Francisco, California 10/24/1865; came to California 1849;
donated 1.5 acres of land on Milnes Road for a school which still carries
his name -- Milnes School. |
George Washington Mitchell
1840-1916; Pvt., Co. D, 10 IA Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot;
born in Ohio; enlisted 10/02/1861; re-enlisted 01/01/1864; mustered out
08/15/1865 at Little Rock, Arkansas; came to California in 1878; pension
application #449925 filed in California; had spent 10 months at Los Angeles
Veterans Home -- Sawtelle. |
Peter J. Moltz
1832-1917; Pvt., Co. E, 3 CA Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot;
born in Denmark; enlisted 10/14/1861 at Sonora, California; discharged due
to disability at Fort Ruby, Nebraska 08/30/1864; came to California by 1861;
pension application #965081 filed in California; died of pneumonia at
Floto's Rooming House in LaGrange, California. |
George Washington Moore
1837-1905; Pvt., Co. B, 4 AR Cavalry; Acacia Memorial Park; born in
Tennessee; wife Almary I; came to California about 1890 and homesteaded in
the Grayson area; died following a stroke; widow died 1912. |
Charles Morgan
1830-1916; Pvt., Co. E, 95 IL Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery; born in
New York; came to California after 1910. |
Aaron Bailey Morse
1838-1913; Pvt., Co. K, 4 MN Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery; born in
New York; in Otter Tail County, Minnesota in 1880; in Modesto, California
with second wife Fannie Scott Myers in 1910; pension application #103300
filed on 02/24/1866 in Minnesota; widow's pension application #1096359 filed
on 03/19/1917 in California. |
John Morton
1844-1910; Pvt., Cos. B & C, 37 IN Infantry; Denair Cemetery; born in
Indiana; enlisted 10/28/1861, residing at Monmouth, Illinois; re-enlisted
10/27/1864 and transferred from Co. C to Co. B; mustered out 07/25/1865;
member of GAR; widow Mary I. Foster; died in Turlock, California. |
Compiled by the Stanislaus Civil War
Association Cemetery Project Committee
February 27, 2006
All rights reserved |