Civil War
buried in
Stanislaus County, CA
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Hall, Melvin W.
Hammens, Frederick
Hanna, Cyrus Goodlow
Harris, Jr., Ira
Hart, Hubbard Lemuel |
Haworth, Joel Riley
Hayter, John A.
Helsley, Joseph Milton
Henry, John F.
Hickman, James A. |
Hill, Benjamin
Hinman, Harvey Randall
Hogin, Bailey Peyton
Howard, Abijah
Hyde, John P. |
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Melvin W. Hall
1845-1926; Pvt., Co. D, 30 OH Infantry; Turlock Memorial Park; born in Ohio;
widow Lurana B.; residing at Los Angeles Veterans Home, Sawtelle 1920;
pension application #601767 filed in 1887 in Nebraska; widow's application
#1244373 filed on 04/13/1926 in California. |
Frederick Hammens
1840-1919; Pvt., Co. A, 18 MO Infantry; Denair Cemetery; born in Missouri;
enlisted 08/31/1861; discharged 02/1864; his unit joined the Army of the
Cumberland from Nashville to Atlanta; wife Maria; pension application
#207736 filed on 09/05/1895; died n Denair, California. |
Cyrus Goodlow Hanna
1843-1878; Pvt., Co. B, 23 IA Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot;
born in Missouri; enlisted 08/21/1862; mustered out 07/26/1865 at
Harrisburg, Texas; wife Alice E. Rardin; came to Paradise City, California
where he and a partner established a ferry in 1877 on the Tuolumne River;
died of blood poisoning; widow's pension application #1561256 filed on
11/15/1926. |
Ira Harris, Jr.
1848-1913; Seaman, US Navy; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot; born in
Smithfield, Rhode Island; enlisted at the age of 14; served on crew of the
USS Constitution -- "Old Ironsides;" wife Mary Mulholland; came to Modesto,
California in 1883; worked at blacksmithing and carriage making; member of
Modesto Board of Trustees 188901891; NOTE: Headstone reads "IVA
HARRIS;" burial permit #303 names IRA HARRIS interred in this location. |
Hubbard Lemuel Hart
1841-1916; Cpl., Co. A, 3 WI Infantry; Modesto Pioneer Cemetery Mausoleum;
born in Rochester, New York; enlisted 04/18/1861; mustered out 07/18/1864 at
Madison, Wisconsin; wounded 07/22/1864 during the siege of Atlanta; wife
Mrs. Susan Shackelford; moved to Modesto, California 1893; engaged in the
grocery business. |
Joel Riley Haworth
1838-1917; Cpl., Co. F, 16 IA Infantry; Denair Cemetery; born in Indiana;
captured during the Atlanta, Georgia campaign 07/22/1864; imprisoned at
Andersonville; suffered some paralysis; wife Charlotte; lived in Kansas
before moving to Stanislaus County, California. |
John A. Hayter
1844-1926; 2nd Lt., Battery H, 2 MO Light Artillery; Roberts Ferry Cemetery;
born in Tennessee; his regiment was organized in the fall of 1861; in 1864
it was mounted as a regiment of light artillery and engaged in pursuit of
General Sterling Price; wife Alice G.; pension application #1156048 filed in
1882; widow's pension application #1568333 filed in 1927; died near
Waterford, California. |
Joseph Milton Helsley
1845-1928; Pvt., Co. H, 7 VA Cavalry (Ashby's Cavalry), CSA; Ceres Memorial
Park; born in Virginia; enlisted 02/15/1864 at Rockingham County, Virginia;
disbanded in mid-April 1865; widow Rachel; came to Ceres, California in May
1899 to be minister of First Baptist Church; died in Ceres, California. |
John F. Henry
dates; Pvt., Co. I, 145 IN Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot;
enlisted 02/16/1865 at Indianapolis, Indiana; mustered out 01/21/1866. |
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James A. Hickman
1845-1928; Pvt., Co. E, 2 TN Mounted Infantry; Modesto Citizens Cemetery;
born in Tennessee; widow Sarah J.; pension application #606587 filed on
04/18/1887 in Oregon; widow's pension application #1618227 filed on
07/02/1928 in California. |
Benjamin Hill
1827-1895; service unknown; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot; born in
Germany; died of malarial fever at the Stanislaus County Hospital and Alms
House. |
Harvey Randall Hinman
1836-1922; Pvt., Co. K, 151 NY Infantry; Oakdale Citizens Cemetery; born in
New York; enlisted 10/06/1862 at North Collin, New York; discharged due to
disability 03/19/1863 at Baltimore, Maryland; pension application #871962
filed in 1890; widow's pension application filed in 1922; died in Modesto,
California; Harvey and wife, Phebe were Reverends of the United Brethren
Church. |
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Bailey Peyton Hogin
1835-1920; Sgt., Capt. Woodson's Co., MO Cavalry, CSA; Modesto Pioneer
Cemetery Mausoleum; born in Smith County, Tennessee; wife Margrett E. Maddux;
came to California in 1870 by train; engaged in extensive farming. |
Abijah Howard
1841-1924; Pvt., Cos. C & E, 4 TN Cavalry; Turlock Memorial Park; born in
Georgia; widow Ann; came to Monterrey, California by 1910; pension
application #345906; widow's pension application #1221594 filed on
07/15/1924. |
John P. Hyde
1823-1906; service unknown; Modesto Citizens Cemetery GAR plot; died of
throat cancer at the Stanislaus County Hospital. |
Compiled by the Stanislaus Civil War
Association Cemetery Project Committee
February 27, 2006
All rights reserved |