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of Pioneers in Shasta County, CA
We do not have any additional information on these individuals.
Information submitted by Dottie Smith
Note from Webmaster: Though this index will take you to each and every biography submitted, not all of the biographies has been updated with the new template. That will happen soon...
Albertson, William A.
Albro, George Tinsdale
Aldridge, Beth Shuford
Aldridge, Ethel Josephine Batich
Aldridge, James Knox Polk
Aldridge, John Cabellbreckenridge
Aldridge, Walter Boyer
Allen, William Lawton
Allison, Benjamin Franklin
Anderson, Elias
Atkins, Quintus Narcissus
Atwood, Isaac, Dr.
Bailey, Jennie
Baker, Sidney Clay
Batich, Ethel Josephine Aldridge
Beatie, Albert McKinley
Beatie, Blanche
Baldwin, Aurora Priscilla Beatie, Daniel
Beatie, Daniel Webster
Beatie, Emma Milligan
Beatie, Harry Bradford
Beatie, Helen Alice
Beatie, Jennie Elizabeth Robinson
Beatie, John
Beatie, John Silas
Beatie, William Henry
Becker, Charles Joseph
Behrens, C. H.
Behrens, Charles Henry #2
Behrens, Ludwig (Lou)
Bell, Aaron
Bell, Edmund
Bell, J. J.
Bicking-Bruning, Salome Mrs.
Bidwell, William J.
Bland, Charles Milton
Boswell, William A.
Boyd, Benjamin Franklin
Boyes, William
Brand, Mathias M.
Brand, Stephen Elijah
Brauer, John Lewis
Brauer, Michael Ernest
Brauer, Oscar Gustav
Brigman, Andrew C.
Brown, Frank Frederick
Brown, John A.
Brown, William Wesley
Bull, Alpheus
Burger, Archibald (Artie) Lee
Burney, Samuel
Burr, Addison Theodore
Bush, Chauncey Carroll #1
Bush, Chauncey Carroll (Judge) #2
Bush, Chauncey Carroll #3
Butzbach, Henry Herman
Bystle, Adolphus
Camden, Charles #1
Camden, Charles #2
Campbell, William N.
Carmer, Reuben O.
Chambers, David C.
Chathan, Joseph Glenn
Chatham, Regina Alberta
Clark, William D. Dr.
Cochran, Holton
Coleman, Donna M. Mrs.
Conant, John Wesley
Conger, William Kingsbury
Connelly, Francis
Cooper, John G.
Coots, Leah B. Story
Cox, John Woodson
Cravens, Hattie May
Cravens, John Daniel
Crews, Robert
Cunningham, Charles Elliot
Darrah, George Andrew
Darrah, Simon Hillery
Davis, Joseph P. W.
Davis, Losina E. Mrs.
Dean, Emil M.
Denham, Nelda Hunt
Denham, Stonewall Jackson "Stoney"
Dersch, Frederick
Diestelhorst, John J.
Doll, Valentine
Doll, Valentine & Eugene (father & son)
Dozier, Thomas Bona
Drew, James Simpson
Durfor, Harry W.
Eaton, Richard B., Judge
Eaton, Richard Behrens #2
Eaton, Walter McCrum
Elmore, Waldo
Endicott, David
Estep, Alfred
Estep, James Sr.
Etter, Allen W.
Farhner, J. G.
Farrell, Charles Edward
Feeny, Richard Henry
Felch, John Richard
Felts, Walter W.
Fillman, Samuel P.
Fish, Edward Warren
Fish, Ruth Ella
Foster, Henry Clay
Foster, John H.
Franck, Frederick & Ignatz
Frank/Franck, James Madison
Friebel, Charles Henry
Frisbie, Edward #1
Frisbie, Edward, M.D. #2
Fuller, Frank N.
Garrecht, Lorenz
Garrison, Isaiah
Garrison, Myrtle Leoan
George, John
Gilbert, S. J. R.
Gill, Milton Gordon
Gipson, Amos (Murder trial & Aquittal)
Gleaves, James M.
Glover, Harry Ward
Goodnough, Algernon Mordant
Gray, Grace Gertrude
Gray, Joseph C.
Green, Nancy Six
Gregory, James Franklin
Griffin, Marion
Grotefend, Fred
Groves, George
Hammans, Henry
Hardenbrook, William Francis
Harper, Austin Ames
Harris, Joseph C.
Hartman, William Paul
Hartsough, John Benjamin
Hathaway, Richard Forest
Hathaway, William Edward
Hawes, Henry Frederick
Hawes, Jacob Charles
Hawes, Melvin W.
Hawes, Ray Walton
Hawes, Roy Burle
Hawes, William
Hawes, William 2
Haynes, Richard
Herron, M. W.
Heryford, Sarah Martha
Hewitt, John B.
Hill, Henry Gladstone
Holt, James Chesley
Holt, James Richard
Hopping, William E.
Hughes, Martha Adeline
Hunt, Daniel Granvil b. 1830
Hunt, Daniel Granvil b. 1894
Hunt, George Nathan
Hunt, Roy Quintus
Hunt, William Harrison
Isaacs, James E.
Jackson, William
Jepson, John Abner
Johnson, Henry Fisk
Jones, Benton
Jones, Leon Franklin
Junkans, William
Kessler, William
Kidd, Leonard W.
Kidder, William Samuel
Kingsbury, Charles Nelson
Kite, John Glanville
Klemmer, Anton
Klineschmidt, Herman
Klotz, Rudolph
Klukkert, Berend
Knox, George R.
Kountz, Frank
Lack, Demarcus Franklin
Lane, Joseph P.
LaTour, Christopher Albert
LaTour, James Cochran
Leach, Sylvanus
Leschinsky, August Ferdinand
Leslie, James Albert Ernest
Litsch, Frank
Logan, Alfred Jefferson
Logan, Pleasant Dixon
Logan, Richmond
Lowdon, Thomas
Magee, William Colonel
Mathewson, Joseph
Maupin, Thomas Henderson
McArthur, Roderick
McCabe, Thomas Jefferson
McCormick, Elizabeth "Bessie"
McCormick, James
McCormick, Nancy Six
McCoy, Albert Sydney Johnston
McElwee, Charles Keir
McFarlin, George
McNeill, James Joseph
Mears, Henry & Nancy (Tyree)
Menzel, William & George
Meyer, Frederick Valentine
Meyer, Frederick Jr.
Meyer, Herman
Michaelson, Fred
Miller, John H. Dr.
Miller, Johnny Jackson (Jack)
Mitchell, Marshell A.
Mullen, Chester Jerome
Mullen Family
Mullen, John
Mullen, Josephine "Josie"
Mullen, Roy Monroe
Murphey, Charles Marshall
Murray, John
Murray, T. F.
Musick, Kate F. Mrs.
Nielsen, John
Niles, Hiram Leonard
Noble, Don
Noble's Trail
Notten, Caroline Louise
Nunamaker, Walter D.
Ogburn - Inwood Cemetery History
Ogburn, Jefferson Davis
Ogburn, John Williams
Oliver, Benjamin
Opdyke, Perry Earl
Ossmann, Tobias
Owings, Calvin
Parker, John
Parry, John William
Parsons, Charles Lee
Patterson, Stella W. - author of “Dear Mad’m”
Phelps, Robert Evermont
Phillips, John Willard
Pickett, Benjamin H.
Pleisch, Theodore
Plumb, Mayne
Poore, George Alfred
Poston, Dallas
Price, William F.
Proletti, Eugene
Pryor, William A.
Quirk, Edmund S.
Ray, Isaac Ernest
Reading, Pierson B. (Major)
Reading, Pierson B. #2
Redding, How it was Named
Reynolds, John Edward
Rios, Thomas
Robinson, Daniel Webster
Robinson, Frederick Dykeman
Rose, Leland Laughlin
Rose, William Laughlin
Ross, Albert F.
Ross, Albert Frederick Jr.
Ross, Herman Frederick
Ruggles Brothers
Schneider, Gregor
Schuman, Adam
Scott, Annie Jeanette
Scott, John Varner
Scott, Walter William
Shanahan, David N.
Shasta Co. History 1891
Shoup, Franklin
Shoup, John Franklin
Shoup, Leslie Edgar
Shoup, Nancy Maria
Shuffleton, Hugh H.
Shuford, Beth Aldridge
Shurtleff, Benjamin M.D. #1
Shurtleff, Benjamin Dr. #2
Silverthorne, George William
Smith, Frank W.
Smith, James Oscar Dr.
Smith, Thomas B.
Smith, William Henry "Harry"
Smith, William Worthington Lassengree
Snell, John Adam
Snell, Nora (letters written in 1905)
Southern, Simeon Fisher
Southern, May Hazel, dau of Simeon
Spelman, John
Sperry, Sheldon
Suhr/Schurr, George
Sutton, Lottie
Swain, Alexander Cartwright
Swarts, Orvil Wilson
Syme, John
Tanner, Emily Armsdale
Taylor, Alanson
Taylor, Sidney M.
Taylor, William Alanson "Willie"
Terbush, Peter F.
Thatcher, Ezekiel Thomas
Thomasson, Edgar Ross
Thomasson, William Ross
Thompson, Francis Riley
Tower, Levi H.
Townsley, William S. B.
Tuggle, William Harvey #2
Tuggle, William Harvey
Tuggle, William Merriman
VanSchaik, John F.
Vollmers, Shelby Allison Sr.
Vollmers, William
Voss, Carl George
Warrington, T. H.
Webb, John Paxson
Webb, John Porter
Webb, William Nelson
Welsh, Eliza
Wheelock, Eva Ruth
Wheelock, John J.
Wilder, John & Francis (father and son)
Wilder, William Sherman Alvaro
Wiley, Harley R.
Williams, George Oliver
Williams, George Thomas
Wills, William Stephen
Wilsey, Eugene
Wilsey, Roy Eugene
Winkleman, Carrie Lena
Witherow, Samuel
Wright, James
Yank, William