This site is available for adoption.
Contact the State
Coordinator if you are interested.
How to use this site:
- You will find 'same' links on many of the
pages in this site.
- Do not hesitate using the search feature - it
will look throughout the whole site for your
- The County Resources page has items
specifically identified FOR Shasta County
- The State Resources page has items 'generic'
to researching in California

Did you know:The name "Shasta" is derived
from the English equivalent for the name of an
Indian tribe that once lived in the area. The name
of the tribe was spelled in various ways until the
present version was used when the county was
established. Originally Mt. Shasta was within the
county, but it is now part of Siskiyou County, to
the north. Its 14,179-foot (4,322 m) peak is
visible throughout most of Shasta County.
