Judge Bell was the eldest child
of their family of six children, four sons and two daughters. He
was educated in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, studied law in a law school there,
and after coming to California pursued his studies for several years and
was admitted to practice in the old District Court in 1864. He practiced
law in the city of Sacramento for three years, gave United States land
law his special attention, and became an expert in that department of law
practice. A United States land office having been established at
Shasta, and the officers thereof, not understanding their duties very well,
had some complications with the department at Washington. The Judge
went to Shasta to assist in straightening out matters. Becoming favorably
impressed with the county, he located there. He was appointed Register
of the Land Office in the place of the register who had resigned. He served in this capacity until 1879, when he resigned to run for the
office of Judge of the Superior Court, having received the nomination from
the Republican party. The county at that time had 250 Democratic
majority, but Judge Bell was elected by 600 majority, a very flattering
vote. The duties of the office of Superior Judge were at that time
quite onerous, and many times he had to decide cases on which there had
been great difference of opinion. In his first term a most trying
and unheard-of case came before him. The sheriff elect of the county
was refused the office by the incumbent on the ground that he had not given
the county sufficient bonds. It was claimed that by the census of
1880 the county had advanced from of a county of the third class to that
of the second class, and that he should not hold the sheriffalty, as he
had not given legal bonds. The Judge was applied to and the matter
duly tried before him; he gave an order to an officer to seize the books
and papers of the office and to take sufficient force to execute the order. The out-going sheriff, with his men armed with Henry rifles, held the court-house
with the door barred on the inside, refused admittance and threatened the
officer if he touched the door it would be at the peril of his life. It took the force of several men to break it in, which they did and seized
the books and papers of the office. The people took sides in the
affair and many were very much incensed with the out-going sheriff’s course. The case was carried to the Supreme Court and the Judge’s action sustained
in every particular.
Another very exciting and notable
case was that which was held to prevent the removal of the county-seat
from Shasta. When Judge Bell gave his decision in that case the court-house
was filled, anvils were fired by citizens of Redding and great excitement
prevailed. The case was taken to the Supreme Court, and after three
years’ litigation the case was decided in accordance with Judge Bell’s
It is a matter of record that
in eleven years only one case was returned and retried. His decisions
have been made with reference to his duty as a judge of the law, and his
legal ability has been most flatteringly sustained, both by the Supreme
Court of the State and by his fellow citizens. At his last election
his majority was 700, when the majority of his ticket was only eighty. During most of his history in California he has been interested in mines
and mining. In 1853 he was a partner with Marshall, and was often
with him and his men. He has a cane made from the head block of Sutter’s
mill when gold was discovered. Judge Bell and his brother, who is
an expert miner, are interested in several valuable mines and also in timbered
lands at the base of Mount Shasta. He is interested in a box, shingle
and lath factory, and in 1889 manufactured over 400,000 raisin boxes.
Judge Bell takes an active part
in several of the fraternal societies of the county. He became an
Odd Fellow in 1855; has been a member of the Grand Lodge since 1861, and
is a member of the Veteran Association of the State. He is one of
the charter members of Shasta Lodge, A.O.U.W., which started in 1878; and
he has been made Grand Commander of the American Legion of Honor of the
State for two terms. His father died in 1862, and his mother is still
living, a hale, hearty, old lady of seventy-seven years. She resides
with the Judge and his interesting family in a nice residence in Redding,
where he can spend the evening of life, having merited the confidence and
esteem of his fellow-citizens.
He was married in January, 1874,
to Miss Julia Fipps, a native of Missouri, and formerly a successful school-teacher
in Shasta. They have had three sons, born in Shasta County, viz.: Jesse, George E. and Harvey.
Source: Memorial & Biographical History of Northern
California, The Lewis Publishing Co., 1891
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
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