In biographically sketching
the lives of the reputable and worthy citizens of Redding, California,
the writer finds few, if any, more deserving of honorable mention in a
work of this character than John G. Cooper.
He was born in England, of English
parents, June 3, 1821. His education was obtained in his native land,
but, as he says, he is still studying. He worked at the manufacture
of silk ribbon and silk hosiery; was clerk or bookkeeper for a contractor
and builder; later on, learned the harness-maker's trade and worked at
it for some time.
In the spring of 1844 he emigrated
to the United States and settled in Plymouth, Marshall County, Indiana,
where he purchased a farm and improved it by building, etc. This
property he sold, and afterward bought a farm in St. Joseph County, same
State, where he remained twelve years. In 1855 he came to California,
via the Isthmus route, and landed in San Francisco. He engaged in
dairying in San Francisco and in San Mateo County for twelve years. While there he was elected to and held the office of Justice of the Peace. He afterward removed to Napa County, purchased 640 acres of land, which
he improved and for which he secured a perfected title, and there engaged
in fruit culture. He remained on that place from 1867 till 1880. In the latter year he sold out and removed to Redding. Here he purchased
thirty-four acres of unimproved land in the then young town. At the
time of its purchase it was occupied by Indians. Mr. Cooper cleared
it up, built his home and planted trees. He has disposed of it all
except his home and orchard and vineyard, which he has reserved for his
own use. He has eight buildings in the city, consisting of dwelling-houses
and a store, all of which are occupied.
Mr. Cooper was united in marriage
in 1847 to Miss Barbara Russell, a native of Ohio, and coming from an old
American family. Her father was a soldier in the war of 1812. Their union was blessed with two children. One is deceased, and the
other, John Henry, born in California in 1856, is a resident of Oakland,
this State. He is employed as proof-reader on the Oakland “Enquirer”; is married, and has two children.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are faithful
members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Cooper's father was a minister,
who led his son to a knowledge of the gospel. At the early age of
fourteen years he experienced religion and joined the church, and through
all these many years he has been an intelligent and earnest worker standing
up for the cause of God and humanity everywhere. He is now an ordained
elder in the church at Redding. Mr. Cooper is enthusiastic over the
wonderful growth and development of California. He is a member of
the society known as the Sons of St. George, the object of this society
being to influence Englishmen in this country to become citizens of the
United States. He is also an active temperance man and a Good Templar. For many years he has cast his vote with the Republican party. He
has become thoroughly identified with this country and its grand institutions,
and no native born citizens could be more staunchly American than he.
Transcribed by: Melody Landon Gregory
Source: Memorial and Biographical History of Northern
Californis, Lewis Publishing Co., 1891 page 767
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