M. W. Herron is one of the prominent
contractors and builders of Redding, California. Since his
residence in this place he has identified himself with the best interests
of the town, and has done much toward its improvement in his line of work. A sketch of his life is herewith given.
Mr. Herron was born in Kentucky,
November 9, 1842, is the son of William and Catherine (Hood) Herron, both
natives of Kentucky. Grandfather William Herron was born in Scotland. The subject of this sketch was one of a family of six children. He
received his education in his native State, and in 1861, at the age of
nineteen, enlisted in the Union army, Company K, Seventh Kentucky
Volunteer Infantry. He was in many skirmishes and several of the
great battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Mill Spring, Shiloh, Stone
River, siege of Vicksburg, and others. He was in the Banks expedition,
on Red River, in the midst of hard fighting. In 1864 his term of
enlistment expired, and he reenlisted and fought until the close of the
war. During the numerous engagements in which he took part he was
slightly wounded four times.
The war over, Mr. Herron received
an honorable discharge in 1866. He returned to Cincinnati, Ohio,
and engaged in carpenter work, at which he was employed in Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois. In 1869 he married Miss Mary C. Sly. They have
two daughters, Emma J. and Bertha A.
From Illinois in 1876, he came
to Colusa County, California, where he carried on his business for
about ten years. At the end of that time he located in Redding, and
has since been a leading architect and contractor of the city. He
is now (1890), superintending the building of several of the best residences
and business blocks of Redding. He belongs to the G.A.R., A.O.U.W.,I.O.O.F.,
and is a Master Mason . Politically he affiliates with the Republican
party. He is a worthy citizen and is respected and esteemed by all
who know him.
Source : Memorial and Biographical History of Northern
California, Lewis Publishing Co., 1891 pages 777-778
Transcribed by: Melody Landon Gregory August 2004
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