James E. Isaacs, District Attorney
of Shasta County, was born in Shasta, California, June 29, 1855. His father, Josephus Isaacs, was born in England in 1824, and was a pioneer
of Shasta County. He married Selada M. Downey, a native of New Jersey. Her father, A.L. Downey, is a pioneer of California; is now eighty-seven
years of age, and resides at Sacramento. Five children were born
to Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs, only two of whom are living. Mr. Isaacs followed
several vocations in life, latterly that of a merchant. His death
occurred in 1878. His widow is still living.
James E. was educated in the
public schools of his native place, attending school from seven until fifteen
years of age. The rest of his education has been obtained in the
dear school of experience. His father had made large sums of money,
but was unfortunate and lost heavily, and died leaving his estate embarrassed. Thus the care of his mother and her three children devolved up to the subject
of this sketch. He engaged in the dry goods and fancy goods business
at Shasta, which he continued until 1877. In that year he was elected
Justice of Shasta Township, and held the office two terms. In 1880
he was admitted to practice law by the Superior Court of Shasta County,
and since then has devoted his time to that profession. Mr. Isaacs
has given special attention to the land office law, and is considered the
best authority on that subject in Northern California. His father
was a stanch Republican, but he has espoused the cause of the Democratic
party; and that party, either to show their appreciation of the popular
young lawyer or to secure a candidate that they were nearly certain to
elect, nominated him for the District Attorney of the County. He
was elected by the handsome majority of 321, while the Republican majority
for President that year was ninety-six. He has since been unanimously
nominated by his party for a second term, and his prospects for re-election
are very flattering. Previous to this time, from 1880 till 1884,
he was Deputy District Attorney of the County, under District Attorney
May 1,1882, Mr. Isaacs led to
the hymeneal altar a native daughter of the Golden West, Miss Mary E. Leschinsky. She was born in Shasta County, the daughter of A. F. Leschinsky, also a
pioneer of this County. Two children have been born to them: Linie and Edith Thyra.
Mr. Isaacs is a charter member
and one of the organizers of the Mount Shasta Parlor, No.35, Native Sons
of the Golden West. He takes a deep interest in the order, and for
four years held the office of District Deputy. In 1886 he was elected
a Grand Trustee of the Grand Parlor of the State, and was re-elected to
the office in 1887. Mr. Isaacs is an agreeable and courteous
gentleman. He is one who has in his composition the necessary
amount of push and go-aheadativeness to succeed in whatever enterprise
he undertakes.
Source: Memorial and Biographical History of Northern
California, Lewis Publishing Co., 1891
Transcribed by: Melody Landon Gregory August
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