Sidney M. Taylor, the senior
member of the firm of Taylor & Dean, sash, door and blind manufacturers
of Redding, California, is a native of Halifax County, Nova Scotia, born
July 26, 1848. His father, John Taylor, was a native of Scotland,
and his mother, nee Jane Henderson, was born in the north of Ireland. She emigrated to America with her parents when ten years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had four children, of whom the subject of this sketch
was the youngest. He received his education and learned the trade
of carpenter in his native place. From there he removed to Boston,
Massachusetts, and worked at his business there three years, after which
he located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he engaged in the manufacture
of sash and doors for Smith & Parker, remaining with them eleven years. Then he was in the same business there three years for himself and had
the misfortune to be burned out. After that he removed to British
Columbia, where he built a shop and commenced business. His next
move was in 1887 to Red Bluff, Tehama County, California. There he
accepted the position of foreman of the Sierra Lumber Company’s mill and
remained there two years. Then he came to Redding, where he is now
well established in business. He and his partner, Mr. Dean, built
their planing-mill, with barley crusher attached, in the spring of 1890
and are meeting with fair success in their enterprise.
Mr. Taylor was married to Miss Rebecca E. Taylor, a native of Halifax County, Nova Scotia. Their union has been blessed with four children: Earnest, Stewart, Estella and Viola, all born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Politically Mr.Taylor is a Republican. He is a good citizen and a reliable business man. He is an excellent mechanic and takes charge of the mill while his partner does the office work.
Memorial & Biographical History of Northern California
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1891 Pages 650-651
Transcribed by: Christine Helmick - August 2004
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