Calvin Owings is one of the
hardy sons of the East who crossed the plains to California in 1850.
He was born in Warren County,
Kentucky, February 11, 1829. His father, William Owings, a native
of Kentucky, married Miss Esther Johnson, who was also born in that State,
a daughter of Calvin Johnson. They reared ten children, eight of
whom are now living. The subject of this sketch spent his youth and
received his education in Indiana. When he was twenty years of age
he came to this State. The company with whom he traveled were nine
months in crossing the plains, and many of them died with cholera.
Like other newcomers to this
State, Mr. Owning has his mining experiences. For three month he
mined at Yreka. His party found a nugget of gold that weighed five
pounds and ten ounces, and he himself took out $51 from a single pan.
When he quit mining he went
to Middletown and remained three years. Then he purchased eighty
acres of land at Cottonwood and was there three years. From that
place he went to the north for Cottonwood, purchased land and lived there
fifteen years. From time to time he added to his original purchase
until he had 680 acres. This he sold. In 1887 he came to Redding,
purchased a home and improved it, and has now retired from business.
After living a life of single-blessedness
for fifty years, Mr. Owings became acquainted with and married Mrs. Moore. She is a native of Missouri, born December 20, 1839, and a daughter of
D. J. Guinn, also of that state. They have an attractive home in
Redding, where they reside. Since the war, Mr. Owings has been a
Republican. Both he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church,
and are highly esteemed citizens of Redding.
Source: Memorial and Biographical History of Northern
California, Lewis Publishing Co., 1891 pages 770-771
Transcribed by: Melody Landon Gregory
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