Walked to Shasta County in 1850
with mining partners Levi Tower and John Hindman from Humboldt Bay. Placer mined on Clear Creek and other nearby creeks for 20 years. Built a log cabin in 1852 in the garden of Levi Tower's nearby Tower House
at the junction of the Shasta to Weaverville to French Gulch mule trail. Present-day location is the junction of Hwy. 299W and French Gulch Road. Log cabin still exists as part of the living room in the existing Camden
House. Built a sawmill in 1852 on Mill Creek just south of Clear
Creek. Married Philena Tower (sister of Levi) in 1852 inside the
log cabin in a double wedding with Levi. Theirs was the 3rd recorded
Shasta County marriage and the 1st known double wedding ceremony in Shasta
County. Purchased Tower's wagon road in 1861, made $20,000 worth
of improvements, and renamed it the Camden Toll Road. Converted the
existing Clear Creek bridge into a covered bridge in 1864 by adding sides
and a roof. Discovered Iron Mountain Mine in early 1860s with mining
partner William Magee.
SOURCE: The Dictionary of Early Shasta County History
- by Dottie Smith - copyright 1999
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