Harry W. Durfor is proprietor
of the daily stage route from Redding to Baird, where the United States
Fishery is located. He is also the mail and express carrier on this
line, and carries the news and correspondence of the county to three post
offices, Stillwater, Buckeye, and Baird.
Mr. Dufor was born in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, November 22, 1854, the son of Edwin T. and Elizabeth (Henheffener)
Durfor. His father was also a native of Philadelphia, and followed
the butchering business in that city for a number of years. In 1859
they crossed the plains to California with ox teams. They first settled
in Butte County, at Inskip, and engaged in mining, which occupation the
father has followed the most of the time since coming to California. Mr. and Mrs. Durfor reared a family of five children, the subject of this
sketch being the eldest. He, too, has mined a great deal in this
State, and has also been interested in farming. He owns eighty acres
at Stillwater, on which he has built and which he has improved by planting
a variety of fruit trees. After purchasing the stage route he removed
from his farm to Redding. His sister, an amiable young lady, keeps
house for him and attends the Redding High School. His younger brother
is in his employ. They drive alternate days, and use two good pairs
of horses. The route a portion of the way is through a pleasant farming
country, then over a rocky and mountainous road.
Politically Mr. Durfor is a
Republican. He is also a temperance man.
Memorial and Biographical History of Northern California,
Lewis Publishing Co., 1891 Page 742 - 743
Transcribed by Pat Houser August 2004
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