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submitted from 1997 up to July 2008.
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Number |
Surname |
Message |
Contact |
Posted |
02-39 |
Aldridge, Cretchlow,
Donaldson |
Looking for any information on
Lucinda Aldridge
married to Robert Donaldson
on Oct. 2, 1862 in Shasta Co. The
youngest child born 1871 in
Shingletown. The family lived in
Millville to about 1876 when Robert
returned to Missouri with their 5
children. Lucinda stayed in Shasta
Co. In the 1880 census she is
residing in Redding with a Jno. Cretchlow
family, occupation nurse. Lucinda
visited her youngest daughter about
1917 in Missouri later returning to
California. Do not know when or
where she died. Any information
appreciated! |
12/29/02 |
02-38 |
Collins, McGeorge,
Slaughter, Stahl |
Looking for all information on
Ronald Treeman Stahl who
helped build Shasta dam. Wife was
Leona Stahl. Daughter (my mother),
Mary Ellen Stahl. Lived next door to
the Indian family Slaughters. Mom
was a good friend of Francis Slaughter.
Also looking for information on
George Collins
of Anderson CA. He was the dad of my
sister, Mary Leona Collins. His
brother was Cecil or Sessile
Collins. George Collins died and my
mother married Thomas McGeorge
and had my brother Thomas Ronald
McGeorge in San Diego 1959. |
Robert |
12/29/02 |
02-37 |
Robinson |
Looking for the parents of Randall
- they are believed to be married in
Shasta Co. Any help appreciated. |
Eric |
11/04/02 |
02-36 |
Geney, Quigley |
Looking for information on
Florence Esther Quigley
family. She was born 5-6-1873 in
Missouri and died 7-5-1968 in
Shasta. She was married at one time
to Henry Ferdinand Geney of
Siskiyou County. Any information
would be appreciated. Thank you. |
10/24/02 |
02-35 |
Dean, Hufford |
Of the seven people buried at
Texas Springs, five are Hufford's.
We have been looking and wondered -
where is the cemetary? Martha
Elizabeth (Dean)
was my Great-Great-Great
Grandmother. Her son, John Wesley
(Bob) Hufford, my Great-Great
Grandfather, John George Hufford, my
Great Grandfather. Thank you for
your assistance. |
10/08/02 |
02-34 |
Dais, Downing,
Herron, Souza |
Fertado Souza
b. 1839 Azores Island Portugal d.
1927. My name is Ben Herron,
the son of Josephine Cecelia Dais who
was the daughter of Amelia and
Manuel Dais who lived in Anderson,
Shasta Co. Calif. My mother has a
sister living in Shasta City. Her
name is Ellen Downing,
the only surving sibling of ten
children. |
09/25/02 |
02-33 |
Bewick, Doke,
Hartslock, Heryford, Jones |
Herman A. Hartsock
was b. 1850 in Whitley Co. IN. He
married twice in Kosciusko Co. IN .
His first wife, Martha Jones,
died 1879 while two children were
infants. Luzern Harrison Hartsock,
b. 1873 (called Lewis in family
records) mar CA 1909 to Artie Mae Heryford.
They died in Shasta CA. What
happened to his brother Addison
Hartsock, b.c. 1876? (Adam in family
records). Herman A. Hartsock and
children by second wife, Nancy A. Doke,
settled in Stanford, Santa Clara CA.
Three known children including Anna
who died in 1970. Herman Hartsock
was listed as a school teacher in
1880. Love to hear from this family. |
Janet |
09/25/02 |
02-32 |
Shipp, Snavely |
Where is Woraley? My great
grandfather, Ephraim Snavely,
died there in 1916. Does anyone know
whether a hospital might have been
located there at that time? His
wife, Nora Shipp
Snavely, lived in Redding. Does
anyone know if the Kennett
Undertaking Company is still in
business, perhaps under another
name? Thanks. |
09/18/02 |
02-31 |
Miller |
Does anyone know or know of a Lela
G. Miller
on Gas Point Road in Cottonwood CA?
She has an entry on Gendex Com on my
gt2 Grandfather & I am
interested in her connection to the
family. Thank you. |
Harmon |
09/10/02 |
02-30 |
Buszdieker, Meineken |
We are looking for the Meineken
Family Bible. The last person on the
Meineken Ranch in Whitmore, Calif.
was Benhardt Meineken
who married Lena Buszdieker
of Whitmore. He passed away and a
few years later Lena passed away. We
had been told that the family bible
was either sold at a Church rummage
sale or possibly sent to Germany. We
would dearly love to have the Bible
returned to where it rightfully
belongs - with one of the few
remaining Meinekens. Thanks for any
help you can give. |
Marlene |
08/26/02 |
02-29 |
Kluman, Meineken,
Simonson |
I am looking for any information
on a Peter Simonson
who lived in Happy Valley in the
late 1890's. He was married to
Johanna Lizabeth Klumann in
1895. Her parents, Gerhard (aka
George) and Johanna Klumann
(Kluman), are buried in the Happy
Valley Cemetary. They had 4 children
one which was my husbands mother,
Helen Johana Simonson Meineken.
He died Feb. 19 1906 and may be
buried in the Happy Valley cemetary
as this is the area that they lived.
Any aditional information would be
appreciated. Thanks. |
Marlene |
08/26/02 |
02-28 |
Lavery |
I would like to know the year my
great uncle, John D. Lavery,
ran for sheriff in Shasta County,
although, he did not win. He was a
Mexican War soldier and a Civil War
soldier. He died in 1900 and is
buried in Redding. He probably ran
prior to 1890. Thank you. |
08/18/02 |
02-27 |
Bush, Schroeder |
I am interested on any information
on the surname Bush.
Primarily, Chauncey Carroll Bush who
resided in Redding in 1880's with
his wife, Ida Mae Schroeder.
Thank you for any help you can
provide. |
Submitter |
08/16/02 |
02-26 |
MacDonald, Malcomson,
Smith |
Does anyone know if this Jeantte
from the CADI had the maiden name of
And buried in Burney cemetery?
Jeannette Eva b. 07/03/1898 - Texas
d. 03/05/1988 - Shasta
Mother maiden name: Malcomson
SSN: 569-20-9489 Age: 89 yrs Thanks. |
Mac |
08/04/02 |
02-25 |
Chandler, O'Neil |
Malvina (Melvina) Maddox O'Neil,
born Horsetown, Shasta County, CA. I
would like any information on her, I
am hoping for her date of birth
& parents information. Her
daughter, Alma Cecilia Chandler,
was born in Windsor, California in
1891, the man we think she married
was supposedly born sometime after
1816. |
Submitter |
08/04/02 |
02-24 |
Cotton, Cunningham,
Eastwood, Grigsby, Hibbard,
McCallister, Parker, Robinson |
Looking for death date of my GG
Grandmother, Melissa Jane Eastwood.
She lived in Buckeye, Shasta Co.,
Ca. from around 1880's to at least
1920, as she was last found in the
1920 census living with her son,
William Eastwood & his wife
Addie in Buckeye. May have been born
in Georgia, married Alexander or
also known as John Grigsby in
Texas, had 2 daughters born there,
Sadie Grigsby Cunningham McCallister
my G Grandmother, & Roena R
Grigsby Robinson
1st son, William Eastwood, born Mar
1871, 2nd son, George S. Eastwood,
about 9 yrs later. 1880 census shows
she was living in Buckeye with
William Eastwood, 2 sons & the 2
daughters from Texas. May have been
buried in Buckeye, now known as
Newtown Cementary as my family, the
Cunninghams, are all there, William
V. Cunningham, Sadie Cunningham McCallister,
William Cunningham, also Frank V.
& Eva Parker Cunningham, Harold
Cunningham, Frank Cunningham &
Helen Cunningham Hibbard.
Also would like the address of
Newtown Cementary or the directions.
Thank you. |
Sharon |
08/04/02 |
02-23 |
Cunningham, Grigsby,
Morris |
Looking for the family of William
A Cunningham
who died June 17, 1923 in accident
on the job for the Castella Crag
Lumber Co near Castella Ca. at age
36, had been on the job only 13
days. He is buried in Buckeye, CA.
near his home. He left a wife, Grace
Fannie Morris,
& 2 childern.
Grace had family from Stockton Ca.,
her dad W. E. Morris & brother
Ed Morris. William Cunningham was
the brother of my grandfather, Frank
V Cunningham, the others were Lula,
George & Bertha Cunningham. His
father would be William V.
Cunningham from Ala & mother
Sadie Grigsby
Cunningham from Texas. Would like
any information on the family. Thank
you. |
Sharon |
08/04/02 |
02-22 |
Ditzenberger |
I am looking for information on
the date and place of death of my
grandfather, William Nelson Ditzenberger.
Also, maybe the name of the cemetery
where he is buried, if found. He was
born in Boone County, Indiana on 4
Aug 1853. I have found a letter that
states that he died in Anderson,
Ca., between the years 1917 &
1919. I will greatly appreciate any
information about him that anyone
can find. I do not need any copies,
only an e-mail with the information. |
Linda |
07/27/02 |
02-21 |
Skare |
Am looking for a death record for
John M. Skare
in Redding, Shasta, CA. He was born
12 Sep 1871 in Odda, Hardanger. He
may have died sometime between
1925-1955 in Redding. He owned an
apple orchard or an orange grove in
the area. If anyone frequents the
Shasta County Courthouse and can
check on this death record, I would
appreciate it. John never married. I
do not need any copies, only
information and reference numbers.
Thank you. |
07/16/02 |
02-20 |
Wirt |
I am seeking information on my
husband's uncles, Gerald Hobart Wirt and
William Ronald Wirt, who were born
in Oregon but lived in Shasta County
and died there. William died in 1989
and Gerald in 1990. Any information
on them, their parents (my husband's
grandfather) or their children would
be appreciated. Thank you in
advance. |
Marty |
07/16/02 |
02-19 |
Short |
I am seeking information on my
great grandparents William Benton Short
(died 11/27/1980) and Amelia Mary
Short (died 4/15/1989). Any
information would be greatly
appreciated. |
Robert |
07/07/02 |
02-18 |
Field |
I am seeking information on Cyrus
T. Field,
who died in November 1962 in Shasta,
CA. Need information off his death
record as to wife and heirs. He is
my husband's uncle that we lost
track of many years ago. Thank you. |
Connie |
06/12/02 |
02-17 |
Brown, Louie |
I am trying to find out the name
of a man, either his first or last
name was Louie. He was killed in a
auto accident on the hill between
Anderson and Cottonwood in Sept. or
Oct. of around 1949 or 50. He was
from San Jose. The person in the
other car was Roy F. Brown,
that owned the furniture store in
Redding. I know this is not much to
go on and any info would be greatly
appreciated. |
Ginger |
05/07/02 |
02-16 |
Gia, Maraglia |
Seeking connection for Ezio Gia --
farmed in Redding about 1920 nearby
sister's Maraglia
family. He lived earlier in
"Kennet", a town near Redding, but I
cannot locate this town on modern
maps. Any help appreciated. |
Submitter |
05/07/02 |
02-15 |
Butts, Saygrover,
Shelton, Westrope |
I am trying to get information on
John William Shelton
who died Jan 3, 1934 in Redding, CA.
He was married to Nancy Allen Westrope.
Their children were:
- Amanda Allen Shelton who m.
Amburs J. Butts
- Edna Elsie Shelton who m.
William Frances Saygrover
- Iva Izora Shelton
Gus |
05/07/02 |
02-14 |
McNeal, Thomas |
My father was Micheal Sidney McNeal d.
Sacramento 1977. My grandparents
were Genniveve P. Thomas
& Sidney G. McNeal (native
american indians). Had 10 children
"residents of Shasta County". Thank
you for any possible help. |
Michelle |
04/22/02 |
02-13 |
Leitritz, Pillow,
Riddle, Smith |
Looking for possible
Shasta County marriage record - My
great aunt, Narcissus "Sis" or
Florence Narcissa Pillow
(maiden name) DOB: 8-9-1875 POB:
Texas DOD: 9-15-1960 POD: Redding,
CA married:
- 1st husband - unk Smith
(in Texas)
- 2nd husband - unk Riddle
(place unknown)
- 3nd husband: Henry Gustav Leitritz
(this is the main one I'm
looking for).
DOB: 7-12-1891 POB: Wisconsin
DOD: 2-9-1958 POD: Shasta
County, CA (age 66)
No date, sorry. Marriage
definitely after 1908 &
before 1958 for the Leitritz
marriage. Big time span, sorry.
Place: Redding, CA?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance! |
Heather |
04/05/02 |
02-12 |
Galbreaith, Luney,
Magee |
Stephen B. Galbreaith
and Matthew Goth Luney are
relatives that lived in Shasta,
California between 1825 and 1867.
Stephen Galbreaith was killed in a
hunting accident in Shasta November
6, 1865, His widow, Mary Jane Magee
Galbreaith, married Matthew Goth
Luney in 1867 and moved to Idaho. If
you could point me in the right
direction to find more information
about these two gentlemen, I would
appreciate it greatly. |
Rita |
03/12/02 |
02-11 |
Moore |
I am trying to find information on
a John W. Moore,
born about 1853 in Linn Co., OR. He
was living in Shasta Co. in 1901
according to his mother's obituary;
and, specifically, in Redding, in
1915, according to his father's
obituary. His name was listed on the
Funeral Card of Thanks, as John W.
Moore, Jr., so hew as probably John
Washington Moore. Any clues on him
would be appreciated. |
Anita |
03/12/02 |
02-10 |
Isaac, Noble, Zumwalt |
I would like to inquire about any
information relating to Emery Noble. I
know he went to school in Old Shasta
when he was 14 years old. That would
have been about 1866. One of his
classmates was James E. Isaac,
later a lawyer in Redding. I know
that he went on to marry Ada Zumwalt
and later died in Anderson in 1900.
I mainly inquire about his father,
whom I have tried to trace for
years. I have seen him called
William G. or Washington in various
records. I believe he came from Wis.
with his son Emery. I do not know of
any other children. W. Noble died in
Red Bluff, Mar. 12, 1885. I know
that. I know that W.H. Noble sold
the information about Noble pass
(trail) to the business men of Old
Shastain 1852 for $2000. Could this
be the same man? Emery was my
grandfather and was killed when my
father was only 4, so he knew little
about him, and even less about his
parents. Any information would be
much appreciated. I am living in
Manitoba and can't really come to
search on my own. |
Arthalyn |
02/24/02 |
02-09 |
Damon, Hall, Troendle |
On the Shasta County,
California webpage by Janie Edwards,
I find mention of the surname Troendle.
I have done extensive research on
this family, my maternal line. Would
like to know more about the people
mentioned in following list, and am
particularly interested in their
country of origin and previous
generations' names:
- Thomas Troendle d. 28 Feb
1941, b. 9 Aug 1867
- Josie Troendle
married William Marion Hall 7
May 1881
- Melcina Troendle
married Adrain Damon
26 Jan 1887
All above information came from the
website mentioned above. Thomas
Troendle is buried in Parkville
Cemetery. From the dates given, they
would appear to be possible
siblings. Can anyone lead me to more
information on this Troendle family,
please? I would especially like to
know the parents of those three as
well as where they came from. All
input appreciated. |
Ann |
01/31/02 |
02-08 |
Vogeli, Weam, Weaver |
I am looking for "Mrs. W. Weaver
of Shasta California", who is
mentioned as a surviving daughter in
her father, Henry Vogeli's, obituary
of 6 Aug 1909 from The Dalles, Wasco
County, Oregon. I believe she and
her husband are in the Wasco County
marriage index as Wiley Weam and
Lizzie Vogeli,
who were married in Wasco County on
10 Oct 1894. Elizabeth or Lizzie was
born about 1885 in Nebraska. Any
information, however minute, is very
much appreciated. Thank you. |
Elizabeth |
01/20/02 |
02-07 |
Anderson |
I am interested in any information
available on a Jack Anderson
that lived in Shasta County in the
early 1900s. I find a notation of
him listed in a 1920 census list but
do not have the full census report,
(age,location, etc.) Thank You. |
Jackie |
01/20/02 |
02-06 |
Gray, Owen, Quill,
Singerland |
I am researching the Owen family
in Northern CA. I have Bertha Owen
married to Thomas Quill. In
1920 census they are in Red Bluff in
Tehama County. Other research
indicates that Beertha is buried in
IOOF cemetery in Anderson CA. I
would be interested in a lookup of
the vital records of Bertha as to
her parents and date of birth and
death and place of birth. Her father
and mother were to the best of my
knowledge John F. Owen and Gertrude
Owen. Her sister was Isabel Owen Gray of
Trinity Co., CA and a brother, John
W. Owen, was listed living with them
in Red Bluff in 1920. Thank you for
any help on this or for others to
contact for research. |
Dave |
01/15/02 |
02-05 |
Corbusier, Myers |
Please contact Arlene for free
membership invitation to My
Family.com, if interested in Corbusier
or related Myers:
"Myers of Rockland NY and Related
Families" |
Arlene |
01/15/02 |
02-04 |
Jamison, Johnson,
Johnston |
I am looking for four
brothers all born in New York who
removed to Shasta County,
California. Their names are:
- Dewitt Clinton Johnson born
bet. 1826 & 1828 in NY, died
24 May 1878
- Richard Michael Johnson born
bet. 1824 & 1827 in NY
- Arthur Johnson born bet. 1818
& 1823
- W. Johnson (may be William
McHendrix) born bet. 1818 &
1820 in NY
I think Dewitt C, Richard, Arthur
and "W." Johnson are my
great-grandfather, John Abner
Johnston's, brothers. They all show
in the Shasta County 1860 census
records and Dewitt C, Richard, and
Arthur Johnson also show in the 1870
Shasta County census records. Dewitt
has a wife, Mary (born Wisconsin),
and children who also appear with
him in these census records. They
all registered to vote in 1866 in
Shasta County and all had land in
Shasta County between 1861 and 1866.
John Abner Johnson was born 18
August 1832 in Mississippi. His
father was born in NY and his mother
was born in Scotland. John Abner and
his family show in the Shasta
County, Millville Twn, 1860 census
records. His wife was Ruth Jane Jamison
(also born Wisconsin) and they had
two children in this census year.
John Abner had land in Shasta County
in 1865. He removed from Shasta
County to Napa County and then Yolo
County. If you have any knowledge of
these brothers, I would appreciate
hearing from you. Thank you for your
help. |
Vicci |
01/11/02 |
02-03 |
Duncan |
I am looking for genelogical
information on my family. As far
back as my records go so far is
"Howard and Ruth Duncan",
Grandparents.They own a large dairy
stretching from I-5 to Churn Creek
Rd. I remeber stories when I was
young of the State taking part of
the ranch to build the highway. I
believe my great grandparents owned
the dairy before my grandparents but
I'm not sure. I currently live too
far away from Shasta County to do
much research, so any info anyone
might have would be greatly
appreciated. |
01/11/02 |
02-02 |
Gridley, Raglin |
Looking for the parents and
birthplace of George W. Gridley
who was married to Nicey Raglin
sometime in the middle 1800's. Would
appreciate any info you might have
to any and all family members. The
same with Nicey (Nancy?) Raglin.
Thanks. |
Lois |
01/10/02 |
02-01 |
McKee, Reed |
I am trying to find a death
certificate and record of my great
grandfather, William W. McKee who
was shown to be living in Shasta
County in the 1920 U.S. Census. He
was born in 1853, was 67 years old,
and married in Tulary County to
Jennie Reed
in 1879. I am also looking for the
grave of Jennie (Reed) McKee. Can
you help? Thanks! |
Richard |
01/02/02 |