California County Biographies and Histories

This is the master index to the indexes of the county biographies and histories which are currently listed in the California GenWeb. As more are added they will be master indexed here. If you would like to contribute copies of the index or table of biographies for the biographical listings from any book that is not currently listed here which covers California, or any portion thereof, please contact me. As such contributions are made additional pages will be added.

If you would like to contribute a copy of the actual printed biography for purposes of creating a virtual library of the various works then send a copy of the text with the citation to the source to me.

If the person's name for whom the biography is written is highlighted in blue the actual biography can be accessed by clicking on the name.

Please remember that I do not have the actual books, only the indexes, and I can not send you copies of the biographies because I do not have them.

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Ca - CfCg - Cl | Cm - Cr | Cs - Cz
Da - DfDg - Dl | Dm - DrDs - Dz
Ea - Ef | Eg - El | Em - Er | Es - Ez
Fa - FfFg - Fl | Fm - FrFs - Fz
Ga - Gf | Gg - Gl | Gm - GrGs - Gz
Ha - HfHg - Hl | Hm - HrHs - Hz
Ia - IlIm - Iz
Ja - JlJm - Jz
Ka - KfKg - KlKm - KrKs - Kz
La - LfLg - Ll | Lm - LrLs - Lz
McA- McFMcG - McLMcM - McR | McS - McZ
Ma - MfMg - Ml | Mm - MrMs - Mz
Na - NfNg - Nl | Nm - NrNs - Nz
Oa - OfOg -OlOm - OrOs - Oz
Pa - PfPg - Pl | Pm - PrPs - Pz
Ra - RfRg - Rl | Rm - RrRs - Rz
Sa - SbSc | Sd - Sf | Sg - SlSm | Sn - Sr | Ss - St | Su - Sz
Ta - TfTg - Tl | Tm - TrTs - Tz
Va - VlVm - Vz
Wa - WdWe - WfWg - Wilk |Will - Wl |Wm - WrWs - Wz

Suggested Biographical and Historical References: Listed by County
See Mines Road Bookstore

Alameda[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Alameda County - 1883Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
The Bay of San Francisco - A History - 1892Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
Biographical Record of Oakland & Environs - 1907Index
History of the San Francisco Bay region - Millard - 1924Index
History of Alameda County - 1928Index
Alameda Community Book - 1952Index

Alpine[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index

Amador[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Amador County - 1881Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex
Historical ReferenceIndex
The Shenandoah Valley Area of Amador Co.: 1854 - 1904 Index

Butte[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Butte County - 1882Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906Index
History of Butte County - 1918Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Calaveras[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Merced, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Tuolumne & Mariposa - 1892Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Colusa[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Colusa County - 1891Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Contra Costa[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Contra Costa Co. - 1882Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
The Bay of San Francisco - A History - 1892Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of Contra Costa Co. - 1917Index
History of the San Francisco Bay region - Millard - 1924Index
History of Contra Costa Co. - 1926Index

Del Norte[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index

El Dorado[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of El Dorado County - 1883Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Fresno[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Fresno County - 1882 Index
History of Fresno, Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1892 Index
History of San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
History of Fresno County - 1919 - VandorIndex
Historical ReferenceIndex
Fresno County: the Pioneer Years to 1900 - 1984 Index
The Valley's Legends & Legacies - 1996 - 3 vols.Index

Glenn[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Humboldt[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Humboldt County - 1882Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of Humboldt County - 1915 - IrvineIndex

Imperial[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
An Illustrated History of Southern California - 1890Index
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
History of Imperial County - 1918Index
California of the South - 1933Index

Inyo[Return to Jump Site]

Kern[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Tulare Co. - 1883 - Elliott (includes Kern & Kings Cos.)Index
History of the San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
History of Kern County - 1914 - MorganIndex
History of Kern County - 1929 - MillerIndex

Kings[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Tulare Co. - 1883 - Elliott (includes Kern & Kings Cos.)Index
History of Fresno, Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1892 Index
History of San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
History of Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1913 - MenefeeIndex
History of Kings County - 1940 - BrownIndex
Historical ReferenceIndex
The Valley's Legends & Legacies - 1996 - 3 vols.Index

Lake[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Napa and Lake Co. - 1881Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of Mendoncino & Lake Counties - 1914Index

Lassen[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Plumas, Lassen & Sierra Cos. - 1882Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex

Los Angeles[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
An Illustrated History of Southern California - 1890Index
An Illustrated History of Los Angeles County - 1889Index
History of Los Angeles and Vicinity - 1901 - GuinnIndex
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
History of South Coast Counties - 1907 - GuinnIndex
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
History of Los Angeles and Environs - 1915 - GuinnIndex
History of Pomona Valley - 1920Index
History of Los Angeles Harbor District - 192?Index
History of Long Beach and Vicinity - 1927Index
California of the South - 1933Index
History of Alhambra- 1936Index
Santa Monica Community Book - 1948Index
The Historical Volume and Reference Works: Covering Alhambra, San Gabriel, Monterey Park - Vol. I - 1962Index
The Historical Volume and Reference Works: Covering Bassett, City of Industry, La Habra, La Mirada, Le Puente, Pico Rivera, Santa Fe Springs, Walnut and Whitter - 1963Index
Glendale Area History - 1974Index
History of Burbank - 1975Index

Madera[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Fresno, Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1892 Index
History of San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
Historical ReferenceIndex
The Valley's Legends & Legacies - 1996 - 3 vols.Index

Marin[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Marin County - 1880Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
The Bay of San Francisco - A History - 1892Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of the San Francisco Bay region - Millard - 1924Index

Mariposa[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Merced, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Tuolumne & Mariposa - 1892Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Mendocino[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Mendoncino County - 1880Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of Mendoncino & Lake Counties - 1914Index
Historical ReferenceIndex
Mendoncino County Remembered: An Oral History - 1976 - NarrationsIndex
Genocide & Vendetta: The Round Valley Wars of Northern CaliforniaIndex

Merced[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of the Merced County - 1881Index
History of Merced, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Tuolumne & Mariposa - 1892Index
History of the San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
History of Merced County - 1925Index
Historical ReferenceIndex
The Valley's Legends & Legacies - 1996 - 3 vols.Index

Modoc[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex

Mono[Return to Jump Site]

Monterey[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey & San Luis Obispo Cos. - 1903Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
History of Monterey & San Benito Cos. - 1910Index
History of Monterey & Santa Cruz Cos. - 1925Index

Napa[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History Sketch Book of Napa, Sonoma, Lake & Mendicino - 1879Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of Solano & Napa - 1912 - GregoryIndex

Nevada[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Placer & Nevada Cos. - 1924 - LardnerIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Orange[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
An Illustrated History of Los Angeles County - 1889Index
An Illustrated History of Southern California - 1890Index
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
History of South Coast Counties - 1907 - GuinnIndex
History of Orange County - 1911Index
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
History of Orange County - 1921Index
History of Orange County - 1931Index
California of the South - 1933Index
The Historical Volume and Reference Works: Covering Garden Grove, Santa Anna and Tustin - Vol. I - 1963Index
The Historical Volume and Reference Works: Covering Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Cypress, City of Dairyland, El Modena, El Toro, Los Alamitos, Midway City, Modjeska Canyon, Olive, Placentia, Stanton, Trabuco Canyon, Yorba Linda - Vol. II - 1963Index
The Historical Volume and Reference Works: Covering Covering Costa Mesa, Dana Point, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Orange, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Seal Beach, Villa Park, Westminster - Vol. III - 1963Index

Placer[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Placer County - 1882Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Placer & Nevada Cos. - 1924 - LardnerIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Plumas[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Plumas, Lassen & Sierra Cos. - 1882Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Riverside[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
An Illustrated History of Southern California - 1890Index
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
History of South Coast Counties - 1907 - GuinnIndex
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
California of the South - 1933Index

Sacramento[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Illustrated History of Sacramento County - 1890 - DavisIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Sacramento County - 1913 - WillisIndex
History of Sacramento County - 1923 - ReedIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

San Benito[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey & San Luis Obispo Cos. - 1903Index
History of Monterey & San Benito Cos. - 1910Index

San Bernardino[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of San Bernardino & San Diego Cos. - 1883Index
An Illustrated History of Southern California - 1890Index
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
Ingersoll's San Bernardino Co. - 1904Index
History of South Coast Counties - 1907 - GuinnIndex
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
California of the South - 1933Index

San Diego[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of San Bernardino & San Diego Cos. - 1883Index
An Illustrated History of Southern California - 1890Index
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
History of South Coast Counties - 1907 - GuinnIndex
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
History of San Diego County - 1936Index
California of the South - 1933Index

San Francisco[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
The Bay of San Francisco - A History - 1892Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of the San Francisco Bay region - Millard - 1924Index

San Joaquin[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of San Joaquin Co. - 1879Index
Illus. History of San Joaquin Co. - 1889Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
History of San Joaquin County - 1909 - GuinnIndex
History of San Joaquin County - 1923 - TinkhamIndex

San Luis Obispo[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of San Luis Obispo Co. - 1883Index
Memorial & Biographical History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo & Ventura Cos. - 1891 -StrokeIndex
History of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey & San Luis Obispo Cos. - 1903Index
History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo & Ventura Cos. - 1917 - GidneyIndex
History of San Luis Obispo Co. and Environs- 1917Index

San Mateo[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
The Bay of San Francisco - A History - 1892Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of the San Francisco Bay region - Millard - 1924Index
History of San Mateo County - 1928Index
History of San Mateo County - 1938Index

Santa Barbara[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Santa Barbara & Ventura Cos. - 1883 -MasonIndex
Memorial & Biographical History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo & Ventura Cos. - 1891 -StrokeIndex
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
History of South Coast Counties - 1907 - GuinnIndex
History of San Luis Obispo Co. and Environs (Santa Maria area)- 1917Index
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo & Ventura Cos. - 1917 - GidneyIndex
History of Santa Barbara County - 1927 - O'NeillIndex
History of Santa Barbara County - 1939 - O'NeillIndex
California of the South - 1933Index
La Carpinteria - 1960Index
Goleta - The Good LandIndex
The Early Days of Santa Barbara - 1987Index

Santa Clara[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Santa Clara County - 1881 - Munro-FraserIndex
The Bay of San Francisco - A History - 1892Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of Santa Clara County - 1922 - Sawyer - BiosIndex
History of Santa Clara County - 1922 - Sawyer - Hist.Index
History of the San Francisco Bay region - Millard - 1924Index
History of Saratoga: First 100 Years - 1967 - Hist.Index

Santa Cruz[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Santa Cruz Co. - 1892 - HarrisonIndex
History of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey & San Luis Obispo Cos. - 1903Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History of Monterey & Santa Cruz Cos. - 1925Index

Shasta[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Sierra[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Plumas, Lassen & Sierra Cos. - 1882Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Siskiyou[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Siskiyou County - 1881Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
History of the Sierras - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Solano[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Solano County - 1879 - Wood, Alley & Co.Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Solano & Napa - 1912 - GregoryIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Sonoma[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History Sketch Book of Napa, Sonoma, Lake & Mendicino - 1879Index
History Sonoma County - 1880Index
History Sonoma County - 1889Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical Record of Coast Counties - 1904 - Ver. 2Index
History Sonoma County - 1911Index
History Sonoma County - 1937Index
Santa Rosans I have Known - 1942Index

Stanislaus[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Stanislaus County - 1881Index
History of Merced, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Tuolumne & Mariposa - 1892Index
History of San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
History of Stanislaus County - 1921 - TinkhamIndex

Sutter[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Sutter County - 1879Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Yuba and Sutter Counties - 1924 - DelayIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Tehama[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Trinity[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index

Tulare[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Tulare Co. - 1883 - Elliott (includes Kern & Kings Cos.)Index
History of Fresno, Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1892 Index
History of San Joaquin Valley - 1905 - GuinnIndex
History of Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1913 - MenefeeIndex
History of Tulare Co. - 1926 - SmallIndex
Crabtree: Tule River Patriarchs - Early Springville History - MeredithIndex
Orosi: In the Beginning: 1888-1988Index
Alta Pioneers -1924Index
Porterville California Genealogies - 1934Index
Pioneer Families of Ducor, CA -1984Index
The Tulare Community War Album - 1945Index
Dinuba Second War Album - 1944Index
Pioneer Communities of Porterville, Vandalia and Plano - 1982 - Vols. 1 & 2Index
The Way It Was: A Colorful History of Tulare County - 1976 - MitchellIndex
Tulare County Historical Society - "Los Tulares" Index -
1948 - 1986
Historical ReferenceIndex
The Valley's Legends & Legacies - 1996 - 3 vols.Index

Tuolumne[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Tuolumne County - 1882Index
History of Merced, Stanislaus, Calaveras, Tuolumne & Mariposa - 1892Index
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

Ventura[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
History of Santa Barbara & Ventura Cos. - 1883 -MasonIndex
Memorial & Biographical History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo & Ventura Cos. - 1891 -StrokeIndex
Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902Index
History of South Coast Counties - 1907 - GuinnIndex
Maine Men and Women in Southern California - 1913Index
History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo & Ventura Cos. - 1917 - GidneyIndex
History of Ventura Co. - 1926 -SheridanIndex
California of the South - 1933Index

Yolo[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
The Western Shore Gazetteer and Commercial Directory, For the State of California…, Yolo CountyIndex
History of Yolo County - 1879Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Yolo County - 1913 - GregoryIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex
History of Yolo County - 1940Index

Yuba[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 1Index
Biographical History of Northern California - 1891 - Ver. 2Index
Memoirs and Genealogy of Northern California - 1901Index
Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906 - GuinnIndex
History of Yuba and Sutter Counties - 1924 - DelayIndex
History of Sacramento Valley - 1931 - WooldridgeIndex

California - Statewide[Return to Jump Site]

Biographical ReferenceIndex
American Biography and Genealogy - California Edition - 1900?Index
A History of New California - 1905 - 2nd Ed.Index
DAR California Pioneers - 1927Index

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Online Continuously since 1996 and last updated 29 June 2015