History of Orange County, California:

with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the county who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present. Illustrated

By Samuel Armor

Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, CA (1921)

California Local History - Rocq - 6103

Calif. State Library History Room (RR)
CALL NUMBER: [Alcove] 979.496 A7a -- Book NC

The biographies contained within the book are set forth below by the name of the individual and the page number on which the biography commences. If you are researching one or more of the lines and wish to be listed as a researcher of the line please contact Steve Williams. I will add your name and e-mail address into the "Researcher" column.

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[California Biographical Indexes]

A[Return to Jump Site]
Abercherli, Louis1470
Adams, Argus1522
Adams, John638
Adams, Reo C.1362
Adams, Reuben A., M.D.637
Ahern, Eugene O.1388
Ahlefeld, George1317
Ahlefeld, Otto L.1654
Ahplanalp, William945
Ainsworth, Frank L.351
Ainsworth, Lewis343
Ainsworth, Mitt O.459
Akers, John Allen705
Alabach, Mary E.486
Alberts, A. J.1645
Alexander, William B.1579
Allen, Augustus Horatio425Teri Johnson
Allen, Horatio Augustus570Teri Johnson
Allen, Joseph Garfield535
Allen, L. E1637Teri Johnson
Allen, Martin V.798
Allen, Milo Bailey534
Allen, Nathan E.1189
Allen, Prescott422Teri Johnson
Alling, Clyde R.1571
Amack, Ulysses S.1614Bonnie
Amerige, Edward Russell585
Amerige, George Henry576
Anaheim Feed & Fuel Company1035
Anderson, C. G.1386
Anderson, Christian 1208
Andres, Charles A.1194
Andres, George Frederick1258
Arballo, Palito 1454
Armor, Samuel, Mr. and Mrs.615
Arroues, Bernard762
Atherton, Edward672
B[Return to Jump Site]
Backs, Joseph M., Jr.653
Bacon, Robert D.425
Bagnall, Charles J.1433
Baier, Fred C.1463
Baker, Andrew687
Baker, John G.1572
Baker, William1148
Ball, Charles Dexter, M.D.243
Ball, Edson Joel1458
Ball, Strother S.226
Bangs, Frederick E.1294
Barker, Joshua 1568
Barrows, George A.1264
Barter, Harry1395
Bartley, George M.1567
Bastady, Frederick1317
Bastanchury, D. J.545
Bastanchury, Domingo and Maria264
Baumgartner, John Pemberton1207
Baxter, Bluford C.877
Beach, Amandus W.907
Beach, Aurel, Mrs.907
Beard, Ernest A.1092
Belt, Susan, Mrs.291
Bemis, Charles A810
Benchley, William L.374
Bennett, Bernice, D. O.1643
Bennett, Charles C.1321
Bennett, Francis M.1411
Bennett, Harvey F.1284
Bennett, Leroy541
Bentjen, Fred1405
Bergey, Gale S.806
Best, Charles E.1572
Best, Rupert1609
Bibber, Andrew Harrington524
Biner, Albert1516
Bird, Richard A.1495
Bishop, Clyde896
Bishop, Fern S.881
Blackford, Merton1512
Blanchar, Robert L.1396
Blaylock, Wallace W.1406
Blodget, Lewis W858
Blom, Andrew Gustav455
Bobst, Wilda, Mrs.1065Dan Cook
Boon, William H1020
Boosey, Fred1242
Boosey, Grace O., Mrs.1268
Borchard, Antone1533
Borchard, Frank P1100
Borchard, Leo1460
Boring, Johnty P.625
Bowman, Charles E.805
Bradford, Albert S.225
Brady, Peter D.824
Bricke, Joseph1357
Bridge, Marcus Arthur566
Broadway, Thomas E.1104
Brooks, Clifford Hugh, M.D.1314
Brooks, Lorenro Nathan478
Brooks, William H.251
Brown, Edwin J.1061
Brown, James E.1348
Brown, John Knowlton1541
Brown, William Thomas329Mark Butler
Brunworth, John456Brad and Kitty Matter
Buchanan, George W350
Buchheim, Aaron438
Buchheim, Frank J.1328
Buchheim, Henry William915
Bula, Edwin827
Bundschuh, C. S.1453
Burbank, Phoebe Ann, Mrs.1181
Burke, Joe Charles, Hon.989
Burnham, William H.600
Bush, John M., Jr.608Jonathan
Bushard, William Winfred878
Butler, Clyde D.1126
Butler, Lewis G.1088
Byram, Oren Brown502
Byram, Wilfred Carroll503
C[Return to Jump Site]
Cady, Eugene C1065
Cady, Penelope, Mrs.1065
Caillaud, Albert1190
Cailor, O. T.468
Callan, J. M.744
Callens, Adolphe1343
Callens, Gustave J.1343
Calleus, Joseph Albert1343
Campbell, David F.485
Campbell, E. Earl1649
Carden, Lincoln Joseph1276
Carhart, J. Ralph566
Carle, Anton C.1632
Carriker, Jacob W.912
Carrillo, Adelina, Mrs.1237
Carrillo, Juan Garibaldi1283
Carver, Washington I.1057
Case, William E.949
Cassou, John571
Castillo, Cayetano, Jr.1182
Chaffee, Albert J.751
Chaffee, Edward1039
Chaffee, John D., M559
Chambers, William M., D.D.S1418
Chapman, Charles C.211
Chapman, Charles Herbert1234
Chapman, Colum C.459
Chase, Manley C.1474
Chase, Maud H., Mrs.844
Cheney, William J.519
Christensen, E. Martin1238
Christensen, Soren728
Christianson, Siegfried M.1381
Christlieb, Alexander J.1529
Ciaudina, Frank1100
Clark, John I., M.D.1354
Clarke, Stephen F451
Clayton, W. M., Prof.493
Clement, William E.942
Clinard, Barney P.1275
Closson, Gardner, W., D.V.S.1549
Coate, Elwood554
Coburn, Lewis F.916
Cochems, William434
Cock, Andrew1638
Cocking, George J.1246
Cole, Benjamin H.1151
Cole, D. G.416
Cole, Ella D., Mrs.472
Cole, Homer L.1292
Cole, Richard W.1659
Cole, Walter J.645
Collins, Cornelius C.433
Collman, William A.731Chris Collman
Colman, R. Clarkson765
Congdon, Walter N.1583
Conkle, Samuel Q.516
Conley, James F.761
Cook, Leroy R.1432
Coon, Herbert D.1663
Cooper, Emma Burchfield, Mrs.536
Copeland, Justin M256
Copeland, Mary E., Mrs.256
Corbit, Byron B.1386
Cordes, John C.1421
Cotant, Charles L.1642
Courreges, Roch1332
Cowles, Danforth C, M.D.553
Cox, Charles S.1418
Cozad, David E.646
Craig, Isaac571
Cranston, John A1421
Cravath, A. K.1229
Crawford, Byron Asa1272
Crawford, Elmer L.778
Crawford, Will C.964
Crookshank, Angus James604Claudia Crookshank
Crose, Charles F.1245
Crosier, William W.1434
Crouch, Frank Warren1324
Crowther, William Henry217
Cruiz, Julian R1660
Crumrine, Charles L1454
Culp, William A1376
Culver, Joseph Warren1109
Cuprien, Frank William794
D[Return to Jump Site]
Daguerre, Marie Eugenia, Mrs.306
Dale, Frank Blair1464
Dale, Hubert H1613
Damewood, L. P.813Frances
Damon, Philip W.1441
Daneri, Catherine J., Mrs.1166
Daniels, Henry W.1233
Dargatz, Otto415
Dart, Oral V1578
Dauser, Frank J.1546John
Davies, Richard T.546
Davis, Charles Leo1625
Davis, Evan861
Davis, Roy R.1507
Dawes, Horatio C.963Teri Johnson
De Vaul, Jasper N.650
Deamud, S. F.1641
Decker, Willet S.1028
DeLapp, Thomas C. H.1249
Denni, Job1606
Dennis, Wallace B903
Derksen, Anna, Mrs.718
Des Granges, Joseph P295
Devenney, William1492
Dickel, Herman A794Thomas Dickel
Dierker, Benjamin Franklin907
Dierker, Edward Henry1118
Dierker, George D701
Dierker, Harry F1165
Dierker, Henry781
Diers, William F1574
Dietrich, Minnie M., Mrs.1399
Ditchey, Jacob529
Dittmer, Adolph960
Dixon, Raymond T1550
Dolan, William A1375
Dolph, Blanche L., Miss882
Domann, Arthur H., M.D625
Dominguez, Felipa Y., Mrs.1241
Donnelly, Dennis J1625
Dorn, Fred A1040
Douglass, Leo F1507
Doyle, Leo M1159
Dozier, Edward M 1470
Dozier, Thomas E611
Drake, David Clarence286
Draper, Robert L1382
Dresser, Bernard J1019
Dross, Werner R1580
Druce Brothers950
Du Bois, Willard C, M.D1373
Duckworth, William Edward1412
Duggan, William L1070
Duhart, Bautista1511
Duker, Henry W908
Dungan, H. E.1306
Dungan, Samuel M510
Dunlap, J. T.731
Dunstan, John365
Dunton, George1457
Durkee, Joseph E1396
Durnbaugh, Carl E1366
Dutton, Earl Chester1407
E[Return to Jump Site]
Eaby, George M1177
Eadington. Thomas1438
Eberth, Charles1458
Eden, Walter988
Edens, R. W1636
Edwards, Arch M1182
Edwards, John H338
Edwards, Nelson Thomas477
Edwards, Samson395
Edwards, William J334
Edwardson, Lars Tobias854
Eells, John1556
Egan, Richard373
Ehlen, P. W520
Eismann, Elizabeth, Mrs.1170
Elbinger, John C1040
Elliott, John W529
Elliott, R Earl1595
Ellis, Clyde H1595
Ellis, Claude Newton 530
Eltiste, George Paul1138
Eltiste, Michael925
Enderle, Herman989
English, Robert Henry 312
Erramuspe, Domingo630
Erreca, Miguel1291
Errecarte, Francisco150
Eseverri, Dolores, Mrs.599
Esmay, George822
Espolt, William F407Fred
Eummelen, Henry, Monsignor341
Evans, Henry694
Evans, Loron W1530
Evans, Lumis A447
Everett, Amos B1353
Everett, Samuel B313
Eygabroad, Charles H539
Eyraud, Leon1589
F[Return to Jump Site]
Faacks, Maria, Mrs.620
Falkenstein, William903
Faris, Thomas L1318
Farrar, Charles R1593
Ferguson, Lillian Crest, Mrs.1636
Fewell, Archie Vernon1577
Field, Fenn B1370
Field, Louise W1370
Finch, Alfred W1032
Finch, Raymond C1485
Finley, Col. S. H777
First National Bank of Garden Grove1351
First National Bank of Olive934
First National Bank of Tustin330
Fischer, William J1619
Fischle, Richard1431
Fisher, Palo Alto762
Fishering, Ambrose F1635
Fitschen, William J1610
Flesner, G. H530
Flippen, Minerva J., Mrs.240
Fluor, John Simon1117
Foote, Edwin Bailey366
Forbes, Charles H561
Forbes, James Alexander560
Ford, Benjamin R1005
Ford, Dillard E1220
Ford, George W221
Ford, Herbert A270
Ford, Herbert Andrew, D.D.S1534
Ford, Laura Reed, Mrs.885
Ford, Ray1220
Forster, John O330
Foss, Benjamin J1230
Foster, Chalmers T1044
Foster, Sherman1131
Franklin, G. Raymond1411
Frantz, Raymond F1616
Franzen, Emanuel C. H1651
Franzen, Emanuel C853
Fraser, Fred Ray1600
Frazer, Richard1664
Freeman, John William782
Freeman, W. R1593
Freeman, William, M.D236
French, Charles E405
French, Eugene Edmund941
Frick, Rudolph M722
Fridd, John A1499
Froehlich, Harry Arthur1585
Frye, Alexis Everett, A.M., LLB641
Fuller, Ralph A1599
Fuller, Samuel N1136
Fulton, Harry C1323
G[Return to Jump Site]
Gage, Earl D1504
Gaines, Harvey Sylvester1385
Gantz, Harry, Capt.565
Garber, Harvey1253
Gardiner, John Reeder694
Gardner, David D1406
Gardner, Earl A1268
Gardner, Henri F1125
Gates, Frank S549
Gatjens, Hans1014
Genest, Louis Philippe, Rev.1155
Gibbs, Frank Nelson1053
Gibbs, Henry F1095
Gilchrist, Mary McKee, Mrs.555
Gisler, Robert740
Glenn, Earl G633
Gless, Juan413
Gobar, Frank J., M.D1132
Goddicksen, Peter582
Godwin, Raymond L1623
Goodrich, Burleigh L1374
Goodwin, Almon849
Goodwin, Jess1530
Gould, Dempsey W1287
Grafton, W. D1035
Gray, Warren M1391
Greenleaf, Fannie S717
Greenleaf, Walter A477
Greger, Theodore1049
Gregory, D. B1507
Gregory, Ernest S1519
Gregory, Richard Spencer675
Gresswell, Fred K1018
Griffith, Conway352
Grinnell, Carl J1144
Grote, Fred A752
Grote, Henry793
Grussing, Thomas823
Gulick, James Harvey353
Gunther, Louis D481
Gunther, Oscar Ernst919
Guptill, Charles E980
Guptill, John O1322
Gustlin, Abraham997Scott Gustlin
Guthrie, John F1402
Gutzman, Carl G1512
H[Return to Jump Site]
Haan, Otto R1310
Halderman, Barrett L1642
Haley, Olbert Arvel1423
Halladay, Daniel215
Hammerschmidt, Adolph T1160
Hampton, Lorenzo A1147
Handy, Harry B542
Handy, Joel Bruce1653
Handy, Owen374
Haniman, Albert John1387
Hannum, Vard W1049
Hansen, Charles L1643
Hansen, George H1391
Hansen, Mette, Mrs.904
Hansen, Peter289
Hansler, William J770
Hare, Orel C976
Hargrave, John W1663
Harkleroad, Henry J1092
Harmon, Edward W523
Harmon, Jonathan654
Harms, John H1006
Harms, John P1666
Harris, Eli S383
Harris, Richard T229
Hartman, Edward1469
Hartman, Harvey F1036
Harvey, Charles E1185
Hatfield, Norton W1452
Hathaway, Hiram Helm813
Haven Seed Company843
Haven, A. B843
Haven, E. M843
Haven, L. S843
Haver, John Leslie1203
Hawley, Alfred E743
Hawley, Elizabeth M., Mrs.743
Hax, Peter D1141
Hayden, John C1254
Hayward, Elmer523
Hazard, Betsey Ann, Mrs.747
Hazard, James Merrick414
Hazard, Robert F959
Hazen, William A933
Head, H. W., Dr755
Head, Horace Caldwell619
Head, Maria E., Mrs.755
Head, Waller Sinclair1667
Heaney, Hugh J1652
Heard, J. B1057
Heartwell, C. D366
Hebard, Harold C1590
Hedstrom, Gustave 1152
Heffern, Wesley C1044
Heim, Albert L1073
Heim, Carl O1138
Heinemann, Henry G1477
Helms, Napoleon Bonaparte245Martin Collett
Helmsen, Joseph785
Hemenway, Lydia A., Mrs.836
Hemphill, L. W535
Henderson, Alex1437
Hendrie, Isaac R1596
Heneks, William1280
Heninger, Martin R1117
Henning, Louis1069
Henning, Ottilie, Mrs.1050
Henry, Alexander N429
Hewes, David222
Hezmalhalch, Frederick Charles1143
Heying, Ferdinand1407
Hickey, John B1665
Hickman, Curtis Henry959
Hile, Harvey912
Hill, Thomas481Martin Collett
Hiltscher, Joseph 1511
Hinckley, John H1423
Hiserodt, Leon C818
Hockemeyer, Henry679
Holditch, William J. S1656
Holloway, William H814
Holtz, Joseph1613
Hooker, Elmer Orval1451
Hooptner, John P1358
Hossler, Harvey H1062
House, Edmund S1357
Houser, Charles E1310
Howard, Charles H1121
Huff, D. Eyman396
Huff, Samuel809
Hughes, Ida J., Mrs.882
Huhn, Alfred1392
Huhn, John1263
Hull, Orvis U984
Huntington Beach Carnegie Public Library850
Huntington Beach Union High School1347
Huntington, Glen E953
Hutter, Fred1589
I[Return to Jump Site]
Irwin, Jesse B1122
Isaac, Hubert290
J[Return to Jump Site]
Jackson, Calvin E399
Jackson, Josiah824
Jacobsen, Asmus Peter701
Jacobsen, Peter1542
Jahrsus, Elmer Ellsworth586
Jeanne, David E967
Jens, Rarl797
Jentges, Harry950
Jentges, Jack714
Jernigan, Samuel993
Jerome, Benjamin W1657
Jessup, Harry E1555
Jessup, Thomas417
Jessurun, David930
Jewell, Walter J1491
Johnson, Abe W676
Johnson, John M735
Johnson, John T.1451
Johnson, Joseph William596
Johnson, Niels1091
Johnson, O. T45
Johnson, Raymond N1422
Johnson, Robert B840
Johnson, Wayman K1155
Johnston, Herbert A., M.D 501
Johnston, John1630
Johnston, W. Dean443
Jones, Edward Spencer766
Jones, George Raymond1376
Jones, McClelland G134
Jones, Richard W302
Joplin, Josiah C. 246
Jorn, Carl G638
Julian, Edwin1594
Jumper, Stetson R1096
Justice, Elijah P318
K[Return to Jump Site]
Karloff, Edward1402
Kaufan, J. F1369
Kays, William W1545
Kealiher, Floyd B1324
Kee, Joseph596
Keefe, John C1204
Kellogg, Benjamin Franklin230
Kellogg, Hiram Clay337Faye Pelleriti
Kellogg, Mary Orilla, Mrs.230
Kelly, James R278
Kelly, Robert Bayard278
Kenyon, Chester H.1635
Kidd, Walter H1545
King, Dale R.1422
King, Ida B., Mrs.1288
King, Vernon H.1340
Kinsler, Charles C.739
Kirker, Frank Kyle1496
Kirsch, John H.1647
Kistier, Stephen370
Klaner, Deiderich1520
Klausing, William1257
Klentz, Frank L.607Michael
Kloth, Gottiried325
Kluewer, Anton1376
Knapp, James Allan1017
Knapp, Robert L.1347
Knight, Edmund E. 1228
Knowlton, O. V.926
Knowlton, Wyram L., Mrs.311
Knuth, Charles A.798
Koapsel, Arthur E.781
Koch, Andrew J<./TD>1605
Kogler, H. J.806
Kogler, Jacob, Rev.604
Kothe, William G.1305
Kozina, Philip1054
Kraemer, Benjamin862
Kraemer, Daniel229
Kraemer, Samuel592
Krause, Fred C.1443
Krause, Howard A.1447
Krick, Philip Herman1200
Kroeger, Henry416Brad and Kitty Matter
Krueger, Emil1604
L[Return to Jump Site]
La Mont, Victor W.1318
Labat, Salvador1424
Lacabanne, Henry1335
Lacy, John McClellan, Dr.279
Lae, Henry1177
Lalourgue, Frank R.1039
Lamb, Anson448
Lamb, Earl1664
Lamb, Elizabeth., Mrs.272
Lamb, Hugo J.1414
Lamb, Jerome T.1358
Lamb, Walter DeWitt831
Lamb, William D.272
Lambert, Ray C.629
Lancaster, Roy S.1603
Landell, John998
Lang, John Henry, M.D1230
Lantz, Albert C.1584
Larter, Robert Edwin262
Latourette, James H.1515
Launders, Frank E954
Launer, John G.556
Lautenbach, Joseph1620
Lavin, John D.1088
Le Bard, Jobn1482
Le Marquand, Norman1525
Leander, Gustaf1551
Ledford, Walter D1027
Lee, Albert A1061
Lee, Chester K1118
Lee, Pleasant B1534
Lehmberg. Edward W1413
Lehnhardt, William967
Leichtfuss, Alfred W1655
Lembcke, Herman G489
Lemke, August 1473
Lemke, Robert1474
Lemke, William1567
Lemke. Herman1473
Leonard, Nereus H702
Lieffers, Fred893
Lindley, Arthur W1380
Linebarger, Dallison Smith663
Littell, U. G., D.O1365
Livenspire, Irvin1249
Loescher, Otto929
Long, Edward A667
Lorenz, Charles292
Lotze, Paul John1481
Lovering, Roy 122
Lowell, Jo1297
Luce, Walter A1414
Luther, James Ervin1212
Lyon, John T1599
Lyon, Le Roy E1538
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