History of Santa Barbara County, State of California:

its people and its resources

By Owen H. O'Neill, Editor in Chief

Published by Harold McLean Meier - Santa Barbara, CA - 1939

California Local History - Rocq - 13464

Calif. State Library History Room (CS)
CALL NUMBER: F868 S23 H5 -- Book NC

The biographies contained within the book are set forth below by the name of the individual and the page number on which the biography commences. If you are researching one or more of the lines and wish to be listed as a researcher of the line please contact Steve Williams with the name of the book. I will add your name and e-mail address into the "Researcher" column.

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A[Return to Jump Site]
Abels, Miss Sallie456
Accarier, Joseph Frank163
Adam, Miss Mary C.160
Adam, Wm. C.465
Albin, Arthur Alamo162
Alexander, Junius Beverley186
Allen, Errett80
Allen, Glen Sylvester170
Allen, Harry Philip151
Amaral, John Perry, Sr. (illus.)119
Anderson, Ralph Andy434
Antolini, Giovanni185
Aratani, Setsuo, (illus.)484
Archambeault, Joseph, (illus.)433
Atkins, Leslie Jefferson182
Ault, Ray C.147
B[Return to Jump Site]
Bachmann, Madame Elise B (illus.)139
Baker, Major P (illus.)125
Balcom, the Rev. Royal Hunt, D.D.179
Barca, Peter180
Barker, Minnie L.188
Baron, Gerard, (illus.)142
Bates, Ellsworth Deloss462
Battles, Mrs. Ella Frances176
Baylor, Sophie Frances187
Baylor, Wadsworth193
Bazzi, Abbondio Frank191
Bean, Florence Esbelle196
Beckstead, Letsy H.465
Bedichek, Fredrick Edward74
Begg, David81
Begg, George189
Bellman, Alfred D.190
Berry, Thomas235
Biddle, Claude Alfred204
Bither, Benjamin Frank Denny147
Black, John Douglass192
Blanchet, Joseph, (illus.)173
Blume, Willard Frank200
Bone, Mary Worth202
Botello, Maclovio A. (illus.)76
Bottini, Angelo453
Bottini, Frank M.470
Bowers, Katherine Hellen88
Bowers, Martha Dandrige198
Boynton, Clarence William201
Breneiser, Stanley Grotevent207
Brockman, Roy Atkins11
Brodin, Sigurd Olov234
Bruce, Robert Alexander203
Buell Odin G.110
Buell, Glenn Budd108
Buell, Harold John114
Buell, R. T (illus.)109
Buell, Rufus Thompson62
Buell, Walter George85
Burchardi, Mrs. Johannes C.390
Burola, Israel Martin99
Burtness, Hildahl Ingbert, M.D.214
Byrd, Jane Carroll208
C[Return to Jump Site]
Cadwell, Harold Lynn210
Calderon, Joseph Samuel22S
Callis, John Daniel403
Campbell, Harold Thomas217
Campbell, Murdo89
Campilio, James John225
Careaga, Mrs. Mercedes Orellu231
Carner, Principal Bert Marion211
Carton, Claudia Ambie Jones82
Castagnola, George Virginio Albert97
Castro, Frank Henry449
Catlett, Earl Louis, (illus.)153
Catlin, J. S (illus.)157
Catlin, James Kent, (illus.)164
Catlin, Lucia Mona157
Chamberlain, Glenn S.222
Chase, Harold Stuart232
Chase, Miss Pearl458
Christansen, Theodore H.409
Christensen, Mads28
Christian, Winter West220
Clark, Arthur Miller102
Clark, Captain William S209
Clevenger, Porter S.226
Clithero, Elena Orella Covarrubias229
Coffey, George William, (illus. )54
Colli, Silvio243
Collier, Oscar A213
Conklin, William Shirley96
Coons, Wallace Alvin423
Coshow, George Horace, M.D105
Cossa, Antonio223
Cox, Henry Thomas451
Crabb, Alonzo, (illus.)148
Curtis, Charles230
D[Return to Jump Site]
Dalzell, Theodore Paul12
De Koch, Serena Orena289
De La Torre, Frank Henry238
Deaderick, Moreland McAdory241
Deleree, August Charles27
Den, Alphonso L, (illus.)50
DePiazzi, Martin Peter402
Diehl, Frederick Edward231
Dolcini, Miss Corinne98
Domingos, Manuel P.227
Donahue, Misses Nellie and Katherine415
Donahue, Mrs. Emma412
Donovan, Thomas J.242
Donze, Eugene221
Doty, Frank244
Douglas, Stephen Ardry, Jr.477
Douglass, Armilda F.406
Douglass, Daniel Milligan404
Douglass, Luther Sidney236
Downs, Andrew Jackson389
Dreyfus, Louis G. (illus.)45
Drumm, Louis S.239
Dumars, Leonard Renton223
E[Return to Jump Site]
Eaves, Albert Thomas250
Edwards, Muriel Wemple358
Egus, Peter286
Ellison, Dr. William H.290
Emmens, Thomas Charles37
Evans, William Albert260
F[Return to Jump Site]
Fauerso, Alfred Edward, (illus.)195
Feeler, John Ellis104
Felts, Arthur Waldo233
Ferris, Ora V.228
Fields, Edmond Tobias247
Filipponi, Henry Ercole353
Fish, Hester S. and Julia, (illus.)65
Fitzgerald, Frank424
Flair, Mrs. Vernon Hollys236
Forbes, Gladys Eddy252
Forbes, John James245
Ford, Eldon260
Fortier, Frank Hugh249
Foss, Hjarne Bernhard388
Foxen, Joseph Gabriel237
Franklin, Dr. Walter Scott246
Franklin, Edna Pauline66
Franklin, John Henry, M. D.255
Freeman, John Charles, (illus.)168
French, Mrs. Harriet C.253
G[Return to Jump Site]
Gaggs, Harold Urquhart432
Gammill, Roy Emmett33
Garioto, Robert280
Gillett, Fred J.257
Giorgi, Natale381
Glines, J. T106
Goodrich, Lewis J., D. O.241
Gourley, George W258
Graham, Florence Carrie445
Grant, Ulysses Sumner275
Greenwell, Arthur Cummings279
Griffin, James D.266
Griggs, Augustus Monroe265
Grigsby Hospital284
Grossi, Ben276
Guadalupe Church, Our Lady of396
Guerra, James264
Gutshall, Forrest Earl262
H[Return to Jump Site]
Haberlitz, Eliot Frederick83
Hales, John, (illus.)19
Hansen, Walter L.473
Hanson, Andrew Brandt103
Harmer, Alexander Bertrand354
Harris, Gene Marden311
Harris, George W.321
Harris, John L.297
Harsh, Fred Theodore215
Haskell, Edward E398
Haslam, Arthur Wilmer307
Haslam, Lucy Armitage, (illus.)184
Hatton, Gerald Eugene448
Haverland, Albert John. (illus.)316
Heaney, John William400
Heckendorf, Percy Charles, (illus.)39
Henderson Harry Edwin, MD.471
Henning, Clarence W.303
Herbert, Clara E.409
Herdman, Willis Arthur, Jr.376
Herman, Elias Frederick347
Hervey, Charles Bedell312
Higbee, George Grant313
Higgins, Lucien Manly318
Hilburn, Mrs. Harvey H370
Hiratzka, Paul Masuo488
Hoffman, Edgar William273
Hollister, Col. William Wells, (illus.)3
Hollister, Harold Albert.441
Hollister, Owen E314
Hollister, Senator John James5
Holman, Leon Moore317
Holmes, Anna J310
Hood, Walter R.307
Hooker, Katherine Putnam348
Horne, Mark Watson306
Hornsyld, Peter Pedersen, (illus.)300
Howard, Mrs. Mary Martin.305
Howard. Andrew A (illus.)219
Hummel, Henry Francis273
Hummel, William Edward334
Humphrey, Fred James422
Hutchinson, Alex368
I[Return to Jump Site]
Iliff, Horace Greely263
Irvine, Fred442
Irvine, Peter283
Ishii, Charles Chuhei487
Iwamoto, Seitaro495
J[Return to Jump Site]
Jacobsen, Alfred411
Jameson, John Alexander419
Janssens, Augustine Joseph366
Jenkins, Alice M394
Jenkins, John364
Johansen, George379
Johnson, Frank Raymond259
Jones, Orion Chester, M. D.251
Jones, Samuel Jefferson.271
K[Return to Jump Site]
Kalin, Meinard Fred298
Karleskint. Bernard444
Kelley, Samuel Sheridan292
Kimberly, Miss Jane448
Klady, Glenn Edwin295
Klett, Edward J.287
Knapp, George Owen13
Knight, Frank E.395
Koyama, Shiroichi490
Krelle, Harry Frederick Ralph, (illus.)38
Kyle, Charles Lawrence357
L[Return to Jump Site]
LaFourcade, Joseph369
Lair, Edgar R.361
Lamb, Cyril Gordon360
Langlo, Andrew Knutson, (illus.)199
Langman, Joseph Dawe363
Lansing. Alonzo- Paige426
Larsen, Christian S.374
Lataillade, Cerareo Eugenio365
Lawrence, Elizabeth362
Leege, August William461
Levine, Carl Elov372
Levy, Mrs. Marie Neuburger367
Lewis, Mrs. Ada F.454
Lillard, William Thomas373
Lincoln, Susan Elanor 292
Lineberger, Walter F.478
Lompoc Free Public Library386
Long, James C.319
Longwell, Clyde James383
Lopez, Ulpiano240
Lucking, Phillip Jolson, (illus.)206
Lundberg, Theodore Bradley385
Lyman, Edgar Clark387
M[Return to Jump Site]
MacCulloch, George Edwin7
MacDonald, William431
MacDonald. William324
MacEwan, Major Laurin308
MacLean, John William181
Madsen, Christian332
Mahoney, Jerry336
Mahurin, John Henry348
Main, Alexander343
Main, Dorothy V.346
Main, Robert20
Main, William Sangster17
Mankins, Ernest Edward393
Mansfield, Charles Augustus351
Manzo, Luigi327
Marble, Phillip Cyrus.325
Marettii Mrs. Anita G.309
Markling, Paul William329
Martin, George Allen437
Martin, Minnie E.429
Martinsen, Perry John, (illus.)212
Marton, Mrs. Mae Anetta Spreitz18
Mattel, Frederick L.376
Maxwell, John Vincent392
McAdams, Arthur James538
McAfee, Am. I. Clarence457
McCabe, Harry Chester335
McCaughey, Dr. Anna E468
McDermott. Thomas Joseph333
McGregor, Robert Roy407
McIntosh, Walter Byron320
McKeen, William Riley, (illus.)9
McKinney, Helen Ada440
McLean, George Gilbert331
McLean, the Rev. Robert Norris, D. D.435
McMurray, Samuel K.405
McNall, Orange Ralph342
Meehan, Mrs. Jean H.430
Mercer, Robert R.323
Mesquit, Albano J341
Michalowski, William467
Midland School463
Miller, Joseph Belt421
Minami, H. Yaemon485
Minikin, William Carson6
Miratti, Eugene A.330
Mitchell, Captain Ernest Pryce22
Moderno, Louis, D.M.D.16John
Moore, Ariana and Benjamin D384
Moore, Mary (Mamie) Ellen349
Moore, Mrs. Anna F.340
Moorhead, Miss Dorothy Regina464
More, John Faxon, (illus.)47
Morehart, Lewis E.337
Morganti, Albert J.363
Mosteiro, William66
Mullenary, Edward Baptist21
Murphy, William350
Murray, Mr. Walter E.344Francis
Myers, Marion O. "Joe,"328
N[Return to Jump Site]
Negus, William N.401
Newland, Frank P. and Nellie B24
Nidever, Jacob Daniel71
Nidever, John and Polly, (illus.)71
Nielsen, Marcus Christian, (illus.)72
Nishimura, George T.494
O[Return to Jump Site]
Oates, William John121
Ogborn. Everett F.120
Ogram, John William, (illus.)68
Ogram, Johnson, (illus.)68
O'Neill, Owen Hugh. (illus.)427
Orion, John R410
P[Return to Jump Site]
Parker. John Young127
Parrish, Ernest J.123
Parsons, George Russell, (illus.)42
Pasquotto, Louis425
Pelch, Frank Joseph296
Penn, Edward Everett130
Perkins, Charles E.482
Perozzi, George115
Peterson, Ernest L.122
Peterson, John Ringhold, (illus.)87
Peterson, Thomas J472
Pettus, Rev. John DeForest64
Phelps, Clarence Lucien, B. A. MA.52
Phillips, Leon R.43
Pierce, Horace Frederick, M. D.111
Pierce, Mrs. Sallie Belle Coiner 36
Pillsbury, Evans S. H416
Pinkham, Chesley Milton23
Pinkham, Leroy Samuel, D. D. S.25
Pinkham, Samuel Curtis29
Pippin, Emery John49
Pond, Donald32
Prell, John Gottlob, ( illus.)78
Prell, John Stillman, (illus.)15
Price, Carrie Isabel118
Purkiss, Myrton Marcus56
Q[Return to Jump Site]
R[Return to Jump Site]
Raffeto, Joseph Anthony, Jr.445
Reed, Horace Truitt126
Reed, Samuel Lafayette48
Reid, Dr. James Clement479
Rennie, Robert Dawson135
Rennie, William A.131
Requa, Mark Lawrence, (illus.)31
Rex, Rudolph William40
Rivers, Flora Anne133
Rizor, Clyde Burton61
Robinson, Warren Phoenix132
Rodman, Clyde Leslie53
Rodriguez, John J (illus.)92
Roemer, Mrs. Mary Karleskint359
Romero, Juan B.129
Rose, Mrs. Guy69
Roth, John380
Rowe, George Herbert, (illus.)58
Rowe, Robert Septimus7
Rowe, Russell33
Rudolph, Charles166
Russell, Henry S84
Russell, Howland S (portrait only)84
S[Return to Jump Site]
Sabella, Angelo59
Sangster, George70
Sanor, George Franklin, (illus.)165
Sanor, William Henry1l3
Sasano, J. Y.485
Saulsbury, Harry Randall141
Schoen, the Rev. Father Louis73
Schott, Max399
Schott, Mrs. Max302
Schurmeier, Harry Leach, M.D55
Schuyler, Lester Howard145
Schwartz, Richard Alexander150
Scudelari, Alberta272
Shamhart, Reid Ellwood145
Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. J. E (illus.)154
Shepard, Simeon F (illus,)177
Shepard. John Henry. (illus.)100
Shiels, Hugh452
Shimizu, Harold Y (illus.)491
Sloan, James, (illus.)34
Small, Harry Emil144
Smith, C. A (illus. only)26
Smith, Clinton William67
Smith, Ella51
Smith, James26
Smith, Russel Dodge41
Smith, Walter Lincoln428
Smith, William439
Solari, Emmanuel Delbe, (illus.)95
Sorensen, Ferdinand391
Sorensen, Soren382
Spaulding, Albert Quincy, M. D.169
St. Mary's Church356
Staig, Robert Stuart60
Staples, Joseph James75
Stearns, Frederick H146
Step, William Henry134
Sterrett, Adelbert Wilson149
Stillman, Erwin Frederick155
Stow, Edgar Whitney59
Streaker, Lee Henry, M. D.175
Streeter, Louis D.417
Stronach, Frank W.174
Stubbs, Henry Elbert46
Sumner, Barbara140
Sweetser, Harry Clark, (illus.)117
Sweetser, Paul G137
T[Return to Jump Site]
Tabacchi, Emilio161
Tanaka, Henry R.989
Taylor, Maria De la Guerra215
Taylor, Mrs. Anna M (illus.)409
Tecolote Ranch91
Thomas, Reginald Owen159
Thompson, James A.443
Thomsen, Lorents R.378
Thurmond, Gwyn Dickenson154
Thurmond, Hugh Gwyn94
Tilford, George Douglas, (illus.)437
Tognazzi, Charles V216
Tognazzini, Romildo Antonio, (illus.). 172
Tokuyama, James J.493
Tolbert, Fred172Pat Kiser
Tomooka, Toyokichi487
Treanor, Mrs. Catherine H.180
Trefts, Kenneth Elwood95
Triplett, Mrs. Susan K.455
Troup, John913
Trumbull, Mrs. Grace Elberta450
Turri, Fred158
U[Return to Jump Site]
V[Return to Jump Site]
Vail, Edward N475
Van Clief, Suzan Clara270
Verner, Charles D268
Villalba, F. C.474
Vincent, Mrs. Blanche Prell267
W[Return to Jump Site]
Wakwnoto, Mike Yutaka492
Webber, Clifford Alfred274
Weingand. Alvin C.447
Willits, Merle Morton281
Winn, Marion Lee269
Wylie, Herbert George277
X[Return to Jump Site]
Y[Return to Jump Site]
Yelkin, Henry Cox293
Yeoman, Dr. Claude Lewis284
Young, Max282
Z[Return to Jump Site]
Zaruba, Josef Anton294
Ziltotto, Giacamo446
Zvolanek, Anton Carl288

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