History of the state of California and biographical record of Oakland and environs:

also containing biographies of well-known citizens of the past and present

By James Miller Guinn

Historic Record Company (1907)

California Local History - Rocq - 2

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The biographies contained within the book are set forth below by the name of the individual and the page number on which the biography commences. If you are researching one or more of the lines and wish to be listed as a researcher of the line please contact Steve Williams with the name of the book. I will add your name and e-mail address into the "Researcher" column.

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The names can be accessed by choosing the first letter of the individual's surname below or by scrolling down the list.

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A[Return to Jump Site]
Abrott, Andrew830
Adams, Edson426
Alden, Henry E695
Aldrich, William473
Alexander, John H. C781
Arper, George W784
Ashby, Mark T811
Ayer, Henry620
B[Return to Jump Site]
Babbitt, Salmon M521
Baccus, William J726
Bachelder, Thomas F.461
Bakewell, John638
Bangle, Edward567Christopher T. Winter
Barber, Arthur A.808
Barker, James L.479
Barnes, Douglas G.529
Barrett, William G.354
Barstow, Anson741
Barstow, David P.517
Bartlett, William C.347
Bates, Charles D.403
Bayles, William H.470
Bell, Harmon281
Bell, Harry D., M.D.732
Bell, Robert855
Bell, Samuel n275
Bem~er, Frederic M.471
Bemis, Charles C.815
Benton, John E.823
Benton, Julian J., M.D.545
Bergsten, Oscar P.836
Bilger, Frank W.310
Bixby, Levi S.456
Blake, Charles T.646
Blethen, James E.853
Boelimer, Fritz577
Bon, John B.615
Boone, Philip R.833
Bradley, John T.373
Braun, N. H782
Brayton, Albert P.644
Brett, George W.462
Brewer, John H.539
Briare, Richard M.499
Brickell, Henry S.414
Broad, Charles A.649
Broek, Eugene L.683
Broek. Joseph M.794
Brown, Leonard D.524
Brown, Robert708
Browne, J. Ross396
Browne, Spencer C.396
Bryant, Cullen, Major568
Bush, George T.785
Bush, Henry596
Button, Fred L.552
C[Return to Jump Site]
Camphell, Frederick M.383
Canalizo, Eugene A.853
Carey, Philip M.314
Carleton, Henry E.774
Carr, John M.856
Carroll, John W.849
Chabot, Anthony798
Chandler, Augustus L.847
Chapman, Isaac N.857
Chase, George 449
Chase, Quincy A.651
Christensen, Peter832
Church, Augustus M.597
Clark, A. V.545
Clark, Galen415
Clay, Clement C760
Clay, I. Harrison807
Cluness, William R510
Coe, John T.683
Colby, Amasa D.622
Corder, Thomas W.721
Craig, Hugh824
Crane, William W.323
Crowell, Clarence530
Crown, Wesley M.765
Cruickshank, James854
Cuff, Thomas278
Curdts, Carl E., M. D.643
Currlin, Albert779George
Curry, Bert848
Curtz, Peter475
Cutting, Francis670
D[Return to Jump Site]
Dalton, Henry P.349
Davis, Robert H.829
d'Azevedo, Joseph L.802
De La Montanya, Mathew787
DeGolia, Darwin361
DeGolia, George E.645
DeLaguna, Alexander L.673
Delger, Frederick827
deMenezes, Joaquin B838
Deming, Sarah W., Mrs.353
Denison, Eli S.709
Dietz, Alfred C.573
Dieves, Joseph729
Dille, Jefferson T.309
Dimond, Hugh835
Dimpfel, G. H. A., Col.504
Dinneen, E.674
Dixon, Robert V.278
Dohrmann, John H.469
Downing, Theodore H.678
Dreisbach, Frank M.791
Dunning, Eli B682
Dusinbury, Myron T457
Dwinelle, John W467
E[Return to Jump Site]
Earl, Guy C790
Edwards, Henry826
Edwards, Moroni688
Emery, Joseph S626
Ench, Frank527Sharon
Ernst, George758
Everhart, Harold634
F[Return to Jump Site]
Farrier, Hiram L656
Farwell, Frederick M661
Ferrier, Francis350
Ferson, Horace D446
Figher, Philip M336
Finch, Duncan B571
Fine, Henry M., M.D.665
Finkeldey, Henry476
Fitzgerald, George849
Flick, George W533
Flint, Edward P589
Fluno, Francis J341
Folger, James A825
Forbes, James A425
Ford, Alvin698
Foss, Fred W793
Fountain, George W814
Fowler, James E355
Frear, Walter, Rev.816
Freeman, Eugene M728
Frick, George W.384Gerald
G[Return to Jump Site]
Gage, David706
Gage, Stephen T.696
Galindo, R. Peralta855
Gamble, John C333
Gamble, John590
Gardiner, James T.731
Garrard, Edward J745
Garthwaite, Harry728
Gee, Edgar F481
Gelwicks, Daniel W747
Ghirardelli, Joseph N449
Gibbs, William T745
Gibson, E M., Judge694
Gilcrest, Frank M373
Gilcrest, John 636
Gilcrest, Samuel F372
Gill, John J374
Gilstrap, James B841
Goddard, Elnathan B770
Goldsby, Z. N657
Gorrill, Charles H737
Graham, Frank H730
Grant, George E792
Green, Adam T780
Green, Samuel S428
Gregory, Adolf539
Gregory, William756
Grindley, John H762
Grondona, Domingo836
Gunn, Charles T.777
H[Return to Jump Site]
Hager, Edward C726
Hahn, Emil C641
Haines, Charles W649
Haines, Ellis A754
Hall, Francis T765
Hallahan, George D801
Hallett, Charles 0668
Hallidie, Andrew S485
Hamilton, William H. H,634
Hamlin, Adrian R639
Hampel, John724
Hanifin, Jeremiah J632
Hardy, William B458
Harmon, Edward D395
Harmon, John B389
Harris, David D341
Harris, Norman A452
Harrub, Walter B407
Harvey, Benjamin P488
Hayes, Henry, Hon.506
Hays, John C., Col.700
Head, Anna, Miss663
Hector, Robert, M.D672
Heimbold, Frederick J626
Henderson, D. A499
Hendricks, William H614
Heron, Ernest A329
Hersey, Amos622
Heywood, Charles D463
Hill, John C630
Hilton, William H360
Hinckley, Daniel B844
Hoag, Joseph W636
Hodge, J. R832
Hoffmann, Powell R512
Hogan, Hugh W803
Hogan, Hugh797
Hogan, Thomas P841
Holcomb, Harry L846
Hollywood, Andrew5ll
Hook, Elijah404Jean
Hooper, Calvin L.675
Hostetter, Frank830
Houghion, Nancy J.294
Houghton, Frederick T.294
Howard, Asa761
Howe, Horace L. P.857
Howell, George W.653
Huff, Socrates379
Hunter, David H.803
Hyde, Orra C., M.D.590
I[Return to Jump Site]
Irish, Stephen L.559
J[Return to Jump Site]
Jackson, F. F., M.D.365
Jeffress, James V.775
Johnson, J. J.738
Johnson, Perry753
Jones, Leon M.574
Jordan, Fred A.723
Jordan, John B.746
Joyce, James A.848
Jungck, D. L.79l
Jurgens, Charles716
K[Return to Jump Site]
Kales, Martin W.445
Karman, Andrew I.616
Katzellberg, Frank J.800
Kellogg, Martin659
Kelly, Alexander S., M. D.541
Kelly, James H.802
Kendall, James H.613
Kern, Rodrigo E. J.789
Klinkner, Charles A.640
Klinkner, Charles A., Jr.842
Knight, William H.642
Knowland, Joseph R.566
Knowland, Joseph615
Knowles, William E.670
Knox, Charles H697
Konigshofer, J. J.802
Krause, Frederick L.842
Krauth, Frederick K.493
L[Return to Jump Site]
Lamoureux, Philias H.681
Larkey, A. S., M. D.492
Larue, James, Judge604
Lathrop, Solomon676
Laughland, John648
Lawrence, William H., Capt.759
Laymance, Millard J.839
Le Conte, Joseph667
Leach, William690
LeBallister, Thomas W.763
LeConte, John610
Lee, Charles F.557
Lee, George H.551
Leimert, Louis730
Lemmon, John G.834Randy Mack
Lewis, Irving C.817
Liese, Conrad512
Lindley, Morton752
Lindley, Thomas M602
Linfoot, James386
Linforth, James515
Little, James R.782
Lloyd, Charles E.757
Logan, Walter E.821
Long, Oscar F., Gen.603
Loring, Williston A.772
Lowell, Nathan R.572
Luning, Nicholas359
Luning, Oscar T.359
Luth, John788
Lynch, Peter B.573
Lyon, John L.805
M[Return to Jump Site]
Macdonald, John H. 837
Maloon, Benjamin F.813
Maloon, Benjamin583
Maloon, Seth B.681
Marchand, Frank X. Z.755
Marsellis, Ford720
Marsh, John668
Marston, Erastus W592
Marston, William H419
Maslin, Edwin W397
Mayborn, Charles558
Mayon, Thomas C717
McAdam, Alexander692
Mccartney, Amos497
McClintock, Jospeh769
McDonald, Charles409
McDonald, William554
McDonnell, Patrick804
McElrath, John E727
McGrew, Patterson H751
McKeon, Neal J718
McMullen, Duncan804
McQuarrie, Daniel J705
Medan, John H 560
Meese, Edwin438
Meese, Hermann715
Meese, Walter438
MeLean, John K585
Melvin, Henry A., Judge653
Mendcenhall, William M413
Merriam, William P754
Merrill, Clarence S789
Merritt, James B455
MeShane, James S837
MeVey, John L705
Miller, George711
Miller, Henry R542
Miller, J. Y340
Mills, Philo781
Minney, David F 688
Minney, M. T693
Mitchell, Frank D368
Mitchell, James S742
Mitchell, John837
Mitchell, William A666
Moffitt, Francis J591
Moffitt, James719
Montagne, Augustus A840
Montgomery, James M770
Montgomery, Richard J736
Montgomery, Zachariah733
Morgan, Thomas W.432
Morrill, Simeon F.516Dale Morrill
Morris, George T.807Mary Calhoun
Morse, Henry N.300
Mortimer, Walter J.717
Morton, Sargent S.341
Mott, Frank K., Hon.621
Muhr, Herman722
Myers, J. S.707
N[Return to Jump Site]
Nash, John A.796
Naylor, Addison W518
Naylor, Frank L.552
Nedderman, Henry827
Nelson, Charles, Capt.377
Newland, Edward740
Nixon, Robert B.470
Northey. Vernal S749
Nosler, Thomas M480
Nystrom, John R809
O[Return to Jump Site]
Oleese. Andrew503
P[Return to Jump Site]
Pacific Coast Canning Co527
Pardee, Enoch H, M.D3l9
Pardee, George C., Hon.320
Parke, Robert800
Perkins, George C303
Perreau, Howard J843
Phillip, James766
Phillips, John W744
Pinkerton, Thomas H81l
Plant, Carl S725
Pleitner, Henry A819
Plummer, Marshall D533
Poole, Henry C738
Porter, William S., M.D708
Powell, Abraham809
Pratt, Daniel W451
Prohst, Ernest J724
Puleifer, Harry W421
Putnam, Royal P367
Putnam, William P651
Q[Return to Jump Site]
R[Return to Jump Site]
Rackliffe, John750
Randal, Comley H541
Rankin, James687
Rawson, Melville L716
Redding, David W422
Reed, Charles E. H., Capt.692
Reed, Charles G443
Reed, George W437
Reed, William431
Remillard, Edward468
Remillard, Helaire748
Requa, Isaac L297
Reynolds, J. F722
Rhoda, Albert799
Rhoda, Frederick767
Richards, John W487
Robins, George,601
Robins, John H601
Robinson, Jesse, M.D845
Robinson, Thomas M851
Rodolph, George W684
Rogers, Phillip77l
Rollins, Franklin743
Rosborough, Alexander M380
Roulstone, Andrew J 850
Roundey, John L637
Russ, Adolphus G283
Russ, Christian283
Russ, Henry B284
S[Return to Jump Site]
Sagehorn, William T723
Sanborn, John371
Sandford, Arthur C548
Schnebly, Henry W710
Scotchler, Joseph L799
Scott, John C598
Sessions, Edward C500
Shanklin, James W647
Sharpe, F. Willis481
Sharrer, George W772
Shattuck, Francis K399
Shaw, A. E674
Sherman, David S787
Sherman, George E633
Shorey, Albert475
Shuey, John330
Sill, Edward R 856
Simmons, Orrin523Betty
Simpson, William619
Slater, John, Capt.509
Sleeper, George E718
Smilie, Robert793Edward BLACK
Smith, Edward A714
Smith, Edward J691
Smith, Frank M660
Smith, Mortimer548
Sohst, John F. W434
Soule, Frank675
Soule, Franklin, Hon.659
Spear, Charles H852
Squires, John8l6
Staats, John C506
Stachler, Eugene586
Stachler, John J494
Stearns, Edwin546
Steele, E. L. G851
Steere, Thomas F482
Steffanoni, Achille595
Steffens, Deitrick492
Stewart, Michael Y764
Stoakes, Benjamin F491
Stocker, Abner H677
Stout, John C., M.D.444
Sunol, Don Antonio365
Sunol, Joseph D655
Symmes, David822
T[Return to Jump Site]
Taylor, Martin V776
Thayer, Edward F.584
Thayer, Ignatius E685
Thomas, Charles E.474
Thomas, W. R., Capt.522
Thomas, William D680
Thompson, Thomas J 737
Thomson, Peter317
Thrasher, William T565
Todd, William P761
Treacy, Patrick W 786
Tregloan, John R795
Tubbs, Hiram534
Tum Suden, Henry679Kathleen Tum Suden McGrady
Tyrrel, Jeremiah773
U[Return to Jump Site]
Ullner, William677
Underwood, Byron E812
V[Return to Jump Site]
Vallejo, J. J., Gen.831
Van Arman, Hiram M., Hon.820
Van Court, Eugene S439
Van Court, John W326
Vane, James F778
Vogel, Jacob768
Vose, George H313
Vose, George H., Jr.314
W[Return to Jump Site]
Wakefield, Leland H689
Walker, George M536
Walker, Wilber461
Wall, Joseph G., Gen.335
Warner, Franklin347
Waste, William H440
Waterman, Sylvanus D282
Watson, B. A. C709
Webber, Mary H., Mrs.720
Welcker, William T608
Wellman, Bela713
Westall, Joseph547
Wetherbee, Henry401
Wetmore, Clarence J505
Wetmore, Jesse L332
Wetmore, William P571
Wheeland, Samuel, Capt.833
Wheeler, Benjamin I338
Wheeler, Peter L., M.D.796
Whitehead, Rupert798
Whitley, John H801
Whitney, Frederick E427
Whitney, George E664
Wilcox, Wilbur J498
Willcutt, Jospeh L287
Williams, Walter S420
Williamson, Luther M712
Winsor, Serrill W528
Woodward, N. Z., Miss625
Woolley, John607
Woolsey, Walter P818
Wright, Capt. John T786
Wright, Jonathan G699
Wurts, M. L553
X[Return to Jump Site]
Y[Return to Jump Site]
Young, George R.739
Z[Return to Jump Site]

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