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The traveler to San Simeon will be happy to find the Bay View Hotel , the first-class hostelry of the village by the sea, a view of it being given in this volume. This hotel is kept by Mr. Luis Yori, a native of Switzerland, born March 2, 1850. In youth he went to Italy, and thence to England, making London his home until 1873. In London he served an apprenticeship of four years, learning the art and working at the business of stereotyping with the well-known firm of G. B. Dellagona & Co. Having acquired a trade which would afford him employment in any of the great cities of the world, Mr. Yori felt at liberty to travel and see new countries. He first returned to his native Switzerland, the brave little republic of Europe, and after remaining there nearly two years, journeyed to that greater republic, the United States of America. Many of his countrymen had preceded him to California, and to that land of gold which his people were making to flow with “milk and honey,” he came. Soon after his arrival in California he went to Watsonville, remaining there only a few months, when he found employment at his trade as stereotyper on the San Francisco evening Post. Earning a capital to enable him to go into business, he removed to Cayucos, where many of his countrymen were profitably engaged, and there commenced the dairy business. In the fall of 1881, he purchased the hotel at San Simeon, known as the Bay View, which he continues to conduct in first-class style, a happy landlord who makes it very pleasant for his guests.

Mr. Yori was married in 1874 to Miss Maria Vononi, and has one son, who still remains in their native home in Switzerland.

Mr. Yori in the meantime became a citizen of this country, having been naturalized in San Luis Obispo in 1877.

Source: History of San Luis Obispo County, California, pp333-334. Transcribed for the CAGenWeb Project by Cathy Portz.