San Luis Obispo County Obituaries

From USGenWeb Archives

Index to obituaries from the San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune 1991
Surnames beginning with: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H-I-J | K | L-M | N-O | P-Q-R | S | T | U | V | W | Y-Z

Other obits by various submitters, for persons with connections to San Luis Obispo County:
Abreu, Theodore
Aguiar, Mary Ann
Alms, Jennie Cantua
Baker, William A.
Balaam, George R.
Barry, Patrick
Bradley, Velona
Cantua, Isabel Romero
Cantua, Joaquin
Cantwell, Theodore
Davidson, Marjorie (Van Gorden)
Dughi, Alvia
Dughi, Minnie Lucy
Dughi, Paolo
Grant, John W.
Hannagan, Allen James
Harrison, Janet Marlynn
Hays, Sarah Susan Parks
Hughes, Robert Lee
James, Mayble Lois (Hammond)
Jones, Mary Elizabeth
Martin, George Allen
Mineti, Rose Tartaglia
Murphy, Carmelita Cantu
Nolan, Charles
Perasso, Dora
Pettit, Benjamin Franklin
Sims, William H.
Truran, Donald
Truran, Mary
Van Gorden, George
Van Gorden, Ira J.
Van Gorden, Ira Thomas
Van Gorden, Vine
Wimmer, Darrel Ira
Wimmer, Peter Leboyteaux
Wimmer, Peter Leboyteaux
York, Charles James

An index of obits from a collection of local newspapers available on microfilm can be obtained from the Reference Librarian in the Local History Room of the San Luis Obispo Public Library .

Obituaries from the Wood Mortuary Files on SLOCGS website.

Martha A Crosley Graham Projects

We are in the process of updating links to these files. In the meanwhile, some of the information below may be found on the San Luis Obispo County Genealogical Society website on their Obituaries page.

  • Historical Obits | 1853-1999 | 1930-1941
  • San Luis Obispo Daily Telegram & Telegram-Tribune | late 1800s-1952
  • San Luis Obispo Daily Tribune | Index 1908-1914
  • San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune | Searchable PDF Indexes for 1993, and 1999-2017
  • The Cambrian | Index 2001-2017
  • Various Newspapers | PDF indexes of persons with connections to San Luis Obispo County. The indexes contain Obits, Articles & Death Notices from 1985-1999 published in various newspapers found on the Genealogy Bank website.
  • Obituaries from the History of San Luis Obispo from the Myron Angel book, pp381-385.
  • The Morris & Webster Families of SLO

Obituary Search Aids

Before you start searching, you’ll need a death date. If you don’t have one, try these indexes:

Check List of Newspapers in California for obituaries at Genealogy () With a subscription, you can view California Newspaper Archives (1846-2018) and California Obituaries (1865-Today)

California Digital Newspapers [Early Vitals] A freely accessible repository of digitized California newspapers from 1846 to the present.

A few words about Copyright and the obit from the Legal Genealogist.