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Francisco E. Quintana Was one of the early settlers of the region now embraced in San Luis Obispo County, where he resided from 1843 until the time of his death, which occurred August 4, 1880, at the advanced age of eighty years. Señor Quintana was born in New Mexico, August 4, 1801, remaining in that country until he came to San Luis Obispo, as above stated. During his long life he was actively engaged in the business of stock-raising, both in New Mexico and California; and, being a careful and skillful business man, amassed a fortune. Here he owned a rancho of 6,000 acres of land, and some of the finest improved property in the city of San Luis Obispo. His family consisted of wife and six children, of whom three were daughters and three sons.

At the time of his decease the Tribune published the following obituary notice:—

Señor Quintana came to this country poor, but by industry, frugality, and good business habits, acquired a competency. For a number of his later years, Mr. Quintana was afflicted with a diseased leg, which incapacitated him from active business, and two years before his death he had it amputated. His strong constitution and nerve enabled him to undergo the operation, and during the last years of his life he was able to get about. The funeral took place from the Catholic Church.

Source: History of San Luis Obispo County, California, p362. Transcribed for the CAGenWeb Project by Cathy Portz.


The son of Don Francisco Estevan Quintana, was born in New Mexico, January 29, 1883, and when ten years of age came with his parents to California, since which time he has lived in San Luis Obispo. He is the owner of 6,000 acres of land in the county, besides valuable property in the city of San Luis Obispo, and carries on the business of farming and stock-raising extensively. Mr. Quintana resides on one of his farms, situated nine miles northwest of the city, a view of it being published in this volume. He was married September 4, 1856, to Miss Luz Herrera de Quintana, and six children, five sons and one daughter, have been born to them.

Source: History of San Luis Obispo County, California, p362. Transcribed for the CAGenWeb Project by Cathy Portz.