Other Cemeteries

Crystal Creek Forest House Hiram Page Hoover Kanaka Keaton Klamathon McClurg McConoughy Oak Bar Smith Stone Swearingen Wolford

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This page contains a listing of smaller Siskiyou cemeteries and gravesites.  It lists private cemeteries, old cemeteries which are now unused and single burial sites.  There are many old and mainly forgotten burials in Siskiyou County.  Many, we are sure, are no longer marked and those buried on lonely hillsides and in meadows will never be known.  Armed with Geological Survey maps we will endeavor to locate those that we can.  If markers survive, we will list here, on this page, those we find.

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Copyright August 1, 2000

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

No part of this document may be reproduced for sale or for inclusion in a collection for sale.