Hiram Page

Up Crystal Creek Forest House Hiram Page Hoover Kanaka Keaton Klamathon McClurg McConoughy Oak Bar Smith Stone Swearingen Wolford

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Hiram Page Cemetery photo

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The Hiram Page Cemetery is located off Greenhorn Road in south Yreka.  The tale has it that Hiram Page and at least one son was killed when their carriage overturned at or near this spot.  There are only four graves in this small cemetery.

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Page, Hiram   6 Sep 1863 Age 44 Years
Page, Salathiel     Age 13 Years
Page, Balphor     Age 15 Years
Page, Julian   14 Jul 1864 Age 9(?) Years


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Copyright August 1, 2000

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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