
Up Crystal Creek Forest House Hiram Page Hoover Kanaka Keaton Klamathon McClurg McConoughy Oak Bar Smith Stone Swearingen Wolford

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The following information was submitted by Willie Eastlick:  The Klamathon Cemetery is located on the Klamath River and is located just east of Hornbrook, California, and west of the Klamathon Bridge.  This cemetery is now pasture and only one remaining headstone is readable.  Per Willie Eastlick, who donated this information:  In 1902 the town of Klamathon burned.  Some of the known families in that area were Hawkins, Paynes, Brother, Dodkins, Furgeson, Fennel, Setsere, Campbell, Koutz, Durkee, Layman, Davis, Norris, Wood, Edmons, Zebull, Thomason, Elmore, Clawson, Belvins, Cooks, Edwall, Linns, Alflesh, Hansen, Ulins, Olins, Kirwins, Launhams, Mailors, Coffins and Hogan.

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Durkee, Oliver Ruiter *Sep 18, 1832 Aug 19, 1901 Located in middle of field where cattle graze.  The stone is broken off at the pedestal.


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Copyright September 23, 2000

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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