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Kanaka Cemetery photo

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Kanaka Cemetery is located on the side of a hill, approximately 100 yards from Highway 96 on the Klamath River scenic highway.  While anyone you ask will tell you "you can't miss it," you can.  From Interstate 5 take Highway 96 east to the "town" of Gottville.  You will see a sign which reads "Empire Creek."  At that point, turn around and head back west on 96.  Drive back about one mile, watching on the left on the hillside for the Kanaka sign.  If you reach the mobile home on the right you have gone too far.  There will be an opening where you can pull off and park on the north side of the highway but it is very small.  You could always try to find it like we did.  There is a brown home, very nice, on the river side of the highway.  We parked near it then wandered around looking up on the hillside trying to find the cemetery.  Mr. Smith came out of the house and after we explained our plight, he directed us to the cemetery...after asking us what it was worth.  Very nice couple, the Smiths, but please don't bother them.  The opening where you can park and walk to the cemetery is approximately 150 yards downriver from his house.  From there, walk downriver and uphill until you reach the cemetery.  The only markers in Kanaka are metal markers with names engraved.  Only one marker had dates.

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Please use your 'Find' command to locate names

Middlemist, Tom      
Davies,  Mrs.      
Schucks, Mrs.      
Schucks, Mr.      
Sleeper, John      
Butler, Daisy      
Morris, Sarah      
McClure, Sam      
Morris, John      
McCan, John      
Skeahan, Rosie      
Jarrott Family     Family gravesite, no other information.
Ladd, Jim      
Ladd, Lillie      
Alpia, Jim      
Alpia, Mary      
Alpia, Mary Jan      
Mason, Dan      
Mason, Mrs. Dan      
White, Fred      
Indian Pete      
Butler, Mary      
Ray, Ella      
Butler, William Sr.      
Butler, William Jr.      
Butler, Frank      
Butler, Baby      
Nightwine, M. E. 1874 1932  
Mayo     Two children, no other information
Mayo, Lucy      
Brown, Albert      
Sacksel, John      
Nightwine, Martin      
Nightwine, Jannette      

We'd like to give a special Thanks! to Darci and Aaron Everett for their indexing of this cemetery.

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Copyright June 11, 2001

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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