Obituaries ~ V
Below you will find a complilation of obituaries gathered from various newspapers throughout Shasta County and elsewhere in California. If YOU have an obituary for a Shasta County resident and would like to add to this collection or, better yet, if you want to volunteer to transcribe obituaries please contact the county coorinators.
Valencia, Tony
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 9, 1927
Funeral Notice – The funeral of Tony Valencia will
be held at the Catholic church Saturday afternoon at
3 o’clock. Mass will be held at the church at 8 o’clock
Saturday morning.
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 10, 1927
The funeral of Tony Valencia was held yesterday afternoon
at 4 o’clock services in the Catholic church, followed
by the full Eagles funeral rites at the graveside in
the Redding cemetery. In addition, Lawrence J. Roache,
assistant priest of the local Catholic church. There
was a large turnout at the graveside.
Early morning masswas said in the church. There
was a large turn-out of Eagles and friends.
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 12, 1927
I wish to thank the many friends who comforted me during
the illness and loss of my beloved husband; also for
the many beautiful floral offerings. I expressly
wish to thank the Eagles.
Signed: Mrs. Tony Valencia and daughter, Genovevea |
Van Cleve, Mrs. Mathilda J.
Sacramento Union, January 7, 1920
In Redding, Shasta county, January 5, 1920, Mrs. Mathilda Jane Van
Cleave, mother of C.H. Van Cleave of Redding, Arthur M. Van Cleave
of Loyalton, Sierra county; H.B. Van Cleave of Roseville, Placer
county; Charles Van Cleave of San Francisco, and Mrs. Dolores Moore
of Seattle, Washington, a native of Ohio, aged 80 years.
Transcribed by Jeannette Harper |
Van Schaick, John Fonkes
Reading Independent, August 29, 1878
Again we are called upon to chronicle the taking off of an old and
highly respected citizen of Shasta County. John Fonkes Van Schaick,
after a lingering illness, died in Shasta at 1 o'clock A. M. Sunday,
August 25th, at the age of 68.
John F. Van Schaik was born in the State of New York, near Utica,
we think. He learned his trade--that of a painter--in the city
of New York, after which he moved to New Orleans, where he resided
for many years. From New Orleans he emigrated to San Francisco,
working there at his trade at very remunerative prices. In the
year 1852 Mr. V. settled in Shasta, he and his partner pitching
their tent under the large oak tree now in the door-yard of Mrs.
A. E. Taylor, formerly the Mix place. Mr. Van Schaick was not
merely a mechanic, but also an artist of no ordinary capacity,
as his work in San Francisco, Shasta and Reading will testify.
He was also enterprising. At an early day, having faith in the
growth and permanency of Shasta, he purchased ground at high prices
and erected quite a clock of frame building, which after erection
for a time paid him handsomely. But the flush times ceased, and
the depreciation of property ensued; and failing health rendering
him unfit for labor, for a number of years Mr. V. found it hard
work to "make both ends meet."
He resided in Reading from the fall of 1872 until the fall of 1873,
when he became the Democratic nominee for County Treasurer, and
was elected; also re-elected in 1875 and 1877, consequently he
died before he had completed the first quarter of his third term,
and died trusted and respected. He was a man courteous, kind,
generous, and of the strictest honesty, and possessed of a fund
of general information. Although having no relations near, he
received all the care the most affectionate ones could have bestowed
on him from Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Dunn, whose house has been his
home for years. He was buried in the old cemetery on Monday, August
26th. The funeral services were held in the Court House, the Rev.
Mr. Saxton, of Red Bluff, officiating, assisted by the Shasta
choir. The pall bearers were D. H. Dunn, W. H. Bickford, District
Attorney Taylor, Sheriff Hull, Hon. A. R. Andrews and Hon. C.
C. Bush. The concourse that followed his remains to the grave
was large, quite a number from the neighboring towns being present
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Varela, Manuel
Reddng Record-Searchlight, Saturday, October 21, 1978
Funeral services for Manuel Varela of Central Valley will be held
at 11 a.m. Monday at McDonald's Redding Chapel. He died Friday
in Memorial Hospital. He was 59. He was born Sept. 17, 1919 in
Sonora, Mexico. He lived in Shasta County 58 years. He was a track
supervisor for the Southern Pacific Railroad 43 years. He was
a member of the Moose Lodge of Redding, a charter member of the
California Cavemen's Club, the Central Valley post of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars and St. Michael's Catholic Church in Central Valley.
He served in the U. S. Army during World War II.
He leaves his wife, Hope of Central Valley; two sons, Max of Anderson,
and John of Fernley, Nev.; four daughters, Sheila LaCoste of Redding,
Dottie Rodriques and Maxine Sage, both of Anderson, and Christina
of Central Valley. He also leaves four brothers, Jesse and Billy,
both of Vacaville, Victor of Central Valley, Joe of Illinois;
two sisters, Josie Martinez of Sacramento, Rose Murr of Vacaville;
his mother, Maria Sandoval of Vacaville; and five grandchildren.
Burial will be in Redding Cemetery. The Rev. Michael Turner of St.
Joseph's Catholic Church will officiate at the service.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Veid, infant daughter
Redding Independent, Thursday, January 15, 1880
In Shasta, Jan. 16, 1880, wife of Mr. Jacob Veid.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Vinson, Leonard Willis
Redding Record-Searchlight, Thursday, Feb. 26, 1946
Leonard Willis Vinson, 28, of Redding, veteran of World War II,
died at Oroville Curran hospital Sunday night of an internal infection.
He entered the hospital on Thursday. Vinson was born July 16,
1917 at Grants Pass, Ore. He was currently employed by the bureau
of reclamation as an engineering aide at Oroville.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vinson of north Redding,
and four sisters, Mrs. Elsie Upham of Trinity Center, Mrs. Edith
Herrick of Santa Cruz, and Mrs. Leila Phelps of Trinity Center.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at McDonald's Chapel,
with the Rev. H. A. Luckenbach officiating. Interment will be
in the family lot in Redding cemetery.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |