Humboldt County, California
The CAGenWeb Project & The USGenWeb® Project
My Name is Martha and I am the Humboldt County Coordinator.
I live on the Central Coast of California, so cannot do 'on the ground research in Humboldt County.'
But, that said, I am an experienced Online Researcher and might be able to
help you locate that 'missing piece of your Ancestral Pie'
I can be reached via email: Contact: Martha
Please come back often as there will be new resources added as I discover them.

Table of Contents
History ~ Biographies and Pioneers ~ What's New ~ Maps ~ Queries and Lookups
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ 'Old Humboldt County Files' ~ Obituaries ~ Newspapers
Military ~ Crime and Punishment ~
Native americans ~ Odds and Ends
"California Corner" ~
Resources with a 'California Flavor' [OffSite]
Humboldt County Neighbors:
Del Norte ~ Trinity ~ Siskiyou & Mendocino

Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ 'Old Humboldt County Files' ~ Obituaries ~ Newspapers
Vital Records ~ "B ~ M ~ D's"
Family Search has a wealth of Vital Records ~ There are two separate Sections:
Catalog Filmed Items ~ Searchable Databases
<<<New>>> FS Historical Images Collection
Vital Records for Eureka,
FS Historical Images; Linked Searchable PDF
Marriage Licenses:
Files & Indexes Linked Searchable PDF
Catalog Films: Vital Records
1293772 - Vital Records
Item 1, Birth Register, 1873 - 1903,Index, Img's 4 - 156, [Really Hard to Read] Records mixed in with the Index pages.
Item 2, Death Register, Bk 1, 1873 - 1898, Images 158 - 234
Item 3, Death Register, Bk 2, 1898 - 1925, Images 236 - 300
Item 4, Marriages [Men], Bk 1, 8 Jan 1873 - 14 Apr 1896, Alpha, Images 302 - 371
Item 5, Marriages, [Men] Bk 2, 26 Apr 1896 - 4 Jun 1911, Images 373 - 422
Item 6, Marriages [Women] Bk 1, 8 Jan 1873 - 14 Apr 1896, Alpha, Images 424 - 496
Item 7, Marriages [Women] Bk 2, 1898 - 1925, Images 498 - 546
Item 8, Marriage Licenses [Index] Bk A, 1864 - Nov 1872, Beg w/B, 563 - 576, Records Follow: Hand Written in lined notebook. Images 577 - 765
1293773, Vital Records
Item 1, Marriage Licenses, Bk C, Jan 1873 - Aug 1877, Images 4 - 196 [No Index]
Item 2, Marriages, Bk D, Aug 1877 - Aug 1880, Images 198 - 366 [No Index]
Item 3, Marriage Licenses, Bk E, Aug 1880 - Apr 1885, Images 368 - 664 [No Index]
1293774 - Vital Records
Item 1, Marriage Licenses, [cont'd] Feb 1885 - Jul 1885, Images 3 - 37
Item 2, Marriage Licenses, Bk F, Jul 1885 - Jun 1889, Images 40 - 360
Item 3, Marriage Licenses, Bk G, Jul 1889 - Oct 1891, Images 362 - 589 [To Be Cont'd]
1293775 - Vital Records
Item 1, Marriage Licenses [Cont'd], Oct 1891 - Nov 1892, Images 5 - 103
Item 2, Marriage Licenses, Bk H, Nov 1892 - Jan 1896, Images 107 - 428
Item 3, Marriage Licenses, Bk I, Feb 1896 - Nov 1898, Images 431 - 664 [To Be Cont'd]
1293776 - Vital Records
Item 1, Marriage Licenses, [Cont'd], Nov 1898 - Oct 1899, Images 4 - 94
Item 2, Marriage Licenses, Bk K, Oct 1899 - Sep 1902, Images 96 - 423
Item 3, Marriage Licenses, Bk L, Sep 1902 - Jun 1904, Images 426 - 687 [To Be Cont'd]
1293777 - Vital Records
Item 1, Marriage Register, 1904, Images 2 - 84
Item 2, Marriage Licenses, 1904, Images 86 - 166
Item 3, Death Register, Bk 1, Mar 1877 - Sep 1896, Images 168 - 244
Item 4, Death Register, Bk 2, 1898 - 1925, Images 247 - 310
Item 5, Birth Register, 1895 - 1899, Images 314 - 340
Item 6, Birth Certificates, Images 341 - 357
Item 7, Delayed Births, 1880 - 1905, Images 359 - 801 [No Index]
Item 8, Birth Register, 1859 - ?, Images 804 - 810
Item 9, Birth records, 1901, Index: Images 813-825, Records Follow: 824 - 883
Then: New Index, 1902, Images 884 - 896, records Follow: 897 - 947
1293778 Vital Records
Item 1, Birth Records [cont'd], Sep 1902 - Nov 1902, Images 2 - 18
Item 2, Deaths [Register] Bk 1, Jul 1898 - Aug 1905, Images 21 - 54 [No Index] Chronological

Family Search: Searchable Databases: "Collections: California Only"
California Birth Index, 1905-1995
California Births and Christenings, 1812-1988
California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994
California, Church Records, 1864-1985
California Marriages, 1850-1945 ~ California, County Marriages, 1850-1953
California Marriage Index, 1960-1985
California Divorce Index, 1966-1984
Note: FS has a set of Films which contain all sorts of vitals extracted from local Newspapers,
Divorces are included. ~ Please use this Link
California Deaths and Burials, 1776-2000
California Death Index, 1905-1939 ~ California Death Index, 1940-199
I found an old list of Marriages that the Humboldt Gen Soc compiled in 1979.
Dates: 1864 - 1944
Please use this link for the file.
The people listed on the above file can be found on this database:
California Marriages, 1850-1945
and... The FS Catalog has this extensive collection of vitals for all of
Please Use This Link for a linked and searchable pdf

Death Records
Death Records: Film
Items # 2 & 3
There is a collection of Transcribed Death Records on RootsWeb
These Records are from LDS Films and were a project begun many years ago by Volunteers,
and as far as I can tell, the project was never completed.
The Deaths Transcribed are 'Pre 1905' for various CA Counties.
The Files are still on the RW Server and are Static, I have no idea if the email
addies on the pages are valid, but the links to the various Files work, so Happy
Here is the RW Link for the whole Project
Here is the Link to the FS Catalog which has the Films.
[Film 1293772]
There is more information available on the Death Registers

Marriage Records: Humboldt County 'Neighbors'
Remember: Folks often 'Ran Away' to be married...
So, Here are Marriage Records from the Historical Image Section
Del Norte: Marriages ~ Film 1293771
Items 5, 6, 7. 8 1857-1905
Item 5, Bk A, Jun 1857 - Oct 1878
Images 5 - 177, Documents
Indexes, Women, 322-335 / Men, 309-321
Item 6, Bk B? Dec 1879 - Nov 1894
Images 337-515
Indexes, Men 516-528 / Women, 529-541
Item 7 Bk C, Dec 1894 - Aug 1901
Images 543 - 600, No Index
Item 8, Bk D, Oct 1901 - Sep 1912
Index, Images 604-630
Images 632 - 673, Documents
Trinity: Marriages~ Marriage License Indexes ~ Film 1293779
Items 5: 1857-1905,
Image 274 - 323
Item 6 Bk H,1857-1881
Image 326 - 520
These are the records for the Index in Item 5.
Marriage Licenses ~ Film 1293780
Items 1 & 2
Vols 1 & 2 1881-1905
Record of Marriages, 1893-1894
Item 1, 1881-1902, "Register"
Images 5 - 192
Item 2, Bk 2, Women Listed First, 1902
Index: Images 196 - 221
Documents follow: Images, 222 - 251
Item 3, 1893-1894
Marriage 'Record'
Men Listed First ~ Images 256 - 268
Mendocino County Marriage Films

California Folk also left the State to Wed...
NV & AZ are a bit of a distance, but Oregon is not...
- 1884 ~ 1991 - 2006 ~
1853 - 1935
~ 1849 -
1952 ~ 1851
- 1975
Sign into your FS Account, then use the above links
Note: I found no Marriage Resources for Siskiyou County
"Littlefield Family Miscellaneous Marriages", July 1995 Newsletter
Marriage Records:
Miscellaneous Years,
List of 19 Links - 1873 - 1911

The Cemeteries of Humboldt County
>>>New<<< 1 February 2025
Trinidad Cemetery Trinidad, Humbodt County,
California "Redwood Wonderland" FS Film, # 007539614 I copied the three
pages for this Cemetery. According to the Information on Page 1, the Deaths
were recorded "to 1912" D L Thornberry is the Author of this Work. Here
are the links to the Pages:
Pgs 1 - 2,
Pg 3
There are some Transcriptions that were found in the FS Book Section
Blue Lake Cemetery [2007]
Greenwood Cemetery [Film 558291 - Image 942 -FS]
Hydesville, IOOF Cemetery [2000]
Iaqua Cemetery [2010]
Myrtle Grove [Film 558291- Images 943-952 ] ~ Booklet of Burials [2004]
Odd Fellows Cemetery
[Film 558289 - Images 1243-1247]
Rohnerville Cemetery Survey
""Cemeteries of Humboldt Co., CA" - Creators: Heinbach, Kathleen & Heinbach,
Fred W. There is no date of publication ~ Index is at the end.
Scottsville: "History and Some Families" [2006]
St Mary's Catholic [2004]
Cemetery Records: Films
007896946 [1950-1962] & 007729434 [187-1970] ~ 008620084 [1962]
Eureka: Death Records and Registers
008266133, #2, 1896-1913
004666508, #3, 1873-1898
The Folks over at Genealogy Trails have some interesting data which includes Cemeteries
Access Genealogy has some records too.
And lastly: USGenWeb Archives has three Cem Transcriptions
Here is the List of Cemeteries on F~A~G

'Old Humboldt County Files'
Ferndale Notes ~ 8th District Court Records [Transcribed Notes from Ct Ledgers]
In 1996 when I was the first Humboldt County Coordinator, Dennis Edline
contacted me about a Research Project he had worked on for a good long time.
I agreed to post the files to the Web Pages.
The File can be found here, it is all about homes in the area, a really
interesting piece of history.
Thanks again Dennis!
Miscellaneous Obituaries from the files of J D Saunders
Obituary Collection: Family Search, Info from various FS State Dbs
Sequoia HighSchool Year Books [Eureka]
1961 ~ 1962 ~ 1963

Obituaries >>>New<<< "Profiles"
Redwood Researcher
[Download the Book - FS]
Vol 33 - August 2000 - May 2001 Morehead,
Barb, Author Transcribed Obituaries The Redwood Researcher was a project
of the Redwood Genealogical Society in Humboldt County. There are issues
listed up to 2016 in the FS Catalog, but are not digitized. Below is a chart
with 'Profiles' [Transcribed Obituaries] These are all in Vol 33 - 2000 &
2001 I have split out the 'Profiles' section:
Please use this link for them
There are also 4 issues of the First Vol which have some old transcribed

More about the
'Redwood Researcher'
The Redwood Genealogical Society produced many Bulletins over the years.
Many of them can be found in the FS Catalog.
Below are links to some which may still be available.
Redwood Researcher
Redwood Genealogical Society: They seem to have an active Face Book Page
Fortuna, Humboldt, California
FS Catalog Page Lists
'Sample Vol's' to give you an idea of what the Bulletins are like.
Vol 1, #1 ~ Vol 1. #2 ~ Vol 1. #3 ~ Vol 1. #4
Many years ago, Marilyn Keach Milota compiled an index for
Obituaries from Humboldt Local newspapers. The complete book is in the FHL
in Salt Lake City. Several years ago, I copied the Alpha pages A - L, but
never got back to do the rest. The book is copyrighted, and permission to
view is disabled.
The Index is here
along with two Sets of Alpha Pages: A-E ~ F-L It is possible that the Obits may be found in some
CA Digital
Newspapers and in HeritageHub, and I am willing to try and find them.
Contact: Martha
Transcribed Obituaries, Homicides and an Article about Vietnam Memorials
All data is from Heritage Hub.
Newspapers: Times-Standard ~ Ukiah Journal ~ Humboldt Beacon
Highlighted Items:
Yellow: Suspicious Death, Accident, Etc
Blue: Memorial
Newspapers: Beginning with 2001 on Heritage Hub
Updated Index to 31 December 2023
September 2024
Note: I will not be creating any more Obit
Indexes: I have had no queries for them for a couple of years.
But, that said, I will still do lookups on Heritage
Contact: Martha
2016 "Homicides in Humboldt County"
2013 "Vietnam War: Humboldt County Remembers..." Pt 3
Obituary Indexes from the Legacy Collection of Jose Rivera Nieves
Here is the Index for Humboldt County
Here is the Index for all of California
Here is the Index for the United States
Here is an index for Countries of the World
Note: Many of the Obituaries might be found using Heritage Hub Digital Newspaper Collection
which is available in many local Public Libraries.
Check your local Library under 'Resources' - Access requires a Library Card
Modesto Bee [Newspaper] Obituaries 1988
> 2006 "The Modesto Bee Obituaries, Modesto, Stanislaus Co., California"
Creator: Eisenga, Jean Palma y Mesa; The Modesto bee (Modesto, California)
Digital Images of Books and Films that are located in the FS Catalog The
Chart Below will be a guide to the Films and Books
Please use this Link for both the Films and the Books
Please use this Link for the Indexes split out from the Books Note: Even
though the Modesto Bee is in Stanislaus County, there are references to many
California Counties as well as other States, so... check the indexes for
names of interest and because the books are fully searchable pdf's,
locations may be found using the Search Function.
Image Ranges for both
Indexes and Files for the Films.

This Site has a great collection of CA Digital Newspapers: Use this Link
There are two Newspapers for
Humboldt County in the CA Digital Collection Blue Lake Advocate (Blue
Lake, 1888-1969) Humboldt Times (Eureka, 1874-1925)
More Free Newspaper
Chronicling America ~ Google News Archives
Century Past ~ Illinois Digital Collection
Historical Newspapers: Indexed by State [Some Free]
There are Microfilmed Newspapers hidden in the Archive.org Pages I found a
batch of old Los Angeles Times and I know there are more. But it takes
creative searching to find them. So, For Now here is a list of old California
Newspapers Use
this link, find a title of interest and plug it into the
Archive.org Search.

"The Fine Print"
County Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
State Coordinator: Bob Jenkins
Assistant State Coordinator: Karen De Groote
All materials, images, sounds and data contained herein are not to be copied or downloaded for purposes of duplication, distribution or publishing without the express written permission of the Humboldt County Coordinator.
All data will stay with the CAGenWeb Project when and if the Coordinator resigns: Future contributions or donations will be returned to the Submitter upon request. Although believed to be correct as presented, any corrections, changes or additions or invalid links should be brought to the attention of the Webmaster.
Site Updated: 1 February 2025
Online Continuously since 1997
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