Wells index T - Z

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Taggart, Grant I.
Talbot, Lieutenant
Tardy, H. F.
Taylor, Rev. A.
Taylor, Clark
Taylor, George
Taylor, James
Taylor, James H.
Taylor, John
Taylor, John O.
Taylor, R. P.
Taylor, William 
Tate, Hugh
Teneyck, George
Terry, William
Terwilliger, R. S.
Terwilliger, S.
Tesh, Daniel
Tesh, Louisa Fried
Tesh, L.
Thomas, C. A.
Thomas, Daniel D.
Thomas, Rev. E
Thomas, Edgar
Thomas, Evan
Thomas, J. W.
Thomas, James E.
Thomas, Jim
Thomas, John
Thomas, Lyman Gideon
Thomas, Myron Knotly
Thomas, M. K.
Thomas, Alvira Chandler Tyler
Thomas, Thomas
Thomas, W. N.
Thomas, W. W.
Thomas, William
Thomason, John
Thompson, Abe
Thompson, Abraham
Thompson, J. W.
Thompson, Joseph
Thompson, L. S.
Thompson, M. C.
Thompson, R. F.
Thompson, W.
Thompson, William
Thoms, A. O.
Thornbury, C. F.
Thornbury, Caleb N.
Thornton, James
Thornton, John
Thurber, Henry
Thurber, John
Tickner, C. C.
Tickner, Mrs. Emma
Tickner, F. L.
Tickner, H. C.
Tickner, H. L.
Tierney, Patrick
Tilden, Robert L.
Tillinghast, A.
Tinnin, William J.
Tipsu Tyee (Indian)
Tisso, Amandi (Amadie)
Titcomb, Isaac
Titus, W. S.
Todhunter, John
Tomlinson, Frank
Tompkins, Frank
Tompkins, George
Tompkins, Gwin R.
Tompkins, Searles
Tompkins, Willis
Tonkin, J. B.
Totten, J. W.
Townsend, Alice Maud
Townsend, Eliza Jane
Townsend, Frances Ann
Townsend, George
Townsend, William M.
Townsend, Angeline Carpenter
Townsley, William S. B.
Tozer, C. W.
Tracy, Martin
Traver, Simeon
Tremble, J. M.
Trickel, Joshua
Trimble, James 
Trimble, T. J.
Truesdall, J. B.
Truitt, Henry
Truitt, Mary E.
Turk, F.
Turnbon, B. R.
Turnbull, Lewis
Turnbull, R. H.
Turner, James D.
Turner, John
Tutt, Charles M.
Tuttle, J. W.
Tyee Bill (Indian)
Tyee Jim (Indian)
Tyee John (Indian)
Tyee Sam (Indian)
Tyler, George W.
Tyndall, Tom
Tyson, J. T.
Tyson, Joseph


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Uerlings, John
Uerlings, Mary
Ugarte, Fray Juan
Underhill, H. J.
Upham, J.
Uspery, G. M.


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Vail, George C. S.
Vallejo, Mariano Guadalupe
Vanasault, Henry
Van Bokklen
Vance, James
Vance, Mrs. James
Vance, Louisa
Van Choate, S. F.
Vanderburg, Major
Vanderpool, H.
Van Dusen (Duser), A. P.
Vanorman, Z.
Van Horn, William
Van Pelt, John H.
Van Wyck, H. D.
Varney, B. F.
Varnum, Alvira
Varnum, L.
Varnum, Lorin H.
Varnum, S. D.
Vaughn, William
Veach, S. M.
Vincent, John
Vizcai??o, Sebastian
Vogan, J. H.
Vogan, Mary J.
Voight, L. F.
Voss, Charles


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Wade, T. L.
Waddle, J. S.
Wadsworth, E.
Wadsworth, Mrs. E.
Wadsworth, Mrs. Frederick
Wadsworth, Henry
Wadsworth, Mrs. H.
Wagner, Emma K.
Wagner, Frank R.
Wagner, George I.
Wagner, Ignace
Wagner, Mary Lichtenthaler
Wagner, Jacob
Wagner, John A.
Wagner, Mary A.
Wagner, William B.
Wahlford, George
Wait, B. L.
Walbridge, Alice I.
Walbridge, J. M.
Walbridge, John M.
Waldrup, Robert
Walker, A. B.
Walker, Alexander
Walker, Charles
Walker, Cip
Walker, George
Walker, J. A.
Walker, J. J.
Walker, Jesse
Walker, Captain Joe
Walker, John
Walker, John D.
Walker, Joseph R.
Walker, M.
Walker, T.
Walker, Thomas
Walker, W. D.
Walker, William
Wallace, A. H.
Walling, R.
Wallis, Albert
Wallis, W. J.
Walters, John
Walzer, George
Warbass,  W. H.
Ward, Tom
Wardlow, Joseph
Warman, H. H.
Warner, David C.
Warner, J. J.
Warner, John H.
Warner, R. V.
Warner, Samuel
Warner, W. H.
Warren, Homer B.
Warren, J. H.
Warren, Rev. J. H.
Warren, N. S.
Wasmuth, P. W.
Watch-in-Tate (Indian)
Waterhouse, George
Waterhouse, George B.
Waterman, George
Watkins, William F.
Watson, David
Watson, G. Keith
Watson, John
Watson, John A.
Watson, L. S.
Watson, R. J.
Watson, Samuel
Watson, Stephen
Watson, William E.
Way, Thomas C.
Wayne, B. F.
Webber, Louis
Webb, George W.
Webster, N. B.
Weber, Charles M.
Welch, W.
Weeks, S.
Wells, Alexander
Welker, O. P.
Weltenberger, Michael
Wells, Hudson
West, G. F.
Welton, L. S.
West, Joseph F
West, J. T.
Westbrook, Royal L.
West, S. T.
Weston, H.
Westfeldt, Lieutenant
Wetzel, A.
Wetherill, L. D.
Wetzel, Eddie
Wetzel, Alois
Wetzel, S.
Wetzel, Mary
Weymire, L.
Wetzel, Sigmund
Whalley, J. M.
Weyteman, Louis
Wheeler, John W.
Wheaton, Colonel Frank
Whieher, George H.
Wheelock, O. C.
Whipple, S. G.
Whipple, James H.
White, Allen D.
White, Abram
White, Asa
White, Amanda J.
White, G. T.
White, C. P.
White, H. K.
White, George F.
White, James
White, J. P.
White, Manuel
White, M. C.
White, S.
White, P.
White, William
White, Thomas
Whiting, T. A.
Whiting, P.
Whitmore, Samuel
Whitman, Samuel
Whitten, Benoni
Whitney, Josiah D.
Whittle, Bob
Whitten, Frank
Whittle, Matilda
Whittle, J. S.
Wicks, R.
Wicks, Edward
Williams, Dr.
Wilkes, Charles
Williams, Charles
Williams, B.
Williams, J. D.
Williams, D. D.
Williams, Lafayette
Williams, John
Williams, Robert
Williams, Louise
Williams, Rev. T. G.
Williams, S. S.
Wilson, General
Williams, William
Wilson, Arthur Earle
Wilson, Albert Garfield
Wilson, Isaac
Wilson, Hiram
Wilson, John Milton
Wilson, John
Wilson, L. S.
Wilson, John P.
Wilson, Lettie
Wilson, Laura May
Wilson, Martha M. Smith
Wilson, Lucius Stafford
Wilson, Oulton
Wilson, Lucius Stafford Jr.
Wilson, W. E.
Wilson, Robert
Wimer, George
Wimep, Adam
Winckler, Mrs. Adolph
Winckler, Adolph
Winn, James
Winegar, James G.
Wise, J. A.
Winsor, Daniel
Witheral, Calvin
Witherill, George S.
Witherill, Oscar D.
Witherill, L. D.
Wolford, Helen M. Short
Wolford, A. W.
Wolford, John M.
Wolford, Ida May
Wolford, Laura C.
Wolford, Margaret C. Jackson
Wolford, Louisa I.
Wood, George
Wood, Eliza
Wood, Isabel
Wood, Henry
Wood, John
Wood, J. P.
Wood, John P.
Wood, John C.
Wood, L. K.
Wood, Eliza Martin
Woodman, Calvin
Wood, Mary
Woods, A. H.
Woodruff (alias Tom Brown)
Wool, John E.
Woodworth, Joseph M.
Worden, S. M.
Woolley, N. B.
Wozencraft, Dr. O. M.
Wortser, J. B.
Wright, Charles Henry
Wright, Benjamin
Wright, Henry D.
Wright, George W.
Wright, T. F.
Wright, Mary C. Wood
Wright, Walter A.
Wright, T. L.
Wyeth, Nathaniel


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Yancey, H. M.
Yeago, A.
Yost, Charles
Young, Enos
Young, Ewing
Young, J.
Young, John
Young, Joseph
Young, Robert F.
Young, Theobald
Young, William


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Zehnder, A.


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Copyright January 21, 2001

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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