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Ahlgren, A.
Aaroe, Christopher
Abbe, C. C.
Abbott, C.
Abel, James A.
Abel, Lin.
Ackley, Annie
Ackley, Hosea
Ackley, Nancy
Adams, Lieutenant
Adams, Rev.
Adams, Aaron
Adams, F.
Adams, J. H.
Adams, Nathaniel H.
"Adobe John"
Agate, A. T.
Ager, J. B.
Alban, John (Greasy John)
Alcott, R.
Aldrich, B.
Alexander, S.
Alger, William
Allen, James
Allen, O. S.
Allison, James
Alvarado, Juan Bautista
Alves, Caetano
Amos, James
Amos, Thomas
Anderson, E. K.
Anderson, I.
Anderson, J. F.
Anderson, John
Andres, Charles
Andrew, "Dutch"
Andrews, Annie
Andrews, Baxter
Andrews, John
Andrews, Louise
Andrews, Martin
Andrews, Isabella Nentzel
Andrews, Martin, Jr.
Andrews, Mary
A'Neal, J. W.
Annibal, A. G.
Anson, Washington
Anthony, E. M. "Mose"
Antone, John
Anza, Juan Bautista
Apler, William B.
Applegate, Ivan D.
Applegate, Jesse
Applegate, Lindsay
Applegate, Oliver
Aram, Joseph
Arbaugh, Albert
Arbaugh, Andrew
Arbaugh, Benjamin
Arbaugh, Conrad
Arbaugh, Emily
Arbaugh, Eliza
Arbaugh, Elizabeth
Arbaugh, Francis
Arbaugh, George Washington
Arbaugh, Rebecca Graves
Arbaugh, George Washington, Jr.
Arbaugh, Isabelle
Arbaugh, Jacob
Arbaugh, John
Arbaugh, May Davidson
Arbaugh, Leona
Arbaugh, Linda
Arbaugh, Marcellus
Arbaugh, Mary
Arbaugh, May
Arbaugh, Rebecca
Arbaugh, Ruth
Arbaugh, Sarah
Arbaugh, William Gordon
Archambault, Joseph
Archer, Jenas
Armstrong, J.
Arnold, B. W.
Artinie (Indian Squaw)
Ashley, William H.
Astor, John Jacob
Atherton, Robert
Atkins, A. A.
Atkins, Alfred
Atteberry, J. M.
Atwell, H. W.
Austin, Lieutenant
Austin, M. J.
Austin, T. D.
Autenreith, E. H.
Autenreith, Louis
Ayers, E.
Aylett, W. D.


horizontal rule


Babb, Jeffries
Babcock, William L.
Bache, Lieutenant A. D.
Baer, Josiah
Baer, Obediah
Bagley, George
Bagley, Mrs. George
Bagley, James A.
Bagley, William
Baid, (Frenchman)
Bailey, Charles M.
Bailey, E. T.
Bailey, Elton T.
Bailey, Elizabeth Brown
Baird, Charles
Baird, Robert
Baird, Robert
Baker, J. D.
Baker, J. L.
Baker, Isaac L.
Baker, Thomas W.
Balboa, Vasco Nu??ez de
Balch, Daniel W.
Baldwin, Rev. J. T.
Baldwin, William
Ball, Edgar
Ball, Newton
Ball, Thomas
Ballard, T. N.
Bantz, Thomas A.
Bar, Aaron
Bar, Fanny
Barber, G. W.
Barber, Jesse
Barber, Rev. L. N.
Barker, Joseph
Barlow, Bradley
Barnard, Captain
Barnes, H. M.
Barnes, Isaac
Barnes, T. B.
Barney, Clinton
Barnum, Rosa
"Baron Simbowsky"
Barr, R. S.
Barranger, D. F.
Barron, Major
Barry, J. H. V.
Barry, W.
Bartlett, W. A.
Bartol, A.
Bartol, John
Bass, John
Bassett, J. M.
Bassett, James M.
Bateman, E.
Batterton, William D.
Baxter, E. J.
Bayles, A. M. 
Bean, Edmond
Beard, J. S.
Beard, Annie Webster Ackley
Beard, James Gehrig
Beard, john Augustus
Beard, William
Beekman, C. C.
Beem, Andrew A.
Beem, Catherine Dolan
Beem, Anna C.
Beem, D. M.
Beem, Martin Custer
Beem, William Pitt
Behnke, Geschna
Behnke, Henry
Behrens, Herr
Beith, James, Jr.
Belange, Enoch
Belden, Miss A.
Bellamy, George W.
Bellows, Rev. Henry W.
Beman, W. W. 
Bender, Joseph
Bennett, Noah
Bernard, John G.
Berggren, August
Berkstreper, John
Berry, F. M.
Berry, Jehu
Berry, John G.
Berry, John S.
Berryessa, Jos?? Reyes
Beswick, Nate
Betts, Morris R.
Bickford, Daniel
Biddle, Colonel
Bidwell, John
Bigelow, Ella
Bigelow, Emma
Bigelow, Frank
Bigelow, G. W.
Bigelow, Kitty
Bigler, John
Bills, Jacob
Bird, Clara L.
Bird, John W.
Bird, M. F.
Birdsall, S. H.
Birkbeck, M.
Bishop, F. M. 
Bixby, H. B. 
"Black Bard" (Bart)
Black Jim (Indian)
Blanchard, Joseph
Blevins, James T.
Bloomer, Henry
Bloomingdale, E.
Blue Bag (Indian)
Bluhm, Charles
Blum, Isador
Blunt, John
Boas, George
Boehm, Charles
Boggus, Henry
Bogus Charley (Indian)
Bohon, Alpheus
Boles, Adam
Boles, Alvy
Bolt, A.
Bond, John
Bonhardt, Charles
Bonnafield, William
Bonner, A. J.
Bonneville, B. L. E.
Bonnycastle, J. C.
Booth, Governor
Booth M. G.
Booth, William 
Borland, Walter
Boss, William H.
Bossonet, August
Bossonet, B. G.
Boston Charley (Indian)
Bostwick, Eli
Bostwick, John
Bostwick, Josiah
Boutelle, Lieutenant
Bowdish, G.
Bowen, George W.
Bowen, W. J.
Bower, W. H.
Bowers, A.
Bowin, C. E.
Bowman, Henry
Bowman, J. C.
Boyes, Charles
Boyes, Samuel B.
Boyle, Isaac
Boyle, John
Boyle, Major
Boylon, Charles
Bradley, James
Bradley, Mrs. M. J.
Bradley, S.
Bradlock, Joseph
Bradshaw, W. D.
Bramall, George
Brando, John
Brannan, Samuel
Brastow, S. D.
Bratton, Hugh
Bray, W. J.
Breckenridge, J. D.
Breckenridge, John
Breed, R.
Breton, Charles
Bridger, James
Bridger, Henry
Briggs, George E.
Brinn, J. O.
Brooks, Rev. J. A.
Brooks, S. S.
Brotherton, E.
Brown, A. H.
Brown, Charles
Brown, E. D.
Brown, E. V.
Brown, Mrs. E. V.
Brown, H. H.
Brown J. M.
Brown, Jackson
Brown, James
Brown, James N.
Brown, John V.
Brown, Jonas W.
Brown, Julius
Brown, L.
Brown, Lena
Brown, Manuel
Brown, S. F.
Brown, Tom
Brown, William
Browne, J. Ross
Browning, Lieutenant
Bruce, James
Bruley, Washington
Brunt, George
Bryan, Charles F.
Bryan, Gertrude C.
Bryan, James
Bryan, Mary J. Fragly
Bryan, James P.
Bryan, Helena May
Bryan, Lillie E.
Bryan, Mary A.
Bryan, William J.
Bryant, D.
Buck, D. A.
Buck, Fred
Buckley, A. J.
Buckmaster, Mrs. M. S.
Buckmaster, S. B.
Budelman, Henry
Buffalo John
Bull, J. H.
Bullett, B. W.
Bunyard, W. H.
Burch, Benjamin F.
Burch, John C.
Burge, Jesse S.
Burgess, John C.
Burgess, William
Burgett, P. B.
Burke, John W.
Burke, William
Burns, A. V.
Burns, William
Burr, Mrs.
Burroughs, Captain
Burrows, A. H.
Burrows, Mrs. A. H.
Burrows, Charles E.
Burrows, Lena
Burrows, William M.
Burt, David
Burt, Nathaniel
Bush, Daniel
Bush, David
Butcher, W. T.


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Cabaniss, T. T.
Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez
Cadwallader, Charles
Cadwallader, George
Cain, George H.
Cain, Rev. William H.
Cain, W. L.
Caldwell, Andrew Jackson
Caldwell, Leona Arbaugh
Caldwell, Andrew Jackson, Jr.
Caldwell, Dan
Caldwell, Edward Harrison
Caldwell, Harry
Caldwell, J. A.
Caldwell, John
Caldwell, Mattie Ann
Caldwell, W. B.
Caldwell, W. T.
Caldwell, William Anthony
Calhoun, D. R.
Calhoun, David
Calhoun, Mary E.
Callahan, M. B.
Camp, Hill
Camp, James
Cameron, D.
Cameron, Duncan
Campbell, Emma Louise
Campbell, F.
Campbell, George
Campbell, Harry Neel
Campbell, J. C.
Campbell, John E.
Campbell, Mary Ella
Campbell, Remembrance Hughes
Campbell, Robert
Canby, General E. R. S.
Canfield, Sayres
Cannon, James L.
Cannon, Mahlon
Cantrell, W. B.
Capps, Stanford
Captain Jack (Indian)
Carden, C. R.
Carll, William
Carlock, Adam Baker
Carlock, Lizzie Markey
Carlock, H. M.
Carlock, Mrs. Lizzie C.
Carlock, Nellie C.
Carlisle, H. J.
Carpenter, J. W.
Carpenter, James & Nancy
Carr, J. D.
Carr, James
Carraco, Emily
Carraco, Protus
Carrick, David
Carrick, Elijah
Carrick, J. B.
Carrick, Lucinda C.
Carrick, Mary E.
Carrick, Myron
Carrillo, Jos?? Antonio
Carroll, Charles
Carroll, J. 
Carson, Kit
Carson, L. R.
Carson, W. T.
Carter, Joseph
Carter, William
Cary, J. T.
Cash, Nelson
Cassin, Father
Castro, Jos??
Caughlin, J. d.
Cavanaugh, Edward b.
Cavanaugh, Franklin
Cavanaugh, Joseph
Cavanaugh, Ann Keating
Cavanaugh, Mary L.
Cavanaugh, Richard E.
Chamberlain, Allen
Chamberlain, William
Chambers, Robert A.
Champlin, Orrin
Chapman, Hattie
Chapman, J. 
Chance, Bill
Chance, William
Chandler, G.
Chandler, W. S.
Chase, Ella
Chase, George W.
Chase, Mrs. George W.
Chase, Samuel
Cheshire, W. W. 
Chick, James
Childs, Samuel W.
Chisebro, William H.
Christie, James
Church, J. M.
Churchill, Jesse
Churchill, Jerome
Churchill, Julia Patterson
Churchill, Jerome, Jr.
Cimbrosky, John
Clark, A. S.
Clark, Albert B.
Clark, Elijah
Clark, Frederick A.
Clark, J. S.
Clark, Jacob
Clark, John
Clark, John
Clark, Orrin
Clark, Philip
Clark, W. O. 
Clarkson, J.
Clarkson, James
Clarkson, W. O.
Clarkson, William
Clary, Samuel
Clawson, S.
Cleaver, James F.
Clement, F.
Cleland, Ella
Cleland, John S.
Clodi, Charles
Clyman, J.
Coalman, Mrs. J. C.
Coates, S. D.
Coats, Thomas H.
Coe, George H.
Coffman, Anson
Coffman, James
Coggins, Mrs. L.
Cohen, S.
Coil, Alexander
Colby, John
Coldren, E. L. 
Cole, C. H.
Cole, Rufus
Cole, Samuel
Coleman, N. B. S.
Collingham, J. C.
Collins, Charles F.
Collins, F. G.
Collins, John C.
Colton, David D.
Colvocoressis, George W.
Comstock, Ichabod
Conant, J. W. 
Conant, M. M.
Condrey, Alexander
Coners, J. R.
Conner, E. W. 
Conner, Nicolas
Conner, Thomas
Conroy, H.
Conway, W. S.
Cook, Charles
Cook, George
Cook, John D.
Cook, J. R.
Cook, Lenas
Cooke, William
Cooley, Francis Chauncey Erwin
Cooley, F. G.
Cooley, J. E.
Cooley, John
Cooley, Mrs. J.
Cooley, Kate
Cooley, Lou
Cooley, Nellie
Cooley, Sarah
Cooley, William
Coombs, Mrs.
Coon, L. E. V.
Copple, M. W.
Corbett, E.
Corbett, H. W.
Corbin, Jeremiah
Corcoran, William
Corley, John
Cormack, James
Cornish, Charles
Cortez, Her??an de
Cory, H. C.
Cory, Elda E.
Cory, Lida A.
Cory, Susie L.
Coryell, Alexander R.
Cosby, John
Cosby, John D.
Courtney, William
Covington, James H.
Cowen, Henry
Cowie, Thomas
Cox, Benedict and Compton
Cozart, James J.
Crabtree, Lotta
Crally, J. W.
Crandall, William O. L.
Cranston, Arthur
Crary, S. H.
Crawford, John
Crawford, L. D.
Crawford, O.
Crawford, R. C.
Crazy Frenchman
Creegan, James
Cress, E.
Cressler, William T.
Cronne, Eugene
Crook, George
Crooks, A. D.
Crooks, F.
Crooks, Jerry
Crooks, Ramsey
Cross, G.
Crossan, James
Culbert, John
Culver, E. S.
Cumings, G. W. S.
Cummings, E. J.
Cummings, Mary A.
Cummins, Emma E.
Cummins, George W.
Cummins, J. Lytle
Cummins, J. M.
Cummins, J. S.
Cunningham, John
Cunningham, Thomas P.
Cups, G. W.
Curhart, J.
Curran, J. J.
Curry, J. R.
Curtis, Edward J.
Curtis, H. G.
Curtis, S. P.
Cushing, Frank
Cutler, Amos Jr.


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Copyright January 21, 2001

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