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Page, W. D.
Page, William
Paine, A. E.
Palmer, J. C.
Palou, Fray Francisco
Pape, Henry
Parish, William
Parker, Alexander
Parker, Susanna Durand
Parker, Maggie Taylor
Parker, Alexander Jr.
Parker, Brice B.
Parker, Charles B.
Parker, Francis
Parker, G. H.
Parker, George N.
Parker, Holland
Parker, J. B.
Parker, J. W.
Parker, James
Parker, James Boyd
Parker, James W.
Parker, Jennie
Parker, John
Parker, R. A.
Parker, Robert Thomas
Parker, S. H.
Parker, Silas
Parker, William G.
Parks, David
Parks, Erskine
Parrish, Edward
Partinson, W. T.
Pashburg, John
Pashburg, Mary L.
Patrick, Denis F.
Patrick, Samuel
Patterson, Fern.
Patterson, J. R.
Patterson, William A.
Patton, Josephine
Patton, Leila Estella
Patton, Minnie Eudora
Patton, Thomas
Patton, Josephine E. Carraco
Paul, W. J.
Paxton, J. S.
Payne, Festus
Payne, Martha M. Goodspeed
Payne, Frank
Payne, Nehemiah
Peacock, Samuel E.
Peale, T. R.
Pearce, E. D.
Pearson, John
Peck, George H.
Peck, John S.
Pellet, Samuel
Pencil, Philip
Penn, Ben. M.
Penning, Joseph
Pennington, Brice C.
Peoples, john H.
Pereira, Infant
Pereira, Manuel
Pereira, Mrs. Manuel
Perry, Captain
Peters, C.
Peters, Charles
Peters, Charles C.
Peters, Godfrey
Peters, Henry
Peters, J. Montgomery
Peters, W.
Peters, William
Petersen, H. M.
Petersen, A.
Petersen, Peter Payson
Pfenninger, Herman
Pfluger, Robert
Pfouts, P. S.
Phelps, W. B.
Philips, M.
Phipps, E. K.
Pickens, E. P.
Pickering, Joseph
Pickett, C. E.
Pickl, Leonard
Pico, Andres
Pico, Pio
Pierce, A.
Pierce, H. C.
Pierce, J. B.
Pierce, J. D.
Pierce, John B.
Pierce, Mrs.. John P.
Pierce, William A.
Pierson, G. W.
Pierson, George W.
Pierson, George Wilmot
Pitman, M. B.
Pitts, W.
Pitts, Walter
Pleasants, J. R.
Pollard, C. H.
Pollock, Captain
Pollock, John
Pool, J. J.
Pool, Jesse J.
Pool, L.
Pool, W. P.
Pool, William
Pool, William R.
Porter, Benjamin
Porter, George P.
Portola, Gaspar de
Potter, Edgar W.
Powers, D.
Powers, J. M.
Powers, W. W.
Pratt, Joseph R.
Pratt, Newton
Pratt, W. L.
Price, Anna
Price, George F.
Price, R. M.
Price, W. F.
Price, William R.
Prim, P.P.
Prindle, Chas. W.
Prior, Daniel
Proctor, W. G.
Pullen, William
Purdy, A. H.
Purdy, John
Pyle, C. H.
Pyle, Mattie


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Quadra y Bodega, Juan de la
Quadras, Manuel
Qualey, Francis
Quinn, J.
Quinn, James
Quirk, W.
Quivey, A. M.
Quivey, Leander


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Rabille (Rabillie), August
Rabille, L.
Rain, John
Rainey, J.
Ramage, Samuel
Rambaugh, Joseph
Rammers, J.
Ramsey, G. S.
Ramus, Joseph
Randall, A. W.
Randall, H. C.
Randall, T. W.
Randolph, Edmund
Ranous, Elihu
Ranous, Frank M.
Ranous, H.
Rantz, Joseph
Ratliff, Pearce
Ray, W. G.
Raymond, A. C.
Raymond, George
Raynes, A. E.
Read, J.
Reading, P. B.
Reading, Major Pearson B.
Ream, Daniel
Ream, Alice Augusta Belden
Ream, Lora Virginia Calhoun
Ream, David
Ream, Henry B.
Ream, Lora V.
Ream, Sophia Nellie
Redding, Robert
Redding, S. A.
Redding, Mrs. S. A.
Reed, Charles A.
Reed, Ruben
Reese, George
Reese, Joseph
Reeves, William B.
Reichman, E.
Reichman, Ida
Reid, A. H.
Reid, Harry
Reid, Henry M.
Reid, John
Reinfeldt, William
Remme, Rudolph
Renner, Maurice
Repp, Henry
Reyman, George
Reynolds, Bernard
Reynolds, I. A.
Reynolds, I. S.
Reynolds, J. S.
Reynolds, John E.
Rheads, Jacob
Rhodes, Oreen M.
Rhodes, Jacob
Rhodes, John
Rice, George
Rice, Joseph
Rice, S. S.
Rice, Samuel
Rich, W.
Richards, Charles F.
Richards, Frank
Richardson, H. F.
Richardson, H. T.
Richardson, James B.
Richardson, John
Ricker, H. H.
Riddle, Frank
Riddle, Tobey (Modoc Indian)
Rider, W. G.
Rider, William G.
Ridge, John R.
Ridley, J. W.
Ridgly, John
Riker, H. H.
Riley, General Bennett
Riley, Elijah George
Riley, F.
Riley, Francis
Riley, Annie E. Fields
Riley, Margaret Adelaide O'Donnell
Riley, Francis Alexander
Riley, Frank
Riley, Louis Wortman
Riley, Nellie Donahue
Rinehart, Peter
Ringe, Fred
Ringe, Gussie
Ripperts, George
Roach, Thomas J.
Robbins, Jerry
Roberts, George
Robertson, P. C.
Robertson, William A.
Robins, L.
Robinson, H.
Robinson, I.
Robinson, J. M.
Robinson, John
Robinson, L.
Robinson, William
Rodgers, George
Rodgers, Morris
Rodriquez, Nicanora
Rogers, A. F.
Rogers, Charles
Rogers, F. A.
Rogers, Mrs. F. A.
Rogers, Franklin A.
Rogers, John T.
Rogers, Z.
Rohrer, John B.
Rohrer, Louis
Rollins, Josephine
Rolly, James C.
Rood, O.
Roop, Isaac
Root, E. M.
Root, J. D.
Root, W. J.
Roper, Henry
Rosborough, A. M.
Rosborough, J. B.
Rose, Charles
Rosenberg, L.
Rosenberg, M.
Ross, Charles
Ross, John E.
Ross, John J.
Ross, Levi
Roth, Charles
Rowan, Julius
Rowe, Major E. P.
Rowe, Edwin A.
Rowe, Theodore F.
Royer, A. F.
Rucker, Major
Rudolph, Peter
Rue, Caleb
Runkle, John M.
Runkle, M.
Runyon, John B.
Russell, W. S.
Russell, William H.
Rust, William M.
Ryan, J. J.
Ryan, James T.
Ryan, Joseph
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Thomas


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Sailor Jim
St. John, William H.
Salvatierra, Fray Juan Maria
Sammon, Michael
Sampson, F. O.
Sampson, Jonathan
Samson, W. N.
Sanchez, Francisco
Sandbanch, Issac (Buckskin)
Sandborn, D. B.
Sandels, Waseurtz
Sanders, W. E.
Sanderson, J. L.
Sargent, W. H.
Saulsbury, William A.
Saunders, T. S.
Savage, Charles
Sawtelle, J. H.
Sawtell, Joseph
Sawyer, Nathaniel
Sawyer, Thomas
Scarborough, John
Scarface Charley (Indian)
Scheld, Arthur
Scheld, Henry
Scheld, Herman W.
Schlagel, Herman
Schlagel, Nicholas
Schlicht, Charles C.
Schlitter, Jacob
Schnackenburg, Claus
Schneble, John
Schock, Christian
Schofield, E. H.
Schofield, Mrs. E. H.
Schonchin, John (Indian)
Schroeder, John
Schwatka, A. E.
Schwatka, Harry
Schwatka, Jennie
Schwatka, Louisa
Scott, Charles
Scott, John
Scott, John W.
Scott, Levi
Scott, Nels
Scott, R. C.
Searcy, James
Searcy, Merrit
Sebing, T.
Seldner, Philip
Sell, Adam
Sells, Henry
Senig, B.
Serra, Fray Junipero
Settlemire, W. T.
Seward, H. L.
Sewards, Michael
Sewell, C. J. 
Shackleford, John M.
Shacknasty Jim (Indian)
Shaddock, Frank
Shaddock, P. M.
Shaft, Orville
Sharp, Augusta
Sharp, Emily
Sharp, Eugene
Sharp, Frank
Sharp, Friedell
Sharp, Frederick
Sharp, J. A.
Sharp, Josephine
Sharp, M. F.
Sharp, Philip
Sharp, Walter
Sharp, William
Sharp, William H.
Sharp, Augustus Bassett
Shaw, David H.
Shaw, May
Shaw, Robert G.
Shays, A. W.
Shearer, Judge Edwin
Sheffield, Edmund
Sheffield, Simon R.
Shepard, H. T.
Shepard, W. T.
Sherly, Ida B.
Sherman, Jesse
Sherman, W. T.
Sherwood, W. Scott
Shettler, A.
Shiel, D. E.
Shimer, F. E.
Shiner, F. H.
Shores, Glendenning
shores, J. C.
Shores, William
Shores, Wininger
Shorras, William
Short, James
Short, Elizabeth
Short, M.
Short, William
Shubrick, Bradford
Shubridge, Mrs.  Mary
Shultz, A.
Shultz, J.
Shumway, E. L.
Sightman, George
Sigler, M.
Simmons, Barny
Simon, Sigmund
Simpson, B.
Simpson, H. H.
Simpson, H. M.
Sims, Columbus
Sinclair, J. W.
Single, John M.
Sippell, Otto
Sires, John
Sissell, John
Sisson J. H.
Sitton, Thomas B.
Skelly, W. P.
Skiff, L. S.
Skinner, A. A.
Skinner, Addie
Skinner, Belle
Skinner, Cole
Skinner, J. T.
Skinner, James T.
Skinner, W. W.
Slade, William D.
Slater, M.
Sleeper, Etta
Sleeper, George W.
Sleeper, Miss Julia
Sleeper, M.
Slicer, Hugh
Sloan, A. D.
Sloan, James
Sloan, M. M.
Sloat, John D.
Slolux (Indian)
Small, G.
Small, Judson
Smiley, O.
Smith, of Oroville
Smith, A.
Smith, A. J.
Smith, A. M
Smith, A. M. C.
Smith, B.
Smith, Benjamin F.
Smith, Charles D.
Smith, E.
Smith, Frank
Smith, George
Smith, Cleopatra H. Fairbrother
Smith, George A.
Smith, George E.
Smith, George F.
Smith, Georgianna M.
Smith, Henry H.
Smith, Howland
Smith, J. M.
Smith, J. M.
Smith, J. M. C.
Smith, James
Smith, James B.
Smith, James M.
Smith, Jedediah Strong
Smith, John
Smith, John P.
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Mrs. Martha
Smith, Minnie E.
Smith, N. H.
Smith, Nina Maud
Smith, Persifor F.
Smith, Peter
Smith, Robert
Smith, Sampson
Smith, Samuel C.
Smith, Thomas
Smith, W.
Smith, W. C. R.
Smith, W. L.
Smith, William V.
Smith, Wilson T.
Snellback, Pete
Snelling R. B.
Snider, John
Snider, W. M.
Snow, Theodore
Soape, Thomas
Soares de Oliveira, Antonio
Solaro, H.
Somercamp, William F.
Sorrel, Francis
Soul??, Andrew
Soul??, Annie
Soul??, Charles
Soul??, Cornelia
Soul??, Damia
Soul??, Ernest
Soul??, George
Soul??, John
Soul??, Ray
Soul??, Stella
Soul??, Stephen H.
Soul??, Lucinda M. Boyes
Southard, C. C.
Spall, James
Spanaus, C. C.
Spanaus, E. C.
Speck, Rev
Spect, Jonas
Spinner, John
Spidle, Absolom
Sportsman, William
Sprague, Arthur H.
Sprague, Thomas
Stackpole, H. F.
Staley, Israel
Stall, C.
Starlings, A. J.
Starr, David
Starr, E. A.
Starr, W.
Starr, W. W.
States, Robert B.
Steamboat Frank (Indian)
Stearns, Sergeant
Steele, Alden john
Steel, Edwin
Steele, Elijah
Steele, Elijah
Steele, Lucia A. Hart
Steele, Hubert Elijah
Steele, Orlo
Steele, Thomas H.
Steel, William
Stenshaw, E.
Stephenson, D. C.
Stephenson, O.
Sterling, Mrs. Eliza
Sterling, Thomas
Sterling, Oregon
Stevens, A.
Stevens, D. C.
Stevens, E. M.
Stevens, Frank
Stevens, James
Stevens, William B
Stevenson, J. W.
Stevenson, Joseph
Stewart, Alexander
Stewart, H. S.
Stewart, James
Stewart, John
Stewart, Thomas
Stewart, William M.
Stidger, O. P.
Stier, Henry
Stillman, E. C.
Stillman, T. B.
Stilts, George W.
Stimmel, H. E.
Stimmel, Hellen
Stimmel, Ida
Stimmel, John
Stinchfield, J. H.
Stine, Fred
Stine, J.
Stine, Sarah
Stine, William
Stipp, H. S.
Stockslager, F.
Stockton, R. F.
Stoker, M.
Stone, Dr.
Stone, C. H.
Stone, Edwin R.
Stone, Eli H.
Stone, John V.
Stone, Miss L. A.
Stone, Miss Lucy
Stone, Lloyd
Stone, Marvin
Stone, Mary A. Eddy
Stone, R. D.
Stone, Mrs. R. D.
Stone, Lusette Jones
Stone, Solomon E.
Stone, Thomas N.
Stone, W. O.
Stone, W. S.
Stone, Willard
Stone, Lucy C. Eddy
Stout, J. T.
Stow, Jonas
Stow, William
Strasburg, R. H.
Stratton, R. B.
Strausser, J. M.
Strawbridge, James
Streeter, P.
Strickland, P. G.
Strickland, R. G.
Sublette, Andrew
Sublette, Milton
Sublette, William
Sullaway, Charles F.
Sullaway, John W.
Sullaway, Joseph Edwin
Sullaway, Mary
Sullaway, Ned G.
Sullaway, William
Sullaway, Mary Parker
Sullivan, A. L.
Sullivan, Daniel
Sullivan, Horace W.
Sullivan, J.
Sullivan, Thomas E.
Sutter, Johann Augustuas
Swain, Abisha
Swain, Emilie C.
Swain, H. C.
Swain, John H
Swan, Livy
Swan, Mrs. L.
Swanholm, Henry
Swanson, F.
Swanton, John
Swearinger, W. B.
Sweet, Charles D.
Sweet, Chester B.
Sweet, Valentine
Swett, John
Swift, Alex.
Swift, W. H.
Swill (Indian)


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Copyright January 21, 2001

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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