Lyons, James L. Page 1002 History of Sacramento County - 1923
Capt James L. LYONS was born in Galway Ireland on Sept 21 1883, the son of James L. LYONS and his wife, Sophia GRIFFITH. At the age of 16 he went to Australia, returned to Ireland and then in 1904 crossed the Atlantic to the US. In 1906 he came to Sacramento and then went to Oakland a year later to work on the Santa Fe, checking freight.
In 1910 he went east and was married in Pittsburgh PA. Returning to CA he settled in Sacramento. He joined the fire department in 1915 and in December of 1920 he was appointed a substitute captain and in 1921 became a captain. He built a residence at 4429 Y Street.
In 1910 he married Miss Margaret REYNOLDS, and they had four children: James L. III, John Melvin, George F., and Marguerite Frances. The second oldest, Sophia Florence, died at the age of two and one-half years.
Molthen, F. J. Page 613 History of Los Angeles Harbor District
Frank J. MOLTHEN, a Wilmington chiropractor, was born in Hubbell, MI, in July 1895, the son of Charles F. and Clara MOLTHEN. He graduated in 1921 from the Palmer School in Davenport, IA. He went to Savannah, IL and then to Wilmington in June of 1923. He opened his offices at 221 West Anaheim Street.
He was in the US Navy in 1918, stationed at Detroit MI.
On March 29, 1921, he married Ruth J. McKENZIE, daughter of James and Mable McKENZIE of WI. They had Rita, born Oct 25,1923 and Delores, born Aug 24
Rhea, Albert R. (M. D.)Page 823 Ingersoll's San Bernardino Co. - 1904
A. R. RHEA, M.D. of Barstow, was born June 12 1853 in Indiana County PA. He was the son of Joseph and Louise (WORKMAN) RHEA. At the age of twelve, the family went to Northwestern OH. He graduated from the Western Reserve College at Hudson OH in March 1880. He began practice at Sharpsville, Mercer Co, PA and then moved to CA and practiced in Los Angeles. On Feb 6, 1885 he went to Calico and has lived in the desert ever since.
Dr. RHEA was married in San Bernardino to Miss Hannah S. GLENDENNING of Sharpsville Mercer Co PA. They have no children.
Goldbaum, Simon Page 189 History of San Bernardino & San Diego Cos. - 1883
Simon GOLDBAUMN is a native of Grabow, Prussa, who came to this country and resided a number of years in NY. In 1868 he sailed on the Golden Gate and came via Panama to SF in September, the trip taking 60 days.
In 1871 he came to San Luis Rey and engaged in general merchandise and fruit and stock farming.
William GOLDBAUM is a leading merchant of Oceanside. He was born in Grabow Prussia, July 12, 1855, the son of L. GOLDBAUM. His mother was Rebecca (MARKS) GOLDBAUM, born in Prussia. They had seven children. Two are in Oceanside and two in San Luis Rey.
In 1877 William came to San Luis Rey, CA. He was clerk to his brother and in 1887 bought him out. His brother, Albert, has charge of the San Luis Rey store, and his brother, Max, is with him at Oceanside.
Dalziel, Robert Page 872 History of Alameda County - 1883
Robert DALZIEL was born in Scotland in 1836 and came to the United States at the age of 15, settling in Brooklyn NY. In 1858 he sailed around Cape Horn, arriving in CA in March 1859. He moved after three months to Sacramento and worked as a gas-fitter for five years. He then established himself in a plumbing business in Oakland. He then bought an interest in the San Francisco Brass Works at Nos. 413and 415 Mission Street, SF.
He married Miss Agnes SMITH in 1863 in Paisley, and they have seven children: Andrew, Robert, Alexander, William, James, Margaret (Mrs. WILLIAMS) and Anstruther. Anstruther married Helen BRUNING.
Wilson, P. J. Page 656 Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902
P. J. WILSON was born Jan 26 1859 in Caledonia Columbia County WI, the son of James WILSON, who was born in Glasgow, Scotland and came to America with his father, another James, who located in Decorah, Columbia County WI. James WILSON, the father of P. J., died in Wisconsin June 7 1900. James married Isabella McKENZIE, a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, daughter of Peter McKENZIE, an early settler of Decorah WI where he died at the age of 75. James' wife died in 1888, the mother of four sons and three daughters: James P., S. D.; P.J.; S. W. and W. J.
Taylor, Peter H. Page 591 History of Los Angeles and Vicinity - Guinn - 1901
Peter H. TAYLOR was born in Scotland Feb 14 1836 and died in San Dimas CA Dec 29 1890. When he was five years of age, his parents, Henry and Jeannette TAYLOR came to America and settled in New York State.
In 1878 he came to Etiwanda, San Bernardino County where he carried out his raisin business. He next was in Spadra. He returned to San Dimas in 1889. Jan 10 1884 he married Mrs. Nellie H. (MINER) GRINDLE,who was born in Winnebago County WI, daughter of Hudson A. and Electra E. (GREENMAN) MINER, natives of VT and NY.
Mrs. TAYLOR and her two daughters Mary Jeannette and Lizzie Belle, have an attractive home on their fruit farm.
Taylor, Peter Sr. Page 1175 Historical and Biographical Record of So. Calif. - 1902
To Mary in Brooklyn WI
Peter S. TAYLOR, Sr. was the grandson of Capt. Peter TAYLOR, who was engaged in the wheat trade in the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas and continued to follow the sea until he was 77. He died at 87. Capt TAYLOR's father and grandfather were also in charge of ships in the same trade and our subject has in his possession a Bible, printed in 1615, which these captains carried during their various cruises. The third of these captains had a son, George, who was born in Heddington, Scotland, July 21, 1791 and served for a time in the English navy, after which he was steward of the large estate of Sir John Hugh DALRYMPLE, Viscount STAIR. He died in Scotland in 1865.
The wife of George TAYLOR was Elizabeth STOREY, born in Northumberlandshire, England and died in Scotland, 1848. Of her three children Peter alone survived. She was the daughter of John STOREY, a farmer on the Tweed. Her brother, Robert STOREY, was well known as a Northumbrian poet and received 100 guineas for his poem, "The Death of Byron." His son, Gourley Pierson STOREY, is rear-admiral in the English navy.
June 28, 1852, at Decorah, Columbia County, WI, Mr. TAYLOR married Miss Jane WILSON, a native of Nelson, Renfrewshire, Scotland and daughter of James and Mary (ROBERTSON) WILSON who were born in Scotland and died in WI. Three sons were born: George, James and Peter. George was killed by Apache Indians in AZ when he was twenty years of age. James was burnt to death in 1891 and Peter alone survives.
Davis, Elonzo P. Page 376 History of Fresno, Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1892
Elonzo P. DAVIS was born in Arkansas, Sep 22 1853. His father, Isham Turner DAVIS, had fought in the Indian wars and his mother was Miss Mary FARLEY, of Scotch ancestors, and was born and raised in TN as was his father. They had four sons and four daughters, 6 reside in Kern County. William H.; Addie (Mrs.EGAN); Mollie (Mrs. PURCELL); Sarah (Mrs. HOUSTON); Lucetta (Mrs. Martin PETTIS); John Edward and Robert Lee. Isham died in Kern County in 1900 at the age of 87. His wife also died in Kern.
Elonzo married Miss Maggie Hope TAYLOR, native of VA, on Jan 4 1882. Maggie is the daugher of J. C. TAYLOR who settled in Kern county and engaged in general farming. Children: Myrtle; Elonzo P., Jr.; Pearl, Marvin and Erna.
Frey Brothers Pages 196, 214 History of Fresno County - 1882
FREY BROTHERS - millers of Selma, consist of William, John and Samuel FREY. They were born in the Canton of Aargon, Switzerland, and lived in that place until they embarked for this county from Solothum, Switzerland, coming by way of New York and Panama and were six weeks on the voyage landing in San Francisco in November 1868.
They FREY Brothers were employed as farm laborers, and lived in Bakersfield from 1873 until they came to Fresno in 1880, and engaged in building and running the Valley View Flouring Mills.
They have sixteen acres of land at Selma, distant from the county seat fifteen miles. They are in close proximity to the railroad and have good school and church privileges.
The mill is situated on Centerville and Kingsburg Ditch, and has a fall of eight feet of water; it is run by a turbine wheel when the ditch is full and by steam three months of the year. They also own another mill at Watsonville. A view of the Selma mill is among our illustrations, and is further mentioned in the description of Selma village.
Samuel FREY married Miss Mary Muller in 1868, in Switzerland. John FREY married Miss Lina MAGG in 1882.
History of Fresno County, California. Vandor, Paul E. Los Angeles, 1919.
p. 1690
W. T. Stone, the experienced superintendent of the Harper ranch of eighty acres, owned by S. D. Harper of Fresno and situated one mile west of Del Rey, was born in Wellsville, MO, on October 30, 1876. He is the son of Z. J. Stone, a well-to-do farmer, and Mary (McCollough) Stone, who died when our subject was only two years old, leaving besides him two other children, and older and a younger sister; but he is the only one now living. His father married again, and there are six half-brothers and half-sisters. W.T. Stone was brought up on his father's farm in Missouri, and attended district schools. At the age of twenty-two, he was married to Miss Josie Menz, also a native of Missouri. He had decided on coming to California, but after his marrieage he remained in Missouri long enough to raise two good crops on his father-in-law's farm before he said adieu to his native state and journeyed westward. Arriving in Sanger, Fresno County, on March 1, 1901, with his young wife and baby girl, he went to work in the Sanger Lumber Company's planning mill, and for nine years he continued in the employ of that company. In 1910, he left the mill and entered the service of M.D. Harper, with whom he continued for three years. For the past five years, he has had charge of the S.D. Harper place, and has been responsible for the direction of from one to thirty men in their work. The eighty acres are devoted to muscat and Thompson seedless grapes, as well as to about twelve acres of peaches. The land is in a high state of cultivation and under the liberal policy and enterprise of its owner, who resides in Fresno, and the expert management of Mr. Stone, the Harper ranch has become a source of pride and civic satisfaction to the community, whose prosperity it in
part represents.
Three children have blessed the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Stone, and added to the charm of their home-circle: Mary Nellie, who is a graduate of the high school at Sanger and now attends the Fresno Normal; and William Joseph and Dora May, who are still at home. Mr. Stone belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America. Mrs. Stone is a member of the Royal Neighbors, and of the Methodist Church at Del Rey.
Bramlet, B. H. Page 213 History of Fresno County - 1882
R. H. BRAMLET, the subject of the sketch came from El Dorado, Saline County, IL, and was born, February 7, 1842. He left El Dorado and traveled by various conveyances to New York and from there by way of steamship to Panama, and thence to San Francisco, landing in the latter place June 3, 1867, after a voyage of thirty-one days, without other startling event than a false alarm of fire on board the vessel. He had for company L. L. MINOR and family, who were ill all the way and he gave considerable attention to their wants.
He first sought, educational advantages at Pacific University at Santa Clara, and while there made many friends who stimulated and assisted him while laboring under pecuniary disadvantages, when he was working to pay his board.
He remained in school from 1867 to 1870. coming to Fresno immediately on leaving school, and engaged in teaching and cattle-raising. In 1875 Mr. BRAMLET was elected Superintendent of schools and took charge of office in March, 1876.
In March, 1878, the offices of Auditor and Superintendent were united, and he has filled both with satisfaction until the present time. He married Miss Ellen E. WREN, December 3, 1876, a native of Rock Island, IL. They have two daughters, Eva S. and Dora B. BRAMLET.
Kammerer, John Page 621 History of Sacramento County - 1923
John KAMMERER was a native of the southern part of Russia, born near Niedorf in the Odessa district, Nov 7 1870. His grandfather, Jacob KAMMERER, was born in Wurtemberg Germany and among the early settlers who came from Germany and located at Neidorf. John's father was Eberhardt, a successful farmer. He was married three times, the last time to Margaret LONG, who was John's mother. The father died in 1884 at the age of 78, and the widow survived him until 1893. There was a very large family, children having been born to each marriage. The last union was blessed with 12 children, 7 of whom grew up, John being the 5th from the oldest of these.
At fourteen, John's father died, and when he was 21, John responded to the call and served in the army from 1891-1895. He was stationed at Bender where he learned the shoemaker's trade and he also became an expert marksman. He made a record as a rifle shot for which he was given a first medal as a prize for proficiency.
On Nov 21 1895, he married Miss Eva Maria LIPPERT, also a native of Russia, born Aug 24, 1874, the daughter of Jacob and Christina (SCHLIPP) LIPPERT, a former cabinet maker, who ran a furniture factory, where he continued in business until his death in 1918 at the age of 77 years. His wife had died many years before at the age of 47. They had 15 children, of whom Mrs. KAMMERER was the 6th in order of birth.
In April, 1898, he arrived in ND with his wife and two children, with $300 in his possession. He homesteaded 160 acres in McLean County and then in 1907 he sold the homestead and moved to CA.
He located in Sacramento County in 1907, bringing $9000 with him and purchased 168 acres two miles east of Franklin, which he improved. In 1918 he purchased the old William BRADFORD ranch near Bruceville and left the old ranch to be managed by his son, David. He was a stockholder in the King Tire & Rubber Company in Oakland, and trustee for the Bradford Telephone lines. He was also a member of the Elk Grove Vineyard Association and the Florin Fruit Grower's Association.
The couple had eleven children: Mrs. Eva WAITS, Franklin; Mrs. Catherine WEIGUM, Victor; John; David; Benjamin; Gotlieb; Rheinhold (died as infant); Theodore and Tobias (twins); and Edwin Gustaf and Fredrick (twins) the latter deceased.
Nov 21, 1920 they celebrated their silver wedding at the residence when over 100 of their friends gathered to make the evening pleasant.
Blood, John N. (Dr.) Page 310 History of San Mateo County - 1938
Dr. John Nelson BLOOD, M.D. was born in San Francisco CA Nov 14 1888. He matriculated in the medical school of Leland Stanford, Jr. University and
graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in SF in 1914.
He conducts a general practice in medicine and surgery, but specializes in obstetrics and diseases of women and children. He is a member of the medical staff of the San Mateo County Community Hospital at Beresford.
He was united in marriage to Miss Gertrude BELTON, who was born and reared in SF and they have Emary Ellen, born May 3 1919 and Aurelia Gertrude, born July 26 1920.
From another source:
He was the son of Dr. John N. BLOOD, a SF dentist, who was a native of Plumas County. Dr. BLOOD's father died in SF in 1891. Dr. BLOOD's mother's parents came to CA in 1874 and settled in SF. In 1895 Dr. BLOOD's mother, Mary (MERRILL) BLOOD, married George B. MILLER. They moved to Burlingame in 1905 where she died in 1933.
Dr. BLOOD was married in 1918 to Gertrude BELTON COLE, of SF. Two daughters, Emary Ellen and Aurelia Gertrude, graduated from the Sequoia Union High School. Aurelia is now Mrs. George Wilson HOLT and has a son, John Wilson HOLD, who was born Apr 11 1945.
From CA and Western Medicine p 85
King, Edward W. (M.D.)Page 37, Vol. 3 History of the San Francisco Bay Region - 1924
Edward W. KING, MD, pioneer of CA was born in Genesee County NY July 15 1831, son of Lyman and Phoebe WILLIAMS KING. Married 1860 Caroline R. LINCOLN, native of NY. Daughter Ella became the wife of Dr. David A. HODGHEAD of SF, son Arthur W. KING died in Nov 1923.
From Census 1870
Hodghead, David Alexander (M.D.) Page 36, 37, Vol. 3 History of the San Francisco Bay Region - 1924
David Alexander HODGHEAD was born near Abington VA in 1857 of old VA stock and of Scotch and English ancestry. His father was Dr. A. L. HODGHEAD, a prominent Presbyterian minister and a leader in literary and educational affairs and assisted in organizing the public school system in VA after the war. A daughter of Dr. HODGHEAD, Lillian K. HODGHEAD has been well-known in SF musical circles and completed her musical education in NY.
Owen, Asa Page 311 History of Sacramento County - 1923
From CADI William A. OWEN died Sacramento Jan 20 1932
Asa OWEN was born in Orion Michigan Feb 28 1855, ninth of ten children of Charles C. and Elizabeth (CLARK)OWEN. In 1878 Mr. OWEN married Miss Ida E. POWERS, native of Stevens Point WI, daughter of O. H. and Loana (JOHNSTONE) POWERS. Eleven children:
Netta MAY (widow of Mr. Frank MORRILL of Janesville MN)- 7 sons and 7
Kattenberg, Carsten H. Page 1206 Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley - 1906
Carsten H. KATTENBERG was born in Schleswig-Holstein Germany July 4 1849 the third in a family of two daughters and five sons, the son of Carsten KATTENBERG. Brought to the US by his father in 1866, Carsten made his home in Davenport IA for two years and then came to CA with his mother and brothers. They located in Solano County.
In 1871 he went to Lawrence KS but a year later returned to CA, this time settling in Glenn County. In 1876 he sold out to his brothers and two years later went to Germany for a visit. In 1883 he bought a ranch near Germantown, Glenn County.
In Germany he married Caroline Christine LUCK, a native of Holstein Germany, who died in Glenn County in 1891. They had one son, August. In 1901 he married Sophia HANSEN, a native of Holstein Germany.
CARTTENBERG BROTHERS well known among the agriculturists of Glenn County. The father, Carson CARTTENBERG, was a native Germany who came to the US in 1866, until his death which occurred March 1867. The mother was Cecelia PETERS, also a native of Germany, died on the ranch in CA in 1891 at the age of 85yrs. Of their sons, Carlson Henry, Hans Christian and Andrew, the youngest was a native of Holstein Germany born Sept 2 1852. In 1868 he came to CA with his mother via the Isthmus of Panama.
Hans Christian CARTTENBERG was also born in Holstein on Nov 10 1840. In 1868 he came to CA with his mother and brothers.
From the obits:
Feb 19 1920 SF
Dec 22 1917 Willows
Aug 8 1930 SF
August C. CATTENBERG (mother's maiden name LUCK) died in Glenn County Jan 23 1942 but I couldn't find any obit on him.
Cecil, Burlin Page 467 History of Yolo County - 1913
Burlin CECIL (this one has his picture and signature) was born Jan 20, 1845 Scotland County MO, son of Samuel Stewart and Lillie B. (RICHARDSON) CECIL, natives of KY and TN respectively. The grandfather, John CECIL, was born in England, and was closely related to Lord BURLEIGH and Lord SALISBURY, who were both CECILs.
On April 10 1863 with his family he joined a train of 105 wagons en route to CA. At Deep Creek UT they came upon a party of US soldiers engaged in conflict with a large band of Indians. The pioneers took a hand in the battle, routing the red men. (That's a switch!
Eight children:
Dec 23 1908 Davis
Apr 27 1915 Davis
Apr 3 1954 Davis
Nov 26 1915 Davis
James G. CECIL was born in 1836 in Sand Hill Knox County MO, son of Samuel S. and Lillian CECIL. He married in Portland OR to Miss Eliza LINDSAY, native of KY, in 1864. Her parents were Hiram and Mary (LILLY) LINDSAY. Mr. LINDSAY died in 1870 at
Madison, Yolo County and Mary died in 1875.
William Young GORDON was born Jan 8 1831 in Grand Isle, VT. He came to CA on the steamer Georgia in 1852. He came to Yolo county June, 1856. He married in 1870 to Miss Jane PHELPS, also a native of VT. Children were George A., William P., Mabel, Ira and Florence.
George married Miss Bertha CECIL, William married her sister, Belle CECIL. Mabel married J. H. McCRACKEN and has four children: Florence, Harvey, Gordon and Baby (I hope that wasn't the child's name!).
James T. LILLARD was born Mar 7 1830 in Mercer County KY. He came to CA in 1849 and settled in Yolo County in 1852. He married there Oct 7 1853 to M. A. MEREA, at Davisville. Their children: Eliza A. and Henry R. When his first wife died, James remarried to Mrs. Susan S. HOY at Plainfield on Oct 27 1871. Her children: Camila and Samuel H. HOY. Together, James and Susan had James J. (born Aug 22 1862; died Jan 21 1871); and Edna L. (born Feb 4 1868, did May 4 1869)
May 5 1927 Woodland
Jan 28 1949 Davis
Two sons: Thomas W. and Walter E. LILLARD
Murphy, James Page 812, 813 History of Tulare & Kings Cos. - 1913
Rev. James MURPHY was born near Richmond VA Mar 18 1803 and removed at an early age to Tippecanoe county IN, where he was married to Miss Jane MORRIS. They had 12 children. In 1866 Henry Murphy, his son, took his father to his home on the north branch of the Tule River where Rev. Murphy died on Mar 18 1892. Rev. MURPHY was twice married and 6 of his 12 children from his first marriage lived to a mature age.
Deliah was the wife of Daniel FAGUE and had two children, Mary and Henry - she died in Oldwein IA age 82 in 1911;
Nancy was married three times, first to Ira HAVENS of Bloomington IL; second to James PHILLIPS of Dehli IA (had one son, Zina); and third to Zina WHEELOCK of Mancester IA - she died April, 1911. James was married in 1856 to Mary BUCKMASTER (see below). John is blind.
Emaline is the widow of Elozo SPENCER of Bloomfield IA and she had three children: Bert, Louise and William, all in Bloomfield IA. By the second marriage, Rev. MURPHY was father of three children: Hattie in Livingston MT; Fred in Pocatello ID and Wenrich, a railroad man on the Oregon Short Line.
James married in 1856 to Mary BUCKMASTER and their eldest daughter was Sara J. (Mrs. W. R. NEAL) of Springville Tulare County. They had a family of 6 children: Minerva (Mrs. Rev. William M. OLDERBY of Philadelphia PA) and they have one child: James. William is married to Catherine GULLEY Jennie NEAL is at Porterville. Lillie is at home. Gwendolyn is a student at Springville. James accidentally shot himself while the family was residing in OR when he was 19 years of age.
AGGEN in the History of CA and its Southern Coast Counties
Frederic AGGEN was born Dec 24 1848 in the northern part of Germany, son of Gerhard and Abbie (JOHNSON) AGGEN, both born in the Fatherland. In 1871 the parents came to IA, Frederic having come to America two years earlier. Gerhard died at 76 in 1895. Abbie died in 1888 at the age of 66yrs. The only other child was Hinrich, who also died in IA. In 1895 Frederic came to Ventura CA. While he was in IA he married Miss Margaret CHANEY, native of OH. They had four children: Frederic M., May (Mrs. Frank REED); Amie and Charlie.
Charles Gerhardt (Charlie) was born Dec 27 1889 and died in Ventura Sep 25 1958, and that Frederic M. was born Oct 26 1881 and died in Ventura May 19 1962. Also, Margret May AGGEN was born OH Aug 18 1859 (mother's maiden name GADDIS) and died Ventura Apr 27 1949.
BUCKINGHAM in History of Southern CA
Joseph A. BUCKINGHAM came to Santa Ana in 1876. He was born in Washington County IL on Sep 4 1841, son of John and M.J. (WINTERS) BUCKINGHAM, natives respectively of SC and IL. His grandfather was Joseph BUCKINGHAM of VA, who was a pioneer of Washington County IL. His brother was John F.BUCKINGHAM.
When he was four, Joseph was taken by his parents to Page County IA. In 1874 he went to Seattle WA and the next year settled in San Luis Obispo where he rented a large ranch. A year later he went to Santa Ana.
In Hawleyville IA he married Miss M. F. McFARLAND, who was from IN and moved in girlhood to IA. They have an adopted daughter, Cynthia Hannah BUCKINGHAM. There only son, John Mitchell BUCKINGHAM, died when he was eighteen years of age.
Tomlinson, Lewis Page 597 Illustrated History of Sacramento County - 1890
Lewis TOMLINSON was born in WVA in 1816, son of Samuel and Lovisa (PURDY) TOMLINSON. The grandparents were Joseph and Elizabeth (HARKNESS) TOMLINSON, natives of VA who had moved westward into Marshall County where Joseph laid out a village named Elizabetown, in honor of his wife, the first white woman settled in those parts. It is now known as Moundville, eleven miles below Wheeling. Both lived to be about 80 years old. Samuel died in Jan, 1846, aged sixty-six, and his wife in 1854, age sixty-five. Grandfather Jonathan PURDY, a native of NY, was a soldier in the Revolution, and died about 1839, aged 82. Grandmother Dunice (DICKINSON) PURDY, died at the age of 60. Their son, Louis, fought in the War of 1812.
Lewis TOMLINSON was raised on his father's farm and came to CA in 1850, mining in Placerville and later in Rhoads' Diggings. In 1854 he went East, and in Dec 1855 married Miss Alta McMILLAN, native of Boon County KY born there Dec 10, 1832, the daughter of George and Ellen (McNICH) McMILLAN. The father died at the age of 55, the mother died July 28 1852, age 65.
Returning to CA in 1856, Lewis resumed mining. He went into partnership with his brother, Joseph. Mr. TOMLINSON died May 28 1876 leaving his wife and five children: Ida born Mar 18 1857; Lewis born July 8 1858; Frank, Jun 8 1860; Joseph, Jan 28 1862; Samantha, Jan 18 1864.
From CADI all died in Sacramento
Joseph TOMLINSON was born Apr 8 1814 in what is now West Virginia. He carried on for 15 years the saw-mill built by his grandfather on Grave Creek in Marshall County WVA, successfully conducted by three generations of TOMLINSONs.
He came to CA in 1850. His sister, Mrs. Elizabeth TOMLINSON BIGGS, resided with him since 1876. She was born on the family homestead in Marshall County WVA, Nov 18 1812. She married in 1842 to Joseph BIGGS, native of OH, son of Benjamin and Rebecca (McKNIGHT) BIGGS. His grandfather was Joseph BIGGS who had moved to VA to OH and the BIGGS family is said to have contributed seven sons to the army of the Revolution. Six children still living from the family of Elizabeth BIGGS, three still in the area: Theodore, May and Lewis. Theodore (Spouse Annalene LORAIN) has six children: Dora, John, Alice, Joseph, Charles and Elizabeth.
May is the wife of Samuel PELTON.
Lewis is married to Nanny LORAIN and they have 8 children: Ida, Annie,
Frank, James, Samuel, Florence and a baby not yet named.
Ralph McGRAY in the History of Kern County
Ralph McGRAY was born at Cape Sable, Shelbourne County Nova Scotia April 6 1890 and was a direct descendant of an old American family who progenitor came over in the "Mayflower" and settled in New England.
In 1920 he came to Taft, Kern County and in 1924 he engaged in the contracting business. He married Miss Zella CONSTABLE, a native of Massachusetts, and they have a son, Donald.
Josephus BRADBURY in History of Northern CA
To Henry in Novato CA
Josephus BRADBURY was born in England in 1825 and her parents brought him to America in 1826, settling first in Philadelphia and then moved to Wheeling,
A. He was one of nine children. His sister is Mrs. Frank HAWKINS of Steuben OH and his brother was John who was a Union soldier and lost his live at Island No. 10.
With Jacob HOLANDER he formed a partnership and went to Weaverville where they began mining operations. In Placer County he built the first house. Before the roof was on they had a dance in it, each dancer paying an ounce of gold, without supper. At that dance there were only six women--all Norman women.
Frank L. KLENTZ in History of Orange County
To Michael in Sandwich IL
Frank L. KLENTZ was born at Norfolk NE Feb 6 1875 (differs from CADI listing). In 1898 he went to Kalamzoo MI. In 1909 he came to CA and was with the Southern CA Sugar Company at Santa Ana.
He married at Chicago IL to Miss Lucy C. BREUNING (BRUNICH in CADI information) of Humphrey NE and one son, Lawrence B., has been the result of their marriage. Born in Michigan on 6 29 1901; died San Diego Jan 19 1996.
KEESY in the History of Yuba and Sutter County
To Kurt in Danville CA
Fred A. KEESY of Live Oak was born in OH Jun 17 1876, the eldest of six children of George G. KEESY and Miss Hattie GONCE, a native also of OH. (note below that Hattie's name is spelt GONS) They located at Wheatland CA in 1878.
They later moved to Sutter County and settled about one mile west of Yuba City and there Mr. KEESY died in 1899. His wife remained to farm the place and in 1923 she went to live with her sister, Mrs. J. W. MORE who had just become a widow.
Fred grew up in Sutter County. He was employed by the pioneer, Jim PLASKETT.
On May 20 1899, Fred married Miss Pearl HUNTINGTON, who was born at Taylorsville, Plumas County CA, daughter of Henry H. and Mary A.(HEARST) HUNTINGTON, a relative of Phoebe HURST. Henry was a relative of C. P. HUNTINGTON, one of the builders of the Central Pacific Railroad.
The couple had two children: Stanley and Lester, who married Feb 10 1924 to Miss Viola SIMMONS of Live Oak.
From Obit for Fred Allen KEESY, survived by one son, Stanley KEESY of Chico, 6 grandchildren and 9 ggrandchildren, and by three sisters, Mrs. Nan ONSTETT and Mrs. Warren EAGER (may be Anna M. listed below) of Yuba City and Fay RUMAN (Velva Fay RUMAN below) of Michigan Bar, Sacramento County. George KEESY, below, must also be a brother of Fred.
BLANCHARD and DIETZ in History of San Joaquin County
To Patricia in San Jose CA
George H. DIETZ, was born in Stockton on Oct 9 1881, son of Henry DIETZ (a native of Germany) and Miss Edith FREDRICKS (a native of Stockton). His sister Florence is the wife of Ed L. WRIGHT and sister Linda S. DIETZ is a well known music teacher in Stockton.
Henry DIETZ came to America when a young man and crossed the great plains passing a greater part of his days in Virginia City, where he conducted a bakery. He was a personal friend of the Mackays, the Fairs and the Huntingtons.
Henry's wife's father was Henry FREDERICKS, a native of Germany who crossed the plains in the early days and was one of the early settlers of Stockton. At 13 George entered the employ of the Holden Drug Company, working there until 1906 (at a wage of two dollars a week) when he started in business for himself. He became well-known as the inventor of the Dietz "Euca-Menth" cough drop. He also made the popular "Keep Kool Komfor Kream."
On Mar 7 1915, Mr. DIETZ was married to Miss Lillian A. BLANCHARD, a native of Stockton, and they had George Robert and (twins) Janis Lillian and June Edith.
Mrs. Lillian E. BLANCHARD is the widow of Martin BLANCHARD, a native son of CA. Lillian was born at Waterloo IA the daughter of Uriah and Mary Ellen (WARD)SCOTT. Uriah SCOTT was a veteran of the Civil War and brought his family to CA late in the sixties. He returned to IA and died there.
The maternal grandfather, George F. WARD, was a native of Brandon VT who settled in Chicago in 1836, and there was married to Miss Electra J. WATSON in 1844. They had 8 children. Three still living. George F. WARD died at the age of 73 in 1890.
Lillian's mother, Mary Ellen, came to CA in 1874 with two daughters and married a second time to Herman WARD, a stock dealer for the McLaughlin estate. Herman WARD passed away at the age of 68 and Mrs. WARD was still living at age 76.
On August 22, 1888 in SF, Lillian E. SCOTT married Martin BLANCHARD, a native of Sonoma County, CA, son of Martin and Ruth BLANCHARD, the former a native of VT who came to CA in the pioneer days. Martin was a plastering contractor by trade. They had four children: Floyd MARTIN (married with one son-Floyd Barnett); Beulah; Lillian A. (Mrs. George H. DIETZ); Mary Edna (Mrs. Averil THOMAS of Stockton);. Mr. BLANCHARD died July 28 1922.
From obit on George H. DIETZ, Druggist. Died in the home of his sister, Miss Linda DIETZ. Surviving are three children: George Robert, June and Janice DIETZ, two sisters, Mrs. E. L. WRIGHT and Miss Linda DIETZ.
From the obit of his wife: Lillian A. DIETZ, mother of George Robert, June Edith, and Janice Lillian. Daughter of Mrs. F. R. TYSON of Grass Valley and sister of Floyd M. BLANCHARD of Marysville, Mrs. H. A. GLANTZ of Lodi and Mrs. A. THOMAS of Stockton, a native of CA age 34 years 11 months and 22 days. Interment in Rural Cemetery.
Horace G. BROWN in History of San Joaquin Valley
Horace Greeley BROWN arrived in Tulare County in 1894. Very early in the history of IN, William BROWN left his native state of PA and settled in the wilds of a new region. With him from PA came his son, Joseph H., who then left home to serve the Union as a soldier in the One Hundred and twenty-third and later in the Sixty-third IN Volunteer Infantry. In early manhood he married Hester PALMER, born at Steam Corner, Fountain County, IN, the dau of Daniel PALMER, and descendant of Scotch-Irish progenitors. Horace Greeley BROWN was born from this couple in Alamo, Montgomery County IN, on Nov 29 1862. At 17 Horace went to Newman IL and then returned to IN to Veedersburg where he married Caroline HERSHBERGER, a native of IN. In 1891 he went to IA and bought land near Rockwell City, Calhoun County. In 1893 he sold his land and was ready to invest in CA property. He moved to Tulare
where his home is brightened by the presence of his wife and their children: Claude, Joseph, Everett, Charles, Edith, May, Goldie, Ruth and Hester.
ADAMSON in History of Sonoma County CA
To Ruthie in New Castle CO mailto:rowa@ROF.NET
Jacob ADAMSON was born Nov 7 1817 in Jefferson County TN. At the age of twelve he and his parents moved to Ray county, MO. After three years they moved to Caldwell county. September 9 1840 he married Miss Nancy J. FARLEY and in 1841 he moved to Washington county IA and remained there until 1850, when he emigrated to CA, crossing the plains with ox-teams. After arriving in CA he purchased a farm
in Sacramento County and then, in the fall of 1854 went to Sonoma County and settled on his farm, located about five miles from Petaluma.
Children are: Emma J., William H., Edward F., Mary E., John M., Isaac N., Charles W., Thomas M., and Rena Lillian.
WREDE in History of Coast Counties
Frederick A. WREDE, pioneer of Alameda County and agriculturist of Eden Township, a native of Germany, was born Apr 1 1836 in Prussia. Came to New Orleans in June, 1856. Then to CA via Isthmus of Panama. Married Nov 19 1860 to Theresa Hartman, an early schoolmate in Prussia. Theresa came to Baltimore MD in 1857,and in 1860 to CA by way of Panama. Both are members of the Catholic Church.
Ten children:
Neff in History of Amador County
from CADI: John D. NEFF age 80 died Amador County Oct 31 1929
Obit in Amador Dispatch for John Denton NEFF. (gives age as 90 years, nine months and 24 days, but CADI gives 80) John Denton NEFF pioneer resident of the Oleta section. He arrived in CA in 1851 making the trip across the plains with his parents, the late John J. and Martha E. NEFF, ion a caravan of covered wagons. The family first settled in the Sacramento Valley residing in the capital city, Benicia, and later at Mormon Island, spending two years in those sections before they finally settled at the old community of Fiddletown, later Oleta, in this county.
Survived by sisters Miss Eva NEFF and Mrs. Grace E. HILL of Placerville, brother Harry W. NEFF of Placerville, three nieces: Mrs. A. A. WOLFOLK of Oleta, Mrs. Carl MONSESof El Dorado and Mrs. Wesley FOWLER of Escalon. Two nephews, Fred NEFF of Camino and Wallace NEFF of Caldor.
John D. NEFF, pioneer resident of Oleta, was born in Galena IL on Jan 7 1849. He is the son of the late John J. NEEF and Martha Elleanor NEEF. At the age of two, in 1851, he traveled with his parents and a brother and sister, crossing the plains in a Covered Wagon, arrived in Fiddletown at the age of four and has spent his entire life there. He is a boilermaker by trade, but in later years was employed by the Hayward & Hobart Estate Company.
Fresno County: The Pioneer Years to 1900 by Charles W. Clough and Wm B. Secrest Jr 1984
From Pioneer Card
From History of Tulare County:
From the Pioneer years: Sontag (a robber) had rented a fast team of horse's at Frank BEQUETTE's Visalia stable before the robbery and returned it after and during our stay at the camp, Capt. LOVE arrived, bringing with him the head of the notorious robber chief, Joaquin Muerto (MURRIETTA). The head was preserved at Fort Miller. Wm. T. HENDERSON, one of LOVE's rangers, asserted that Dr. EDGAR had pickled the head in alcohol. Visalian Pasqual BEQUETTE contradicted this account, claming it was Dr. Lewis LEACH who preserved that grisly trophy in whiskey--alcohol, for some odd reason, being unavailable.
Frank ATHEARN in the History of San Joaquin County
Frank F. ATHEARN was born in Clements on July 5 1873, the son of Lucien and E. N. (PUTNAM) ATHEARN.
His father was a native of IN and came across the wide plains to the West in the early days. The maternal grandfather came around the Horn. Lucien's father was Prince A. ATHEARN. Four children made up the family of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien ATHEARN: Clements, Frank F., and W.P. ATHEARN and Walter (deceased). Lucien died at age 77 and his wife at age 70.
At 17 Frank left home to make his own way. He has a partner, Barre E.GERSBACKER, who lives with him.
From the CADI:
From CAIF Pioneer Card:
From CADI online:
Louis BACIGALUPI in the History of San Joaquin County
Louis BACIGALUPI was born at Cicagna, near Genoa, Italy, July 30 1867. He was the son of Stephen BACIGALUPI who was one of the famous Argonauts of '49 coming via the Isthmus of Panama to SF. He returned to Italy and married Miss Maria DONDERO. He died at age 83 in 1919, his wife having died earlier at age 29, leaving him a family of three children, Louis being the eldest.
October, 1893, Louis married Miss Rose FOPPIANO, a native of Amador, CA, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (CAPALINA) FOPPIANO, who were also pioneer settlers of CA. They had one son: Howard S. who married Miss Amelia GNECO and they have a little daughter, Liberty Rose.
From CADI online:
S. L. MAGEE, was born in Columbia Washington County ME, July 25 1826, son of John and Linda (LOOKE) MAGEE, natives of ME. The father was a lieutenant in the war of 1812, and was taken a prisoner to England.
S. L. left ME in 1849, taking the bark Belle Gray, around the Horn for CA,where he arrived May 7 1850. He has an interesting family, consisting of a son and two daughters. He married Miss Rebecca ATHEARN May 18 1859, on her parent's ranch. She was born in Rising Sun IN in 1839 and came to CA with her parents in 1859 via
the Nicaragua route. Children: Sophia A. (Mrs. GASKEL) born Jan 6 1863; Louisa A. (Mrs. Frank L. MISNER) born July 29 1865; and Henry S. born Nov 22 1868.
Stillman L. MAGEE was 26 when he was attracted by the great west and he left home and came with a party of six who purchased the bark, Belgrade, and sailed from Millbridge, ME by way of Cape Horn to SF where they arrived May 7, 1850.
SKINNER in History of San Bernardino
William W. SKINNER was born in Rensslaerville, Albany County NY on Nov 6 1832, son of John and Miranda (MANCHESTER) SKINNER. His father was a native of NY and a soldier in the war of 1812. After being a sailor from 1853-1857 he returned to land life and settled at Madison WI. In 1859 he joined a party made up of thirty men and five women and started overland for CA, traveling with ox teams. Reaching Honey Lake Valley, CA he went to SF. In 1863 he came to San Bernardino and in 1899 he located in North Ontario.
He married Miss Ada E. MORSE of SF in 1861 and they had: W. H.; Frank M.; George P.; A. H.; Belle and Guy SKINNER.
from CADI: William W. SKINNER died age 84 San Bernardino 6-14-1917 #21556
George P. SKINNER was born in Vallejo, Nov 26 1867, son of W. W. SKINNER. His talent for music was discovered early and he made a specialty of the piano but was also a proficient organist. He was elected musical instructor in the city high school. Professor SKINNER was married in 1891 to Miss Cora L. DAVIDSON, daughter of A. S. DAVIDSON, ex-county recorder. They have Marian and Earle.
From cadi: George P. SKINNER spouse C L, age 68 San Bernardino 10-15-1936 #61655
From CADI online:
CRAIG in History of Placer and Nevada Counties
Edward Lewis CRAIG was born in Woodford KY on Nov 9 1837, son of Randolph Raleigh CRAIG, also a Kentuckian.
The family went to MO in 1849 and then to CA via the Isthmus of Panama to San Francisco, then to Nevada City. He was admitted to the bar in 1860 and practiced law in Dutch Flat.
He was married in Nevada City in 1863 to Miss Adelia HUME, who was born at White Oak Springs, WI, and who had come across the plains to CA with her parents in 1852, making the journey in a covered wagon drawn by oxen.
In 1863 Mr. CRAIG located in Auburn. In 1890 he was called to San Francisco and became acting chief counsel until Col. HAYMOND died in Jan 1893. However, he died shortly after on Mar 19 1893.
Children: Carrie M.; Edward Arthur; Frank and Adelia. All were deceased as of the writing of the bio except Carrie M.
From obit: Judge CRAIG was born in Versailles, Woodland County, KY in 1837. He left a widow, two daughters, two sisters and four brothers. Funeral in Auburn.
Hon. Joseph CRAIG was born in Clinton MO on Aug 14, 1849, son of Randolph R. CRAIG, an Argonaut who sought a fortune in the then unknown west. Randolph was born at Versailles Woodford Co KY and there married Miss Minerva R. DARNEAL, native of the same town. They were married in 1837 and became pioneers of Clinton Co MO but later went to Clay County MO. Thence he stared westward. In 1852 he returned to MO via the Isthmus of Panama and then returned to CA, establishing his home in Nevada City. In 1869 they established a residence in Oakland Alameda County CA, and in 1878 went to San Francisco. He died in 1883 at Auburn, Placer County. At that time he was 66 years of age. Of their twelve children seven attained mature age: Edward L.; Walter R.; Lee D.; William C.; Joseph; Mrs. Phoebe C. McKINZIE and Mrs. Elizabeth M. DOUD.
Joseph CRAIG was married to Miss Kate S. STEPHENS May 1, 1874. She was the daughter of John D. STEPHENS (sketch in same book), born on the old STEPHENS ranch near Madison Yolo County CA. Of their union five children were born, but Tilden J. and Josephine M. are deceased as of the bio. The only surviving son is John S., cashier of the Bank of Woodland Yolo County CA. He married Mary ALLEN, and they have a son, Joseph Allen CRAIG. The two daughters are Mary A.(Mrs. George GRAY of Madison), and Carrie B.
NDGW: Joseph CRAIG died in Woodland Yolo County CA. He married Kate STEPHENS at SF on May 18 1874. Senator of the 10th District, Dist Attorney of Yolo County.
David Alexander HEMSTREET in History of Yuba and Sutter Counties
D. A. HEMSTREET was born in Calistoga, Napa County, Jun 5 1897, son of J. S. HEMSTREET who was born near Princeton, Colusa County, and a grandson of David HEMSTREET, native of Three Mile Bay, NY. The latter made his way to CA when just 18 years of age, arriving in Marysville a mere youth, having come because he had two brothers who were engaged in mining here. He was probably the first man to pass through West Butte Pass. He went to Butte MT and had one of the first log cabins in that city. When the Indians became bad he returned to CA and farmed in Glenn County and then had a ranch in Tehama and then in Sonoma County. He moved to Los Angeles and then spent his last years with his son, J. S. HEMSTREET, in Marysville. The grandmother was Mary JOHNSON, born in NJ, who crossed the plains with her parents in the fifties. She was still living in Los Angeles at the time of this bio. There were 9 children, J. S. was the third in order of birth.
J. S. HEMSTREET was reared in Sonoma County and completed his education at Healdsburg College. His wife was Pearl St. LOUIS, native of Colusa County. She was the daughter of Alex St. LOUIS, who migrated from St. Louis, MO, across the plains to CA in the pioneer gold days and settled for a time in Yolo County. Later he located at Glenn, then went to Colusa County where he died.
Five children were born to Pearl and J. S., David being the eldest. In 1920 he began general contracting, and in 1921 William MEEK became his associate and the firm was known as HEMSTREET & MEEK. In 1923 it became HEMSTREET & BELL.
From CADI pre1940
David H. HEMSTREET was born in New York Oct 6 1832, he leaves his wife, one son, J. S. and six daughters. Funeral in Colusa.
John Stafford HEMSTREET survived by widow, four sons and one daughter: Mrs. Pearl HEMSTREET, David A., Fred W., Stafford and William HEMSTREET, and Mrs. Lenora PENLAND, the latter of Oakdale.
Survived by mother, Dr. HEMSTREET Nelson, of Los Angeles, Mrs. Carl PHENNY, Mrs. Harry PHENNY, Mrs. Florence Brown, Mrs. Mary BAKER, and Mrs. Bessie GREENWALDE all of Los Angeles.
Pearl HEMSTREET died at age 70. Born in Princeton, Colusa County. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Lenora ALLRED of Marysville, three sons: Fred of Marysville, John of Tudor and William of Yuba City; two brothers: George St. LOUIS of Princeton and A. J. St. Louis of Yuba City. 6 gchildren. Burial Sutter city cemetery.
Moses SCHALLENBERGER in the History of Santa Clara County
Ditto on the CA Historical Society Quarterly
as John TOWNSEND and his brother in law, Moses SCHALLENBERGER... (think
TOWSON and TOWNSEND are the same person)
CADI: Moses SCHALLENBERGER died age 82 Santa Clara Jan 30 1909
CAIF: SF Examiner
Margaret SCHALLENBERGER McNAUGHT was the dau of Moses SCHALLENBERGER and a long time resident of San Jose. She wrote a letter Jan 30 1933 telling of her marriage to John McNAUGHT, one-time managing editor of the SF Call and editorial writer for the New York World.
"My father," she writes, "was Moses SCHALLENBERGER, and he came to CA in 1844 with the TOWNSEND-MURPHY party. He always said that this party brought the first wagons that ever crossed the Sierra Nevada. It is this party that named the Indian Truckee - a nickname. Later, the town of Truckee was named from this Indian who guided various parties into CA. "My father and two other men built the principal cabin of the Donner Party, cabins in which, doubtless, some of the party perished. My father was three months alone in this cabin.
In 1854 he married Frances Meade EVERITT, a southern girl, in San Francisco.
Born in Stark County OH November 9 1826, his parents were of German birth and both died when he was 6 years old.
History of the San Fancisco Bay Region
William Tell COLEMAN was born at Cynthiana, KY, Feb 29 1824. He graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science from the University of St. Louis, St.Louis MO. With his brother, DeWitt Clinton COLEMAN, he crossed the plains to CA in 1849 and they reached Sacramento in August of that year. William Tell COLEMAN opened a store and went into the general mercantile business. He founded the firm, William T. COLEMAN Company in San Francisco, and his vessels plied between New York City and San Francisco. His death occurred Nov 23 1893.
He served on the Vigilance Committee in 1851 and headed it in 1856. He was the president and organizer of the Committee of Safety in 1877.
In 1852 William Tell COLEMAN married Caroline PAGE, who died in 1896. They had seven children, two lived to maturity. C. C. who was born in 1859 and died in 1895,and Robert Lewis, who was born in Younkers NY in 1870. He was educated in San Francisco and graduated from Yale with a degree of Bachelor of Philosophy and from CA university with the degree of Bachelor of Laws.
MEHRTEN in the History of San Joaquin County CA
Mary MEHRTEN a fruit farmer in Elliott Twp, was born in NY Jan 13 1839, daughter of Barnet (Bernard) POPPE, native of Germany. She came to CA in 1850. Eight children: Lizzie, Henry, Daniel, George, Annie, John, Charley and Lora (Nora?), all born in Calaveras County.
From DAR submission by Mrs. Lizzie BARTON, Oakland
1932 death of Daniel MEHRTEN, husband of Angie, father of Marshall H., Lester R., and Otto L. MEHRTEN; brother of Charles and John, Mrs. Nora GIBSON and Mrs. Annie SIMPSON, grandfather of Dannie and Roger MEHRTEN, native of CA age 68.
1921 death of George MEHRTEN, husband of Viola, father of Richard and Johnnie FOSSETT; brother of Mrs. Dan GIBSON, Mrs. Lizzie BARTON; Dan, Charlie and John. Native of CA.
Asa Warren MORRIS in History of Sacramento and Yolo Counties CA
Asa W. MORRIS was born near Waynesburg, Green County, PA on May 8 1857, son
of Capt. John and Sarah (CHURCH) MORRIS. His grandparents were Ephraim and
Martha (ROSEBERRY) MORRIS. He made his home in Yolo since 1879. His first
marriage took place in September of 1879 in Waynesburg PA to Mary E. CALL
who was born and reared in that place, daughter of James and Martha CALL.
The couple came to CA and settled in Yolo County.
Mary died in 1905 (see above and below), and in March of 1911, at Washington DC, he married Mrs. Cassia (KELLER) BLACK, a native of Waynesburg, PA and the widow of A. H. BLACK.
Four sons: Frank Leslie, Charles Call (see above); Harry V.,and Asa James
MORRIS, one daughter, Zella May.
1905 - Mrs. Asa MORRIS (Mary E. MORRIS) wife of Asa W. MORRIS, died at the
family residence near Knight's Landing Yolo County CA. She was a native of
Green County PA, born 21 Nov 1858. She was 47 years, 19 days old. Her maiden
name was Mary E. CALL. Four children: Charles, Henry, Asa and Zella May.
Asa J. MORRIS was born at Fresno CA, Nov 19 1889. He married Miss Florence
GRIECE in Yolo County, and they had John Richard and Mary Ruth.
J O McKEE and Frank R. SHAFTER in the History of Coastal Counties
To Phil in Los Gatos CA
Joseph O. McKEE had as his grandfather Russell McKEE, who was born at Sacket Harbor, the son of a Revolutionary soldier and who himself was a participant in the second war with Great Britain, after which he engaged in shipbuilding, with a specialty of spar-making. His son, Capt Henry McKEE, was a native of Cromwell, CT, and who was only 16 when he shipped to sea, and at 25 he was captain of a vessel in the West India trade. In Nov 1849, he started around the Horn in a vessel of which he was master and part owner. With him was his son, Joseph O., then a youth of 19.
After almost 6 months the barque Isabella cast anchor in SF where all hands deserted in their eagerness to hasten to the gold fields.
Capt McKEE died in San Jose in the fall of 1852. January of 1853 his wife arrived in San Jose, having started before her husband's death. She was Sarah SAGE, native of Cromwell, CT, daughter of Allen SAGE, a farmer.
Capt McKEE and Sarah had two sons, one of which died in San Jose at 16 years
of age. Daughters: Sarah wife of E. J. WILCOX; Mrs. Abigail CLARK, deceased; Caroline, widow of D. J. PORTER; Mrs. Isabella BOTHWELL and Mrs. Mary LEWIS,
both widows.
Capt McKEE had two brothers, William, a sea captain; and J.W. who died in SF.
Joseph O. was born in Cromwell CT May 7 1831. He married Rachel CLEVENGER who was born in MO (NDGW says he married her in San Jose in 1856). Rachel had come to CA with her father, Archibald CLEVENGER, a miner. He died at age 80 in 1901. Four daughters: Mrs. Isabella LUNDY; Mrs. Nellie RAYNER; Mrs. Abigail COYKENDALL; Mrs. Edith HOGG.
Frank Richmond SHAFTER is a native of the Green Mountain state, born near Montpelier Washington County on Sep 19 1853, his father being John D. and his mother the former Susan RICHMOND. He died in San Jose Nov 24, 1903 at the age of 83. Survived by his wife.
Besides Frank there was a daughter, Mrs. Florence BOTHWELL.
Frank was married in San Jose to Frances PHIPPS, native of IN, and daughter of John PHIPPS, born in Rush County IN, Mar 22 1818. They have two daughters: Lotta Ruth and Bertha Ray.
Jacob Frank LOBINGIER in the History of Los Angeles
Jacob Frank LOBINGIER had as his great-great-grandfather,Christopher LOBINGIER, who settled in Dauphin Co PA and served his adopted country in the Revolutionary War. Christopher's son, John, established the LOBINGIER Mills between Pittsburg and Baltimore. The father of Jacob, also named Jacob, was a farmer at his birthplace in Westmoreland County PA. He died June 1887 leaving his wife, Lillias STEWART, a native of Somerset Co PA, daughter of Andrew STEWART. Six children: three still living - Jacob Frank, Henry Schell (died 1887 Pomona); Quincy A.; Dr. Andrew Stewart (I have his bio from Whos Who as
Mr. LOBINGIER was born in Westmoreland PA July 13 1859. Andrew Stewar LOBINGIER surgeon born Laurelville Westmoreland Co PA Dec 22 1862 married Kate REYNOLDS of Mt. Pleasant PA Nov 2 1889 children: 1 dau: Gladys (wife of Dr. Wm. J. NORRIS)
Soren HUSMAN in History of Merced County CA
Soren HUSMAN was born in Jylland, Denmark on Feb 19, 1881, son of J. C. HUSMAN who was twice married. By the first wife there were three children: Anders, Katherine (deceased), and Helena. By the second union with Sina SORENSEN, there were ten children: Maria, Soren, Kirstine, Clara, Alfred (deceased), Julia and Alfreda(twins/deceased) Katherina, Alfred and Bror.
He was in Staplehurst, Seward County, NE in 1903 and in 1904 came to Watsonville, CA. He went to the Hawaiian Islands and then returned in 1906 to CA finding work in a dairy in Newman, Stanislaus County.
March 6 1913 he married Astrid EBBESEN, born in Jylland Denmark, daughter of Hans and Anna (HANSEN) EBBESEN. Astrid was the eldest child, the others were Helga Dagmar, Ebbe, Thyra, Jens, Einar, Axeland Gudron. Astrid came to CA in 1913.
Mr. and Mrs. HUSMAN have six children: James, Hans, Alfred, Selma, Elmer and Irwin.
Lebbeus SCOFIELD in the History of South Coast counties vol2
In the family of Jerome and Ann SCOFIELD were two sons: James T. and Lebbeus, both of which were soldiers in the Civil War. Lebbeus enlisted at Clinton IA Aug 15 1862 and served as a sergeant in Company K, Twenty-sixth IA Infantry until the end of the war.
Lebbeus was a native of Duchess County, NY, born Sep 2 1838 and received his schooling at Brooklyn NY. At 16 he went to Buffalo where he also attended school. After two years he moved to Clinton IA. In 1870 he moved to Crawford Co, western IA, and later became postmaster of Westside under President Cleveland. In 1887 he came to CA and settled in the Santa Maria Valley, where he carried on a hotel for 8 months. Then he went to San Diego and in April of 1888 he went to Los Angeles.
While living in IA he married Alice SANTEE, who was born in PA and by whom
he has four children: Jerome, Harold, Helen and Florence.
George N. HERBERT in the History of Coast Counties
George N. HERBERT was born July 10, 1870 in Solano County, the son of William B. HERBERT, who was born in Harford County MD Sept 2, 1817, and a near relative of General HERBERT of Revolutionary fame. William started out to make a fortune, going first to New Orleans. In the spring of 1850 he went west by way of the plains, walking every step of the way and suffering such want and deprivation as was common heritage of the heroic emigrants of the early days. In 1854 he returned to his home in the east and on May 5 married Susan BARNES, returning to CA with her by way of Panama.
In 1876 he bought a cattle ranch in San Luis Obispo, near Cambria, and lived there until 1881 after which he located near San Jose, so his children would have better educational opportunities. His death occurred June 13 1901 in San Jose. His wife survived him and two of his nine children.
In 1898 George N. HERBERT built a one-story packing house at Lincoln and Moorpark avenues, which burned to the ground Jun 30 1901. He rebuilt this business with a larger building in 40 days.
His wife is Lucy AVERY, a native of Bodega, Sonoma Co CA and they have two children, Harold and Miriam.
BARLOW in History of Kern County
Charles Averil BARLOW was born in Cleveland OH March 17 1858, the son of Merrill and Ann (ARNOLD) BARLOW, natives respectively of OH and NJ. The father was of French descent and served as quartermaster general of OH during the Civil War. When Charles was 18, in 1876, he journeyed (sic) to CA in company with other young men of adventurous spirit, and in 1878 his parents, with their three other children, came to this state.
In 1914 Mr. BARLOW married Miss Julia Lillis CALDWELL, who was born in Great
Village, province of Nova Scotia, Canada, on Sep 22 1878, the daughter of George O. and Susan (FINLEY) CALDWELL, and of English descent. Their adopted daughter, Mamie BARLOW WOODWORTH, resides in Bakersfield, where Mrs. BARLOW is also living, occupying the home at 1905 Eighteenth Street. Mr. BARLOW died at age 69 in Bakersfield on Oct 3 1927.
Merrill BARLOW, was born at Shandon, San Luis Obispo, CA, on Apr 4, 1890, the son of E. S. and Clara (ROBERTS) BARLOW, who are now living near Arvin. His father was a born at Cleveland OH and is a brother of the late Hon. C. A. BARLOW. The mother was born at Mankato MN. Merill was the eldest son and second child in a family of three sons and one daughter.
On May 30, 1920, at Blythe county, CA, he married Miss Bertha PECK, who was born at Elk Point, SD. They now have three children: Jane, Charles A., and Merrill, Jr.
Hon. Charles A. BARLOW and William H. HILL .
Hon Charles Averill BARLOW was born in Cleveland OH, on March 17, 1858, the
son of Hon. Merrill and Ann Frances (ARNOLD). The father died at 48 years of
age, in 1872. He was survived by Coraline, now the wife of John S. RICE; Charles Averill BARLOW, of Bakersfield; Edward Sumner BARLOW; Belle Remington BARLOW, now the wife of Frank BATES. When the family came to CA about the year 1875, they settled at Ventura-by-the-sea and C. A. was a youth of 17 years.
During 1901, Mr. BARLOW and his accomplished wife, who was formerly Miss Elizabeth McDONELL, of Ventura County, established their home in Bakersfield.
Myron Knotley THOMAS in the History of Siskiyou County CA
Myron Knotly THOMAS
Daniel THOMAS, grandfather of Myron, was born Aug 17 1774 and died
At Battle Creek MI May 1 1836. When he was 20 he was employed on a vessel on
the Pacific Coast for the Hudson Bay Company. The father of Myron was
Aranthus R. THOMAS, who was born at Schenectady, NY on Feb 3 1812 and died
at Lawler IA Jan 15 1875. Myron's mother was Melissa GODDARD, born at
Detroit MI in 1814 and who died in Green County WI in 1859. Her father and
mother lived in Fort Atkinson, IA.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. THOMAS were married in Battle Creek, MI in 1833, where
Myron K. was born May 15 1835. Other children were Daniel D.; Angeline 'Ann'
(Mrs. William M. MORTON); Angelia (Mrs. TUBBS); Josephine (died as an
infant); Emma (Mrs. SPRAGUE); Hannah (Mrs. J. H. LOVEJOY); Henry (died in
infancy); Ferdinand; and William Aranthus.
In January, 1852, Myron started for CA across the plains with on ox team
with his uncle Argalius THOMAS, and arrived in Oregon City on Nov 15th.
He married Alvira CHANDLER TYLER in 1870 and they have a family of two
children: Lyman Gideon, born Nov 7 1866, at Griggsville, Pike County IL and
Edgar, born Oct 31 1872 at Lytle Flat, Siskiyou County CA. One daughter,
Hattie, born Apr 9 1871 died the following September.
Admer Nelson STANDIFORD in the History of Merced and Statislaus County CA
NDGW Virginia Mildred BUFORD STANDIFORD was born Lancaster MO Oct 5 1847 and
arrived in CA overland on Sep 5 1865. She was the daughter of William and
Mary (JONES) BUFORD, the eldest of 9 children. Her father was a native of
VA, her mother also.
Married Admer Nelson STANDIFORD in Boulder CO.
Children: Mary Etta, S. Boren; Margaret C. STANDIFORD
Admer Nelson STANDIFORD born Vincennes IN, Crawford Co on Dec 16 1835, came
to CA overland via the Carson Route Sep 1863 lived in San Joaquin 1863; Stanislaus 1873
Rancher Married Virginia BUFORD Mar 2 1865.
Admer was the son of John and Jane (OSBORNE) STANDIFORD. John was a native
of KY and Jane of IN. Mar 2 1915 the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the
home of their granddaughter, Mrs. A. P. MEILY of Modesto. Other names: Mrs.
J. H. BOREN, Maggie STANDIFORD, Mr and Mrs Torence WHITE, Mrs. O A WISE and
Mrs. J. R. FORSYTH, Mr and Mrs A H LADD, Margaret STANDIFORD, Mr and Mrs A P
MEILY, Mrs and Miss Ruth REED, Leland STOKES.
Isaac Newton QUINN in History of the Sacramento Valley p527
Born in 1837 in Belfast Ireland. In 1858 he came to the harbor of NY. Came
to CA in 1860 by way of Panama. He arrived in Yolo county and was married
Feb 22 1877 to Miss Mary RIORDAN, native of Boston MA, born May 24 1850,
daughter of Maurice RIORDAN. Children: Katie (Mrs. George DALTON); Elizabeth
(Mrs. Charles RADAMAKER), Lottie, George, Agnes, Annie and Walter.
This Isaac QUINN died in Yolo County age 72 on 6/25/1909.
Jasper Newton ARMSTRONG in History of Butte County
To Lillian in Stockton
Jasper Newton ARMSTRONG, Sr. was born in Jackson County IN Aug 6 1845, the
seventh child in a family of eleven children of John Little ARMSTRONG and
Emily May (RODMAN) ARMSTRONG, natives of the Blue Grass State. The father
was the neighbor of, and well acquainted with, Abraham Lincoln. Rear Admiral
Hugh RODMAN was a first cousin of Jasper Newton ARMSTRONG. A second cousin
was Gen. Thomas RODMAN, the inventor of the Rodman gun.
In 1863, age 18, he married Sarah M. HOWARD, daughter of Richard HOWARD. She
was born in MO. Mrs. ARMSTRONG's maternal grandmother was Eliza PETITT, and
had a sister who married a brother of James MADISON, ex-president of the US.
Mrs. ARMSTRONG's father was an overseer at Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's
Plantation in VA.
Seven children: Louise (Mrs. W. W. BURGAN) had two children: Clara and
George; Margaret (Mrs. W. W. BURGAN) (she married W. W. after the death of
Louise) had four children: Elmer, Lulu, William and Howard; James Leiter
ARMSTRONG married Eva LOCEY and had Vera; Jasper Newton Jr married Miss Mary
L. HALING and has five children. He is a rancher in partnership with his
brother, Harvey Howard ARMSTRONG. Howard married Margaret GOULD and they had
five children: Jean, Gould, Boyd, Norman and Donald.
Mr. ARMSTRONG's brother was Sam Rodman ARMSTRONG and his sister was Emily
May ARMSTRONG who married Dr. HORTON.
Jasper N. ARMSTRONG Jr was born in Cooke County TX Dec 23 1873, the youngest
son in a family of 7 children. his father was Jasper N. ARMSTRONG, Sr. and
his mother was Sarah M. HOWARD. They left TX in 1873 and went to CA settling
in Wyandotte, Butte County. They made their home in Honcut.
Jasper was married at Honcut Oct 1 1899 to Miss Mary Ella HALING, who was
born on Honcut Creek. Her parents were George and Alice (SIVILS) HALING.
Mary Ella was the eldest of their four children.
Jasper and Mary had five children: Mrs. Mildred A. (PEARSON) CLARK, Mrs.
Irene W. GARDELLA, Leta Lucille EVANS, Stanley Haling ARMSTRONG and Margaret
Jasper. (see below for some of the birth and death dates)
Minnie LEAHY in History of SF Bay Region
Jasper O'FARRELL was born in Ireland. In 1843 he crossed the Atlantic to
come to the US and then around Cape Horn to SF. Her married a Miss
McCRHISTIAN, and they had Elena, John, and Florence (deceased), Gerald,
Minnie (the wife of Daniel LEAHY; Cathol who married Miss Margaret GLEASON
and Louis (deceased).
George D. FISKE in the History of Northern CA
George D. FISKE was born in Fiskdale Worcester Co, MA July 31 1827, son of
Henry FISKE, a native of Sturbridge.
According to one historian the origin of the FISKE family is as follows:
Two sons of Nicholas FISKE, a knighted physician who emigrated from
Stadhough parish in the county of Suffolk, England, came to the US and
settled in MA. There is now in the possession of the subject of this sketch
the coat-of-arms which was given to Nicholas FISKE in the year 1635, in the
time of the reign of Charles, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.
Henry FISKE, George's father, was born in Sturbridge in 1705 and married
Susan Helen FALES at Wrentham, MA. In 1837 they moved to Ingham County MI,
where, in 1845, Henry died in the town of Leslie. His widow returned to MA,
and then went to New Hampshire, where she died, at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Susan F. GEROULD, in 1881 at the age of 87.
She was the mother of seven children: two died in MI, one in CA, and Francis
L. in Ottawa IL. Her eldest was Henry M. FISKE, of San Francisco. The
daughter is the wife of S. A. GEROULD and the remaining son is George D.,
the subject of this sketch.
In 1848 George sailed on the barque Edward Fletcher for CA, in company with
twenty-eight others.
July 26 1851, he married Elizabeth C. LORING, a native of Yarmouth ME.
After the great fire of Nov 2 1852, which destroyed Sacramento, he moved
down to that place and soon the city was inundated and Mr. FISKE and his
wife's brother, George LORING, were engaged in taking goods around to
Brighton in lighters, where they could be conveyed to the mines by teams.
In 1859 he moved to where Woodland now stands.
George and Elizabeth had two sons: Harry Waterman born on McDowell Hill in
1852 and died at Cambria on July 31 1887.
The second son was George Damon who was born in Sacramento in 1855 and
married the daughter of William HAZELTON of Kings River, Fresno County. He
has a son and a daughter.
April 13 1890, George's wife died.
G.C. HOPKINS in the History of Los Angeles County 1889
The officers of the California Warehouse Company is composed of a number of
the leading business men and heaviest capitalists of the city of Los
Angeles, representing four to five millions of dollars. The officers are: T.
J. WELDON, President and Treasurer, and George C. HOPKINS, Vice-president
and Secretary.
Mr.HOPKINS was in the employ of the American Express Company in Chicago ten
years, and in the freight department of the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company about 8 years. He came to CA in 1872, and engaged in wool growing in
Oregon four years, and then moved to Los Angeles. He was born near Aurora,
IL in 1846, went to Chicago in 1852 and witnessed its destruction by fire on
Oct 9 and 10, 1871.
He married Miss SPENCER, daughter of Judge James A. SPENCER, one of the
original projectors of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, and was one
of the builders of the Kansas City & Topeka division. Mr. and Mrs. HOPKINS
had two children, a son and daughter.
Gerhard F. TERSHUREN in the History of New CA 1905
Capt. Gerhard F.TERSHUREN was born in Prussia, Germany, October 18, 1843 and
the son of Wilhelm and Mary (VONDER-HEIDT) TERSHUREN, also natives of
Prussia. In 1865 he came from Australia to the US. Captain TERSCHUREN was
married Mar 6 1878 to Miss Jennie M. CUNNINGHAM, native of CA and daughter
of John F. CUNNINGHAM of Sonoma County. They were the parents of 6 children,
five still living. Edith M. (Mrs.. T. U. SMYTHE, William, Gerhard F., Edna
and Helen and Ethel, deceased.
STEVINSON in History of Merced County 1925
J. J. STEVENSON was born in Boone County MO Nov 6 1828, son of Archibald and
Charlotte STEVINSON. When he was five his mother died and he and an older
sister were placed with an uncle, Samuel STEVINSON. He was called 'Colonel'
not as a military title but because he was from the South and participated
in the Mexican War.
In 1846 he joined a trading train of General Kearney's Division and crossed
the plains with Doniphan's Regiment, en route to Mexico, spending the winter
on the Del Norte River and on the road to Sante Fe, NM. He arrived at
Chihuahua on Mar 1 1847 and was surprised to meet his father, whom he had
not seen for eleven years and who was engaged in merchandising there.
On December 27 1848, J. J. started on a trip via Durango and Mazatalen to
San Francisco, where he arrived Mar 25 1849 "flat broke" having spent 30
days on the water.
He went to the mines on Mormon Gulch, Tuolumne County. His father arrived
from Mexico and they formed a partnership in Mariposa County in general
On Dec 27 1855 James J. STEVINSON married Miss Louisa Jane COX, daughter of
Isham J. COX, of Cox's Ferry on the Merced River. She was born in IL and
brought to CA by her parents. The couple had three children: Samuel, Mary E.
and Fannie B. James J. STEVINSON died on Nov 13 1907 at the age of 79.
Archibald W. STEVINSON, J. J.'s father, was born in Clark County KY in 1804,
and when he was twenty he moved to Boone Country MO. In 1830 he engaged in
the Sante Fe trade. He set out for CA on Apr 10 1849,and reached Los Angeles
in July. He died in Merced County in 1883, age 79. He had three children:
James J., Elizabeth March and Charlotte Silman.
Louise J. STEVINSON, daughter of the pioneer, Isham J. COX was one of the
oldest living Pioneer women of Merced County. Her father, Isham, was born in
TN, went to Shelby County IL and thence to TX and with ox-teams and wagons
came to CA arriving at Hill's Ferry in Mar, 1850. His wife was Rebecca
CHISENHALL, of Scotch descent.
She married James J. STEVINSON and they had: Samuel, who married Alice REED
and had three boys: Archibald who is married and has two children; Howard,
who married Blanche DeGRAFF and had two children (died 1917); Floyd I., who
married Carmella SORENSEN and has five children; Mary E. who married Charles
P. HARRIS who died in 1899; Fannie B. married Howard H. HOGAN and had two
children: Paul IRBE, art designer with Cecil De Mille; and Judith B., wife
of George HATFIELD, an attorney in SF. Mr. HOGAN died in 1917.
Archibald James STEVINSON was the oldest surviving son of the late Sam and
Alice (REED) STEVINSON, grandson of the noted pioneer James J. STEVINSON. He
was born on the Merced River Feb 1, 1879. He was twice married. First to
Miss PRUSSO who died, leaving two daughters: Ruth, the wife of Louis SWEET
of Tulare and Evelyn, the wife of L. W. JOHNSON of Santa Clara County. Mr.
STEVINSON's second wife is Winifred SCULL, born in Minnssota (sic) but lived
in the STEVINSON since he was ten years old.
Floyd STEVINSON was born on the Merced River Aug 30 1885. He married Camilla
Josephine SORENSEN, daughter of the Rev S. E. SORENSON, a Lutheran Minister.
The STEVINSON children: Anita, Mrs. HEDEN; Dita Delle, Mrs. E. J. REYNOLDS;
James J.; Samuel F. and Soren.
James S. P. SWEET in the History of Sonoma County
James Sylvester Perry SWEET was born in a little log cabin in the township
of Waupun, Fond du Lac, WI on Apr 30 1853. When he was two the family moved
to the Towne school district. When he was 12 he moved with his family to
Ripon and when 22 started for the Pacific Coast to carve his fortune in a
new field of labor.
The first ancestor to the SWEET name in the US was John SWEET, who with
Governor WINTHROP came to MA and landed at Salem in 1630. John and his wife,
Mary, were the parents of John, James and Meribah whose descendants now are
found in every state of the Union. The lineal ancestry of James Sylvester is
as follows: John, Benoni, James, Job, Rufus, Samuel, Sylvester, James.
Samuel, grandfather of James S. SWEET, was born in Kingston, RI and married
Miss Hannah Perry, daughter of the famous PERRYs of English and American
naval history, and they had Sylvester D. SWEET, father of James Sylvester.
Sylvester Damon SWEET was born on Feb 5 1820 in the county of Erie, in the
state of NY, Feb 5 1820, the son of Samuel C. and Hannah (PERRY) SWEET, and
died on Jun 21 1876 in Humphrey, Cattaraugus county. He married Miss Julia
M. FAIRBANK, daughter of Ellis FAIRBANK, a direct descendant of Jonathan
FAIRBANK, the first emigrant of that name who settled in Dedham MA in 1636,
and whose original dwelling still stands. Mrs. SWEET died in San Diego CA on
July 10 1910.
From Santa Rosans I have known: Mr. SWEET was a printer, wrote music, sang
well, was a good amateur actor, and wrote and published a number of books on
commercial arithmetic and bookkeeping. He put on several plays and operas
usually taking one of the leading parts, and all of which were successful.
As a young man he was a cowboy in ID and worked at one time for Con SHEA, an
extensive property holder in Santa Rosa.
George W. KUEHN in History of Kern County
George W. KUEHN was the son of William KUEHN who was a native of Hamburg.
William came to the US and settled in PA in 1861. He was seriously wounded
at the battle of Drury's Bluff and his leg was amputated.
At Minersville, where he made his home, he married Alice JONES, of that
city, but of Welsch parentage. They had 8 children, George W. being next to
eldest born March 30 1872 in Minersville.
George married at Warren OH to Miss Effie Smith PINKARD, native of IL. In
1900 they traveled to CA. They had Estella who died at an early age and
William B. MATHEWS and George WOODWARD in the History of the Sierras
William B. MATHEWS was born April 10 1857 in Pomery, Meigs Co, OH, son of
David Mathews. Born and reared in WALES, David mined for a number of years.
In 1854, he immigrated to US and visited many of the central states
including OH, IN, IL, WI and MO. In 1862 he came to CA and worked in Holand
Flat, Sierra County. He died there March 8 1902 and the age of three score
and ten years. He married Mary BOWEN, a native of Meigs County, OH.
William came with his parents to CA as a boy of five years. He was appointed
Postmaster of Johnsville in July 1899 by President McKINLEY.
August 13 1886, he married Florence E. WOODWARD, native of Plumas County,
daughter of George WOODWARD. (I have also included the sketch on him). They
had seven children, two who died as infants. Living are Chester D., Nelson
G., Arthur J., Llewellyn and Alice.
WYCKOFF in the History of Butte County and Northern CA
James Luther WYCKOFF was born at Madison Dane County WI on July 4 1855, the
son of Daniel WYCKOFF, a native of NJ who farmed at Madison and died there
in 1861. His mother was Elizabeth HEFFLER who died three months after her
husband. By a former marriage, Daniel had two children, and boy and girl,
and an interesting sketch is about his son, Charles A. WYCKOFF in another
part of this volume.(see below)
Orphaned when 6 years old, and kicked and cuffed around by those in whose
care he was for a while, James L. WYCKOFF began to earn his own living
early. On Nov 11 1875, he arrived in Oroville and went to work for Dan
FRIESLEBEN on the Charley Ranch.
In 1900 he started the WYCKOFF City Express and Dray business. His wife is
Miss Mary TOBIN, whom he married in Marysville in 1895. She was born at
Enterprise, Butte County, daughter of Francis and Margaret (BURKE) TOBIN,
pioneers of CA, her father having come to CA in 1855. Both Mr. and Mrs.
TOBIN died at Enterprise. They were the parents of 6 children, Mrs. WYCKOFF
being the eldest. Prior to her marriage to Mr. WYCKOFF she was the wife of
Wesson JONES, native of NY, who early settled in CA and was killed by the
falling of a log, and Mrs. JONES was left with 3 boys, two still living:
Theodore JONES in Idaho and Frank JONES, assisting Mr. WYCKOFF.
James and Mary have one child: Ruth WYCKOFF who graduated San Jose State
Normal 1916 and is now teaching school.
Charles Alexander WYCKOFF, a veteran stage driver, was born in New York City
Feb 9 1839, son of Daniel Dunham WYCKOFF, and Miss Sarah DOTY, native of NY.
She died in NJ and one son resulted from the union.
He came to Butte County via the Platte River on Dec 19 1959, arriving at
Mountain House, on the Quincy Road, 25 east of Oroville.
December 3 1885, he married in Chico to Alice Evelyn WILLETT,a native of
Cherokee, in this county. They had one son, Albert Joseph, who lives in
Jonathan L. WYKOFF, was born in Hunterdon County NJ, Dec 8 1826. When he was
10 years old he came with his parents to Hamilton Co OH. His parents were
John and Mary (DURHAM) WYKOFF, natives of NJ. They had seven children.
Jonathan crossed the plains to CA in 1852. He settled in Solano County. He
married in Napa County, Jan 17 1860, Matilda F. PEARSON, native of MO, who
crossed the plains in 1853. They have five children: Eddie J.; Nellie M.
(Mrs. L.B. CHURCHILL of Sacramento); Jesse C.; Annie C. and Burtie L.
Jaycox in Ventura County
R. E. JAYCOX was born at Pasadena CA Apr 24 1896. In the heyday of road racing in southern California he acted as mechanician for several noted races and later became a racer himself.
In July 1923 he went to Santa Paula and engaged in the trucking business, under the name of the Jaycox Truck Company.
He married Ruth Ramsey HART, native of Santa Paula.
Wm S. CANON in History of Santa Barbara
W. S. CANON, was born Sep 24 1837 in Crawford County, OH. He studied in Wittenberg College, Springfield OH, and on Aug 15, 1861 he enlisted in the Union army. In 1862 he was appointed Sergeant Major of the Seventh Regiment, on detached duty at Nashville TN and Louiseville KY. Receiving an honorable discharge, he went to Auburn IN and found employment at Ft. Wayne. He was in railway service until 1876, then went to the coast and was with the Southern Pacific Railway Company until Aug 1881. He then located at San Luis Obispo and operated until his appointment as Postmaster on Feb 19 1890.
He married Miss Irene SNYDER in 1866 at Ft. Wayne IN. Children: three
daughters and two sons.
EBRHARDT in the History of Sacramento County
John EHRHARDT was born in Hesse-Kassel, Germany Oct 8 1837 son of John and Dorothy (GERHARDT) EHRHARDT. His mother died in Germany in 1848 and the father brought his sons, John, Henry, and George, and his daughter, Mary, to Baltimore MD, and then to MO, and in 1852 with son, John, he crossed the plains driving a band of 7,000 sheep. Wintering them in Ogden UT, he brought them on through to Sheldon, Sacramento County and sold them there. He returned to MO but John remained. John met the famous scout, Kit Carson, on the Platte River and in 1853 he met him again in Slough House, where he had come with a band of sheep from Mexico. Kit Carson gave young John two Mexican sheep-dogs. In Stockton in 1865, John married Miss Caroline HOLMAN who was born in Chile, South America, a daughter of William HOLMAN, born in Peekskill NY. Her mother was Ellen McCARY, born in Scotland. Mr. HOLMAN died in 1849 and Ellen remarried to Marcus LOWELL. Mrs. EHRHARDT died in March 1920 at the age of 72 years. John and Ellen had eight children: George Edward (deceased), Frederick William, Henry Lester, William Gardner, John Amos, Elvesta (Bessie)(Mrs. John A. JAMIESON), Newton Julius, and Nellie (wife of Dr. Edward King, Detroit MI).
John EHRHARDT was born in Germany, Oct 8 1837, son of John and Theresa Dorothy (GEHRHOLDT) EHRHARDT. The mother died in 1847, age 47, the father survived her by 40 years.
The father, stepmother, and five children came to America in 1850, landing in Baltimore MD Aug 20. In 1865 he married Miss Caroline HOLLMAN, and they have 6 sons and one daughter.
George Edward b Feb 5 1867
Mrs. Caroline (HOLLMAN) EHRHARDT was born in Chili, July 28 1847. Her father was William HOLLMAN, who married Miss Ellen Mar McARA, a native of Scotland, daughter of Thomas and Jeanett (JACKSON) McARA who had emigrated to Chili.
Henry EHRHARDT was born in Germany, son of John and Theresa Dorothy (GEHRHOLDT) EHRHARDT. The mother was born Nov 4 1800 and died on the same day in 1847. The father died June 1887 in his 77th year. Henry lived with his grandfather EHRHARDT, for whom he had been named, from 8 to 14 years. The father and step-mother came with five children to America in 1850. They went from Baltimore MD to Chariton County, MO, where three brothers of John EHRHARDT were already settled. Henry came to CA in 1853, with 400 head of cattle, all except six of the twenty men and two women were sick with mumps. He married Elvesta GEORGE, a native of IA, daughter of Andrew and Mary E. (JOHNSON) GEORGE. This family founded the town of Georgetown, which is now called Franklin. He died in 1869, age 48, and Mrs. GEORGE died in 1886, aged about 56.
Henry ECKHARDT, was born Sep 6 1833 in Hoff-Geismar, Hesse-Cassel, Germany, son of Henry and Wilhelmina (LEGER) ECKHARDT. He married in OH in 1859 to Miss Sarah ZANGMEISTER. She died in 1862 and he married in St. Joseph to Miss Wilhelmina HUBER. She died in 1875 in Sacramento. He remarried Miss Frederika HUBER, a sister of his second wife. By the first marriage he had William and Katie. By the third he had one child, Harry.
F.Z. BOYNTON and Charles A.DOE in History of Humboldt County
Franklin Z. BOYNTON was born Dec 28 1828 in Weathersfield Winsor Co, VT. In 1846 he went to Boston MA and stayed there until 1849.
On Feb 3 1849 he sailed from Boston Harbor in the bark Drummond for CA via Cape Horn. After 50 days they arrived at Rio Janeiro and he remained there three weeks.
In Aug 1849 he arrived in San Francisco and then went to Sacramento and then to Mormon Island on the American River. He was taken sick with lung fever and returned to San Francisco where he remained until the spring of 1850 and then went to the old Mission of San Jose. He moved to Humboldt County in 1857.
Feb 7, 1856 he married Miss Emily Ann KINNESON and they have four children: Rollin Dewan, Franklin Hiram, Cyrus Harvey, and Annie Harriet. Emily died Feb 9 1876 and he was remarried to Mrs. Malvina M. MORGAN on May 10 1877.
Charles Albion DOE, mayor of Ferndale in 1913, was born on a farm near Windsor, Kennebec County, ME on Jan 29 1839. At 14 he left and went to Mobile. In 1858 he went as a sailor to Portland ME and then arranged to go to CA. He made the trip to San Francisco via Panama in 24 days. Three passengers died on the way. He married in Waldoboro ME on Dec 1861 to Miss Hannah Sylvester NOYES and then moved to Oil Creek in PA. In 1864 he set out again for CA and settled in Oakland and then went to Humboldt County.
Children: Charles Paden (Seattle WA), Annie L.(Lydia Anna MONROE, wife of Charles, Willows), Susan Nettie (Mrs. CANFIELD, Ferndale), Blandie M. (Blanche WETERBEC/WEATHERBY, Ferndale and Monterey CA) and Nelson H. DOE.
Otis H. BARR in the History of Orange County
Otis H. BARR of Santa Ana, was born in Reedy, Roane County WVA on Dec 11 1872, the son of Dr. Thomas and Alice (KINCAID( BARR. Dr. BARR was born at Lynchburg, VA and Mrs. BARR was born at Lewisburg, WVA. The father retired and made his home in Whittier, CA. Five of their eight children survived to maturity: H.W., C. C., W. B., Mabel and Otis H.
On May 17th, 1899, Lincoln Nebraska, Otis H. BARR married Lou D. PEEBLES, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George H. PEEBLES. They had three children: Wilbur, born 1900 Hastings, NE, married to Miss Josephine VINCENT of Los Angeles and they have one son, George; Frances, born in 1907 in Hastings, NE and Katharine, at Scripp's College at Claremont, CA.
Louisa Bell DOWNING in the History of Tulare and Kings County
page 670 - the bio of Jacob V. HUFFAKER
In 1871 Mr. HUFFAKER married Miss Palestine DOWNING, native of MO, daughter of Joseph and Louisa (BELL) DOWNING. Her father had settled in Sacramento County and later farmed a year near Visalia. He died in Squaw Valley in 1894, age 75. Her mother died in 1909, 86 years old. Their children: Mrs. Jacob V. HUFFAKER and Mrs. Clementine WEISHAR, twins; Mrs. Sarah STOUT, Fresno; William; Eli; and James.
Mrs. HUFFAKER (Palestine DOWNING) had these children: William H.; Frederick E.; Joseph Edward; J. Arthur; Mrs. Elsie L. DOLLNER, and Harold P.
>From obit: Mrs. Louisa DOWNING died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J V. HUFFAKER. She was numbered among the few surviving pioneer women who crossed the plains in the early days. She was born and raised in MO and met her husband there. They came to CA in 1857 by ox team.
Children: Mrs. J. V. HUFFAKER; Mrs. A. WEISHAR; Mrs. STOUT, Fresno; William DOWNING; Eli DOWNING; James DOWNING, Latonville; Mrs. Charles LAWLESS.
William SIMS in the History of Northern CA
William A. SIMS was born Jan 20 1846 in Greene County IL, son of Augustine SIMS who was born in KY Jun 29 1805. he married Mary Ann REDMAN (native of KY) on Jun 29 1826. They removed to Il and then in 1869 to CA. As of 1891 they lived in Sacramento.
They had 11 children, seven still living as of 1891. Their son, John Fletcher, was killed by the Apache Indians. William A. SIMS was the 10th born. When he was twenty he married Miss Josephine WOODMAN (native of IL) daughter of Nelson WOODMAN. They came to CA in 1869. In 1875 they settled in Tulare County.
Their children are: Eulo Lee, Winfield A., Volney A., Josephine, Leonora, Ava, Commodore W. and Lela.
Octavius Decatur GASS in the History of San Bernardino
Octavius Decatur GASS was born in Richland County, OH Feb 28 1829, son of John GASS of VA. He came to CA via Baltimore, in a sailing vessel around Cape Horn. In 1853-54 he was zanjero of the city of Los Angeles. He went to Arizona and was president of the senate there in 1869. In 1884 he returned to San Bernardino. He married Miss Mary SIMPSON of Las Vegas and they had six children: Fenton M., Perry P., Florin A., O. D. GASS, Jr, Lela (Mrs. Joseph SLAUGHTER) and Ina, Mrs.W. HOLLENBECK.
DINWIDDIE in the History of South Coast Counties
William H. H. DINWIDDLE was born Nov 8 1840 in Washington County MO, son of the late John DINWIDDIE. He was born and reared in KY and in 1850 he came overland to CA. John settled in the Sacramento Valley and stayed there until his death at the advanced age of 87. His wife was born in TN and died at the age of 97 in CA. William assisted his father until 1866 and then, after ranching in Yolo County he moved to San Diego. In 1866 he also married Harriet BREEDLOVEM who had been born in MO in 1850 and come to CA with her parents in 1851. The couple had six children (not named).
From History of Yolo County from 1825-1880
John DINWIDDIE was born in KY in 1814 and went to MO and then came to CA in 1850. He settled in Yolo County in 1851. He married Apr 22 1834 to Elizabeth KIRKPATRICK, in Washington County MO by Rev Jacob CLARK. Their children: Sarah C., forty-two; Frances J., thirty-six; C. B., forty-four; J. F., forty; J. W., thirty-six; A. S., thirty-three. His post office address is Grafton.
George McCOLLOUGH in the History of Fresno
George McCOLLOUGH was born in Beaver Co, PA in May, 1823, son of William McCOLLOUGH, a farmer. The family emigrated to Crawford County OH in 1830 and settled among the friendly Wyandotte Indians. George went to IA and worked as a carpenter until 1850 when he followed the tide of emigration and traveled to CA. He joined Dr. MANSFIELD and John BROWN at Cedar Rapids, IA and with five horses and a light wagon, started for the Pacific Coast across the plains, via the Platte River and Sublette's cut-off, entering the Golden State by the Carson Route. They arrived in Sacramento Aug 4 1850. In the spring of 1851 they separated and McCOLLOUGH continued to mine until 1852. Then he went to OR to min and ran a pack freight train until 1854 when he returned to the mines of CA. Settling on the Merced River he mined until the spring of 1855 and then went to Fresno County. In 1858, in partnership with
William H. CROOK he engaged in the stock business. In 1861 he bought a sawmill and then in 1872 sold out and went to NV. In January, 1873 he returned to Fresno and engaged in the lumber business until 1877. He started the first waterworks which business he followed until 1886 when he sold the plant.
In 1870 George married Miss Caroline GREEN. They separated and he returned to live at the Grand Central Hotel in Fresno.
Anita M. BALDWIN in the History of the SF Bay Region
Elias Jackson (Lucky) BALDWIN was born in Butler County OH Apr 3 1828. At 20 he married a daughter of Joseph UNRUH. In 1853 he crossed the plains to CA and erected the famous Baldwin Hotel in SF and also gave SF one of its early theater buildings. He was a millionaire at the time of his death on Mar 1 1909. By his first marriage he was the father of two daughters, one of which died in infancy. The family name of his second wife was COCHRANE and for his third wife he married Jane Virginia DEXTER and the only child was Anita. The fourth marriage of Mr. BALDWIN was with Lillie C. BENNETT.
Anita BALDWIN was born in San Francisco on 1/10/1876. Her mother was Jane Virginia DEXTER, the daughter of Col Peter A. DEXTER (a native of VA) and Mary Ann (BRIAN)DEXTER(native of Ireland).
There is a whole list of songs which Anita wrote which mentioned in the article in the CA Plutarch - "Sail Ho", "Fan of Japan", "My Little Doll" (dedicated to her granddaughter, Anita BALDWIN WINTER).
Also mentioned is the fact she was a wonderful equestrian and saved a man's life during the Rose Tournament in Pasadena.
She eloped with George BALDWIN (article in SF CALL Mar 22 1892 page 2 col 5) Their children were Edward J. and Frederick B. BALDWIN.
She divorced and married Harry Hull McCLAUGHRY whom she divorced in 1913. Their children were Dextra Baldwin WINTER and Baldwin W. BALDWIN (he married Margaret WILSON of Indianapolis IN in 1933)
George D. FISKE in the History of Northern CA
George D. FISKE was born in Fiskdale, Worcester Co MA July 31 1827, son of Henry FISKE, native of Sturbridge and Susan Helen (FALES) FISKE.
FISKE history is as follows: two sons of Nicholas FISKE, a knighted physician, came to the US and settled in MA. Nicholas was given a coat-of-arms in the year of 1635, in the time of the reign of Charles, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland. Henry FISKE married Susan FALES in 1705 at Wrentham MA. They removed to Ingham County MI in 1837. Henry died there in the town of Leslie the day before Christmas, 1845. His wife died in New Hampshire in 1881.
George came to CA in 1849 on the barque Edward Fletcher. Leaving Boston on March 4, they came around the Cape Horn and arrived in San Francisco on Sunday, Sep 7, 180 days from Boston.
July 26, 1851, he married and on the same day took the train for NY on his way to CA, taking in charge his cousin's wife, Mrs. William L. MESSINGER, and her child.
After the great fire of Nov 2 1852, which destroyed Sacramento, Mr. FISKE moved down to that place, and son the city was inundated and Mr. FISKE, and his wife's brother, George LORING, were engaged in taking goods around to Brighton in lighters, where they could be conveyed to the mines by teams. Spring, they started a grocery business, continuing it until the fall of 1855, when they sold it and returned to Capay Valley in Yolo County. His wife was Elizabeth C. LORING, native of Yarmouth, ME. Their children: Harry Waterman, born 1852 on McDowell Hill, died at Cambria Jul 31 1887, leaving a widow. The other son, George Damon, born in Sacramento 1844, married a daughter of William HAZELTON, of Kings River, Fresno, which is his present home and he has a son and a daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth FISKE died Apr 13 1890.
George D. FISKE died Dec 27 1902 in Yolo County. He left one brother, Francis L. FISKE, of Ottawa, IL and one sister, Mrs. Susan F. GEROULD, who is in NH.
Thomas Jefferson WEEKS in the History of Santa Cruz
Thomas J. WEEKS was born Dec 22 1829 in Wayne, Kennebec County, ME, the son of Thomas and Sarah (HARMON) WEEKS. He came to CA at age 20, sailing from Boston on the ship, New Jersey, bound around Cape Horn for the Golden Gate.
In Santa Cruz he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret (Maggie) M. MORGAN of Springfield OH, daughter of James MORGAN and niece of Judge BLACKBURN, and they had Clara (Mrs. Frank STEARNS, Los Gatos) and son, Albion (Allie), of Santa Cruz. A second son, Horace, died at age 8.
Their home was the former site of the Santa Cruz High School.
He died in Santa Cruz on Dec 18 1905 and is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Santa Cruz. NDGW submission by Gertrude B. LINCOLN, Santa Cruz.
Frank KATTNER in the History of Santa Cruz
Frank KATTNER, head of the Leader Bakery Company, Salinas, was born in Prussia Germany Dec 13 1879. At 14 he was apprenticed to a baker. In 1899, at 20, he crossed the ocean and made his way across the continent. At San Francisco he worked as a baker for 4 years and in 1903 came to Pacific Grove, where he became manager of the Vinchet Bakery. He married in Salinas in 1913 to Miss Elizabeth KLUTE, of SF, and they had Frances Eleanor, Selma and Robert Adolph KATTNER.
Garrison TURNER in the History of Merced, Stanislaus County
Garrison TURNER is a CA pioneer of 1850. He is a native of Fort Wayne Benton Co, IN, born Dec 25 1838, son of John TURNER, native of MD (of English extraction) and Mary BODFIELD TURNER, also a native of MD. Garrison was the 9th of 12 children. John died in 1891 at the age of 91. Garrison's maternal grandmother, Nancy ANDREWS, was one of twenty-five born to her mother, all of whom grew to years of maturity.
Garrison married on Sept 2 1859 in Benton Co OR to Miss Elizabeth STARR, a native of Walnut Grove, IA, daughter of Samuel Fletcher STARR who crossed the plains and settled in OR in 1847. She was granddaughter of Moses STARR from MD.
Children: Henry G., Leander Theodore, Florence Starr, Mary, Rose E., Olive M. and Veda Myrtle, and one daughter who died in infancy. (see below, there are more listed in another book)
From Stanislaus Stepping Stones, 1983 Vol 7
Garrison TURNER was the brother of Theodore TURNER of the Turner Hardware Store. Elizabeth (Betty) STARR MORIS BERNARDO was the daughter of Elveda (Veda) Muriel MORRIS, wife of L. M. MORRIS, and daughter of Garrison TURNER. Elizabeth's sister was Sarah (Sally) Elveda MORRIS TAYLOR, wife of Edwin TAYLOR.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Garrison TURNER:
J. W. CONANT and John Augustus DOWNEY in the History of Northern CA
From CADI pre1940:
John Wesley CONANT was born Jan 14 1845 son of Jacob and Matilda CONANT, both natives of TN and of German ancestry. His brother was W. R. CONANT of Cartella.
In June, 1862, John enlisted in Company H, Eighth MO Cavalry and in 1864 re-enlisted in Company K, Twelfth MO Cavalry.
In 1867 he went to the plains in the western part of Kansas and in 1868 he went as a scout for Custer and Sheridan. In 1870 he married Miss Alice UMBERGER, native of KS, daughter of Capt UMBERGER. They had one daughter, Maggie M. (Mrs. HUGHES), born in Douglas County. He came to CA in 1872 and settled in Stockton, working for General John BIDWELL. He arrived in Squaw Creek, Shasta County, July 5 1855 and found several mines, naming them "the Mountain Rose", "the Black Bear", the "Logan", and the "Uncle Sam".
While on the plains Mr. CONANT was with Dick Cody (Buffalo Bill), and went by the name of Buckskin Jack. His present wife is Miss Nellie HAMILTON, a native of Sacramento and they have John Samuel, Nellie E., (Mrs. ROBERTS) and Mary C.
J. A. DOWNEY was born in Calistoga, Oct 20, 1863 on his father's ranch. He is the superintendent of "Inglebourn" the magnificent lower ranch of Mr. W. B. BOURN, situated a short distance north of Rutherford in the Napa Valley.
Martin TOMASINI in the History of Monterey County
From CADI pre1940
Martin TOMASINI was born July 31 1851 in Switzerland. In 1868 he came to CA where two brothers, Baptiste and P. A. were living. P. A. died in 1890. He married Concepcion SOBRANES in 1875 children: Deo, who died at 14; Christina (Mrs. Charles McKINNEY, Salinas); David; Florence (Mrs. W. T. PETTIT. Salinas); Elmer, and Addie.
HOOK in the history of Contra Costa County
William HOOK (deceased) William and Elijah were twin brothers born in Salem, Botetourt County, VA on Feb 14 1805. Their father died when they were quite young and in 1819 the boys moved to Old Franklin, Howard County, MO. In 1835 William married Miss Miranda BROWN. The family went to CA, arriving at Placerville on Sept 1 1850. His daughter Emma was born Oct 15 1850, the first white child born in Placerville.
They had 12 children, 6 living: Mary Amanda; Ada; Elijah; Henry; John; James; Vincent; Dr. Walter E.
William died at his residence near Pacheco July 24 1882.
Son: Vincent HOOK born Jan 6 1855 Martinez
son: James Simeon HOOK born Jan 27 1853 Pacheco
son: Dr. William Eugene HOOK, M.D. was born Sep 19 1856, Contra Costa County
2. Beverly Baldwin HOOK born May 2 1886 md Miss Maya C. HUMMELL
After Walter E. HOOK died his wife became the wife of E. C. GILBERT
Elijah HOOK in the History of Oakland
Elijah HOOK was one of the pioneers of Oakland where he located in 1873. He was born in Arrow Rock MO in 1837. He died in 1896. In 1858 he married Miss Nannie P. HENDERSON of Santa Clara CA.
William F. COOK in the History of New CA
William F. COOK was born Jun 4 1856 in San Joaquin County, of German lineage. His parents were Frederick and Caroline COOK, both natives of Germany. It was in pioneer days the father came to the Pacific Coast and engaged in mining at Placerville. Children: Emma; William F.; Lewis P.; Charles; Edward; Adolph; Caroline; Eliza and Lillie.
William F. COOK married Miss Lizzie POPE of Oakland, CA. Children: Myrtle and Alice. Grace died in infancy.
VICE, PHIPPS and WISE in the History of Sacramento
From 1880 Census Sacramento
1870 census Sacramento
1880 Census Sacramento
1870 Census Sacramento
M. L. WISE was born in Richland County OH on Apr 26 1846, son of the Hon. Jacob and Lydia (HIBBARD)WISE. Jacob was born in Cumberland County PA, the son of a gentleman whose father had come from Germany. Lydia was born in Berks County, PA.
On September 12 1868 M. L. started for CA by way of New York and Panama; he crossed the Isthmus and took passage on the steamer "Santiago de Cuba," for San Francisco, where he landed on Oct 30 1868. He pushed inland to Sacramento. On Oct 20, 1875, in Sacramento, he married Miss Alice P. TAYLOR, the gifted daughter of John B. TAYLOR. They had one child, Mylinda Isabel (Mrs. Theodore N. KOENING)(Melinda Belle). Mr. Wise died Nov 17 1909.
John Brown TAYLOR was born Aug 30 1862 in Baltimore County MD and died Sept 1889. His parents were Benjamin and Margaret (BROWN) TAYLOR. Benjamin died in 1865. John reached Sacramento on Aug 15 1849. On March 17 1853 John married Miss Ann E. GOETSCHIUS, daughter of John N. GOETSCHIUS. She died Feb 1917. Children: Alice Amelia (Mrs. M. L. WISE); Anna Florence (Mrs. Charles STUDARUS) and Margaret Isabella. Mr. TAYLOR died Sept 3 1889.
Joseph WISE was born in MO, Apr 1 1830, son of Philip and Nancy (JAMES) WISE. Philip was born in 1802 in NC, and his parents moved in 1807 to MO. He was married three times, Miss JAMES being his second wife by which he had five children. Philip lived to be 75.
Joseph WISE came to CA in 1852, accompanied by his half-brother, David. In 1853 he came to Sacramento settling less than a mile north of Walnut Grove. Mr. WISE was married Oct 22 1856 to Miss Nancy Jane PHIPPS, native of IN, and dau of George W. and Nancy (HALL) PHIPPS. The father was a native of NC, the mother of PA. The father came to CA in 1849 and in 1851 went back to IA and returned with his family. The mother died in 1854 and the father in 1860. Grandfather PHIPPS was believed to have died at 105 or 115 years of age.
Joseph and Nancy Jane WISE had: Philip, born Oct 18 1857
Philip WISE married Miss Mary L. BEACH in Freeport, Jun 24 1885, daughter of Julius C. BEACH, native of OH and Mary E. DAVIS, native of Pittsburg PA. Children: Joseph Clinton who died at 4 years of age; Carol M. (Mrs. Milo E.DYE, Walnut Grove) has one child: Grove Ernest born Oct 9 1907; Mabel E.
and Philip E.
Jessie WISE married in Oakland CA on July 21, 1895 to Augusta Pauline de LAGUNA, native of SF. She died on Aug 11 1922. Jessie and Augusta had Jesse Vance and Paul Frederic.
Joseph L. WISE married in Walnut Grove on Dec 5 1895 to Miss Winnie Mahala De JARNETTE, native of MO. Children: Joseph E. (died at two years old) Laura Louise (died age 8) and Albert Mayo. Winnie was born in Sedalia MO the daughter of Mayo and Marietta (HILL) de JARNETT.
Nancy Jane WISE born in IN, Oct 22 1841 daughter of George and Nancy (HALL) PHIPPS.
George PHIPPS was born Apr 27 1853 in Stockton CA, son of George and Nancy PHIPPS. His elder sister was Nancy Jane WISE. Oct 17 1875 Mr. PHIPPS married in Lockford, CA Eliza Jane WILSON, dau of John and Elizabeth (SHERMAN) WILSON.
George W. PHIPPS died in Sacramento 7/23/1933
George VICE was born in San Bernardino County, May 25 1871, son of David and Laura VICE. David came to CA in 1855 from OH. The couple was married in CA. George married Miss Edith MEISS, native of Sacramento, and they had one daughter, Helen.
History of Sonoma County - 1911
Josiah Howe WHITE was born in Westminster, Worcester County MA Feb 3 1838. He visited relatives in IL at age 14 and then went to New York state and was in Jefferson county for 7 months. Next he went to Lancaster MA. Back to IL in 1855 he worked on the Jacksonville & St. Louis Railroad until 1857. He came to CA in 1860 practicing surveying around Sacramento.
When the great flood of 1861 broke the levee around Sacramento, he took on the contract for rebuilding. In 1864 he took up his headquarters in San Francisco. In 1877 he was involved in the Contention quartz mine in Tombstone AZ.
His parents were John and Lucy (HOWE) WHITE, natives of MA. John was born in 1800 and Lucy in 1806. Josiah married Miss Annie DANIELS at Lakeville, Nov 14 1879. She was born at Milton, Saratoga County NY, the daughter of Seneca and Sarah (STARR) DANIELS, native of that county. During the early days Mr. DANIELS brought stock from NY to CA arriving at Sacramento in 1860. Mr. DANIELS died in 1876, Mrs. DANIELS sold the ranch to Mr. WHITE and died in Alameda in 1903.
Five children:
John Charles GLANCY in the History of Contra Costa County CA
John Charles GLANCY was born in Harrisburg PA on Aug 23 1844. He learned the iron moulder's trade and came to Sacramento in 1873, entering the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. He went to Crockett in 1882. He was married in Harrisburg PA to Miss Catherine HELT, who was born Jan 18 1846. The family was Catholic.
Mr. GLANCY died in Crockett on January 18 1910 (date differs from death index).
John B. and Amelia TAYS in the American Biography and Genealogy
John Bernard TAYS was born in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada on Sept 6 1842, the son of John B. and Mary (ELLIS) TAYS, both natives of Nova Scotia. Their eldest son was Rev Joseph TAYS. Of the seven children, John B. TAYS was the 6th in order of birth. With his brother James in 1872 he went to Texas and locate at El Paso.
In 1883 he came to southern CA and established his home in Ontario colony of San Bernardino county.
On May 1, 1878, at El Paso TX he married Mrs. Amelia (ROHMANN) St. VRAIN, widow of Vincent St. VRAIN. Vincent's father was Col Cereau St. VRAIN. They had no children. Neither did Amelia and John B. TAYS. However they raised two daughters of Amelia's brother-Amelia and Mary ROMAN.
Mrs. TAYS was born in Galena IL, on Mar 13 1843, the daughter of Anton Bernard and Mary Ann (SWOPE) ROHMANN, both natives of Germany. The father born 1892 in Bavaria and the mother born June 1809 in Hanover.
In 1894 Mr. TAYS went to South America and on May 6 1900 he lost his life at the Tumatumari falls of the Rio Pataro.
Cosme J. VICENCIO in the History of Placer and Nevada Counties, CA
Cosme J. VICENCIO born at Calaveras CA on May 24 1873, sixth in a family of twelve born to Cosme and Lucy (MECADOS) VICENCIO, natives of Chile and Mexico repectively. At Ophir, on Dec 29, 1919, Cosme marriedMiss Ramona LOZANO, born in Amador County, daughter of Rafael and Dolores (MENDOZA)LOZANA, both natives of Mexico.
By a former marriage Mr. VICENCIO has a son, Cosme Lucas VICENCIO.
James Center was born in Aberdeenshire on May 1 1853. In 1870 he accompanied his parents to America and located with them in CA near Alviso. He married Minnie D. RELFE of MO who came with her parents to CA in 1867. Children: Mary Inez, Jennie Finley, Mildred Relfe, Carrie Francis, George Relfe, and Annie Leath.
Hugh CENTER was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland in 1853, the son of George CENTER. George was the brother of John CENTER. George died in Santa Clara in 1902 at age 87. He had married as a young man to Sophy LILLIE. She died in Scotland In the family of George CENTER there were 12 children. All but two Attained maturity and came to CA.
Children listed: James, George, and Hugh. Hugh married in San Francisco to Miss Mary STUART, who was born in Chicago. They had one son, George Stuart CENTER.
Mildred Relfe CENTER born MO 1855, came to CA via Isthmus, lived in Lawrenceand Mountain View Her parents were James and Mary (RUTLEDGE) RELFE Mary RUTLEDGE was born in VA in 1831, came to CA via the Isthmus, died Mountain View 1915.
Children: Annie IRELAND, Mildred CENTER, Robert RELFE, James RELFE (below) educated in Lawrence Station
Married James CENTER at Lawrence Station, Santa Cruz, CA children: Inez CENTER, Jennie BOOTH, Mildred BURTON, Carrie CENTER, George CENTER, Ann MORRISON
James RELFE was born in MO in 1858. He came to SF via Isthmus. Married Lucy LOVELAND in San Jose Children:
Lydia JARVIS, Ann EHRET, Finley RELFE, Edward RELFE, James RELFE, William RELFE, Viginia ANDERSON
History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the San Joaquin Valley, California" pgs 1443 & 1444:
Thomas Yost. During the colonial period of our country's history a young Bavarian bearing the name of Peter Yost crossed the ocean and settled in New Jersey, whence he afterward went to the front as a soldier in the Revolutionary war. When peace again reigned and the United States had become an independent power among other nations, resumed the duties of private citizenship, and eventually moved to Ohio, where his son, Robert Yost, was born. The latter followed general farming, making his home successively in Belmont county, Ohio and directly across the river in Ohio county, W. Va. Noah Yost, son of Robert, was born in Belmont county, Ohio, January 30, 1813. The star of empire, which from the beginnings of history has wended its slow course toward the west, led him from his eastern home in the then frontier regions of Illinois, where, in 1853, he became a farmer in Pike county. Somewhat later, he removed to Piatt county, in the same state, and there his death occurred, February 24, 1892, at the age of seventy-nine years. While living in the east he had married Elizabeth Price, who was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, April 17, 1817, and died in Illinois August 30, 1858, having won many warm friends during her comparitively brief period of residence in Illinois. In her home she was a careful housekeeper, a devoted wife, and a loving mother to her large family, which comprised three sons and one daughter dying in infancy.
The third member of the family circle was Thomas Yost. As his early home in West Virginia, where he was born on Christmas day of 1840, was exchanged in 1853 for the newer country of Illinois, he was obliged to aid his parents in the support of the large family and had no opportunities for obtaining an education. Notwithstanding this, he is a well-informed man, with a depth of knowledge not always equaled by those whose opportunities have been greater. After leaving the home farm he secured employment as clerk in a general store at Bement, Ill. The opening of the Civil war found him eager to aid the Union cause. May 7, 1861, he enlisted as a private in a regiment authorized by the state, from the Seventh Congressional District, which afterward became the famous Twenty-first Illinois Infantry (General Grant's regiment), being assigned to Company A. Later he was made a corporal. With the army he engaged in service in Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and other portions of the south where the Army of the Cumberland operated. From the ranks he was promoted to be sergeant and continued in that capacity until the expiration of his service. Among his acquaintances he is known as "Captain", a title that clings to him in spite of his earnest protestations that in the war he held no rank higher than that of sergeant. However, it may be stated that many an officer who held higher rank than he suffered far less in the country's cause and gave to the Union neither greater fidelity nor more valiant service than the record of Thomas Yost shows.
While he participated in all the engagements of his regiment, Mr. Yost escaped being wounded for a considerable period, but finally, at the battle of Chickamauga, both arms were broken by minie balls. For twenty-one days he lay on the battlefield, too ill to walk, and overlooked by those who were busy in removing the injured from the field. To protect him from the hot sun by day there was only a small peach tree, in the shadow of whose foliage he found a partial protection from the heat of a Georgia sun. At night the ground and air seemed cold, and this in contrast with the heat of the day increased his misery. Meanwhile, his wounds not being dressed, caused him the greatest agony. Hour after hour slowly dragged away in terrible suffering. By chance a Confederate found him there and with pity for his deplorable condition brought him food and water, but was unable to care for the wounds. Yet, the simple act of charity on the part of the southerner gave the wounded northern soldier a different feeling towards the boys in gray. When finally he was removed by the Confederates, he was taken north by slow stages to Richmond, Va., and in Libby Prison it was found that the wounds were so eaten by vermin that recovery would be tedious, and further service being impossible in his crippled condition, he was sent to Annapolis, from there to Chicago and honorably discharged in Louisville, July 5, 1864, after which he returned to his Illinois home with his arms in a sling.
The first visit to California made by Mr. Yost was in 1866, but he soon returned to Illinois. After his marriage in the spring of 1869, he again came west, this time settling at Hollister, where he remained for seventeen years and carried on business as a dealer in merchandise, stationery and jewelry. During fifteen years of that time he was postmaster at Hollister. After coming to Fresno in 1887 he carried on a jewelry and stationery store. In 1893, he bought thirty acres near Centerville and this he planted in oranges and lemons, later selling the property. In December of 1901 he returned to his old home in the east and remained there for some time, also visited twenty-two states of the Union. Finding no location so satisfactory as Fresno county, in 1903 he returned to California and purchased fifteen acres adjoining Centerville, where he has oranges, lemons, prunes and grapes. In the sunshine and peace of his little home he expects to spend his declining years.
In Homer, Ill., Mr. Yost married Miss Emma Thomas, who was born in Champaign county, Ill., a daughter of Elias Thomas, a Kentuckian by birth, but during the greater part of his life a farmer in Illinois. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Yost was Howard L., who was born May 26, 1870, at Hollister, Cal., and received his education in that town, being a graduate of the high school. At an early age he showed ability as an artist and a number of his paintings are now among the most prized possessions of his parents. After having been in business with his father for some years, in 1894 he was appointed head bookkeeper for the First National Bank of Fresno, and continued in that position until his death, which occurred March 23, 1898. The death of their promising son was the deepest bereavement of his parents' lives, and the years have not dimmed the realization of their loss; yet it is their joy to remember that the only sorrow he ever caused them was in his death.
Stanch in his allegiance to the Republican party, Mr. Yost has been active in local politics and has served as a member of the county central committee. In 1900 he was a forced candidate for the assembly and came within fifty votes of being successful. Old war days are kept in memory through the comradeship of other veterans. In Atlanta Post, G.A.R., at Fresno, he has been a prominent member and has been honored with the office of commander of the Post."
Illustrated History of Sacramento p313
Joseph BAUQUIER native of France born Dept of Haut-Saone Mar 5 1814; father: Antonie mother: Catherine VIVIER
He came to America 1832; Married in St. Clair Co IL 1 Aug 1840 to Mrs. Catherine GRANJEAN - she died 15 Dec 1888 age 71 years 6 months
Children: Peter; Frank; Mary (Mrs. H. D. RDE); Joseph Jr. born 18 Jun 1857 in Sacramento
George WILSON and Cyrus WILSON in History of Sacramento Valley
George WILSON was born in Greenup County, KY Dec 8 1815 the son of Thomas WILSON who was born on James River, Dinwiddie Co, VA and died about 1845 at the age of sixty-three years. George's mother was Mary Isabelle POGUE, a native of Greenup Co, KY. His grandfather was Stephen WILSON, native of VA, who had seven sons and six daughters. Thomas, George's father, emigrated in 1828 to IL and located in Vermilion County and then in 1836 he moved to Iowa County, WI and in Sept 1837 moved to Lee County, IA where he died. His wife died in IL in 1829.
Children: Robert; George; Mary Isabelle; James P.; and Stephen H. (who died on the plains during the Pike's Peak excitement)
George in 1836 made a trip into WI. In 1847 he raised a company of Calvary for the Mexican war, but never called to service. In 1850 he settled in Appanoose County and then went to CA. His wife, Rhoda KILGORE, died in Appanoose County Apr 28 1851, one year before he went to CA. He arrived in CA Oct 10, 1852. Dec 31 1852 he married his second wife: Leaner FLINN.
By his first marriage he had five children: Mary Isabelle; Elizabeth E.; *Cyrus P.; Amanda M.; and Matthew K. all born in IA.
By his second marriage he had Sarah Ann; Edwin A.; Julia F.; Dexter T.; Hayden F.; Ida May; Georgia Ivy; Ulysses Grant and Cerita Alice.
*Cyrus Pogue WILSON was born in Lee County, IA Jan 25, 1846. He died on his Grand Island homestead Jan 16 1901. He was married in Sacramento on Dec 16 1874 to Miss Emeline KILGORE, who was born on the plains near Green river, in what is now Wyoming. Her parents were George and Mary A. (WILLIAMSON)KILGORE, natives of OH. Her maternal grandfather was Henry WILLIAMSON and paternal grandfather was Matthew KILGORE born in 1801. He crossed the plains in 1850 to CA. His wife was Massa (McGUIRE) KILGORE, who was born 1798 and died 1876. Matthew died in 1882 in Sacramento County. George died in 1876 in Sacramento County and his wife moved to Sycamore and died there in 1901.
Children of Cyrus P. WILSON and Emeline KILGORE WILSON were: Loring J.; Worth W. b 5-19-1877 CA died San Mateo 5-13-1943; Estella Pearl (Mrs. George RANKIN) b 5-31-1882; died Colusa 11-25-1940 58 years
Adam Kline McQUILLING in the History of Los Angeles
Adam Kline McQUILLING was born in Mercer County IL Sep 18 1843. At eight years of age he came with his parents to Delta OH. (there is a rather elaborate genealogy outlined in this article and it is confusing but I will try to make it work for you.)
Adam is a descendant, in the third generation of a Scotch-Highlander who emigrated to America. The son of this emigrant, John McQUILLING, was a resident of Somerset County PA disliked the excitement of business and betook himself to the quietude of agriculture and he died when almost a centenarian, a short period before the Civil War. His son was Samuel, who was born in Somerset County in 1801,and was married Nov 28, 1836 to Miss Anna FLORY. He was a millwright and farmer. He died of cholera in Delta OH Sep 6 1850. His wife, Anna FLORY, was born in Harrison Co OH Oct 18 1821.
The paternal grandfather was born in America, of German parentage, about 1765 and died in Delta OH in 1839. His maternal grandfather, Jonah FLORY, was born in PA May 20 1793 and died in Dubuque IA Sep 6 1845. His wife was Catherine KNAGA, born at the Glades, PA in 1791 and died in Mercer Co IL, Sep 18 1843. Her parents were natives of Germany and came to America, crossing the Alleghenies on horse back and settling at the Glades, where she was married at age 20.
Two of Adam's sisters and his father died of cholera and another sister died from a rattlesnake bite. In 1857 his mother and step-father went to Charitan Co MO. He married Margaret Isabel SEDWICK Nov 24 1870. Her father was Washington SEDWICK and her mother Elizabeth KOENER.
Adam and Margaret had two children, Inez May and William S.
During his active life he was a Methodist Minister. He supports the First Congregational Church of Pasadena with which his wife is connected.
F. M. SENTENEY in the History of Tulare and Kings Counties, CA p189
The page requested merely lists that "The Socialists put up F. M. SENTENEY." Mr. SENTENEY received 70 votes while William L. McGUIRE, a young attorney of Hanford won by a vote of 1133.
The pre1940 CADI and found:
Covered Wagon Pioneer Passes
EXETER, Feb22-- Mrs. Polly SENTENEY, 89,who came across the plains in a covered wagon from Indiana to AZ in 1875, died at the home of her daughter,Mrs. W. B. McWHORTER.
Mrs. SENTENEY was born July 26 1843 in IN and married Francis Marion SENTENEY on Aug 28 1859. She moved to AZ in 1875 and in 1879 settled in Santa Barbara. In 1911 she moved to Three Rivers where she lived until the death of her husband in 1915. Since then she has lived with her daughter, Mrs. W. B. McWHORTER.
Survivors include daughter, Mrs. W. B. McWHORTER of Exeter; a brother, James RUSSELL of Skull Valley, AZ, three grandchildren: Miss Larua (sic?) McWHORTER of Porterville, Miss Eva McWHORTER of Exeter and Howard McWHORTER of Exeter and a cousin, Mrs. Elsie CARTER of Three Rivers.
E. C. IVINS in the History of Santa Cruz
E. C. (Ernest Campbell) IVINS was born in 1856 in the state of Washington, the son of C. H. (Charles Henry) IVINS, a lawyer. His mother was Miss Mary Ellen COLE of IN. C. H. and Mary had two children, one son and one daughter.
In 1879 Mr. IVINS was united in marriage to Esther BLUNT a CA native. They had three sons, but Charles Henry is the only one still alive.
DROUILLARD and KNOWLES in Fresno, Stanislaus and Sonoma
Jennie DROUILLARD, native of IA, married 1866 to James Edward DENNY, who was born in Bond County IL Jun 1 1835, son of James and Mary (WHITE) DENNY, natives of NC. In 1854 James Edward DENNY came west to join his brother at Forest City. James and Jennie had four children, but only two survived childhood - Mabel and Lawrence.
B. G. DROUILLARD was a native of MI, born in Algonac St Clair Co May 11 1883. His grandfather was Thos. DROUILLARD of French descent, born in Montreal CAN. His father was Jno. M. DROUILLARD who was a native of MI.
John married Mary J. DUBEAU, native of Buffalo NY, daughter of Edward DUBEAU, born in Quebec and an early settler of Buffalo.
John and Mary had three children, B. G. being the oldest. He was married in Los Angeles on July 25, 1906 to Miss Mary E. SWAIN, who was born in McLouth KS, the daughter of Loring R. and Lucy (RICE) SWAIN.
From CAIF pioneer card:
Edward DROUILLARD born Columbus OH May 6 1820 son of Simon Kenton DROUILLARD born KY and Martha Cynthia BILLUPS born South Carolina he married Susan TOPPING Apr 7 1848 Marion Co IA she died 1870 or 1880 in Tulare or Modoc County Edward died Sept 19 1897 in Kern Co CA
Joseph W. DROUILLARD was born Nov 2 1849 in Marion County IA. In 1855 the family was in Hangtown. In 1872 Joseph married Frances M. WOODS, native of IL, daughter of Abel and Sarah WOODS. Children of Joseph and Frances were:
William F. DROUILLARD born in Modoc County 1884
Luther MINERD in the History of Sacramento
Luther MINARD was born in Harrison County, OH on Jan 10 1865, son of Daniel and Rebecca (KNOUFF) MINARD. Daniel was a native of OH and Rebecca a native of VT.
In 1890 he came to the Golden State and immediately took up residence in Sacramento.
On Mar 7, 1895, Mr. MINERD married Mary B. CORNELIUS, a native of Sacramento, daughter of H. P. CORNELIUS, an honored resident. He had come to CA in 1874, settling in Sacramento County and he died Nov 16 1894. Luther and Mary had Dannie C. (deceased), Lillian R. and Luther.
Egbert A.BROWN in the History of Sacramento County
Egbert Alfred BROWN was born on Sept 20 1878 in Virginia City NV and reared in OR.
In 1895 he came with his mother to Sacramento and secured employment as a clerk in a department store. In 1898 he became office assistant at the California State Bank and continued to work there when the bank became the CA National Bank.
He married Miss Pearl JACKSON, a native of Sacramento, daughter of Oliver JACKSON, chief of Police of Sacramento. Mr. BROWN's grandfather, George BRUCE, for a long time acted as landlord of the BRUCE house in Sacramento. As early as 1852 he crossed the plains accompanied by his young wife and settled in Sacramento. Egbert and Pearl had three children: Eleanor, Phoebe and Oliver.
The Episcopal Church receives his generous support and he is a member of The IOOF.
William H. LAINE in the History of Sacramento County
from CADI pre1940
Wm. H. (Bill) LAINE was born in IA in Anamosa, Jones County, on Feb 23 1867, son of James and Lucy (GARRETT) LAINE. They came to Sacramento in 1883.
William was with the Pacific Gas & Electric company, but in 1922 he opened a store and parlor for soft drinks. He married Cora HARVEY of Monterey.
Children: Ethel (Mrs. Arthur CARTIER); Stella (Mrs. Charles HUGHES); Verna, William, Irvey and Edith.
From obit: husband of Cora B.
Goldbaum, Wm. Page 273 An Illustrated History of Southern California - 1890
Dr. John N. BLOOD died Dec 24 1945. He was descended from an early American family, a branch of which transferred to CA in the 1850's when his paternal grandfather, John N. BLOOD, crossed the plains. He was also a direct descendant of the Mayflower pioneers through his maternal ancestors.
Dr. BLOOD died Dec 26 1945 age 57 in San Mateo
KING, E W Physician age 35 or 55 hard to read; NY
Caroline R. 35 keeps house
Ada R. 12 born Wisconsin
Ella 5 born CA
William 1/12 born CA
Ida E. spouse A, died Sacramento Aug 18 1931
Guy K. OWEN died age 21 Sacramento July 16 1922
Lloyd of Alma City MN - 7 children
Hammond - three children
Edith (Mrs. Joseph BURKE) one daughter
Edna (Mrs. George ELLEDGE) - one son
Lee and Ray (deceased)
Lillian (Mrs. Ed. BRAZIL of Oakland)
Inez (Mrs. Ray SINGELTON) - two daughters
Lela (deceased) Mrs. Ted BLANKENSHIP
Guy K. (deceased)
Ida E. OWEN, native of Wisconsin, age 71, mother of Mrs. Nettie MORRILL and Lloyd OWEN, Mrs. Edward BRASEL, Mrs. Inez SINGLETON, Mrs. J. A. BURKE, Mrs. George ELLEDGE. Asa OWEN, father of Mrs. Nettie MORRILL, Lloyd, Hamond OWEN, Mrs. Edward BRAZEL, Mrs. Inez SINGLETON, Mrs. J. A. BURKE and Mrs. Edna ELLEDGE. Native
of MI age 77.
April 17 1936 Glenn
Mrs. Sophie Wihelmina C. KATTENBERG died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed RUNGE. Born in Grossen Aspe Germany on Oct 11 1847 she was the widow of Henry KATTENBERG. Surviving are three daughters: Mrs. H. MULLER of SF; Mrs. A. O. PIEPER of Artois, and Mrs. Ed RUNGE. A son, A. C. KATTENBERG of Willows; a brother, A. ZELLER of Napa and a sister, Mrs. Charlotte DIECHMAN of Willows.
Margaretha KATTENBERG, wife of Jasper, mother of Mrs. Charles ASMUS, Dorothy, Margaretha and C. H. KATTENBERG. Native of Wacken Germany, age 80.
C. H. CATTENBERG died at home near Germantown. Born in Germany 68 years ago. He came to CA in 1866 and resided in Dixon before coming to Willows. Survived by a widow, and one son, August. And by the following step-children: Mrs. Arthur PIEPER, Mrs. Ed. RUNGE, Mrs. H. HILLER, and H. A. HANSON. Brothers and sisters still living: Andrew and Hans of Willows and Mrs. Mary BRINKEN of Independence KS.
Carten Henry KATTENBERG, son of Jasper and Margaret KATTENBERG, brother of Dorothy and Margaret and the late Mrs. Celia ASMUS, Johannis and Amiel KATTENBERGE, native of Dixon, Solano County, CA.
Bertha (Mrs. George A. GORDON) of Davis; two children: George and Beryl Burlin, Jr. who married Miss Grace ROGERS; daughter: Merrea Lola (Mrs. W. H. PIKE) of Oakland: daughters: Ruby and Buryl Ida Belle (Mrs. William P. GORDON) daughter and son: Cecil and Burleigh Grace (Mrs. Roy ALTER) of Roseville; son: Wesley Lillard of Oakland, married to Jessie McINTYRE; Hazel, (Mrs. R. HILDEBRAND) of Sacramento: daughter: Helen and Granville.
July 29 1912 Davis
Mrs. Granville CECIL, mother of Mrs. J. W. ANDERSON of Davis died at age 74. She was a native of KY.
Mrs. Berlin CECIL died at home. A native of Yolo age 54. Her maiden name was Eliza Ann LILLARD. Eight children:
Mrs. George A. GORDON
Berlin CECIL Jr ('Jack')
Lillard and Granville CECIL
Mrs. W. H. PIKE
Mrs. Roy ALTAR of Sparks NV
and Mrs. Richard W. HILDERBRANDT
Burlin CECIL died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George GORDON, age 72.
Burlin CECIL 79, son of Burlin CECIL and Mrs. Eliza Ann LILLARD CECIL. His wife, Mrs. Grace ROGERS CECIL died in 1917. Survived by daughters: Merea CECIL of Davis, Mrs. Grace GUNDLACH of Los Altos, Mrs. Bell BORDON and Mrs. Bertha GORDON, both of Davis and Mrs. Hazel HILTENBRAND, Sacramento, a brother, Lillard CECIL, Davis. Also brother to the late Lola PIKE, Mrs. Grace ALTERS and Granville CECIL. Please notice there seems to be several errors in this obituary - I think the BORDON should be GORDON and the HILTENBRAND should be HILDERBRAND or HILDERBRANDT.
William GORDON, 85, died at his home from injuries sustained in a runaway accident when a train frightened his horse. He had come to Davis in 1852, and was a native of VT. Survived by a wife and three sons, George G. and William of Davis, and Ira of Roseville, and two daughters, Mrs. Mabel McCRACKEN of NV and Miss Florence of Davis.
James T. LILLARD 72 died in Woodland after an operation for appendicitis. He was born in MO and has one brother, Sam LILLARD.
Sam LILLARD, died age 83 at Yolo General Hospital. A native of Jackson County MO, he came to Davis in 1885 where his uncle, the late James LILLARD, had one of the early hotels in Davis. His wife, Nina E. LILLARD, died in 1931. One daughter: Mrs. Leona DeHAY, Davis.p
June 22 1952 Davis
Mrs. Laura Ellen MARTIN LILLARD died at her home at almost 95 years of age. She was born near Zanesville OH July 30 1857the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob MARTIN.
She was married in 1883 at independence MO, to the late William A. LILLARD who died in 1929.
two daughters: Mrs. Ollie HOAG, Davis
Mrs. Ruth CASTLE, Glendale.
Another daughter, Mrs. Alice BRADY, died May 4;
a son, William R. LILLARD, died in 1928.
Berdie M. 2 months 6-9-1911
George R. no age 2-12-1919
Hilda spouse S C age 53 9-4-1934
Samuel 78 6-15-1936
William H. ADAMSON age 81 died Los Angeles County Nov 7 1926
Nancy J. ADAMSON age 90 died Napa July 31 1914
Charles W. ADAMSON age 71 died Santa Cruz Dec 4 1927
Edward F. ADAMSON died age 85 Lake County Mar 24 1930
Augusta (Mrs. Edward WREDE - San Francisco)
Mary (Mrs. Charles MITCHELL - Alameda County)
Josephine (at home)
Theresa (Mrs. George PULLIN - San Francisco)
Dena (Seattle WA)
Annie (Mrs. George MORRISON - San Francisco)
Emma (died at age 11)
Thomas L. NEFF age 61 died Amador County Feb 22 1920
Edward W. NEFF spouse B died age 44 in Yolo County Jan 15 1918
Pascal M. BEQUETTE age 42 died San Bernardino Jan 19 1913
Paschal BEQUETTE spouse M L age 84 died Tulare Dec 26 1929
Frank I. BEQUETTE age 74 died Auburn July 29 1952
citation in Sacramento Bee July 29 1952 p25c8
Benjamin BEQUETTE born Jan 1 1836 St. Geneviva? MO
father: Jean Baboleste BEQUETTE
Benjamin married Kitty KRAFT Apr 1856 Smiths Ferry Yolo County CA
Benjamin arrived in CA Oct 7 1852 and went to Forbstown
He mined in Sierra County
In 1857 he was in Yolo County, in 1859 he was in Tulare County, in 1887 he was in San Jose
submitted by Frank J. BEQUETTE RANDOLPH, San Jose
On Apr 11 1940, Ira J. CHRISMAN married Charlotte BEQUETTE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paschal BEQUETTE, a prominent Tulare County family. In 1871, a century ago, Paschal BEQUETTE brought the editor of the Visalia Delta a handful of English walnuts which came from his home in Visalia. These were the first walnuts raised in Tulare County.
Mary E. (L.) ATHEARN age 85 died San Jose 3-11-1934 #17566
Lucien ATHEARN age 70 died San Joaquin 10-14-1912 #30867
Anna J. (F.F.) ATHEARN age 26 died San Joaquin 6-8-1917 #22372
Frank F. ATHEARN died age 76 Lodi Dec 25 1949, citation in Bee Jan 6 1950
Catherine Hersey ATHEARN b. W. Newton MA Dec 25 1836
father: Leonard HERSEY; mother Catherine PLIMTON
married Joseph H. ATHEARN Oct 12 1867 San Francisco CA
arrive in CA Oct 12 1864 via Panama on the Steamship Golden Age
died Oakland Sept 8 1900
Son: Frank A. ATHEARN
daughter: Ann T. ATHEARN
Grandchildren: Horace, Ralph, Albon
Ggrandchildren: Robt, Audrey, Ralph, Donald, Sylvia, Diane
submitted Nov 1938 by Ann T. ATHEARN
ATHEARN ALBON GEORGE 01/15/1906 KINSMAN M ARIZONA SANTA CRUZ 05/25/1985 545-05-0366 79 yrs
BACIGALUPI HOWARD S 05/07/1894 M CALIFORNIA SAN JOAQUIN 11/02/1972 556-36-8193 78 yrs
BACIGALUPI AMELIA 10/08/1893 F CALIFORNIA SAN JOAQUIN 03/20/1978 555-03-9607 84 yrs
from CADI online:
BERNARDINO 04/25/1942 68 yrs
David H. HEMSTREET 74 died Yuba Sep 7 1907
John S. HEMSTREET 54 died Yuba Jul 31 1927
Mrs. Pearl E. HEMSTREET d Sep 20 1949 age 70
Sacto Bee Sep 23 1949 p11 c2
Dr. John TOWSON lived in Monterey, where for a while he practiced medicine. Mrs. TOWSON was the sister of Moses SCHALLENBERGER
Engagement of John McNAUGHT to Dr. Margaret SCHALLENBERGER Oakland Knave Apr 1 1956
My mother, Mary POPPE, at the age of 8, started from St. Louis with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard POPPE, two sisters and a brother, to come to CA, living St. Louis in 1846. My father, Dan MEHRTENS (S is typed at
end of name) came around the Horn from Germany and NY some time before 1857,
with his two brothers. He married my mother in 1857 and I was born in
Many years ago a farmer of Duchess County NY bearing the name of Lebbeus SCOFIELD operated a sawmill as Fishkill and manufactured lumber for the local needs. A son of this pioneer miller, Jerome, followed the lumber business all through his life and died in Clinton IA at 78 years of age. Surviving him was his wife, now 89,who bore the maiden name of Ann Van VOORHIS, being of Mohawk Dutch lineage.
Myron K. THOMAS died age 81 Siskiyou Jan 7 1917
Alvina C.THOMAS age 65 died Siskiyou Jan 16 1910
Frederick William b July 25 1869
Henry Lester b July 25 1872
William Gardner b Jan 18 1876
John Amos b Feb 23 1880
Elvesta b Nov 19 1882
Newton Julian b Oct 9 1885
1. Henry Garrison TURNER married to Miss Catherine RICE - four children
2. Alvin H. TURNER
3. Muriel C. TURNER (Mrs. Thomas B. SMITH, Oakland)
4. Arlo V. TURNER
5. Everett Wayne TURNER
4. Leander Theodore TURNER (attny in Seattle) married Miss Elsie M. SHELDON -four children:
a. Garrison
b. Ellen M. (Mrs. John GRAVES)
c. Theodore Sheldon
d. Robert
5. Florence STARR (widow of George W. ELSEY, Lawrence KS) five children:
a. Howard McKee ELSEY, professor of chemistry University KS
b. George Wendell ELSEY, manufacturing the "Flowmeter" in Chicago
c. Florence STARR ELSEY STORCK (Mrs. John P. STORCK, New York City)
d. Elizabeth ELSEY
e. Caryl Lucille ELSEY
6.Mary Irene TURNER (Mrs. E. O. MARRIOTT) - three children:
a. Elizabeth J. MARRIOTT (Mrs. Howard H. THURBER, Modesto)
b. Joseph Stacy MARRIOTT
c. Myrtle MARRIOTT
7. Rose Edith TURNER (Mrs. W. S. BOWKER) - two children:
a. Frances J. BOWKER
b. William Turner BOWKER
8. Olive Myrtle TURNER (wife of Hon. L. L. DENNETT, Modesto) - two children:
a. Eleanor DENNETT
b. Edward H. G. DENNETT
9. Elveda Muriel TURNER (Mrs. Leroy M. MORRIS, Modesto)- two children:
b. Sarah (Sally) Elveda MORRIS (Mrs. Edwin TAYLOR)
John "Jack" CONANT died age 66 Shasta 7/27/1911 Obit in Daggets Vol3 p72
Martin TOMASINI spouse C died Monterey age 83 on 1/1/1934
Married Adele RAGP in 1885, Martinez
He was one of the first graduate of the University of CA
children: Chester, Royall, and Milred
Died Hookston CA
Graduate University of CA 1874
Married Louise GAMBS in 1884 Pacheco CA
children: Theodore, Randolph, James, Stanley
died Oakland CA Jul 17 1946
married Miss May Margaret BALDWIN
1. Beulah E. born Jun 21 1884, married Dec 21 1905 to John J. MAZZA, SF
children of Beulah and John
Mervyn Francis born Sep 2 1907 SF
Muriel May born Jun 8 1912 Corte Madera
Geraldine Hook born Aug 25 1914 Corte Madera
Harvey Eugene born Mar 3 1918
Dorothea Lucille born Mar 12 1921
William P. (president of Hook Brothers Company)
Mary E. (Mrs. BRECK)
Henry P.
WISE, Alise 25 CA 136A
WISE, Melinda .5 CA 136A
WISE, Michel L. 32 OH 136A
WISE, Michael 24 OH 256B
WISE, Mary 37 OH 256B'
WISE, Jennie D 9 CA 256B
WISE, Wm 43 PA 256B
TAYLOR, John B. MD 25 251B
TAYLOR, Anna E. OH 251B
TAYLOR, Isabell 20 CA 251B
TAYLER, Alice P. 15 CA 74B
TAYLER, Ann E. 38 OH 74B
TAYLER, Florence 13 CA 74B
TAYLER, Isabel 10 CA 75A
TAYLER, John B. 43 MD 74B
married Miss Mary Lucilia BEACH, born near Freeport on the Sacramento
two children: Joseph Clinton b Aug 20 1886 and female born May 1888
Louisa Jane (Mrs. H. T. LUFKIN, Walnut Grove)
Nancy Cordelia (Cordi) born Mar 27 1861 (Mrs. Henry McDONNELL, Healdsburg)
Joseph Lincoln born Oct 5 1863 Sacramento
William Francis, born Nov 19 1865
Jessie, born July 16 1869 Walnut Grove
David Daniel, born Jul 12 1876
Nellie FALLMANN, Walnut Creek
Mary J. PARRY, (Mrs.Wm L. PARRY) Sacramento
Hester Ann CROWELL, Walnut Creek
Charles Phipps, Oakland
Alma LINK, Sacramento
Irene PICKARD, Mountain View
Lorene KAMMEYER, Walnut Grove
from obit: husband of Eliza J. PHIPPS, father of Mrs. Nettie SPRAGUE; Mrs. Nellie SPRAGUE; Mrs. Hettie CROWELL; Mrs. Lorene KAMMEYER and David PHIPPS, Mrs. Mollie PARRY, Charles F. PHIPPS; Mrs. Mabel BULLOCK; Mrs. Alma LINK; Mrs. Irene PICKARD. Brother of Mrs. Elizabeth BROWN.
Josiah Howe WHITE, Jr.
Edwin Dean WHITE, spouse Miss Edith LEWIS of Petaluma
Alden Parsons WHITE
Charles (died at 13)
Ellen (Mrs. DEMPSEY)
Catherine (Mrs. HUNT)
Eva (Mrs. ABEL)
William F. of Elk Grove
Mary (Mrs. GEBAUER)
Eugene J.
Leo A.
Albert H.
Francis M. SENTENEY spouse P died age 72 in Tulare 11-26-1915.
Polly SENTENEY, spouse F. M., died age 89 in Tulare 2-21-1933.
Card was sent to 3rd great granddaughter of Simon Kenton DROUILLARD but no response. She was Ruth J. GUEST living in Fairbanks Alaska in 1976. Edward DROUILLARD was listed as a deceased Pioneer in 1955, card sent to daughter Mrs. Edna ROUSE in Sterling City CA with no response.
Susan? (not sure of this one)
Simon KENTON born 1849 IA; died 31 Aug 1925 Los Angeles
John A. born 1 Apr 1850 IA; died 1927 Los Angeles; spouse Mary F. WITT md 1895 MO
DROUILLARD NOBLE OTIS 07/25/1913 WITT M MO LOS ANGELES(19) 03/31/1995 559-03-0015 81 yrs
DROUILLARD WILLIE OTIS 11/21/1904 WITT DROUILLARD M MO LOS ANGELES(19) 04/13/1953 566-18-8153 48 yrs
Silas born 1852 IA
Harriet born 1855 CA
Jennie born 1856 CA; died age 81 LA 7-1-1937; spouse J. S.(Seth) WINSLOW
Joseph W. b 27 Dec 1859 Tulare Co
Edward "Ray" Heinen born 1860 Tulare Co; spouse Ida F. BOATWRIGHT md 26 Sep 1894 Modoc died 7 Aug 1955 Modoc Co CA
DROUILLARD JACK ADRIAN 02/21/1903 BOATWRIGHT M CALIFORNIA BUTTE 11/07/1995 558-36-3468 92 yrs
William Henry KNOWLES was the son of James Hume KNOWLES who was born in England in 1831 and in 1852 came to the New World practically penniless. James was married to Clara (CANFIELD) KNOWLES and they had William on their ranch near Sebastopol on Oct 19 1857. William married in 1876 to Miss Mattie FIELD, native of NY, and they had five children: Mary, Nellie, Allie, William H., Jr. and James Hume KNOWLES.
Paul born in Modoc County 1887 (CADI says 1882)
Joseph W. Jr. born in Inyo County 1892
Wm. H. LAINE spouse CB died age 71 Sacramento 4-19-1938
father of Mrs. Ethel CARTIER of Sacramento
Mrs. Verna GROGER of Walnut Creek
Mrs. Stella HUGHES of Franklin
William H. LAINE, Jr of SF
Ervey O. and Edith D. LAINE
brother of George W. LAINE of SF
John L. LAINE of Hastings NE
Thomas J. LAINE of Seattle WA
Mrs. Clara L. SNEDIGER of Sacramento
Andrew J. LAINE of Stockton
Grandfather of Corinne HUGHES of Franklin and Francis CARTIER of Sacramento
Native of IA.