Siskiyou Weekly Journal Newspaper 1861


Home Up 1860 1861

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

February 9, 1861

--FATAL ACCIDENT--On Monday evening last while Mr. Wm. Churchill was engaged in drifting in his claim on McAdams creek, in this county, the timbering suddenly gave way and he was instantly buried beneath a heavy weight of falling earth, one hundred feet below the surface.  When his friends repaired to his assistance it was evident he yet lived, as his cries for help were distinctly heard.  Every possible effort was made for his relief, but in vain.  For five hours, we are told, during the progress of the workmen, his voice was plainly audible, when it suddenly died away and was no longer heard.  If conscious of his dreadful situation, what an agony of suspense must he have endured during those five hours in a living tomb.  When found, which was not until late the next day, he was lying with one to his mouth and his face in the water, from which, it would seem, he must have finally died from strangulation.  The lower part of his body was tightly wedged in by the dirt and fallen timbers.  On Thursday last his remains were brought to this city and deposited in our city cemetery.  Mr. C. was an old resident of the vicinity of Deadwood, had a large circle of acquaintances, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him, as was plainly evidenced by the large concourse of friends who followed him to his grave.

--BOARD OF CITY TRUSTEES--REGULAR MEETING--The Board met Feb. 14th; present, Cleland, Peck and Green; minutes of last meeting read and approved.

--Police Magistrate, E. W. Potter, reported, for the week ending Feb. 4th, one case, viz: Fred. Deng, drunk and disorderly; fined $5 and costs, which was paid and the party discharged.

--City Marshal reported as follows: Money collected for fines and licenses, $25.

--City Sexton reported two interments, to wit: Jan. 24th, Chinaman, aged 44 years; Feb. 3rd, infant child of Reuben and Emily Breed, aged about five months.

--On motion the following bills were ordered paid: Jas. O'Brien, for sawing wood and working on cistern, $11.50; Goodnight & Harper, for two cords of wood, $15; F. M. Ranous, for lamplighting for the moth of January, and for two cords of wood, $20.

--There being no further business the Board adjourned to meet on Friday, Feb. 8th.  Minutes signed by J. S. Cleland, President, and J. S. Green, Secretary pro tem.

--THE NEW HOTEL--We are informed by Mr. Greathouse, that the spacious new brick hotel, erected on the corner of Main and Miner streets and opposite the JOURNAL office, will be opened for the accommodation of the public on or about the 15th inst.  The building will contain between forty and fifty separate rooms, all of which are being fitted up in superb style.  When completed it will probably be the largest and finest house of the kind north of Sacramento.  We wish the enterprising landlord great success.

--CAUGHT IN THE ACT--Coming down street, the other day, we met Constable Greene, having in chare a Celestial, whose woebegone visage seemed to indicate that some dire calamity had or was about to befall him.  On inquiry, we learned that the long-tailed rascal had been caught in the act of stealing a pair of pantaloons from the store of Mr. Philips, and was then on this road to the jail to serve out a term of one hundred and fifty days imprisonment.

--THE FUNERAL obsequies of Mr. David Butterfield, who was lately killed in Oregon, by Chas. Williams, took place at the M. E. Church, in this city on Saturday last, the body of the deceased having been brought here for interment.  The funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. Mr. Ross, after which, followed by a long train of friends, the corpse was conveyed to the Masonic cemetery and deposited in its final resting place.

--MARRIED--In Hawkinsville, on the 7th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Ross, Mr. Wm. M. Heter to Miss Sarah K. Combs, all of this county.  We acknowledge the receipt of a full supply of cake and wine the merits of which were discussed by the attaches of the Journal office, and pronounced excellent.  May their cup of happiness o'erflow as did the goblets of sparkling catawba which we drank to the health of the bride and bridegroom.

--LADIES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION--We are requested to state that there will be an adjourned meeting of the above association held at the M. E. Church, on Tuesday evening next at 7 o'clock, P. M.  A general invitation is extended to our citizens, hoping they will all take an interest in the matter and become members.

--BOARD OF SUPERVISORS--The gentlemen comprising the Board of supervisors for Siskiyou County met at the court house in this city on Monday last, transacted all the necessary business and adjourned the following Wednesday evening.  A Full report of their proceedings will be found in today's Journal.

--TREASURER'S REPORT--Those of our readers who wish to understand the financial condition of our county are referred to the report of the Treasurer, which we give in today's paper.  It will be seen that we have made a large payment on our indebtedness and still have cash on hand.  Who will say this does not indicate prosperity.

--THE WEATHER, for the last month, has been alarmingly pleasant.  If it don't soon rain or snow, we will conclude we are going to have another such a dry season as last, which would prove disastrous to this part of the country.  P.S. Since the above was written we have had a slight shower, on purpose to spoil the foregoing article.

--TONSORIAL--John Good, a very proficient knight of the razor, has opened a barber shop in the new brick hotel on the corner of Main and Miner streets.

--ARRIVED SAFE--We notice by the papers that our Sheriff Capt. Wm. Martin, had arrived at Sacramento with his five prisoners, all O.K.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

February 16, 1861

--BOARD OF TRUSTEES--Regular meeting; present, Messrs. Cleland, Breen, Peck and Moses.  The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved, after which City Marshal reported the receipts, for the two weeks, to be $25.

--W. W. Beman, Police Magistrate, reported three cases; two riotous and disorderly and one drunk and disorderly; of the two former, one was discharged, and the other fined $5 and costs, which was payed and the party discharged; the latter was fined $5 and costs, in default of payment, was sent to prison.

--On motion the following bills were allowed: Rossi & Greenwald, for rent of Station House, four months at $12 per month, $48; bill of John Busick, half cord of wood, $3.

--The petition of Jonah Evans and others, praying that Miner street be extended to the westerly line of the corporation, and cross streets laid out at suitable distances, was received and ordered placed on file, and the matter referred to the Finance Committee.

--The resignation of John M. Heath, as a member of the Board, was read and accepted.

--On motion, W. S. Moses was elected Clerk of the Board for the unexpired term.  There being no further business, the Board adjourned.

--NEEDS REPAIR--We are requested to call the attention of the County Supervisors to the dilapidated condition of a certain bridge across Scott river, on the road leading from Fort Jones to Etna Mills.  Our informant, Mr. H. D. Van Wyck, says it is in a most horrible condition, and is certainly "a disgrace to the county."  We do not suppose the Board of Supervisors have been made aware of its condition, or, most probably, they would have had it repaired.

--OPENING BALL--On Thursday evening next, the new brick "Union Hotel" is to be opened with a grand Ball, given by the proprietors, Messrs. Greathouse & Corley.  It is unnecessary to add that every thing will be conducted in a style to suit the most fastidious.  A general invitation is extended.

After the Ball, the "Union" will be open for the accommodation of the public as a first class hotel.  The Yreka Hotel will be closed simultaneously with the opening of the "Union."

--THE STARS AND STRIPES--floated proudly from every flagstaff in this city, yesterday, in commemoration of the birth of the IMMORTAL WASHINGTON.  As we gazed upon the glorious old ensign of our nation's liberty, we could hardly realize the fact there could exist in this land an element which would rend its ample folds and trample it under foot.  Glorious old flag, "long may it wave!"

Mr. F. Roman, of Roman's Book Store, has our unqualified thanks for a whole armful of the Atlantic pictorials, containing accurate likenesses of Maj. Anderson, and the leaders in secession movement; also views and scenes at Charleston and Fort Sumpter.  He also furnished us "Harper", for Feb., and a complete report of the "Burch Divorce Case."

--WADSWORTH & RAYNES, at the sign of the "Big Book," have our thanks for the delivery of the following Eastern papers: N. Y. Tribune, Herald, Times, Mercury, Ledger, Clipper, Waverly Magazine, Welcome Guest, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, and Illustrated London News; also for the regular delivery of the Daily Sacramento Union.

--RETURNED--Dr. J. Babb who has been absent for some months, trying to regain his health, has returned to this city looking better than we have seen him for the last two years.  With the exception of a slight stiffness of the joints, he says he feels as well as he ever did.

--THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS met on the 20th, pursuant to adjournment, but in consequence of the inability of one of the members (Mr. Porter) to attend, they adjourned again on the following day to meet on the 1st of March.  No business was transacted.

--NEW POST OFFICE--We are informed that a new post office has lately been established at Etna Mills, and that Mr. M. Sleeper, of that place, has been appointed postmaster.

--PUB. DOCS.--Our thanks are due Hon. F. Sorrel, our worthy Assemblyman, for copies of the Reports of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Surveyor General, and Controller of State.

--THE COURT OF SESSIONS will convene on Monday next, 25th inst.

--CALIFORNIA EXPORTS--Great activity still prevails at San Francisco in the exportation of California flour and grain.  Several thousand quarter sacks of superfine flour have been purchased for exportation at $4.75 per hundred lbs.  Great quantities of wheat, barley and oats continue to be shipped, bringing the farmers good prices.

--THE VALUE of products of the United States for the year ending 1860 is estimated at two billions, four hundred millions of dollars.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

March 2, 1861

The Opening Ball at the "Union Hotel," on Thursday evening last, was, with the exception of the Firemens' Ball, on New year's night, decidedly the largest of the season; and, as for good management, and excellent supper, and real, true enjoyment, we doubt if it has ever been excelled in this place.  The "Union" is now established on a firm basis, and all those who may hereafter seek shelter and sustenance under its hospitable roof need have no fears of being "coerced," so long as they do not resist the collection of the "revenue."

THE BALL AT THE FOREST HOUSE on the 22nd ult., though not as numerously attended as was the anticipated, was a very pleasant affair.  In fact, we re confident there was not a gentleman or lady present who did not enjoy the occasion heartily.  The supper was decidedly superb.

DANCING SCHOOL - Dropping into Prof. Eddy's Dancing Hall, a few evenings ago, we were pleased to witness the progress which his scholars were making in the very healthful accomplishment of dancing.  The school is quite largely attended, and we noticed among the scholars, many of the leading men of the city.

NEW FIRM - Lehman & Greenwald is the name of a new firm in this city, who have become successors to Livingston & Bloomingdale.  Read their advertisement in to-day's paper.

THE YREKA RIFLE CLUB will meet for exercise at the Club Room, at 1 o'clock this afternoon.  They will also hold their regular monthly meeting this evening in the rear of the Arcade.

LADIES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION - The members of the above association, and all others who feel an interest in the matter are earnestly requested to meet at the M. E. Church on Tuesday next at 7 o'clock P. M., as there is important business to transact.

SPLENDID - We know, to a certainty, that the Empire Brewery manufactures some of the most delightful beverages ever produced on this coast.  Thanks to our generous friend, Ned Schwatka, we are prepared to speak from experience.  We had an awful time, though, getting the 'bung' out of that keg.

MARRIED - In Hooperville, on the 26th ult., by L. Quivey, Esq., Mr. JESSE S. COATES to Miss ANNE HARPHAM, all of this county.

Our Indian Creek friends are evidently "union" loving people, as recently manifested on several occasions like the above.  May this union never be dissolved.

DIED - In this city, on the 24th ult., after a short illness, Mr. JOHN VAN BLAKE; aged about 24 years.

Mr. Van Blake was a native of Cyracuse (sic), N. Y., where he has a mother and other relatives now residing.  He was a young man of good, steady habits and was universally esteemed by his acquaintances.  He was a member of the Order of Knighthood, and his remains were conveyed and consigned to the tomb by his brother members of this city.

THANKS - To Mr. Wadsworth, of W. F. & Co.'s Express, for the delivery of Shasta Courier, Extra.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

March 9, 1861

CITY IMPROVEMENTS, &c. - As the Spring of the year approaches we notice many evidences of improvement throughout the city.  Several good, substantial buildings are in progress of erection, while others will be commenced at an early day.

The new brick Engine House, being erected at the upper end of Miner street, for Klamath No. 2, is fast approaching completion.  When finished, it will be a very good building and will add much to the appearance  of that part of town.

We notice another building nearly finished, a very fine brick residence on Oregon street, below Miner.  These are the kind of buildings we like to see going up; they are both substantial and ornamental.

Mr. August Berrgren is enlarging his store on Miner street, to double its former capacity, and intends filling it with a large stock of goods.  He says the times are getting so hard that he is obliged to enlarge his business to make it profitable.

"Boston" has removed to the old Yreka Hotel, where he sells the very best of beverages for a "bit" a drink.

A. & B. Goldsmith have removed their large stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., into the brick building formerly occupied as "Boston's" Saloon.

Harry Riker has recently opened, at upper end of Miner street, a Bowling Saloon.  Harry is determined to "keep the balls rolling."

S. Alexander is about opening a Cigar and Tobacco Store a few doors above the Franco-American Restaurant.  Alex. makes a good cigar, if you don't believe it, try them.

PERSONAL - Dr. I. H. Harris, whose arrival in San Francisco we mentioned a couple of weeks since, arrived in this city on Sunday evening last, in excellent health and spirits.  His family is not with him, but will arrive during the summer.  The Doctor reports desperate times in the East.

FIRE DEPARTMENT - On Tuesday last, the Firemen turned out and had a grand 'squirt' with their machines on the plaza.  The capacity of Nos. 1 and 2 were fully tested, with an equal number of men at the brakes, and from what we could see, there was not a particle of difference.

The members of Klamath No. 2 wish to raise funds to procure a bell for their new Engine House.  We hope our citizens will assist them.

We are informed that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees to commence, at an early day, the erection of a new house for Yreka No. 1, and Siskiyou H. & L. Co. No. 1 on the premises now occupied by the old building.  This as it should be, and we are glad to see it.

GONE HOME - Mr. Wm. A. Hill, who has been confined in the County Hospital for the last year, afflicted with white swelling was, by the kind assistance of his friends and acquaintances, enabled to leave on the 24th ult. for the East, to rejoin his family.

COURT OF SESSIONS - The People vs. Golfried Gainbee, indicted for a misdemeanor, verdict not guilty......The People vs. John Kelly and Robert Baird, jury failed to agree......The People vs. John L. Taylor, verdict guilty.......The People vs. Wheeler & Warren, verdict guilty.  Adjourned until monday.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

March 16, 1861

MORE CITY IMPROVEMENTS - In addition to the improvements mentioned last week, we learn that Mr. Leon Marniess has lately purchased the ground between his present Franco-American and Mr. Lehman's confectionery, and that he contemplates erecting thereon, at an early day, a large and commodious fire-proof hotel.

Also, Mr. John Ramers and Mr. Otto each have in contemplation the erection of a good brick building adjoining the new engine house on Miner street.  These buildings will be commenced in a short time.

There seems to be considerable disposition on the part of property-holders to improve on the upper end of Miner street, and we are, not at all surprised at it either, as it is a pretty part of the city, and would, do doubt, soon be built up with respectable buildings were it not for the detestable, long-tailed bipeds who now inhabit it.

FUNNY FOOT RACES - On Thursday last an amusing foot race came off between a couple of fleet-footed hombres in this city, for $30 aside, distance, 50 yards.  Hombre No. 1 had both hands tied behind him and then laid down on his back, at the starting point.  A hat was then placed midway between the "scratch" and the "outcome," upon which was placed a ten-cent piece for hombre No. 2 to pick up while running through the track.  The word was given--both men started, and the result was that No. 2, who had to pick up the dime, lost the race, by about fifteen feet.

Yesterday a similar race was run by one of the same parties and another chap, and this time the hombre who laid down in the track was beaten.  Afterwards, another race was run, which, for oddity, excelled either of the others; Spaniard bet Dutchman ten dollars that he could run a hundred yards, turn round and run back again, before he (Dutchman) could eat an ordinary sized apple.  At the "work" both started--Spaniard on the run and Dutchman to devour the apple; but, in his eagerness to eat it all at once, he accidently(sic) dropped part of it on the ground.  The bystanders instantly picked up the pieces which he had let fall and commenced cramming them into his mouth, when, horrible to relate , he unfortunately received something for his mouth which he had not bargained for.  Becoming choked in his desperate efforts to swallow it, he was at last compelled to spit it out, and of course lost the race, by a whole mouthful.

DANCING - On last Thursday evening Prof. Eddy ended his second course of dancing lessons in this city.  A large number of ladies and gentlemen were present and seemed to enjoy the amusement hugely.  If that is what he calls a dancing school, we confess that we prefer it to any of your fashionable balls.  Mr. Eddy evidently understands his business as is plainly evinced in the gracefulness acquired by many of his pupils, who formerly possessed about as much of that necessary accomplishment as a lame cow; (of course we do not include the ladies in this last particular; they always dance well, having inherited the accomplishment from mother Eve, who, it is said, first performed the "Apple Gallopade," the day her and her "partner" were forced out of Eden.)  Look at our friend Col. Anthony, for instance; observe how gracefully he glides round the room.  Now, everybody knows that, prior to his taking lessons, he could hardly distinguish the difference between the "highland schottische" and the "Virginia break-down."  We have been unable to attend the school regularly, yet we can perceive that we have lately acquired a wonderful command over our own pedal extremities.  Had it been possible for us to attend punctually, we have no doubt that, by this time, we would have been able to perform all the "fancy dances" to the astonishment of every body.

This dancing is decidedly a great "institution," and all who wish to become proficient in the art, had better be at the Metropolitan next Monday evening and take "stock" in the next course of lessons.

COURT OF SESSIONS - During the week the following cases have been tried; The People vs. A. Haserick, verdict of not guilty......People vs. John Ireland, jury failed to agree......People vs. Wm. Kirby, Jas. Wheeler, Wm. Courtney and Francis La Tremouilla, fined $100 and costs.  We learn that the Court will adjourn on Monday next.

SPRING - This delightful season of the year has arrived.  The hills and valleys are gradually losing their somber appearance, to assume once more the verdant garb of nature.  Welcome beautiful Spring.

REUNION AT FORT JONES - On Wednesday evening last, the schollars of Mr. J. R. Seely's Dancing School met at the Fort Jones Hotel and had a jolly time, "long to be remembered," as the preachers say.  It was the last night of the school.

ATLANTIC MAIL - The Atlantic letter mail per steamer to San Francisco, arrived in this city on Wednesday evening last.

REPAIRING - We notice that the Metropolitan Hotel, in this city, is being newly painted and otherwise renovated and repaired.

BIRTH - In this city on the 11th inst., the wife of E. M. Williams of a son.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

March 30, 1861

TAKING IT COOL - A whole batch of "sports," in this city, wishing to test the validity of the gambling law of this State, preferred to go into "durance vile" rather than "fork over" the amount of their respective fines - one hundred dollars and costs.  They are now awaiting their discharge on a writ of habeas corpus.  To kill time, they amuse themselves at "freeze out" poker, "old sledge," etc.  Having laid in a good supply of "spiritual" comforts to keep their spirits up, they appear to enjoy themselves heartily.  Some one of their number who is "strapped" sets as bar-keeper, while the others are playing poker, etc., doing a retail business at "two bits a drink."  Having thus replenished his purse, he is eventually deposed to give place to some other unfortunate "cuss" who has "froze out," and in this manner the position of bar-keeper passes from one to the other.  They appear to be indifferent as to whether "school keeps or not."

FAKIR OF SIVA - On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, of this week, our fun-loving citizens were agreeable entertained and highly amused by wonderful feats of magic, or legerdemain, and the laughter-provoking specimens of ventriloquism performed by the Fakir of Siva.  He performs a great many "phunny tricks," which, were it not that he tells you he is deceiving you, are well calculated to inspire the superstitious belief that he is the junior partner in the firm of Belzebub & Co.  He is now on his way south, and we can cheerfully recommend him to the public wherever he may go.

GRADING OF MINER STREET - We are pleased to learn that our City Board of Trustees have determined to grade Miner street, from Main to Gold street.  The work of paving or planking will be left for the action of the new Board, to be elected this Spring.  Proposals will be received for the work of grading, and all who may wish to put in bids had better call on the President of the Board, where specifications can be seen.

FATAL ACCIDENT - We learn from Mr. McCullough, the Expressman, that on Tuesday, the 19th Inst., while Mr. F. Hodgkins was working in his claim, on Buckeye Bar, in this county, the high bank suddenly gave way and buried him beneath the dirt.  A tree, which stood upon the bank, also fell with the dirt, one of the roots striking the head of the unfortunate man and crushing the skull.  Deceased was fifty years of age and a native of the State of Maine.

ACCIDENTALLY KILLED - On Saturday morning last, while Messrs. Ballou & Co. were at work in their claim on the flats above town, the bank suddenly slid in upon them, burying two of the men beneath the fallen earth.  On removing the dirt , one of the men, Mr. John Kendrick, was found dead, his jaw being crushed and his neck broken.  The other person, Mr. Ballou, was also badly injured, though not fatally.  Mr. Kendrick, the deceased, was a native of Wisconsin, and about thirty-three years of age.  He was buried in the city cemetery on the day following his death.

FREIGHT FROM RED BLUFF - We hear it intimated that in case the teamsters and packers persist in their high prices, the merchants in this city will unite and bring their goods upon their own wagons.  We are inclined to the belief that the prices lately established by the teamsters' and packers' convention will not rule.  Horse-flesh and beef are very cheap in these latitudes.

"JAKE PATRICK," your communication was written with such "pale" ink that we are unable to make it out.  We have sent it back for you to transcribe with a darker fluid.

MARRIED - In this city, on the evening of the 17th Inst., by Rev. J. W. Ross, E. Shearer, Esq., to Miss Olive H. Bradford.

RAIN AND SNOW - During the week we have had copious showers of rain.  We have also had considerable snow.

THE TELEGRAPH - The wires between this and Shasta are still broken.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

May 4, 1861

UNION CLUB - A meeting of the friends of the Union, of Yreka Township, is requested at the Court House this (Saturday) evening, May 4th, at 7 1/2 o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration the best method for the future organization of a Union party, pledged to sustain the President in maintaining the authority and dignity of the Government of the United States of America.  The platform - "The Constitution of the United States."  The qualifications of members - "The Oath to support it."  "Our Country now and always - first and last."  If we properly understand the object of this call, it is with a view to unite the entire Union element of this section of country, not so much for the immediate formation of permanent party organization as to be prepared to act in concert with the Union men throughout the State, who are willing to make it the paramount issue in the next election.  There is no earthly doubt but what this State is strongly in favor of sustaining the Government, and it is only necessary to bring the issue in a proper manner, to secure the election of men who will represent the true sentiments of California in the next Congress.

EXTRAS - Now that the telegraph is once more in good working order, we propose issuing, alternately with the Union, the telegraphic news on each arrival of the pony Express, which, at present, is twice a week.  By this arrangement, our citizens may obtain a complete digest of all the news within twelve hours after the Pony has arrived.  But to do this we will be compelled to charge twenty-five cents each for our extras.  This may perhaps appear to be a high price, but we cannot afford to pay for telegraphing and issue extras gratis, as has heretofore been done.  Even at twenty-five cents each, we cannot more than keep even, but we are willing to do this for the accommodation of the public.

DON'T BE ALARMED - The impression which has gone out that Messrs. Greenberg & Erlenbach have determined to buy no more gold dust is erroneous.  The fact that gold bars are no longer being shipped to the Atlantic States, which will necessarily make coin harder to obtain, gave currency to the report.  It is, however, quite likely that dust will sustain a slight depreciation, as those who buy it will be compelled to lay out of the use of their money for a considerable length of time, to await coinage at the Mint in San Francisco.  The report that the Mint had been destroyed by fire, also proves a gross exaggeration.  The damage was so slight that, up to Thursday last, they had undergone repairs and were again at work.

BALL AT FORT JONES - We are informed by responsible people, who were present, that the ball at the Fort Jones House, on the night of the 1st Inst., given by Mrs. Hughes, was a most brilliant affair and eclipsed anything of the kind given in Siskiyou county during the past year.  Some hundred and seventy persons were in attendance, about sixty of whom were ladies.

GONE BELOW - On Saturday, the 27th ult., Deputy Sheriff, J. J. Ryan, having in charge James Fuller, an insane man, started below destined to the Asylum at Stockton.

On the 29th ult., also, D. R. Dale started for San Francisco with Cong Wa, A Chinaman, who is about to serve out a five years term in the penitentiary, for an attempt to commit murder.

BALL COURT - The large and superb ball court, erected in this city by Messrs. Kelley & Babb, is now finished.  It, together with the saloon attached, will be opened to-day.  The proprietors have undergone much expense in the erection of this place of exercise and amusement, and they deserve to be well patronized.

DAHLIAS - Our friend, Mr. Philip Ritz, of Corvallis, Oregon, will accept our thanks for a lot of bulbs of the above named flowering plant.  Mr. R. is extensively engaged in the nursery and horticultural business, and designs making frequent visits to this county for the purpose of supplying our citizens with every variety of fruit and flower.

YREKA CITY ASSESSMENT - The City Assessor, Mr. A. V. Burns, having completed his labors, the result shows the following amount of property within the city not exempt from taxation by law.  Real estate, $374,566.75; personal property, $557,938; total, $932,566.75.  Whole number of persons assessed, 656.  Assessment of 1860, $925,514.  No. assessed in 1860, 387.

"EPH" and "ORPHEOUS" - We will attend to your cases next week.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

May 11, 1861

OF THE RIGHT MATERIAL - One of our Expressmen, a few days since, while traveling through the county, stopped at the cabin of an old miner, who anxiously inquired as to the latest news.  "Bad enough," replied the vender of the news; "the secessionists have taken Fort Pickens and Washington City, and hung Gen. Scott."  With a look of unutterable horror, the miner coolly stepped into his cabin, took down his rifle, and exclaimed: "Anybody can take my claim that wants it, but, d--n me, if I ain't off for the wars, and I'll have Washington City back or never return!"  Our informant assures us that he would have been as good as his word, had he not learned, to his great gratification, that he had been the victim of a 'sell.'

Another instance of the true patriotic spirit was exhibited at the Union meeting on Saturday evening last.  An old man, a Southerner, who had seen much hard service in Mexico during the late war, was deploring the sad condition of our national affairs, and appeared to sympathize entirely with the secessionists in the existing struggle.  A friend sitting beside him, a strong Union man, was arguing with him, but all to no purpose; he seemed to have lost all love for, or confidence in the American Government and bitterly denounced the formation of Union Clubs.  Suddenly, and very unexpectedly, the American flag was brought into the room, and was greeted by nine deafening cheers by the entire audience.  Turning to the old man, his friend saw him swinging his hat and huzzaing at the top of his voice.  "Halloa," said his friend, "I thought you had discarded the stars and stripes."  "Ah!" said the old soldier, and tears filled his eyes, "I have followed that glorious old flag so long that, hang me, if I can desert it now."  He immediately joined the Club.

"PLUG" - A Klamath River correspondent, writing to us over the signature of "Plug" (ugly!) comes down on the Union Club in this city "like a thousand of brick."  We would publish his letter, entire, were it not that so much of our space to-day is occupied by the Atlantic news.  "Plug," like many other honest Union-loving men, who have expressed themselves as opposed to the Club, is laboring under the erroneous impression that it is a political organization, gotten up by interested men, with the view of turning the wave of popular opinion in their favor, and thereby gaining political preferment.  Others have supposed it was to be a secret affair, with awful oaths and obligations.  By reference to the proceedings of last Saturday night's meeting, which we publish to-day, it will be seen that a more erroneous idea could not have been formed than that entertained by "Plug" and others in this community.  Every thing of a party nature was ignored and no sentiment advanced which will not be endorsed by every Union-loving man in the county.  The only object in the formation of the Club was to arouse and draw out the Union sentiment of the community; to show to the world at large, that we yet have confidence in the United States Government; and that we will defend the stars and stripes at all hazards.

DIED - In this city, on Friday morning last, Mr. E. B. Kaiser, aged 35 years; a native of Germany.  It is generally considered that he died from the effects of a stab which he received from some unknown party, on the night of the 19th ult., and of which we made previous mention in the Journal.  Mr. Kaiser was an efficient member of Siskiyou Hook & Ladder Company, and was followed to the grave yesterday, at 4 o'clock P. M., by the entire fire department of the city.

SIDE WALKS - We notice that nearly all our citizens living on Miner street are complying with the ordinance requiring the grading and repairing of the sidewalks.  We will soon have smooth walks on both sides, from one end of Miner street to the other.

DELEGATES - Mr. H. K. White, of the Yreka Union, has gone below to represent St. John's Lodge in Grand Lodge of F. A. M.  Also Messrs. Jonas W. Brown and H. H. Riker, who represent Howard Lodge in the same capacity.

MR. EDDY'S SCHOOL - The scholars of the above school had a pleasant reunion at the Metropolitan last Thursday evening.  Next Thursday will be the last of the term.  We have heard several favor the idea of inducing Mr. E. to remain and commence the fourth course of lessons.

DISTRICT COURT - The District Court is now in session in this city, his Honor Judge Dangerfield presiding.  Considerable business is on the docket.

DON'T forget to attend the Union Club this evening at the Court House.

QUARTZ AND QUARTZ MILLS - We learn from Hon. John Dagget, of Klamath County, that several quartz leads, which have prospected rich, are now being opened on the North Fork of Salmon river, in the vicinity of Sawyer's Bar.  Two good mills, one of four and the other of eight stamps, are in course of erection, the first named of which will commence crushing in about twenty days.

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Copyright February 16, 2002

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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