Siskiyou Weekly Journal Newspaper 1860


Home Up 1860 1861

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

October 18, 1860

--Just at this time our town appears to be well stocked with thieves and housebreakers.  Last Friday night the residence of Dr. Wadsworth was entered by some dexterous thief or thieves, and the inmates robbed of about one thousand dollars worth of jewelry.  On the evening following, the dwelling-house of Jonas W. Brown, Deputy Sheriff, was entered and some one hundred and fifty dollars taken from the pockets of Mr. Brown's pants.  The same evening the house of Mr. A. D. Crooks was entered, by some person in search of plunder but we learn nothing was taken.  These robberies appear to be the work of one who understands his business and his visits indicates that he is well posted on the interior construction of the houses, to the inmates of which he makes nocturnal calls.  In each instance the burglar appears to have effected an entrance by using a pair of nippers upon the key, a piece of modern ingenuity which enables the expert housebreaker to open a door with almost as much ease as though he held the key in his hand.  Some ten or twelve days ago, fifteen or twenty prisoners, among which there was doubtless a fair proportion of thieves and housebreakers, made their escape from the Auburn jail, Placer County, and it is possible that some of these birds have reached here and are now trying their hands upon the goods of our citizens.

About twelve o'clock on Monday night, Mr. Kelly detected some on trying to get into the room in which he was sleeping, he shot at the fellow who immediately made tracks from that portion of town.  Our citizens must keep a sharp lookout if they would not wake up and find themselves minus their money and jewelry.

--A correspondent on Indian creek writes us that the cabins of Huffman & Dotson, and Smith & Hardin at Hooperville were broken into and robbed on last Sunday evening about six o'clock.  Two trunks were taken from each cabin, carried some distance and riffled of their contents consisting of clothing, trinkets, &c

--A stranger had made his appearance in Hooperville on the afternoon of Sunday who regarded by the citizens as a suspicious character; he was seen near the cabins robbed a short time before the occurrence; men were on his track an hour after the stealing, but up to Monday morning no traces of his whereabouts has been obtained.  It is supposed that he came into town from the direction of Yreka via the mountains, and arrived here a little after noon on Sunday.

--There is a poor, old, gray-headed man in this town who calls himself Charles George Moore.  The old fellow goes about the streets from morning till night drunk, and constantly pouring forth a stream of filthy obscene language, such as, if used for a moment by some respectable man, when intoxicated or angry, would instantly procure him a room in the Station House.  We should like to know by what authority such an intolerable nuisance as "Old Charley Moore," is permitted to disgrace the town with his slang, blackguardism and presence.  Ladies have asked the question of us, and we now appeal to our city authorities for an answer to their query.

--The dwelling-house belonging to Mr. H. H. Hyde, on the Dejarlais ranch on Little Shasta river, Shasta Valley, was destroyed by fire on the night of last Saturday week.  Mr. Garrison and family who were living in the house, escaped through a bed room window, in their night clothes, losing everything. Fortunately the wind was blowing in a direction to prevent the flames from reaching the grain and out buildings.  The fire is supposed to have originated from the chimney.  Loss about eleven hundred dollars.

--A race for $1,000 aside, will come off over Bradley's tracks, on the Oregon road, twelve miles from this city, day-after-tomorrow.  The race will be between "Old Bill," owned by D. Butterfield, and "Nigger," owned by J. Yager; both horses are stallions.  Distance, four hundred yards.

--The Republican County Central Committee met in this city on the 16th instant, and nominated D. W. Balch of Scott river, for Assemblyman in place of John P. Wilson, the regular nominee of the party, who was very unexpectedly required to visit the Eastern States.

--The first Siskiyou county Agricultural Mineral and Mechanical Fair is now being held at Fort Jones in Scott Valley.  We understand that a large number of articles are on exhibition and that many persons are present.  The Fair will close tomorrow.

--The plan of the new engine house for the Fire Department of this city, can be seen at store of Murry and Heath.  Contractors who desire to put in bids, are requested to call and examine the plan.

--Warren P. French of Scott Valley, lost by fire, on the 9th inst., over $4,000 worth of grain.  The accident was caused by fire from a tobacco pipe.  "Cuss" that pipe.

--A fire broke out in a restaurant at Hooperville, on the morning of the 10th inst., but was extinguished before material damage was done.

--Mrs. M. I. Kelly is the authorized agent for this city and county, for the sale of Grover & Baker's celebrated Sewing Machines.

--The friends of Mr. Gartrell will notice in our issue of to-day, a letter from him in which he declines running for Assemblyman.

--Henry Tucker, of Greenhorn creek, is a candidate for Constable for Yreka Township.

--The first number of the new paper at Fort Jones, will be issued day after tomorrow.

--The District Court adjourned last Monday, after a long term of nearly four weeks.

--Wadsworth & Raynes will accept our thanks for papers during the week.

--B. W. Potter is a candidate for Justice of the Peace for Yreka Township.

--Van Wyck's stage runs every day to and from the Fair ground.

--?. A. Rodgers is a candidate for Constable of Yreka Township.

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The Weekly Journal

Yreka, California

November 1, 1860

--We regret the necessity that compels us to refer to the subject again, and perhaps we should not now do so were it not at the expressed wish of several ladies and gentlemen.  The truth is, there is three or four men in our vicinity who are in the habit of getting drunk and either riding or walking up and down the streets using the most profane and obscene language.  Now if there is any virtue in our incorporation charter, if the payment of a heavy city tax by our citizens, is not a mere act of extortion, if the Ordinances for the maintenance of order and quiet, passed by our Board of Trustees, are not, like many other laws, a dead letter, and merely gotten up to show the intelligence of their framers, our city must be rid of these walking and riding nuisances.  The permission of such conduct is a disgrace to the town and an imposition upon its inhabitants.  A few days ago, a man, for some fancied wrong done him by a business firm on Miner street, got on his horse and riding in front of the store for the space of half and hour he howled forth a string of abuse and obscenity, such as it would be absurdity to suppose could pass the lips of a gentleman, drunk or sober.  Ladies were passing along the street within hearing during the deliverance of this elegant harangue.  A beautiful exhibition to take place in the streets of an incorporated city.

To prevent the necessity of a future recurrence to this unpleasant subject, we would suggest to our city officials a careful reading of "City Ordinance No. IV."

--In our advertising columns will be seen a note from L. S. Wilson Esqr. in refutation of a charge made against his brother, John P. Wilson, late Republican nominee for Assembly, to the effect that Mr. Wilson was hired to leave the county by D. D. Colton in order to secure the election of Mr. McDermit.  We can easily understand the feelings which prompts the brother of Mr. Wilson to denounce the author of so dishonorable a charge, but there is no necessity for him or any one else to take any notice whatever, of a report so unreasonable and absurd.  All who have even a slight acquaintance with John P. Wilson know the report to be the basest of falsehoods.  We know him, and knowing him do now, and will hereafter, hurl the lie into the teeth of any or all who dare say aught against his character and reputation as an honorable man and gentleman.  It is probably the the author of the charge against Mr. Wilson made it under the impression that Gen. Colton would be a candidate this winter for Senator, and that by the election of McDermit he would secure the support of Siskiyou county.

--Capt. Asa G. Houghton called upon us this week and requested a retraction of and an apology for language used by us concerning himself, several weeks ago.  The Captain acknowledges that he was beastly drunk when he made the Douglas speech commented on by us, and says had he been sober, he would not have made such an exhibition of his asinine qualities.  If we have said anything about the Captain that we are glad of, we are sorry for it.  We thought he would be sorry he made that speech when he got sober, the Captain is not the only man who is ashamed of his Douglas speeches.

--The boys over at Riderville, on Humbug, have gotten up a new and novel kind of party, which is advertised to come off on the evening of the 10th inst.  It is called "a masculine ball" and no women shall be present.  If some inquisitive female should attend the party in disguise, and the boys find her out they will immediately initiate her in the mysteries of the three last degrees of the ancient and honorable order of Eclampsus Vitus.  The proceeds of the ball are to be applied to the Riderville Hall.  We hope the boys will have a jolly time.

--We have received the first number of the Scott Valley Mirror, published at the town of Fort Jones, eighteen miles from this place.  The Mirror is a neat sheet, well filled with interesting local matter.  In its editorials we trace the mind marks of an old friend and one who is a chaste and forciable (sic) writer stands high in the estimation of his editorial brothers.  We extend to the Mirror the right hand of fellowship, with our earnest wishes for its future prosperity and welfare.  It is published by D. Ream & Co.

--A party will be given at the Metropolitan Hotel tomorrow evening.  The lovers of dancing will, we doubt not, have a good time.  A little social party such as Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon design giving their friends tomorrow evening is so far as our observation goes, much more pleasant and agreeable than one of those labored humbug artificial arrangements know as a fashionable ball.

--Mr. Bernard is now engaged in getting up a Singing School.  The school will commence as soon as the work now being done on the church is completed.  Some time next week.

--Republicans from the different precincts are requested to call at the Drug Store of Furber for tickets.

--We learn from the Mirror that there are seven saw mills in active operation in Scott Valley.

--The citizens of Fort Jones contemplate building a church in their town during the coming season.

--Read the advertisement for the lost belt.

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Copyright February 16, 2002

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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