Welcome to San Francisco CAGenWeb




San Francisco 1850
(photo colorized)

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   San Francisco Data

 Brief History:

 San Francisco County was formed in 1850. During the 1850s San Franciscans experienced a time of building and coming to
 grips with the population explosion. The 1860s brought continued population growth with the Pony Express and railroad
 connecting San Francisco to the East Coast.

 The 1870s were a time of city expansion with the Golden Gate park being created and the first cable car system started.

 By the late 1870s San Francisco began to suffer difficult and bitter economic times. The Indian Wars of the 1870s and 1880s
 resulted in additional growth of the Presidio.

 The 1890s brought a depression although San Francisco continued some growth and building.

 In the early 1900's, the country had rebounded from the depression of the 1890's, so a renewed sense of optimism was the
 mood of the day although in 1906 a major earthquake caused much death and destruction in the City. There was extensive
 record loss caused by the 1906 earthquake. Today, the records prior to 1906 are sparse to non-existent

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                    State Coordinator:  Bob Jenkins
     Assistant State Coordinator:
 Karen De Groote

 The CAGenWeb Project sincerely thanks the dedicated volunteers who devoted time and effort toward
 making  this site a  successful one:

Pamela Storm-Wolfskill (1996 - 2006)
Ron Filion (Co-Coordinator, 2002 - 2006)
Joyce Pilgrim (2006 - 2016)
Linda Simpson (2016 - 2022)
Denise Wells (2022 - 2023)

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