Weimar Cemetery in
Weimar, Placer County, California
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- Date Added: 24 Oct 2012 (Information updated: 27 Mar 2013)
- About this project: File contributed for
use in USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project
& USGenWeb Archives by: Robin Yonash, Chair,
The Weimar Project (weimarproject@gmail.com)
| October 2012
Thank you to Glenda Ragan for assistance with the research.
In 2012 a massive research project was implemented in an attempt to determine who is buried in the Weimar Cemetery and where they are buried. This project included reviewing every Placer County Death Certificate during the 50-year timeframe that the cemetery was in use. As a result, the names and grave numbers have been identified for all burials since grave number 108 was assigned on 9-Apr-1923. There are no records for the 107 grave numbers prior to that; however, 108 names have been identified as having been buried in the Weimar Cemetery from when it opened to 8-Apr-1923. It is likely that the "extra" name represents someone who was disinterred and whose grave number was reused, but there is no way to identify that person. The grave number for these 108 people is listed as "unk" below. Electronic memorials for all of the people buried in the Weimar Cemetery have been added to Find a Grave, and may be viewed at http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=cr&CRid=1982200. Memorials specific to the veterans buried in the Weimar Cemetery may be viewed at www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=vcsr&GSvcid=288501. (Note that the Weimar Institute, the current owner of the former Sanatorium property, has added burials to the cemetery during recent years. These graves are not included in the list below, but are on the Find a Grave site.) - History about the cemetery: The Weimar Cemetery was originally a part of the Weimar Joint Sanatorium, administered by 15 northern California counties for indigent tuberculosis patients, which operated under various names from 1919-1972. Patients who died at the Sanatorium and who had no other means of burial were interred on the Sanatorium property, also known as the Weimar Cemetery. Since this was essentially a Potter's Field, instead of traditional tombstones each grave was assigned a number which was engraved onto a brass disc. The graves were marked by a piece of 2x6 wood with the corresponding brass disc attached. Records for each patient, located in the Sanatorium office, translated names to numbers and vice-versa. The records also had information on where the person lived before being admitted to the Sanatorium and other data. Over time, many of the records have been lost.
- Directions:The Weimar Cemetery is located
west of the current Weimar Institute at 20601 West
Paoli Lane in Weimar
(Lat 39 02 05N Long 120 58 55 W.)
Weimar is about halfway between Auburn and Colfax, just off of Interstate 80. - Maintained by: Volunteers
- Cemetery Hours: The property is open any time, as it is part of the trails system around the Weimar Institute.
- Contacts: Colfax Cemetery District - (530) 346-9577 (Currently, Craig Ballenger)
Copyright Notice :: All materials contained on these Weimar Cemetery pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged in researching their family origins. Any commercial use or distribution, without the consent of the host/author (The Weimar Project) of these pages is prohibited. All information used on these cemetery pages were obtained from sources permitting free distribution, or generated by the author, and are subject to the same restrictions/permissions. All persons contributing material for posting on these pages do so in recognition of their free, non-commercial distribution, and further, is responsible to assure that no copyright is violated by their submission.