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Subject index to NCHS Bulletins 1948-2022

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C subjects start here:

| SUBJECT                                                         VOL - #                    |
 | Cabin, earliest in county                                        40-3                      |
| Cabona, D.                                                       63-4                      |
| Cadets of Temperance                                             68-1                      |
| Cady, Catherine C.                                               69-1                      |
| Cady, Frederica                                                  69-1                      |
| Cady, Stanton                                                    69-1                      |
| Caetani, Gelaesio                                                64-4                      |
| Cairns, James                                                    68-1                      |
| Cairns, Jennie Hunt Brown                                        68-1                      |
| Calanan, George                                                  5-4                       |
| Calanan, Michael                                                 5-4                       |
| Caldwell, A. B.                                                  6-3                       |
| Caldwell, A. B., Dr.                                             1-5                       |
| Caldwell, A. B., Dr.                                             3-4                       |
| Caldwell, J. I.                                                  5-3                       |
| Caldwell, John                                                   3-4                       |
| Caldwell, John                                                   35-3                      |
| Caldwell's Upper Store                                           1-5                       |
| Caldwell's Upper Store                                           3-4                       |
| Caledonia Mine                                                   64-4                      |
| California Conference of Historical Societies                    74-1                      |
| California Constitution (1879)                                   58-3                      |
| California Gas and Electric co.                                  63-1                      |
| California Gold Rush Centennial                                  74-1                      |
| California History Foundation                                    74-1                      |
| California Mill                                                  5-6                       |
| California Mine                                                  63-3                      |
| California Minstrels and Burlesque Troupe                        68-1                      |
| California Pioneer Sister                                        22-1                      |
| California Stage Co.                                             68-3                      |
| California Stage Co.                                             71-3                      |
| California Stage Co., organized                                  8-4                       |
| California Steam Navigation Company                              69-3                      |
| California Tobacco Company                                       76-1                      |
| California Tobacco Growers                                       76-1                      |
| California, first celebration of admission to union              65-1                      |
| Calkins, Delos                                                   2-1                       |
| Calkins, Delos                                                   6-3                       |
| Calkins, Hattie, Mrs. L. S.                                      70-4                      |
| Calkins, L. D.                                                   65-4                      |
| Calkins, L. S.                                                   73-1                      |
| Calkins, Margaret Mary (see also Kirkam, Mrs. Tommy)             6-3                       |
| Calkins, Marian                                                  6-3                       |
| Callan, James, Father                                            73-2                      |
| Calling all Stations-English Dam Break                           2-7                       |
| Calvert, J.                                                      9-3                       |
| Camacho, John G.                                                 3-3                       |
| Camp Far West                                                    2-6                       |
| Campbell, Mary Joan                                              5-4                       |
| Campbell, Paddy                                                  10-4                      |
| Campbell, Remembrance                                            54-1                      |
| Camptonville                                                     5-7                       |
| Camptonville                                                     63-2                      |
| Canadian Army                                                    72-4                      |
| Cannibalism                                                      75-2                      |
| Cantine, G. A.                                                   75-3                      |
| Cantine, G. A., teacher G.V. colored school                      75-3                      |
| Caragher, Anna                                                   70-3                      |
| Carnegie, Andrew                                                 61-4                      |
| Carol Choir, Cornish                                             7-4                       |
| Carol Choir, The Grass Valley                                    53-2                      |
| Carpenter (of Rough & Ready Co.)                                 8-1                       |
| Carr, Felix                                                      74-3                      |
| Carr, Percy, Mrs.                                                5-3                       |
| Carr, William "Billy"                                            65-1                      |
| Carson City                                                      71-3                      |
| Carson, Marcella J.                                              70-2                      |
| Carson, Miss                                                     68-2                      |
| Carter, Dennis Drummond                                          39-3                      |
| Carter, Dennis Drummond                                          70-1                      |
| Carter, Dennis Drummond                                          75-3                      |
| Carter, Jennie                                                   70-1                      |
| Carter, Jennie                                                   75-3                      |
| Carter, Mary, Mrs.                                               71-2                      |
| Carter, Randolph                                                 71-2                      |
| Carter, Randolph, wife & daughter                                71-2                      |
| Cartoscelli, Frank                                               64-4                      |
| Cartwright, Phoebe                                               74-1                      |
| Carveth, Charlie                                                 67-2                      |
| Cascade Canal                                                    55-3                      |
| Cascade Lake                                                     75-2                      |
| Cascade Lakes                                                    75-2                      |
| Casci bread oven                                                 64-4                      |
| Casci Ranch                                                      64-4                      |
| Casci, Aldo                                                      64-4                      |
| Casci, Antone                                                    64-4                      |
| Casci, Edith                                                     64-4                      |
| Casci, Elsie                                                     64-4                      |
| Casci, Eserina Gonnella                                          64-4                      |
| Casci, family photo, Olino, Valentino, Joseph                    64-4                      |
| Casci, Jeannette Pauline Gallino                                 64-4                      |
| Casci, Olino                                                     64-4                      |
| Casci, Rudolph Valentino "Valentine"                             64-4                      |
| Casey Ranch                                                      9-1                       |
| Casey, John                                                      9-1                       |
| Casper, Kaskill                                                  7-3                       |
| Cassamayou, Andrew                                               68-1                      |
| Cassetari, John                                                  64-4                      |
| Cassidy, Fred E.                                                 63-4                      |
| Castle, Red                                                      1-3                       |
| Caswell, Judge                                                   6-1                       |
| Caswell, T. H.                                                   9-3                       |
| Caswell, Thomas H.                                               2-8                       |
| Caswell, Thomas H.                                               5-1                       |
| Caswell, Thomas H., Judge                                        21-1                      |
| Caswell, Thomas Hubbard, Hon.                                    1-5                       |
| Caswell, Thomas Hubbard, Hon.                                    3-3                       |
| Catanch, Mrs.                                                    75-3                      |
| Catholic Diocese of Sacramento                                   73-2                      |
| Catholic Health Care West renamed Dignity Health                 74-3                      |
| Cattle Drives                                                    40-3                      |
| Cave, Captain                                                    69-4                      |
| Cavin, M. E.                                                     5-4                       |
| Cedar Theater                                                    20-1                      |
| Celio                                                            64-4                      |
| Celtic Saggarts                                                  73-2                      |
| Cemetery, Jewish                                                 25-3                      |
| Cemetery, Lone Grave                                             8-4                       |
| Cemetery, Nevada County Cemetery District                        64-3                      |
| Cemetery, Pine Grove                                             2-4                       |
| Cemetery, Pioneer, census                                        44-1                      |
| Cemetery, Pioneer, dedication                                    2-8                       |
| Cemetery, Pioneer, Nevada City                                   43-4                      |
| Cemetery, Red Dog                                                64-3                      |
| Cemetery, Red Dog, vanishing town last record                    14-2                      |
| Cemetery, see also by name                                        
| Cemetery, St. Patrick's                                          41-4                      |
| Census of 1940                                                   67-2                      |
| Census: Nevada County figures, 1852                              6-1                       |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin (Honorary)                        27-2                      |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1854-1954                         8-4                       |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1872-1972                         26-1                      |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1873-1973                         27-1                      |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1874-1974                         28-1                      |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1875-1975                         29-1                      |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1876-1976                         30-1                      |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1877-1977                         31-1                      |
| Centennial Edition of Bulletin 1878-1978                         32-1                      |
| Centennial Edition, 1849                                         1-5                       |
| Centennial Edition, 1850, Part 1                                 3-3                       |
| Centennial Edition, 1850, Part II                                3-4                       |
| Centennial Edition, 1851                                         5-1                       |
| Centennial Edition, 1852                                         6-1                       |
| Centennial Edition, 1853                                         7-1                       |
| Centennial Edition, 1880                                         34-1                      |
| Centennial Edition, 1881                                         35-1                      |
| Centennial Edition, 1882                                         36-1                      |
| Centennial Edition, 1884                                         38-1                      |
| Centennial Edition, 1885                                         39-1                      |
| Centennial Edition, 1886                                         40-1                      |
| Centennial Edition, 1887                                         41-1                      |
| Centerville                                                      1-1B                      |
| Centerville                                                      2-3                       |
| Centerville aka Grass Valley                                     68-4                      |
| Centerville aka Grass Valley                                     69-1                      |
| Centerville post office, 1851                                    69-1                      |
| Central House                                                    63-3                      |
| Central Pacific Railroad                                         75-3                      |
| Central Pacific Railroad Co.                                     6-2                       |
| Central Pacific Railroad Company                                 65-1                      |
| Central Pacific Railroad Company                                 71-4                      |
| Central Pacific Railway                                          2-5                       |
| Central Pacific Railway                                          3-2                       |
| Central Powers                                                   72-2                      |
| Chabot (of Buckeye Hill)                                         8-2                       |
| Chabot, A.                                                       6-1                       |
| Chadwick, Mary Louise                                            68-1                      |
| Chalk Bluff                                                      66-2                      |
| Chalk Bluff School                                               66-2                      |
| Chamberlain, John                                                73-3                      |
| Champion Bar                                                     71-3                      |
| Champion, A. B.                                                  73-1                      |
| Chapel Street, 229 (Heritage Home Award)                         53-1                      |
| Chapel Street, 303 (Heritage Home Award)                         59-1                      |
| Chapel, Elmer O., Rev.                                           9-1                       |
| Chapin, D. D., Rev.                                              8-5                       |
| Chapin, Rev.                                                     70-3                      |
| Chapman Family & Aaron Sargent                                   38-3                      |
| Chapman Family Theatrical Group                                  38-3                      |
| Chapman Family Theatrical Group                                  5-1                       |
| Chapman Family Theatrical Group                                  8-4                       |
| Chapman, Allen, Dr.                                              44-4                      |
| Chapman, C. W., Dr.                                              1-3                       |
| Chapman, C. W., Dr., Mayor                                       71-2                      |
| Chapman, Caroline                                                6-6                       |
| Chapman, Chester W.                                              73-1                      |
| Chapman, Chester Warren, Dr.                                     44-4                      |
| Chapman, George                                                  38-3                      |
| Chapman, Nellie Pooler, Dr.                                      44-4                      |
| Chapman, Nellie Pooler, Dr. (photo)                              54-4                      |
| Charley, Chief                                                   7-2                       |
| Chase, Abba (see also Wright, Mrs. Gilman)                       16-3                      |
| Chase, George Clement, Dr.                                       16-3                      |
| Chase, S. H.                                                     67-4                      |
| Chatfield, Solon                                                 2-7                       |
| Chavanne                                                         8-2                       |
| Chavanne, Andre, Escape from the Sea                             49-2                      |
| Cheong, Yum                                                      3-7                       |
| Cherokee                                                         11-2                      |
| Cherokee School                                                  10-2                      |
| Cherokee, first house                                            5-1                       |
| Chesnut, Pat                                                     74-1                      |
| Chestnut, John H.                                                9-2                       |
| Chew, Joseph                                                     66-2                      |
| Chicago Park                                                     2-1                       |
| Chicago Park                                                     27-3                      |
| Chicago Park Colony                                              10-2                      |
| Chicago Park School                                              10-2                      |
| Chicago Park, Brief History                                      17-3                      |
| Chicago Park, History of                                         50-2                      |
| Chicken Fights                                                   8-4                       |
| Chico Rancheria Cemetery                                         73-3                      |
| Chileski, Steve                                                  66-2                      |
| China Garden                                                     2-1                       |
| China Garden                                                     2-2                       |
| China Mary                                                       1-1A                      |
| China Mary                                                       2-2                       |
| China Mary                                                       2-4                       |
| Chinese                                                          63-3                      |
| Chinese Campmeeting                                              75-3                      |
| Chinese of Placer Mining Days I                                  1-1A                      |
| Chinese of Placer Mining Days II                                 2-1                       |
| Chinese of Placer Mining Days III                                2-2                       |
| Chinese of Placer Mining Days IV                                 2-4                       |
| Chinese Quarter 1860-1900                                        62-4                      |
| Chinese: "Immigration of the Chinese"                            65-1                      |
| Chinese: A Century Ago                                           33-1                      |
| Chinese: A Memory                                                2-4                       |
| Chinese: Ah Chee                                                 1-1B                      |
| Chinese: Ah Chee                                                 3-7                       |
| Chinese: Ah Coon                                                 3-7                       |
| Chinese: Ah Dee                                                  2-2                       |
| Chinese: Ah Jake-He Talk Lie                                     3-5                       |
| Chinese: Ah Mah                                                  3-7                       |
| Chinese: Ah Moon                                                 3-2                       |
| Chinese: Ah Soon                                                 2-2                       |
| Chinese: Ah Ting                                                 3-5                       |
| Chinese: Altar at Firehouse #1                                   62-4                      |
| Chinese: and the N.C.N.G.R.R.                                    40-4                      |
| Chinese: Anti-Chinese                                            40-1                      |
| Chinese: China Garden                                            2-1                       |
| Chinese: China Garden                                            2-2                       |
| Chinese: China Mary                                              1-1A                      |
| Chinese: China Mary                                              2-2                       |
| Chinese: China Mary                                              2-4                       |
| Chinese: Chinese Problem see Differences of Opinion              58-3                      |
| Chinese: Chum Ming                                               3-7                       |
| Chinese: Duck Egg (see Ah Chee)                                   
| Chinese: Fung Kee                                                3-5                       |
| Chinese: Gardens                                                 23-2                      |
| Chinese: Hoon (Chinese resident)                                 6-5                       |
| Chinese: Hop Yeck Houng & Co                                     62-4                      |
| Chinese: Hou Wong Joss House, Grass Valley                       51-2                      |
| Chinese: Irish Boy (Chinese resident)                            2-2                       |
| Chinese: Joss House, Hou Wong, Grass Valley, w/photo             51-2                      |
| Chinese: Kentsville, Nevada City's New China Town, Part I        56-1                      |
| Chinese: Kentsville, Nevada City's New China Town, Part II       56-2                      |
| Chinese: Kin Dooie' see Ah Mah                                    
| Chinese: Lo Kay                                                  3-5                       |
| Chinese: Louie                                                   2-1                       |
| Chinese: Moon Family (photos)                                    56-2                      |
| Chinese: Murder; Wah Chuck                                       3-5                       |
| Chinese: New China Town                                          62-4                      |
| Chinese: of Nevada County Part 1                                 25-1                      |
| Chinese: of Nevada County Part 2                                 25-2                      |
| Chinese: Old Bedrock (Chinese resident)                          2-1                       |
| Chinese: Old Bow (Chinese resident)                              2-1                       |
| Chinese: On Goon, Charley                                        2-2                       |
| Chinese: Persecutions                                            36-1                      |
| Chinese: Pigtail Gold rush                                       3-7                       |
| Chinese: Sam Kee Laundry                                         62-4                      |
| Chinese: settlers, North Bloomfield                              12-2                      |
| Chinese: Sin Get "Smiley"                                        3-2                       |
| Chinese: Sin Get "Smiley" of North San Juan                      1-1A                      |
| Chinese: Sing (son of Jim Yet Wah)                               2-1                       |
| Chinese: Sing Lee Laundry                                        62-4                      |
| Chinese: Smiley of North San Juan                                3-2                       |
| Chinese: Struggle                                                34-1                      |
| Chinese: Sue Kee                                                 2-1                       |
| Chinese: Wah Chuck                                               3-5                       |
| Chinese: Wing Sing                                               3-7                       |
| Chinese: Yet Wah, Jim                                            2-1                       |
| Chipp's Flat                                                     6-5                       |
| Choir, Cornish Choir of Grass Valley                             7-4                       |
| Chollar, Billy                                                   62-1                      |
| Christensen, John                                                74-1                      |
| Christian Association                                            1-2                       |
| Christian Association                                            3-3                       |
| Christian Science Society                                        9-2                       |
| Christian Women's Temperance Union                               74-4                      |
| Chubbuck, Leopold F.                                             67-4                      |
| Chum Ming                                                        3-7                       |
| Church Apartments                                                9-3                       |
| Church of the Immaculate Conception                              73-2                      |
| Church: African Methodist Episcopal Church                       39-3                      |
| Church: African-American Church, Grass Valley                    8-4                       |
| Church: African-American Church, Nevada City                     46-1                      |
| Church: Baptist                                                  9-3                       |
| Church: Baptist, Community                                       9-2                       |
| Church: Baptist, Nevada City                                     7-1                       |
| Church: Baptist, Nevada City, First                              9-3                       |
| Church: Catholic, Another Passing Moment in History              55-4                      |
| Church: Catholic, Father Dalton                                  34-1                      |
| Church: Catholic, St. Canice                                     9-3                       |
| Church: Catholic, St. Luke's                                     2-4                       |
| Church: Catholic, St. Patricks                                   29-4                      |
| Church: Catholic, St. Patricks                                   7-1                       |
| Church: Catholic, St. Patricks                                   8-5                       |
| Church: Catholic, St. Patrick's                                  22-1                      |
| Church: Catholic, St. Patrick's                                  9-1                       |
| Church: Catholic, St. Patrick's Cemetery                         41-4                      |
| Church: Catholic, St. Peter's, Nevada City                       9-3                       |
| Church: Catholic, Sts. Peter and Paul, Nevada City               9-3                       |
| Church: Christian Science Society                                9-2                       |
| Church: Congregational, Grass Valley                             5-1                       |
| Church: Congregational, Grass Valley                             7-1                       |
| Church: Congregational, Grass Valley                             9-1                       |
| Church: Congregational, Grass Valley                             9-2                       |
| Church: Congregational, Nevada                                   5-1                       |
| Church: Early, Grass Valley                                      8-4                       |
| Church: Early, Nevada County                                     9-2                       |
| Church: Episcopal Church history, Nevada County                  24-4                      |
| Church: Episcopal, California History                            39-2                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Emmanuel & Trinity                            24-4                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Emmanuel of Grass Valley                      8-5                       |
| Church: Episcopal, Emmanuel, Grass Valley, Early History         39-2                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Emmanuel, Grass Valley, History               8-4                       |
| Church: Episcopal, Emmanuel, Grass Valley, Journal of Rev. Putnam                        | 59-4                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Emmanuel, Grass Valley, origin                44-1                      |
| Church: Episcopal, History of Diocese                            24-4                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Rectors                                       24-4                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Trinity Episcopal Church of Nevada City       24-4                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Trinity Episcopal Church of Nevada City       9-3                       |
| Church: Episcopal, Trinity Episcopal Church of Nevada City, picture, 1873                | 27-1                      |
| Church: Episcopal, Trinity of Nevada City                        9-3                       |
| Church: First church                                             3-3                       |
| Church: First churches                                           9-3                       |
| Church: Grass Valley, Churches                                   8-5                       |
| Church: Grass Valley, Churches, Early                            9-1                       |
| Church: Independent Fundamentalist                               9-1                       |
| Church: Methodist                                                6-1                       |
| Church: Methodist                                                8-5                       |
| Church: Methodist Episcopal, Grass Valley, African, organized    8-4                       |
| Church: Methodist Episcopal, Grass Valley, Early                 8-5                       |
| Church: Methodist Episcopal, Grass Valley, early                 9-1                       |
| Church: Methodist Episcopal, Grass Valley, organized             5-1                       |
| Church: Methodist Episcopal, Rough and Ready                     6-1                       |
| Church: Methodist, Grass Valley, Organized                       5-1                       |
| Church: Methodist, History of                                    27-1                      |
| Church: Methodist, Nevada City                                   3-1                       |
| Church: Methodist, Nevada City, first                            9-3                       |
| Church: Methodist, Nevada City, organized                        5-1                       |
| Church: Methodist, Organized                                     3-3                       |
| Church: Methodist, Organized                                     9-3                       |
| Church: Methodist, South, Grass Valley & Nevada City             5-1                       |
| Church: Nevada City, first                                       3-1                       |
| Church: Nevada City, first                                       3-3                       |
| Church: Nevada City, first                                       9-3                       |
| Church: Penn Valley                                              9-1                       |
| Church: Rough & Ready, first                                     3-3                       |
| Churchill, Jim                                                   39-3                      |
| Churchman, James                                                 68-1                      |
| CIO                                                              71-1                      |
| Cisco                                                            7-2                       |
| Citizens Bank                                                    2-4                       |
| Citizens Bank                                                    5-3                       |
| Citizens Bank                                                    66-1                      |
| Citizens Bank of Nevada County                                   63-4                      |
| City of Six                                                      6-5                       |
| City Square Park                                                 75-4                      |
| Claire, J., Fr.                                                  9-3                       |
| Clampers see E Clampus Vitus                                      
| Clark, Amos                                                      65-1                      |
| Clark, G. P.                                                     2-3                       |
| Clark, George                                                    5-3                       |
| Clark, J. B.                                                     6-1                       |
| Clark, Rebecca Ingalls                                           65-1                      |
| Clark, Richard H.                                                64-1                      |
| Clark, William                                                   75-1                      |
| Clarke, Mary Graves                                              8-3                       |
| Clay, G. W.                                                      70-3                      |
| Clay, George                                                     66-1                      |
| Clayton, Joseph & Elizabeth                                      68-4                      |
| Clayton, Sarah, Miss                                             68-4                      |
| Clear Creek Ranch                                                7-2                       |
| Clemens (member of Congregational Church)                        9-2                       |
| Clemens, S. L.                                                   67-3                      |
| Clements, George                                                 73-3                      |
| Clemo, Janie                                                     71-2                      |
| Cleveland, Charles Dexter, Dr.                                   69-1                      |
| Cleveland, Grover, photo                                         40-1                      |
| Climate of Nevada County                                         22-2                      |
| Clinch & Co.                                                     63-4                      |
| Clinch Mercantile Co.                                            63-4                      |
| Clinch, Charles E.                                               64-4                      |
| Clinch, Charles E.                                               72-4                      |
| Clinch, Charles E.                                               73-1                      |
| Clinch, Charles Edward                                           63-4                      |
| Clinch, Charlie                                                  6-4                       |
| Clinch, Emily Jenkins                                            63-4                      |
| Clinch, Isabella Eliza Gill                                      63-4                      |
| Clinch, Ray                                                      6-2                       |
| Cline, Margaret                                                  26-3                      |
| Clinton post office aka Moore's Flat                             69-1                      |
| Cloudman, H. C.                                                  71-2                      |
| Clyne, Fr.                                                       9-3                       |
| Clyne, Fr. P.J.                                                  8-5                       |
| Coburn's Station (see also Truckee, town)                        2-5                       |
| Cocking, Richard                                                 72-4                      |
| Cody, Caroline, Miss                                             74-3                      |
| Cody, Mary  Peter, Sister                                        74-3                      |
| Coe. W. R.                                                       9-3                       |
| Coffey (member of Congregational Church)                         9-2                       |
| Coffin, Lillian Harris                                           74-2                      |
| Coghlan, J. P.                                                   5-4                       |
| Cohen, Annie-Variety Store                                       65-4                      |
| Cohn Family                                                      6-2                       |
| Colbert, Michael                                                 70-3                      |
| Colburn, Thomas                                                  67-4                      |
| Cole, Charles                                                    71-3                      |
| Cole, George                                                     74-2                      |
| Cole, Mamie Patricia C. Morrison                                 74-2                      |
| Coleman House                                                    20-2                      |
| Coleman, E., Mrs.                                                9-1                       |
| Coleman, Edward                                                  9-1                       |
| Coleman, John                                                    9-1                       |
| Coleman, Matthew, Smartsville pastor                             73-2                      |
| Coleman, Miss                                                    10-2                      |
| Colfax Avenue, 220 (Heritage Home Award)                         54-2                      |
| Colfax Fruit Growers Association                                 72-1                      |
| Colfax, Welcome to T. Roosevelt                                  39-4                      |
| Colgate Power House                                              1-1A                      |
| Colgate, Romulus Riggs                                           65-4                      |
| Colgrave (of Rough & Ready Co.)                                  8-1                       |
| College of the Pacific                                           74-1                      |
| Colley, J. F.                                                    73-1                      |
| Colley, James                                                    1-5                       |
| Collo (Indian)                                                   5-1                       |
| Colored Methodist Church, Sacramento                             70-1                      |
| Colored School, Grss Valley                                      75-3                      |
| Colored School, Nevada City                                      75-3                      |
| Columbia Hill School                                             5-4                       |
| Columbia Hill, Dedication Ball                                   5-4                       |
| Columbia Hill, first cabin                                       7-1                       |
| Columbia Old School House                                        5-4                       |
| Columbia, Pioneers                                               5-4                       |
| Columbia-Columbia Hill-Our Gem of the Mountains                  5-4                       |
| Columbus School                                                  28-3                      |
| Combs & McGoun                                                   66-2                      |
| Combs, Milton                                                    66-2                      |
| Commerce and mountain roads                                      3-2                       |
| Commercial Street, 309                                           62-4                      |
| Commercial Street, 311                                           62-4                      |
| Commercial Street, 312                                           62-4                      |
| Commercial Street, 313                                           62-4                      |
| Commercial Street, 315                                           62-4                      |
| Commercial Street, 316                                           62-4                      |
| Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB)                           72-3                      |
| Committee of Vigilance & Safety (Rough & Ready)                  69-4                      |
| Communications, early telephone                                  11-1                      |
| Communications, first telephone                                  2-6                       |
| Community Baptist Church                                         9-2                       |
| Compton, Maria                                                   6-1                       |
| Compton, Rev.                                                    9-1                       |
| Comstock Lode                                                    10-1                      |
| Comstock, David                                                  67-2                      |
| Comstock, David                                                  74-1                      |
| Comstock, David Allan, "Two Peoples" book excerpt                36-3                      |
| Comstock, David, painting of Red Dog Cemetery                    64-3                      |
| Comstock, Emanuel                                                8-1                       |
| Conaway Street, 111 (Heritage Home Award)                        56-1                      |
| Concert Hall                                                     8-4                       |
| Condemned Bar                                                    71-3                      |
| Congregational Church, G.V.                                      69-3                      |
| Congregational Church, Grass Valley                              68-2                      |
| Congress for Industrial Organization                             71-1                      |
| Conlan, Dr.                                                      5-3                       |
| Conner, Fred E.                                                  63-4                      |
| Connors, Ann                                                     5-4                       |
| Connors, Julia                                                   5-4                       |
| Connors, Sarah                                                   5-4                       |
| Constitution: California State ratification and Nevada County    58-3                      |
| Conway, Marian F.                                                70-2                      |
| Conway, Marion Foote                                             40-1                      |
| Copper Mines, Spenceville                                        53-2                      |
| Cordell, Harry                                                   72-4                      |
| Core Drilling                                                    15-3A                     |
| Cornell, Flora                                                   10-2                      |
| Cornish Books, Authors                                           34-2                      |
| Cornish Carol Choir                                              18-1                      |
| Cornish Carol Choir                                              7-4                       |
| Cornish folklore, Tommyknocker                                   18-1                      |
| Cornish Migration                                                3-6                       |
| Cornish Miner                                                    18-1                      |
| Cornish miners                                                   67-3                      |
| Cornish Pump                                                     18-1                      |
| Cornish Pump                                                     33-2                      |
| Cornish pump                                                     7-4                       |
| Cornish Wrestling                                                23-4                      |
| Cornish wrestling                                                7-4                       |
| Cornish Wrestling information                                    21-3                      |
| Cornish, Breath of Old Cornwall, immigrants                      7-4                       |
| Cornish, Early Cornishmen in County                              34-2                      |
| Cornish, Names                                                   34-2                      |
| Cornish, Story of "Gladly"                                       3-6                       |
| Cornwall, A Breath of Old                                        7-4                       |
| Cosmopolitan Benevolent Society                                  10-2                      |
| Coughlan, Annie                                                  59-2                      |
| Coughlan, Lillian (Sister Mary Teresa)                           59-2                      |
| Coughlin, Daniel                                                 5-4                       |
| Coughlin, Miles                                                  2-4                       |
| County Council of Defense                                        72-4                      |
| County, Nevada County                                            5-1                       |
| Court House artifact displays                                    74-1                      |
| Court, District                                                  15-4                      |
| Court, Justice Court, Grass Valley                               3-3                       |
| Court, Justice Court, Rough & Ready                              3-3                       |
| Court, Nevada County Court Rules,1856                            21-1                      |
| Courthouse                                                       15-1                      |
| Courthouse Demolition a Possibility                              65-4                      |
| Courthouse Fire, 1856                                            70-4                      |
| Courthouse, 1883 photo                                           41-2                      |
| Courthouse, Explosion, 1867                                      15-4                      |
| Courthouse: Nevada County Courthouse                             64-1                      |
| Courtship, Sampson/Dahl Letters                                  37-3                      |
| Cox, Abner                                                       8-1                       |
| Cox, Amber                                                       69-4                      |
| Coyote Diggings                                                  3-4                       |
| Coyoteville                                                      3-4                       |
| Crabtree House                                                   20-2                      |
| Crabtree, Lotta                                                  20-2                      |
| Crabtree, Lotta                                                  6-6                       |
| Crabtree, Lotta, photo                                           54-4                      |
| Cracklin, J and T.                                               62-1                      |
| Craig, A. H., Mr. & Mrs.                                         66-1                      |
| Craig, Florence Rumsey                                           1-3                       |
| Craigan, James                                                   3-4                       |
| Crandall, J. R.                                                  9-3                       |
| Crandel, George                                                  3-6                       |
| Crase, Bert                                                      65-1                      |
| Crawford, Israel                                                 7-1                       |
| Crawford, John                                                   75-3                      |
| Crawford, Madge                                                  71-2                      |
| Creegan, James                                                   1-5                       |
| Creegan, James                                                   5-4                       |
| Creel, George                                                    63-4                      |
| Crego                                                            5-1                       |
| Crenshaw Report                                                  73-4                      |
| Crenshaw, John T.                                                3-4                       |
| Creswick, Australia                                              74-4                      |
| Crime                                                            69-1                      |
| Crime: Bank Robbery, 1912                                        49-1                      |
| Crime: Lawlessness in Nevada & Sierra Counties                   55-2                      |
| Crime: Murder of Wm. Cummings, 1879                              41-2                      |
| Crime-Rape                                                       66-1                      |
| Criminal Trials                                                  3-1                       |
| Crocker, Charles                                                 71-4                      |
| Crocker, William H.                                              72-2                      |
| Cross, C. W.                                                     66-1                      |
| Cross, James                                                     7-4                       |
| Cross, Thomas                                                    1-5                       |
| Crowell, Prof.                                                   10-2                      |
| Crowley, Bob                                                     75-2                      |
| Crown Willamette Paper Company                                   10-2                      |
| Crum, Mr.                                                        68-4                      |
| Crystal Theater                                                  20-1                      |
| Cumberland                                                       6-5                       |
| Cummings                                                         2-1                       |
| Cummings, H.                                                     9-2                       |
| Cummings, H., Rev.                                               1-5                       |
| Cummings, H., Rev.                                               2-3                       |
| Cummings, H., Rev., first man to hold religious service          62-1                      |
| Cummings, William, Murder, 1879                                  41-2                      |
| Cunningham Barn                                                  75-1                      |
| Cunningham Family of North San Juan                              75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Adele                                                75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Albert                                               75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Clark                                                75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Edward                                               75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Eva Joy (Babe)                                       75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Gladys                                               75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Herman                                               75-1                      |
| Cunningham, J. G.                                                75-1                      |
| Cunningham, J. T.                                                75-1                      |
| Cunningham, James                                                75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Mary J. Kern/Kem                                     75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Rasmus Manford                                       75-1                      |
| Cunningham, Rev.                                                 8-5                       |
| Cunningham, William                                              75-1                      |
| Cunningham, William Clark & Amelia Augusta "Ma"                  75-1                      |
| Cunningham, William M.                                           75-1                      |
| Curley Bears, photo, Native Sons of Golden West                  39-1                      |
| Curley, Mr.                                                      6-4                       |
| Curnow, Horace                                                   5-4                       |
| Curnow, J. A., Chamber of Commerce President                     75-4 
| Curnow, Phil                                                     5-4                       |
| Curtis, A.                                                       8-5                       |
| Curtis, K.                                                       8-5                       |
| Custis, Martha Park (see also Days, Mrs. Woolberton)             2-1                       |
| Cyanide Dam Incident                                             65-1                      |


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