El Dorado County - In the 'news |
If you encounter tidbits of 'news' about residents of El Dorado County, please copy them and send them my way! There will be no particular 'order' at first - but, as more newsy items are submitted, I will try to put them
into alphabetical order... Examples could be - "Mrs. Chas. Smith is visiting with her daughter, Maude Jones, for the month of May." or, "The newlywed couple, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Spencer have returned from their honeymoon and are setting up housekeeping on Main Street. We wish them well." Old newspapers had much more information about the comings and goings of citizens!
Sacramento, Calif. KCRA News 26 Dec 2022 —
'We just want her back': Placerville cemetery wants missing statue returned Mystery is surrounding a Christmas theft at a Placerville cemetery over the weekend.
Westwood Hills Memorial Park staff say a beloved Mary Mother of Jesus statue that has served as a sense of comfort to those mourning past loved ones, is now gone. “To be violated like this is just unbelievable,” said site manager Marie Ferraiolo. Ferraiolo says the cemetery has seen its share of transients who have taken items like bronze vases but never anything like this.
“People go there; they feel comfort being with Mary,” Ferraiolo said. “You can go there and meditate, read your bible.”
It was a shocking sight for caretaker Frank Goolsby, who had started his shift roaming the grounds just like any other day, only to make the discovery. “You don’t just steal that type of thing,” Goolsby said.
Goolsby says the statue is a sense of comfort for those in mourning. He often spotted visitors sitting beside the statue praying for hours at a time. “Whoever did it, I hope that they have a change of heart,” Goolsby said.
A report has been filed with local police, but for now, staff are left trying to piece this mystery together. The big question on everyone’s mind is how a 200-plus pound statue could have possibly been moved from the site. Goolsby said one clue could be the tire marks they spotted on the ground. He believes it took a couple of people to lift the statue and take it away. Goolsby also spotted a rock on top of a light that illuminated that statue. He believes it was likely used by potential thieves to avoid being seen.
Security cameras are placed around the site, but none point in the direction of where the statue stood. Without any footage of the alleged crime on any of their cameras, cemetery staff are now asking for the community’s help. They hope someone will recognize the statue and bring it back. “We only want the statue back,” Ferraiolo said. “We’re not pressing charges. We only want her returned.”
Staff say they will add more cameras and security barriers on the grounds. Anyone with knowledge of the statue’s whereabouts is asked to contact local police or simply bring it back to the cemetery’s location. The cemetery can also be contacted at 530-622-2223. |
Mountain Democrat, 2 Jan 1858: Wagon Road -- The Supervisors of this county will meet the Supervisors of Sacramento on Monday next, in Sacramento, to consult in relation to the Carson Valley wagon road. The improvement of the road is absolutely necessary and should be commenced at once, and pushed forward vigourously, in order that there may be no impediment in the way of transporting troops and supplies speedily and safely in the field of operations in Utah, in the event of a war with the Mormons, which is looked upon almost as inevitable. It is generally believed that the Carson Valley route will be selected, and that Sacramento or Placerville, probably both, will be the rendesvous for the troops, which early in the Spring, they will march for Salt Lake. We know that the Supervisors of our county are solicitous to commence operations at an rearly day, and we have reasons to believer that Sacramento county is as deeply interested as El Dorado, will not delay the procesution of the work.
Mountain Democrat, 2 Jan 1858: Bridge Notice -- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the Hon. the Board of Supervisors of El Dorado County, California, at their meeting in February 1858, or so soon thereafter at the same can be heard, for a License to keep a Toll Bridge across the North Fork of the American River, at Wild Goos Flat, for six months from the date of said License. D.A. Rice, Secretary (Horse Shoe Bar and Pilot Hill Turnpike Co. Decemb er 26th, 1857 | |