Obituaries ~ S
Below you will find a complilation of obituaries gathered from various newspapers throughout Shasta County and elsewhere in California. If YOU have an obituary for a Shasta County resident and would like to add to this collection or, better yet, if you want to volunteer to transcribe obituaries please contact the county coorinators.
Sauer, Gertrude
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 9, 1927
Mrs. Edward Sauer, 28, of Delano, daughter of Mrs. Anna Mullen of
Redding, died in Chico yesterday morning at 10 o’clock following
an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Sauer had been ill but
a few days and her death was a shock to her family and friends.
Mrs. Sauer, as Miss Gertrude Mullen, was a resident of this city
for many years. For two years she and her husband have resided
at Delano and previously at Chico.
Surviving are the widower and four small children, Dolores, Francis,
Burnedette and Edward; a brother, Thomas Mullen of Dunsmuir, and
a sister, Sister Mary Paul of Modesto. Mrs. Mullen and Thomas
Mullen left Redding early yesterday morning for Chico.
The funeral will probably be held here Monday, and burial will be
in the St. Joseph’s Catholic cemetery. The body will be accompanied
to Redding today by Mrs. Mullen, mother, and Sauer, husband of
the decedent.
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 10, 1927
Funeral services will be held at 11 o’clock Monday morning for Mrs.
Edward Sauer, who died at Chico Friday morning. The services
will be at the St. Joseph’s Catholic church, and burial will be
in the Catholic cemetery.
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 13, 1927
We wish to express our thanks to the many friends who extended us
their kind sympathy and assistance during the death and burial
of our beloved wife, daughter and sister, Mrs. Gertrude Sauer. We
also wish to thank all for the beautiful floral offerings.
Signed: Mr. Ed. Sauer and family, Mrs. Anna Mullen, Mrs.
Thomas B. Mullen |
Scarbrough, Ernest B.
Redding Record Searchlight, January, 1977
Anderson - Funeral services for Ernest B. Scarbrough
of Anderson will be conducted at 1 p.m. Saturday at McDonalds
Anderson Chapel. Scarbrough died Tuesday at Memorial Hosp in
Redding as a result of injuries suffered in an industrial accident
at Kimberly-Clark Corp. in Anderson. He was 54.
Born in Redick, OK May 14, 1922, Scarbrough lived in Anderson22
yrs. He worked for Kimberly-Clark Corp. for 1 1/2 yrs. Scarbrough
was a Veteran of World War II, serving with the Army. He was
a member of Anderson Moose Lodge 509 and the Happy Valley Veterans
of Foreign Wars 6948. He leaves a wife Eva "Chris" of Anderson;
a daughter, Nancy Winters of Anderson; 3 sons; Ronnie of Folsom,
and Phillip and Dennis, both of Anderson; his parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Paul Scarbrough of Broken Bow, OK; a brother Ernie of Tucson,
AZ; and 4 sisters, Pauline of Broken Bow, OK, Florence Fish of
Winston, OR, Malba Louis Trimm of Marion, IL, and Jeanette Dorris
of Chula Vista.
Ed Petersen will officiate at the services. The Anderson Moose
Lodge 509 and the District 20 VFW will assist at graveside rites.
Casketbearers will be Bill Lawrence, Wes Harris, George Burns,
Earnie Henderson, John Maderios, and Marion Brick. Burial will
be at Anderson District Cemetery
Transcribed by Janie Edwards |
Searles, Albert Searles
The Redding Searchlight, Saturday, Jan. 26, 1907
Discovered Dead After the Train Left Kennett, the Body
Was Removed From the Cars at Delta, Where His True
Name Was Learned Friday Evening by Coroner Houston
on a Letter Found in One of the Pockets. Albert
Searles, a passenger on No. 16, the morning northbound
passenger, died Friday on the train between Kennett
and Delta. He had a ticket in his pocket from Red
Bluff to Sisson. The conductor did not notice that
the passenger was dead until after the train pulled
out of Kennett. The body was taken off the cars
at Delta and put in the freight shed to await the
arrival of Coroner Houston.
Coroner Houston arrived at Delta at 8 o'clock Friday evening,
and searching the pockets of the dead, found a letter
addressed to Albert Searles, which is probably the man's
name. A ticket from Red Bluff, to Sisson was also found
in a pocket. The conductor had overlooked him and failed
to collect his fare at the proper time, and when he
did finally call on the passenger for a ticket Searles
was dead. Up to 10 o'clock Friday evening no further
particulars of Searles had been learned. He was aged
between 60 and 65 years and was dressed like a workingman.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Sebourn, Carrie C.
Redding Record-Searchlight, February 2, 2000
Redding – Services for Carrie C. Sebourn, 89, of Redding will
be at 11 a.m. Friday at Memory Gardens in Brea. Visitation will
be from noon to 8 p.m. Monday at McDonald’s Redding Chapel. Burial
will be at Memory Gardens Memorial Park in Brea. Mrs. Sebourn
died Feb. 5, 2000, at Guardian Rehabilitation Hospital in Redding.
Born Aug. 29, 1910, in Crawford County, Ark., she moved to Shasta
County in 1979 from Brea. She was a homemaker and a member of
First Church of the Nazarene in Brea.
Survivors include sons Don of Stotts City, Mo., Marvin of Redding,
Tom of Trinidad and Ronald of Columbus, Neb.; daughter Doris Simmons
of Carefree, Ariz.; 16 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren;
and one great-great-grandchild.
Memorial contributions can be made to Mercy Hospice, 1544 Market
Street, Redding, CA 96001. Arrangements are being handled by McDonald’s
Redding Chapel. |
Seidner, Raymond Guy
Redding Record Searchlight, Wednesday October 23, 1974
Funeral services were to be conducted at 10:30 a.m. today
for Raymond Guy Seidner, 71, of Redding, who died Saturday
in Memorial Hospital following a lengthy illness. Born
in Ohio November 11, 1902, he had been a resident of
Shasta County for three years, and was a member of the
Shasta County Senior Citizens. He leaves a son, Robert
of Central Valley; a brother Clyde of Manteca and a
The Rev. E. Ward Willoughby will officiate at the services
with burial to take place in the Rural Cemetery in Stockton
beside his wife Barbara who died in 1969.
Transcribed by Jane Edwards |
Selvester, Carrie E.
Redding Record-Searchlight, Monday, April 13, 1942
Mrs. Connie [sic] (Carrie) E. Selvester, 80, died at her
home at 1933 California street yesterday morning. She
had lived in Redding for the past 10 years. Mrs. Selvester
was a native of Callahan in Siskiyou county. She had
been ill for several years. Mrs. Selvester leaves three
sons, Vernon and Arnold Selvester of Redding and Leslie
S. Selvester of Fall River Mills; a sister, Mrs. Nellie
Bosworth of Redding; and a brother, Mortimer Eddy of
Centralia, Wash.
Services will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the McArthur
Grange hall under the direction of the Home Undertaking
company. Interment will be in the Pine Grove cemetery
in McArthur.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Shaw, Bazel G.
Redding Record-Searchlight, Friday, June 16, 1978
Private family services for Bazel G. Shaw of Fall River
Mills were conducted today at McDonald's Burney Chapel.
Shaw died Tuesday at a hospital in Lawton, Okla., where
he was visiting a son. He was 61.
He was born April 16, 1917, in Washington. He worked 30
years as a road superintendent for Shasta County. He
was a World War II Army veteran. He leaves his wife,
Cleo of Fall River Mills; his son, Jim of Lawton; a
daughter, Bobbie Carpenter of LaPaz, Ind.; a sister,
Bernice Jenson of Red Bluff; two brothers, Harvey of
California and Russell of Oregon; his mother, Ema Shaw
of Red Bluff; and eight grandchildren.
Burial will be at the Pine Grove Cemetery in McArthur
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Shearin, Mary Jane
Shasta Courier, Redding, Shasta Co., Calif., Tuesday, June
8, 1920
Mrs. Mary Jane Shearin, mother of County Tax Collector
Clarence Shearin, died at her Millville home early Friday
morning. Mrs. Shearin was 69 years old and had lived
in the Millville section for 50 years. She is survived
by her husband, A. A. Shearin, and a son, Clarence Shearin.
The deceased is also mourned by two brothers and one
sister--W. C. Welch of Oakland, M. E. Welch of Round
Mountain, and Mrs. C. C. Bidwell of Hat Creek.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morning
at the house at Millville, interment in the I.O.O.F.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Shelton, Martin
Redding Record-Searchlight, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1946
Martin Shelton, 57, of Redding, veteran of World War I, died at
the Veterans Administration hospital at Livermore Sunday. Born
at Harrison Gulch, he served with the 91st aerial squadron in
France during World War I.
Surviving are his son, Martin Shelton Jr., U.S. navy; four brothers,
Edward Shelton of Ono, Arthur Shelton of Castella, F. B. Shelton
of Sacramento, and A. J. Shelton of Battle Mountain, Nevada, and
one sister, Mrs. C. R. Gossett of Red Bluff Services will be announced
by McDonald's chapel.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Sherman, Nelson
The Shasta Courier, Saturday Morning, April 2, 1853
DROWNED--We are informed by Mr. Varry, that Mr.
Nelson Sherman, one of the proprietors of Pendleton & Sherman
Ferry, on the Trinity River, was drowned last Tuesday. Messrs.
P. and S. were getting reading to start their boat across the
river, when one of the fastenings of the rope gave way; the water
carrying the boat around, knocking out its bottom, and sweeping
off those gentlemen. Mr. Sherman floated down stream about a mile
and sunk. Mr. Pendleton floated still further, but was caught
upon some brush, and thus got upon the bank.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Sherrer, Emil
Dunsmuir News, September 22, 1900
Sherrer, 22, Terre Haute, Indiana native, was instantly killed
while coupling railway freight cars at Keswick Station Friday
last. His remains were brought to Dunsmuir Sunday with the funeral
services held at the family home. Besides the parents, Herman
and Mary Sherrer, 3 brothers and 3 sisters survive. In 1888 he,
his parents and family came from Grays Harbor, Washington. He
had been employed by Southern Pacific about 2 years.
According to Redding Free Press, J.W. Hale, a young man, caught
between two cars Saturday morning at Keswick, while showing a
group of trainmen how the accident happened in which the Dunsmuir
youth lost his life the previous night, died of internal injuries
at Mrs. Young's Sanitorium in Redding Tuesday night.
Transcribed by D. Frazier |
Sholes, Robert H.
Redding Courier Free Press, January 30, 1911
Robert Sholes Called away - 4 year old lad died of Bright's disease
on Sunday. Robert H. Sholes, the fine little son of Mr. and Mrs.
T. F. Sholes, died at hte home of his parents on Chesnut Street,
West Redding, Sundday Evening at 10 o'clock, aged 4 years 7 months.
The deceased was born at the Gladston Mine near French Gulch on
Jul. 22. 1905. He hadbeen ailing from kidney complaint for some
time and for the past few weeks his life had been dispaired of.
there survive, besides the sorrowing parents, a brother Earl,
and 2 sisters Freda and Leta, and 2 uncles Dollis Garvin of SF
and Robert Garvin of French Gulch. The funeral will take place
from the Baptist Church at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and interment
will be made in the Redding Cemetery.
Transcribed by Janie Edwards |
Shubin, Michael
Redding Courier-Free Press, Mon., April 13, 1936
Michael Shubin, 76, for 22 years a resident of Shasta county, passed
on Sunday morning in the Shasta county hospital. He had been ill
for several weeks. Shubin was born in Armenia, July 12, 1859,
and came to California in 1914, since which time he had been engaged
in farming near Palo Cedro.
His wife passed on several years ago. Five sons and a daughter survive.
They are Fred Shubin of Palo Cedro, Alex and Nicholas Shubin of
San Francisco, John Shubin of Fresno, Peter Shubin of Los Angeles
and Mrs. Gertrude Bakly of San Francisco. There are several grandchildren.
The body will be forwarded Tuesday by the Home Undertaking Company
to Kerman, Calif., for interment. There will be no services in
Shasta county.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Silva, Hazel Porter
Redding Record-Searchlight, Wed., Aug. 10, 1977
Private funeral services for Hazel Porter Silva of Las Vegas were
to be conducted at 10 a.m. today at McDonald's Redding Chapel.
Mrs. Silva died Aug. 4 at her home in Las Vegas. She was born
Nov. 16, 1909 in Kennett, a small mining town inundated by Shasta
Lake. She also was a former resident of Redding and had lived
in Las Vegas for nine years. She had worked as a Young Men's
Christian Association swimming instructor.
She leaves a son, Frank Stanton Silva, address unknown; two brothers,
Thomas M. Porter and Ralph N. Porter, both of Redding; a sister,
Mrs. Ruth Ehrhardt of Fresno; and one grandchild.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Simmons, Mrs. M. E.
Redding Record-Searchlight, January 13, 1913
Mrs. M.E. Simmons, a pioneer of this county, died Friday night
in Oakland in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Young. Mrs.
Simmons was twice married, her first husband being named Chism.
She had been a widow for several ears. She first lived
at Texas Springs, later moving to the town of Shasta. |
Simpson, infant son
Redding Independent, Thursday, January 15, 1880
In Millville, Dec. 31, 1879, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Simpson,
aged 1 month and 12 days..
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Sisson, Nels
Redding Record-Searchlight, Monday, April 1, 1957
Nels Sisson, 74, died Saturday afternoon at his home at Clear Creek
after a lengthy illness. He was born June 25, 1882, in Baird,
now under Shasta lake, and had lived in Shasta county all his
life. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Ray Price, and a sister, Mrs.
Ellen Young, both of Redding; a son, Victor Sisson of Canby,
Ore., and four grandchildren.
Services will be held at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday at McDonald's chapel
with the Rev. E. L. Damron officiating. Interment will be in
Central Valley cemetery.
Transcribed by Robin Bill
Skillman, Mary
Shasta Courier, March 12, 1858
Shasta -- of Croup and Inflammation of the Lungs,
Mary, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Skillman; aged 2 years, 5 months
and 12 days.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Smith, Joseph W.
The Redding Searchlight, Tues., Dec. 20, 1938
Joseph W. Smith, 85 year old pioneer of this district, passed on
Monday at a hospital here, where he had been a patient several
years. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Thursday
afternoon at the Home Undertaking Company chapel with Rev. L.
D. Logee of the Baptist church officiating. Interment will be
made in the family plot in Redding cemetery. The rites will be
He was born in Missouri, but had resided in Shasta and Trinity
counties for more than 50 years. He followed blacksmithing in
his youth, working in that capacity at the LaGrange mine in Trinity
county for several years. He later came to Redding and entered
the trucking business. Smith has been bedridden for the past
ten years. He is survived by a son, Dr. Cecil Smith of Burlingame,
who arrived in Redding Monday afternoon. His wife passed on last
May. A grandson, Cecil Smith, Jr., also survives.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Smithson, Sybelia Harriet
The Searchlight, Redding, Shasta Co., Calif., Sat., March 16, 1907
Mrs. Smithson, mother of J. S. Smithson the pioneer merchant, died
last night at the home of her son. She was known lovingly by
everyone in Kennett as "Grandma" Smithson. She was aged 73 years.
Mrs. Smithson was ill only two days, pneumonia being the ailment.
She dropped off into a sleep yesterday morning and did not really
awaken. The sleep was the beginning of the end.
Grandma Smithson left but one son, James A. Smithson, with whose
family she had made her home in her declining years. She was
half sister of W. W. Williams and J. A. Eaton of Redding. A daughter,
now deceased, was the first wife of J. E. Reynolds of Redding.
The body was taken to Redding this morning in care of Undertaker
Houston. The funeral will be held in Redding at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Snavely, Uriah B.
Shasta Courier, February 19, 1858
Whisky Creek -- Mr. Uriah B. Snavely, of injuries
received from a wagon having run across his body; aged 37 years.
Deceased was formerly from Dauphin county, Penn. His friends
and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral this afternoon
at 3 o'clock from the "Empire Hotel.".
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Somerville, Guy
Red Bluff Daily News, May 14, 1892
From the Redding Democrat of Wednesday, we gather the following: A very sad death occured here last Thursday evening. Guy Somerville, a young man about 22 years of age, died from the effects of a fall from a bicycle received a few weeks ago. He was well known and highly respected by all who knew him.
Transcribed by Jeannette Harper |
Son, Reuben
Shasta Courier, December 28, 1857
Buckeye -- Mr. Reuben Son, aged 28 years. Mr. Son
emigrated to California from Pontatoc county, Miss., in 1849,
and has been a resident of this county since 1850.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Southern, Nancy
Sacramento Daily Union, October 04, 1875
Shasta county, September 30 -- Nancy Southern, 57 years.
Transcribed by Jeannette Harper |
Sparks, John C.
Redding Record-Searchlight, January 11, 1950
The Rev. Francis R. Johnston will conduct services at the Johnston
funeral home tomorrow at 9 a.m. for John C. Sparks. Burial will
follow in Lawncrest Memorial cemetery. Relatives not previously
listed include two children: John and Marlene Sparks, both of
Fall River Mills. |
Spencer, Gladwyn M.
Redding Record-Searchlight, Friday, July 13, 1962
Funeral services for Gladwyn M. Spencer, who died in a Redding hospital
yesterday, were conducted at McDonald's Chapel today. The Rev.
Jack Stegeman officiated. Born in Nebraska, Sept. 27, 1898, Spencer
was 63 and had lived in Shasta county for 20 years. He was a retired
fireman, had worked in a local saw mill and was a veteran of World
War I. Interment followed the funeral at Lawncrest Memorial park.
Spencer leaves his wife, Thelma, of Redding; a daughter, Mrs. Louise
Pickerel of Visalia; four sons, Stanley of Redding, Wayne of Glendora,
John of Chowchilla and Lemar of Vancouver, Wash.; a sister, Mrs.
Orin Baker of Pullman, Wash.; a brother Chester of Spokane, Wash.,
and 14 grandchildren
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Spencer, Richard A.
Shasta Courier, September 11, 1858
Horsetown -- of consumption, Richard A. Spencer,
aged 39 years. Deceased is a brother of J. C. Spencer, Esq., of
Horsetown, and was born in Bantry, Cork county, Ireland. He emigrated
to this State from New Orleans. His remains were interred in the "Shasta
Cemetery", in the presence of a large concourse of citizens,
a majority of whom accompanied them all the way from Horsetown,
a distance of ten miles
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Spencer, Thelma Mary
Redding Record-Searchlight, Sat., Dec. 3, 1988
Services for Thelma Mary Spencer, 85, of Redding will be conducted
at 4 p.m. today at Allen & Dahl Funeral Chapel in Redding.
Mrs. Spencer died Tuesday at Crestwood Convalescent Hospital in
She was born Jan. 24, 1903, in Oregon. She was a homemaker.
She is survived by daughter Louise Pickerel of Needles; 17 grandchildren;
three great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Arrangements
are being handled by Allen & Dahl Funeral Chapel in Redding
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Spinks, Marvin Henry
Redding Record Searchlight, June 1997
Death Thursday June 19, 1997 -- Marvin Henry Spinks,
73 of Cottonwood, died Tuesday at Shasta Convalescent Hosp in
Redding. Arrangements are pending at Allen & Dahl Funeral
Chapel in Anderson
Transcribed by Janie Edwards |
Staheli, Elizabeth Catherine
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 13, 1927
Anderson – Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine Staheli,
wife of Charles F. Staheli, contractor of this city, died at her
home here this morning at 12:50 o’clock. She had been ill for
several years and last fall underwent a major operation which,
for a time, relieved her.
The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at Igo,
the former home of Mrs. Staheli. Rev. E. E. Malone and the
choir of the Methodist church of Redding will officiate.
Mrs. Staheli was a native of Cass county, Iowa, born in 1868. She
came to California in 1893 and to Shasta county in 1896. She
lived in this county all off the time since with the exception
of four years spent in Tennessee. For several years she
lived in Igo and in the early days of Keswick she was a resident
of that smelter town.
Surviving, besides the wodower, are two children, Charles H. Plumb
of Castella and Mrs. Kale Belle Fear of Stockton. She was the
grandmother of Thomas Craze and Roy Allen Plumb. |
Stanley, James Edward
Redding Record-Searchlight, Friday, February 26, 1982
Services for James Edward Stanley, 102, of Redding will be conducted
at 2 p.m. Saturday at Lawncrest Chapel in Redding. The Rev. Wilford
Presson will officiate. Burial will be at Lawncrest Memorial Park.
Visitation is from 4 to 6 p.m. today.
Mr. Stanley died Wednesday at Memorial Hospital in Redding. Born
Sept. 3, 1879, in Missouri, he moved to Shasta County in 1935
from Willows. A construction worker, Mr. Stanley settled in San
Francisco in 1906 and worked at rebuilding the city after the
major earthquake that year.
He is survived by sons Robert of Redding and Lloyd of Madison, S.C.,
and several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Stanley, Mabel Clara
Redding Record-Searchlight, Sat., Dec. 19, 1964
Funeral services for Mrs. Mabel Clara Stanley will be conducted
at 2 p.m. Monday at McDonald's Redding Chapel. The Rev. J. G.
Duckett will officiate. Mrs. Stanley leaves her husband, James
E. of Redding, two sons, Robert W. of Redding and Lloyd of Madison,
S.C.; four grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.
Interment will be in Lawncrest Memorial Park.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Stevens, Ethel Belle
Redding Record-Searchlight, Friday, July 13, 1962
Ethel Belle Stevens of Anderson died in a Redding hospital today.
She was 68. Born in Iowa, April 23, 1894, she has been a resident
of Shasta county for 21 years. She leaves her husband, William
of Anderson; two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Arden of Reno, and Mrs.
Amber McCane of Red Bluff; four sons, William of Redding, James
of Vallejo, Richard of Redding and Jerry of Santa Maria; 24 grandchildren;
and two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services are being made by McDonald's Chapel
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Stevenson, Andrew Parker
Shasta Courier, February 15, 1858
Shasta -- Andrew Parker, infant son of Robert and
Mary Stevenson, aged 4 months and 13 days.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Stewart, H. W. (Jim)
The Redding Record-Searchlight, Saturday, Dec. 19, 1964
H. W. (Jim) Stewart died of a heart attack at his home at 740 Lakeview
Drive in Redding late yesterday morning, Shasta County Coroner
E. Duge Stanford said. Stewart was the owner of the old House
Barber Shop in downtown Redding for nearly 30 years. He was a
veteran of World War I, and he was a member of the 40 et 8 Club
for more than 25 years, a member of the American Legion for 32
years, and a member of Redding Elks Lodge No. 1073 for 28 years.
He leaves a sister, Mrs. Ethel Martin of Brownfield, Tex., and
a brother, Hubert of Red Bluff.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at McDonald's
Redding Chapel. Members of Redding Elks Lodge No. 1073 will officiate.
Interment will follow in the Redding Cemetery.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Stewart, Samuel
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 12, 1927
The funeral of Samuel Stewart was held yesterday afternoon at 2
o’clock, with services at the graveside. A large number
of friends attended. Rev. E. E. Malone officiated. |
Stierle, Carl A.
Redding Record-Searchlight, May 28, 1992
Deaths – Carl Stierle, 75, of Shingletown died Wednesday
at Redding Medical Center. Arrangements are pending at Allen & Dahl
Funeral Chapel.
Redding Record-Searchlight, May 30, 1992
Carl A. Stierle, 75, of Shingletown died Wednesday, May 27, 1992,
at Redding Medical Center. No services will be conducted.
Born Sept. 9, 1916, in El Centro, he moved to Shasta County seven
years ago from Benicia. He was a manufacturing representative
for Window Coverings for 40 years in Glendora and Benicia.
He is survived by wife Cora; sons Steven and Michael, both of Antioch;
and one grandson. Arrangements are being handled by Allen & Dahl
Funeral Chapel in Redding. |
Stinson, Peggy Henrietta
Redding Record-Searchlight, Monday, August 6, 1984
Peggy Henrietta Stinson, 72, of Redding, died Saturday at Mercy
Medical Center in Redding. No services will be held. Born April
28, 1912, in Seattle, Mrs. Stinson moved to Shasta County in 1976
from Santa Rosa. She was a homemaker and a member of Little Country
Church in Palo Cedro. She is survived by sons Gary Cressy of Redding
and Fred Stewart Cressy of Fredricks, Del.; daughters Billiejean
Blank of Dunsmuir and Jean Colson of Arcaitia, Colo.; 10 grandchildren;
and one great-grandchild.
McDonald's Redding Chapel is handling arrangements.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Stutsman, George Edward
Redding Record-Searchlight, Thursday, Aug. 23, 1973
George Edward Stutsman, a 14-year Shasta County resident, died at
Mercy Hospital Tuesday. He was 86. Stutsman was born on Jan. 30,
1887 in Iowa. He was a retired underground contractor. He leaves
his wife, Josie M. Stutsman of Redding; a son, D. B. Stutsman
of Burney; a brother, Emory Stutsman of Cambell; a sister, Mrs.
Nora McCammond also of Cambell; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Graveside services for Stutsman will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. Saturday
at Redding Cemetery. The Rev. Marshall Collyer will officiate.
Funeral services are under the direction of McDonald's Redding
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Stutsman, Josie M.
Redding Record-Searchlight, Monday, Sept. 27, 1982
Graveside services for Josie M. Stutsman, 88, of Redding will be
conducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Redding Cemetery. Her grandson,
Dr. B.G. Stutsman, will officiate.
Mrs. Stutsman died Saturday at Crestwood Convalescent Hospital in
Redding. Born May 8, 1894, in Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Stutsman was a
homemaker. She is survived by son D.B. Stutsman of Redding; sister
Louise Blouse of Detroit; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
McDonald's Reddng Chapel is handling arrangements
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Sullivan, John L.
Redding Record-Searchlight, Thursday, Feb. 11, 1971
John L. Sullivan, 64, of Pine Grove died Wednesday at Mercy Hospital
after a long illness. A native of Iron River, Wis., he was born
Oct. 17, 1906. He lived in Shasta County 32 years.
Sullivan was a retired fruit and vegetable shipping point inspector
for the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. He worked over 35 years checking the quality and
packaging of food produce throughout California.
Sullivan retired in July 1969. He was a member of the Masons, Macon
Lodge 5 in Macon, Ga., and the Order of the Eastern Star, Welcome
Chapter in Shasta. Sullivan, an Air Force veteran, served as a
staff sergeant in World War II. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Rose
Sullivan of Pine Grove; a daughter, Mrs. Jacqueline Lawrence of
Sacramento; a brother, Robert Sullivan of Long Beach; a sister,
Mrs. Walter W. Johnson of Michigan; and three grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Saturday at All Saints
Episcopal Church in Redding, with the Rev. Robert Noble officiating.
Burial will be on Tuesday in the Glen Abby Cemetery in Chula Vista,
where graveside services will be conducted. The family requests
that donations be made to the Cancer Fund and that no flowers
be sent.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Swisher, Thomas Duane
Redding Record-Searchlight, Monday, March 20, 1978
Funeral services for Thomas Duane Swisher of Redding will be conducted
at 10 a.m. Tuesday at McDonald's Redding Chapel. The Rev. Roy
A. Nelson will officiate, with burial to follow in Lawncrest Memorial
Park. Swisher died Sunday at Memorial Hospital in Redding. He
was 45.
Swisher had lived in Shasta County for 30 years and was the former
owner of Don D. Davis Auto Service. He also was a member of the
Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge 1006 in Redding.
He was born July 14, 1923, in Sioux City, Iowa. He leaves his wife,
Helen of Redding; two sons, Leslie of Redding and Edwin of Lake
Tahoe; a brother, Harry of Shelton, Wash.; three sisters, Ladene
Doolin and Corrinne Fransen, both of Portland, Ore.; and Mavis
McClure of Bella Vista; his mother, Della Greenhaw of Redding;
and two grandchildren
Transcribed by Robin Bills |