Obituaries ~ D
Below you will find a complilation of obituaries gathered from various newspapers throughout Shasta County and elsewhere in California. If YOU have an obituary for a Shasta County resident and would like to add to this collection or, better yet, if you want to volunteer to transcribe obituaries please contact the county coorinators.
Daily, Perry Francis
Redding Record-Searchlight, Friday, March 9, 1945
Perry Francis Daily, 83, a resident of Shasta county more than 70
years, in the Shingletown and Anderson communities, died last
night at his home in Anderson. He was born in Preble county, Ohio,
Dec. 3, 1861, and when a youth 13 years old, accompanied his parents
to Anderson. Until his retirement from business, he was a sawyer,
employed by various lumber companies.
Daily leaves his wife, Mrs. Bertha Mae Daily of Anderson; two sisters,
Mrs. Laura Emmons of Cottonwood and Mrs. Mary Binner of Willetts;
two sons, Warren and Otto Daily of Anderson; and six grandchildren,
three of whom are serving in the armed forces. One, Cpl. Warren
Daily, Jr., of Anderson is in the Philippines, and Pfc. Arthur
F. Daily and Pfc. LeRoy Daily, also of Anderson, are in France.
Funeral services will be at the graveside in Anderson Masonic
cemetery at 2 p.m. Monday with a Methodist minister officiating
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Darrah, George Hillery
Redding Record-Searchlight, Monday, Dec. 12, 1966
George Hillery Darrah, 68, a resident of Oak Run for the past 40
years, died Saturday in a Redding hospital.
Darrah was born Feb. 15, 1898, in Millville and had lived in Shasta
County since birth. He leaves his widow, Edna, of Oak Run; a daughter,
Mrs. Betty Atkins of Eureka; a son, John, of Redding; four sisters,
Mrs. Gladys Carey of Dixon, Mrs. Anne Hunt of Redding, Mrs. Henrietta
Farrell of Millville and Mrs. Pearl Seagren of Redding; five grandchildren;
and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. tomorrow at McDonald's
Redding Chapel by the Rev. Dave Sims. Burial will be in Millville
District Cemetery.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Davidson, Cline
The Redding Record-Searchlight, Saturday, June 17, 1967
Cline Davidson, 79, died today at Redding Convalescent
Hospital. Davidson had worked for many years for the
Redding Cemetery. He was a member of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows. He was born April 5, 1888, in
Illinois. He leaves a son, Gilbert of Round Mountain;
four daughters, Belle A. McCormick of Redding, Eva West
of Sonoma, Velma Burke of Bella Vista and Hazel Davidson;
a sister, Mattie Carver of Oklahoma; 13 grandchildren;
and 10 great-grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements are being made at Lawncrest Funeral
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Davidson, Mary Ethel
Redding Record-Searchlight, Monday, Jan. 18, 1965
Mary Ethel Davidson, who was born Oct. 16, 1892, in Austin, Mo.,
died Saturday in a Shasta County hospital. She was 72. Mrs. Davidson,
who resided at 2119 Pine St., Redding, leaves her husband, Cline;
four daughters, Mrs. C. O. McCormick of Redding, Mrs. Russel
Burke of Bella Vista, Mrs. K. C. West of Sonoma and Miss Hazel
Davidson of Modesto; one son, Gilbert of Round Mountain; 15 grandchildren;
and 10 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Linn and
Fulkerth Chapel. Burial will be at Redding Cemetery.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Davis, Lloyd E.
Redding Record-Searchlight, Wed., Aug. 10, 1977
Funeral services will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Thursday
at Lawncrest Chapel in Redding for Lloyd E. Davis of
Redding, a retired sawmill sawyer. Davis died Sunday
at Mercy Medical Center in Redding. He was 63. Born
June 20, 1914 in Redoak, Okla., he had lived in Shasta
County for 15 years. He was an Army veteran of World
War II. He leaves his wife, Orlee of Redding, and three
sons, Lee Edward and Edward, both of Redding and Larry
E. of Washington.
The Rev. Ron Huson of the Assembly of God Church of Hayfork
will officiate at the services. Burial will be in Lawncrest
Memorial Park. Visitation will be at Lawncrest Chapel
from 5 to 8 p.m. today.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Davis, Orlee Davis
Redding Record-Searchlight, Sat., Nov. 3, 1985
Services for Orlee Davis, 60, of Redding will be conducted
at 3 p.m. Monday at Lawncrest Chapel in Redding. The
Rev. Ray Larson of Bethel Church in Reddng will officiate.
Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lawncrest
Chapel in Redding.
Mrs. Davis died Wednesday in Shasta General Hospital of
natural causes. She was born March 30, 1925, in Oark,
Ark., and moved to Shasta County in 1962 from Hayfork.
She worked as a waitress for 25 years and was a member
of the Baptist Church. She is survived by three sons;
Lee of Redding, Larry of Bakersfield and Edward of Redding;
two sisters, Marvie Brown of Arkansas and Lynette Rogers
of Pennsylvania; four brothers, Elbert, Floyd and Phil
Mooney, all of Arkansas, and Joe Mooney of Hyampom;
father Ernie Mooney of Arkansas; four grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Lions Eye Foundation
of Redding. Lawncrest Chapel in Redding is handling
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Dean, Melba “Dee”
Redding Record-Searchlight, February 14, 2003
Deaths – Melba “Dee” Dean, 64, of Redding died Friday
at her residence. Arrangements are pending at McDonald’s
in Redding. |
Dell, William A.
Weekly Shasta Courier, Sat., Dec. 14, 1889
Died, at his residence in Shasta, Sunday, Dec. 8, 1889, Mr. William
A. Dell, aged 58 years, 4 months and 13 days, a native of New
York. Mr. Dell had been in poor health for a number of years,
and his death was not unexpected by his friends. He was a highly
respected citizen, and had many warm friends in this community
who were deeply pained to hear of his death. The funeral took
place on Monday, and was largely attended, considering the inclemency
of the wether. The funeral ceremony was conducted by Rev. Martin.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Demo, Alphonse
Redding Record-Searchlight, Thursday, July 3, 1952
Alphonse Demo, a resident of Redding for 12 years, died at a local
hospital last night at the age of 67. Born in North Dakota, he
had been residing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William E.
Allen of Redding. Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Friday at
McDonald's chapel, with funeral services there at 11 a.m. Saturday.
Interment will follow at the family lot in Redding cemetery, the
Rev. Father Thomas O'Brien officiating.
He leaves four sons: John of Mt. Shasta, Joseph and Henry of Hermiston,
Ore., and Steve, stationed with the army in Okinawa; three daughters,
Mrs. W. G. Williams of Matheson and Mrs. Leo Phineff and Mrs.
William Allen of Redding; and eight grandchildren.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Desmond, Timothy
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 12, 1927
A lease dated September 1, 1924, was filed for record in the county
recorder’s office yesterday showing the Timothy Desmond, who died
in this city Saturday night, leased to T. F. Cummings of Burney,
a service station and pool hall at Burney. The lease was
filed by Cummings, who was in town yesterday to attend Desmond’s
funeral. |
DeWolfe, Delbert Freeman
Redding Record-Searchlight, Friday, August 2, 1985
Services for Delbert Freeman DeWolfe, 66, of Redding will be conducted
at 2 p.m. Saturday at McDonald's Redding Chapel. The Revs. Sam
Post and Tom Lucatorta will officiate.
Burial will be at Redding Cemetery. Mr. DeWolfe died Wednesday at
his home. Born Oct. 29, 1918, in Jacksonville, Ore., he moved
to the north state 33 years ago. He was a millworker for 40 years.
He is survived by sister Lucille Arnold of Jacksonville; and brothers
Charles of Salem, Ore., and Irvin of Medford, Ore.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Dickinson, Edwin
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 17, 1923
EDWIN DICKINSON PASSES IN OAKLAND: For Twenty-Two Years He was Baggage Man at Redding and Never Missed a Train or Shift - aged 68 Years and Constable for Eight years
Edwin Dickinson, 68, a resident of Shasta county all his life, died yesterday morning in Oakland in the home of his daughter, Mrs. A, J. McKnight. The body was cremated yesterday afternoon, it being the wish of the decedent that his body be disposed of speedily and without ostentation. Death was due to a stroke of apoplexy the day before. He had been afflicted with a serious trouble of the heart for three or four years.
Ed Dickinson was born near the old town of Whiskeytown in the county. For twenty-two years he was baggage master at the Redding station and in all those years never missed a train. Retiring from the railroad service, he operated a dray in Redding for a year or so and then became nightwatchman. He was elected constable in 1916 and served eight years.
The decedent was a member of the Odd Fellows. he was a brother of Mrs. Frank R. Thompson of Redding and Mrs. B.A. Griffith of Half Moon Bay. His only daughter was Mrs. A.J. Knight, in whose home he died. Following the death of his wife, ten years ago, Dickinson made his home in Redding with his cousin, Mrs. H.E. Williams. He left Redding a few months ago on account of his health.
Transcribed by Christine Klukkert |
Dickson, Louise
Redding Record-Searchlight, September 8, 1993
Deaths – Louise Dickson, 81, of Palo Cedro died today
at Shasta Convalescent Hospital in Redding. Arrangements are pending
at Lawncrest Chapel in Redding. |
Dillon, Joseph Andrew
Anderson Valley News, 22 Jan 1910
On Wednesday morning, January 10, 1910, Joseph Andrew Dillon, a
pioneer of California, died in Anderson at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Frank Pettygrove. He had been in failing health for some
time and his death was not unexpected. He was aged 82 years, one
month, and four days.
Joseph A. Dillon was born in Pettis county, Missouri. He came to
California in 1850, and in 1851 went to Trinity county and engaged
in mining with good success. In 1856 he went to Oregon and engaged
in the lumber business, returning to California in 1861, locating
in Santa Rosa, where his brother, Chas. Dillon, resides and is
recorder of Sonoma county. In 1861 he married Mary Wilson of Petaluma,
who died a few years ago. He farmed for several years in Butte
county and came to Shasta county in 1881 and mined and farmed
until his health failed.
The deceased is survived by two sons and three daughters. They are:
Ed Dillon, of Yerington, Nevada; Claude Dillon, of Jerome, Arizona;
Mrs. Frank Pettygrove, Anderson; Mrs. Ora McWilliams, Susanville,
and Ollie Dillon, Sacramento. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon,
services being in the Baptist church, Rev. J. B. Needham officiating.
All the children were present except Mrs. McWilliams. Interment
was made in the Masonic cemetery.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Dingee, Caroline H.
Shasta Courier, August 17, 1858
At the residence of her husband, near Texas Springs, of disease
of the lungs, Caroline H., wife of Dr. C. A. W. Dingee, aged 28
years. -- Pennsylvania papers please copy
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Dittmar, Michael E.
The Redding Searchlight, Saturday, March 9, 1940
"The Founder of Lassen Park"--Michael E. Dittmar--passed on early
Friday at the county hospital, after a long career of service
to the community. He came to Redding in 1894 and established The
Searchlight, then a weekly mining journal, together with William
Bowen. It became a daily paper in 1896 under their guidance. Dittmar
was a leading figure in the mining history of the county, having
owned a number of mining interests and making many surveys in
the region. He was also known as the founder of Castle Crags state
park near Castella.
He passed on following a stroke January 23 which left him paralyzed.
The stroke occurred the morning after the city planning commission,
of which he was a member, had approved the city's master plan,
upon which Dittmar had been working for several years. Dittmar
was born June 5, 1860 at Derinda Center, Ill. He went to Oregon
with his parents at the age of 17 and was educated there. In 1892
he moved to Red Bluff, and then to Redding in 1894. He was a leading
figure in the campaign of the Peoples' party here in that year,
in which the group swept all but one county office.
The following year, on October 17, he married Amelia Boyd, recently
elected superintendent of schools. She passed on in 1906. Shortly
after the Mt. Lassen eruptions of 1914 and 1915, Dittmar began
circulation of the first petition leading to the creation of Lassen
Volcanic National park by congress in 1916, and he became secretary-manager
of the Lassen Volcanic National Park Association, holding that
post for four years. He led in the early development of the park,
naming many of the points of interest and establishing a series
of public camps. B. F. Loomis, another leader in the park's early
days, said of him "he worked harder than all the rest of us put
together for the maintenance and development of the park." In
1920 he made a survey of the Shasta county copper belt for the
board of supervisors. He had numerous mining interests thruout
the county.
Dittmar is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Aileen Friel of Pasadena,
a brother, C. F. Dittmar of Oakland, two sisters, Mrs. Metora
Merryman and Mrs. Metha D. Hartless, both of Corvallis, Ore.,
and a half brother, F. R. Becker of Los Angeles. Funeral services
are under the direction of the Home Undertaking Company, and have
been tentatively set for Monday at 2 p.m. at the chapel.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Dix, Mary
Redding Record-Searchlight, January 4, 1950
The Rev. James E. Price conducted funeral services yesterday for
Mary Dix at the Johnston mortuary. Interment followed in
Newtown cemetery. Casket bearers were: Willam Logan, O.C. Timmons,
Henry Botta, and Carl Johnston. |
Donaldson, Thomas Arthur
Redding Record-Searchlight, Sat., Sept. 21, 1963
Thomas Arthur Donaldson, a plumbing contractor in Redding for 35
years, died yesterday afternoon in a Redding hospital. A native
of Des Moines, Iowa, Donaldson leaves his widow, Clara of Redding;
a daughter, Mrs. E. E. Prouty of Anderson; a granddaughter, Melody
May Anderson of Lancaster; and a sister, Mrs. Anna Blake of Santa
Funeral services are being arranged by the Linn and Fulkerth Chapel.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Dorman, Albert Lyle
Redding Record-Searchlight, January 11, 1950
Man Killed on Way Home from Hospital
Albert Lyle Dorman, 52, of Centerville, was killed yesterday when
his car collided with a truck driven by Alvin Chase, 18, high
school football star, on the Igo road, four miles west of Redding.
Dorman was returning hom after visiting his wife, Mrs. Marie Dorman,
a patient at Mercy hospital.
Highway patrolmen said it appeared Dorman cut the corner sharply,
ramming his car into Chase’s truck. David Lawrence Dorman,
5, riding with his father, suffered internal injuries and doctors
described his condition “serious’. He was taken to Mercy hispital.
Neither Chase nor Billy Nelson Poole, 20, riding in the truck with
him, was injured. Coroner Claude e Whiteman sent the body
to the Wayside chapel but, at the request of the relatives, it
was removed to McDonald’s chapel. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Dorman was born at Eddyville, Iowa. In addition to his wife, he
leaves a daughter, Joan Marie Dorman, and two other sons, Max
and Robert Lyle; three brothers, Robert J Dorman of Redding, Julian
Dorman of Lovillia, Iowa and Fred Dorman of Cedar, Iowa; and two
sisters, Mrs. Margaret Martin of Whiskeytown and Mrs. Irene LaFolleille
of ______. |
Dosh, Ann Wilde
Shasta Courier, March 18, 1858
At "Cedar Row," the residence of her son-in-law, the Rev. Isaac
Baker, near Winchester, Virginia, Mrs. Ann Wilder Dosh, relict
of the late Capt. William Dosh, and mother of one of the proprietors
of this paper; aged upwards of 64 years.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Drummond, Baby Boy
Shasta Courier, May 17, 1858
Shasta -- the infant son of J. S. and Mary Drummond.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Dunham, Almon N.
Sacramento Union, 26 Nov 1916
In Anderson (Shasta Co.), November 23, 1916, Almon N. Dunham, husband
of Mrs. Mary Dunham, a native of Ohio, aged 70 years.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Durham. Thomas B.
Redding Record-Searchlight, January 6, 1950
Funeral services for Thomas B. Durham will be held at 2:30 p.m.
Monday at the Wayside Chapel, the Rev. R. B. Chandler officiating.
Interment will follow in Lawn Crest Memorial park.
Redding Record-Searchlight, January 10, 1950
Funeral services for Thomas B. Durham were held yesterday at Wayside
chapel, the Rev. R.B. Chandler officiating. Interment followed
in Lawn Crest memorial park. Casket bearers were: Henry Bauer,
William R. Daniels, Wallace R. Daniels and R.B. Chandler. |
Dwinell, Ruth
Sacramento Union, January 11, 1920
At Olinda, Shasta Co., January 8, 1920, Ruth Dwinell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Dwinell, sister of Robert Dwinell, Jean Dwinell
and Paul Dwinell, aged 14 years.
Transcribed by Jeannette Harper |