Obituaries ~ A
Below you will find a complilation of obituaries gathered from various newspapers throughout Shasta County and elsewhere in California. If YOU have an obituary for a Shasta County resident and would like to add to this collection or, better yet, if you want to volunteer to transcribe obituaries please contact the county coorinators.
Abby, Carrie Mae
Redding Record-Searchlight, Mon., Jan. 20, 1975
Burial services for Carrie Mae Abby, 63, of Anderson, will be conducted
at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Anderson District Cemetery. Mrs.
Abby died Saturday at Mercy Hospital in Redding following a lengthy
illness. She was born May 12, 1911, and was a native of Marion,
Ohio. She had been a resident of Shasta County for 13 years, and
was a retired secretary.
She leaves her husband Glen of Anderson; a son Ronald of San Jose;
a daughter, Mrs. Gail Weaver of Orland; two brothers, Chester
Jacobs of Rhame, N.D., and Ralph Jacobsof Michigan; two sisters,
Ruby Jacobs of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mary Igon of Rhame, N.D.,
her mother, Lydia Jacobs of Rhame, N.D., and eight grandchildren,
and two great-grandchildren.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Alpaugh, Nancy Ann
Redding Courier-Free Press, Wed., November 17, 1909
Mrs. S. (Nancy Ann) Alpaugh, well-beloved and widely known former
resident of Millville, passed to her reward on Tuesday morning
in Chico, and her body will arrive in Redding on Wednesday evening's
local. The decedent was a native of Iowa, aged 65, and for many
years resided in the Millville section of this county. There are
left to mourn the loss of an estimable woman: Three sons, Frank
of Redding and Lennie and Silvester of Chico, and four daughters,
Mrs. W. J. Johnson of Sacramento, Mrs. J. W. Beansdatt of Chico,
Mrs. W. H. Myers of Redding and Mrs. M. V. Lofton of Bella Vista.
It is arranged that the funeral services will be conducted by Rev.
Grigsby Hobson at the home of W. H. Myers, of this city, on Thursday
morning, and that the interment will take place in the Millville
cemetery, beside the remains of her former husband, on Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, under the direction of the Redding Undertaking
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Alphonse, Louis
Redding (Calif.) Record-Searchlight, Tuesday, April 25, 1972
YREKA--Funeral services will be conducted at 10
a.m. Friday in the Hilt Community Church for Louis Alphonse, 77,
of Hilt. Alphonse died Sunday in Siskiyou General Hospital after
a long illness. The Rev. James Gorman will officiate. Burial will
be in the Henley-Hornbrook Cemetery. Graveside services will be
under the direction of the Free and Accepted Order of Masons.
Funeral arrangements were made by the Girdner Funeral Chapel.
Alphonse was born in Italy in 1895 and came to the United States
at the age of 13. His family had lived in Seattle, Wash., and
San Francisco before moving to Siskiyou County 57 years ago.
Alphonse had been maintenance engineer for the Fruit Growers Supply
Co. sawmill in Hilt for 42 years before retiring several years
ago. He had been chief of the Hilt Volunteer Fire Department in
his youth. He was a member of Howard Lodge, 37, F&AM.
He leaves two daughters, Barbara and Phyllis Alphonse, both of Hilt;
a sister, Mrs. Earl Clark of Seattle, Wash. and two other sisters,
names unknown, one of whom lives in Oakland and the other in Italy.
Alphonse leaves a granddaughter and two great-granddaughters.
A son, Louis Alphonse, was killed in action during World War II
in Europe
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Alves, Frank Martin Sr.
Redding Record-Searchlight, Mon., Dec. 12, 1966
Graveside services for Frank Martin Alves Sr. will be conducted
in the Anderson District Cemetery at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
Alves was born in Providence, R.I., on May 30, 1911.
He leaves four daughters, Rose, Colleen, and Mary, all of Igo,
and Lela, of Anderson; two sons, Frank M. Jr. and Joseph M., both
of Anderson; an a brother, Joe, of Santa Cruz. The Rev. Thomas
O'Brien will officiate. The services are under the direction of
McDonald's Anderson Chapel.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Anderson, James
Shasta Courier, August 15, 1858
Shasta -- James Anderson, aged about 45 years,
formerly of Liverpool, England
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Andrew, Dorothy A.
Redding Record-Searchlight, February 16, 1987
Deaths – Dorothy
Ann Andrew, 63, of Redding died Saturday at Mercy
Medical Center in Redding. Arrangements are
pending at Allen & Dahl Funeral Chapel in Redding. |
Armstrong, Wesley W.
The Shasta Courier, Saturday Morning, July 2, 1853
At Horsetown, June 28th, after a short illness of Brain Fever, Wesley
W. Armstrong, formerly of Holmes, Ohio.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Arnott, Rose
Redding Record Searchlight, Wednesday October 23, 1974
Susanville - Graveside services will be conducted
at 2 p.m. Thrusday in the Pine Grove Cemetery for Rose Arnott,
75, of Susanville, who died Tuesday in the Lassen Memorial Hospital
following a lengthy illness. Born in Wisconsin Sept. 27, 1899,
she had been a resident of Susanville for the past five years,
and leaves three brothers and three sisters.
The Rev. Ernest Quaintance will officiate at the services. The McDonald's
Burney Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
Transcribed by Janie Edwards |
Ashcraft, Aldis I.
The Redding Searchlight, Tues., January 14, 1930
Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the Masonic Temple for Aldis I. Ashcraft, 76, who died Sunday
morning in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edith I. Hill. Burial
will be made in the Redding cemetery under the direction of the
Home Undertaking Company.
Ashcraft was born in New York and as a boy went to Olympia, Washington,
to reside. There he followed the blacksmith trade. In 1896 he
came to Redding and opened a shop on California street, engaging
in business there until 1911, when he returned to Olympia. For
the last two years he had resided in Redding. As the only living
charter member of the Olympia Masonic lodge, Ashcraft was accorded
many honors by the Olympia group, his dues being paid for life
and he was given the opportunity, if he wished to avail himself
of it, to transfer to any Masonic lodge in the United States or
Canada without the usual formalities.
Three daughters survive, Mrs. Edith I. Hill and Miss Faye Ashcraft
of Redding and Mrs. C. A. Jacobson of Seattle. There are three
grandsons, Robert Jacobson of Seattle, Eric Hill, a student in
Stanford University, and Clair Hill of Los Angeles.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Ashcraft, Clara
The Redding Searchlight, Wed., September 15, 1909
Mrs. Clara Ashcraft, wife of A. I. Ashcraft, died suddenly at 7:25
last evening in St. Caroline Hospital. She was operated upon Monday
morning for goitre, Dr. Terry of San Francisco, an eminent specialist
in that line, performing the operation. The patient was recovering
satisfactorily until 6 p.m. when a turn for the worse came and
it was apparent to the attending physicians that death was approaching.
All the members of the family were summoned to the bedside. Mrs.
Ashcraft remained conscious almost until the very last and bade
those who were so near and dear a long good-bye.
The news of Mrs. Ashcraft's death is a shock to the whole community,
for it was only as recently as Monday that she was driving on
the streets in company of her husband and had a cheerful word
for all those who greeted her. Mrs. Ashcraft was born in Missouri
in 1861 and married her now bereaved husband in Kansas in 1880.
They lived on Puget Sound, near Olympia, for several years before
coming in 1896 to Redding, where they had resided ever since.
Besides her husband the decedent leaves three daughters--Mrs.
Henry G. Hill, Miss Pearl Ashcraft and Miss Faye Ashcraft, all
at home in Redding.
Mrs. Ashcraft was a member of the Order of Eastern Star and also
of the Methodist church. She was a devoted mother and attached
to her home, but her influence for good was felt throughout the
community. The suddenness and circumstances of her death cause
an unusual feeling of sympathy for the sorrowing family.
The funeral will be held from the family residence at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
[Note: The California Death Index gives her name as Clarissa D.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Ashcraft, Fay
Redding Record-Searchlight, Sat., March 14, 1959
Fay Ashcraft, for 60 years a resident of Redding, died at her home
early this morning. Miss Ashcraft was born in the state of Washington,
but early in her life moved to Redding where she attended school
and later became a stenographer in the city utilities office.
More recently she worked in the office of the Shasta county auditor.
She was active in Eastern Star and White Shrine organizations,
was a member of the Business and Professional Women's club and
of the Christian Scientist church.
She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Edith I. Hill of Redding and Mrs. Pearl
Jacobsen of Seattle; and two nephews, Clair A. Hill of Redding
and Eric Hill of New Jersey. Funeral arrangements are being made
at Linn and Fulkerth mortuary.
Transcribed by Robin Bills |
Austin, Caterine Jane Startt Bartle "Kate"
Fall River Tidings, Friday, Nov 9, 1928 No. 25
Mrs. C. J. Austin passes after operation at Woodland Hospital. Word
was received here Wed. morning. Mrs. Austin passed away at one
o'clock Wednesday moring. Her sons John & Frank, and grandson
Johnnie Dollarhide, having arrived at her bedside a few hours
before the end. The funeral will be held today at 2:00 this afternoon,
under the auspices of Fall River Grange, internment at Odd Fellows
Born 16 Apr 1863 Fort Crook, Shasta Co. CA; Died 7 Nov 1928, Woodland,
Yolo Co. CA; Burial 9 Nov 1928 Odd Fellows Cem. Now Fall River
Transcribed by Frances Gandy-Walsh |
Ayou, Ralph C.
Redding Record-Searchlight, July 12, 1994
Deaths – Ralph
C. Ayou, 83, of Redding died Monday at Shasta Convalescent
Hospital in Redding. Arrangements are pending at
Allen and Dahl Funeral Chapel in Redding. |