The information was the cemetery records at the VISALIA CEMETERY from the office records of burials in their computer system.
The dates listed are the service dates not the date of death.

The names can be accessed by choosing the first letter of the individual's surname below or by scrolling down the list.

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       Name Of Deceased             Service #      Grdn     Section     Lot      Sb    Space    Sex     Age      Svc Date      Type    Vet

Xiong, Chia Moua                      44435         A          32        15              5       F       82       9/8/98        G       N
Xiong, Jar                            2515          C4         27       Gr:      27              M                6/25/96       C       N
Xiong, Lee T.                         2370                  1:00 AM    32 25     NE      C                        7/25/91       B       N
Xiong, Lee Thoa                       40686         A          32        25              4                        7/20/91
Xiong, Nplhaib                        10532                   1 DB       34      5       C                        9/13/93       B       N
Xiong, nplhaib                        37362         DB         34       Gr:      5                                9/13/93
Xiong, Vang                           7749                    1 D       B 33     7       C                       11/19/91       B       N
Xiong, Xai L.                         16040                   1 V        44      56      C                        11/8/90       B       N
Xiong, Xai Lee                        25665         V          44       Gr:      56                               11/5/90       B
Xiong, Yee                            25023         V          24       Gr:      65                               4/11/88       B

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