The information was the cemetery records at the VISALIA CEMETERY from the office records of burials in their computer system.
The dates listed are the service dates not the date of death.

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       Name Of Deceased             Service #      Grdn     Section     Lot      Sb    Space    Sex     Age      Svc Date      Type    Vet

Ugalde, Isabelle C.                   24791                   1 C6       4       3       C                        8/9/95        B       N
Ugalde, Isabelle Cha                  32059         C6         4        Gr:      3               F                8/5/95
Ugalde, Jesus                         37508         C6         4        Gr:      3               M       81       9/8/97        C       N
Ugalde, Marcellina                    42744         A          59       Gr:      8                                3/15/57
Ugalde, Yoncenia                      42743         A          59       Gr:      2                                8/6/55
Ugino, Sander Sonny                   46267         V          45       Gr:      17              M       68       8/17/99       C       N
Uhl, Fred Jr.                         44585        OMI        CRP        R1              1
Uhl, Robert Archie                    43094         A          91       Gr:      21                              11/23/54
Uhl,                                  44553        OMB        NIC        0               2
Uhl-Harrell, Irene O                  16937                   1OMI      1  2             C                        4/14/92       B       N
Ulloa, Cipriano                       46190         X2         1        Gr:      70              M       94                             N
Ulrich, Dorothy M.                    27328         X          14       Gr:      44              F                3/31/88       B
Ulrich, Gerda                         37674         F1         4        Gr:      32              F                5/11/95               N
Ulrich, Gerda R.                      13702                  1 FT1       4       32      C                        5/11/95       B       N
Ulrich, Leslie P.                     27329         X          14       Gr:      44              M                5/21/81       B
Umbarger, Anna                        13299                   1 F        24      99      C                        5/6/92        B       N
Umbarger, Anna                        38066         F          24       Gr:      99                               5/1/92
Underdown, Jesse                      40056         A          28        11              4                      03/20/1897
Underwood, R. C.                      14595                   1 H        5      190L     C                        2/26/92       B       Y
Underwood, R. C.                      16746         H          5        Gr:     190              M                2/23/92       B
Underwood, Ray F.                     42876         A          72       Gr:      18                               12/3/58
Underwood, Raymond                    46681         DC                   99              3                        6/21/31               N
Underwood, Richard R                  42872         A          72       Gr:      10                               8/17/50
Underwood, Sean Leva                  46288         DB         53       Gr:      5               M                8/31/99       G       N
Unger, Juneau                         39234         A          23        25              3                      11/22/1895
Uniacke, Desmond L                    31954         C4         16       Gr:      1               M                8/24/73
Uniacke, Virginia Ma                  31955         C4         16       Gr:      2               F                5/15/82
Uniake, Bernard                       45623         C1         16       Gr:      26                              10/19/61
Unruh, Dessie M.                      16368                   1 X        8       73      C                        4/4/90        B       N
Unruh, Dessie Marie                   26860         X          8        Gr:      73              F                3/31/90       B
Unrush, Henry                         46848         DC                  151              3       M                3/9/35
Uota, Ken                             24984                   1TSN      9  J    VMG2     C                        9/22/95       C       N
Uota, Rebecca                         24930                   1TSN      9  J    VMG      C                        9/22/95       C       N
Uota, Shigeo                          46784        VM2        TRN        10      G       1       M       92      11/27/99       C       N
Upchurch, Emma Nora                   30161         E          29       Gr:      27              F                2/24/72
Upchurch, James                       39295         E          29       Gr:      26              M       70      11/14/97       G       Y
Upchurch, Mitchell K                  44237        DB3         7        Gr:      5                                10/2/63
Upchurch, Thomas P.                   30160         E          29       Gr:      26              M                11/7/74
Updite Ii, Denise R.                  18818         DB         66       Gr:      3                                5/24/94       B       N
Upright, Walter C.                    27608         E          6        Gr:      21              M                4/10/50       B
Upton, D. E.                          42504         A          47        5               3                        3/13/22
Upton, Floyd Wesley                   42171         A          41        7               5                        2/14/83
Upton, Tina                           42503         A          47        5               2                        6/11/25
Urbina, Anastacio G.                  5498          C1         2        Gr:      5                       88       3/18/93       B       N
Urbina, Angel                         45260         SR                  Gr:      69                               9/28/18
Urbina, Bidal                         44773         C          17        5               2                       11/19/29
Urbina, Concha                        31613         C3         25       Gr:      5               F                2/2/78                N
Urbina, Crenso                        44772         C          17        5               1                        3/15/26
Urbina, Ivena Louise                  45525         C1         2        Gr:      4                                5/31/58
Urbina, Janice M                      45524         C1         2        Gr:      3                                3/16/46
Urbina, Louis Sylves                  30705         C3         15       Gr:      16              M                3/23/64               N
Urbina, Phillip Garc                  29909                                                      M                2/20/77
Urbina, Phillip Garc                  29910                                                      M                2/20/77
Urbina, Phillip Garc                  29912         C3         12       Gr:      17              M                2/20/77
Urbina, Roman                         44774         C          17        5               3                        2/2/44
Urbina, Sanpson                       44167        DB1         3        Gr:      28                              10/31/53
Urbina, Stephen G.                    31617         C3         25       Gr:      6               M                4/25/72               N
Urbina, teven (baby)                  44771         C          17        5               1                        8/23/44
Urbina, Valenta                       44775         C          17        5               3                       11/10/33
Urbino, Mariono                       45277         SR                  Gr:     111                               4/13/21
Urbino, Myrilyn                       45409         SR                  Gr:     369                               5/11/36
Uriarte, Abundio                      17687                   1 C3       26      13      C                        11/5/93       B       N
Uriarte, Abundio                      31697         C3         26       Gr:      13              M                11/1/93               N
Uriarte, Abundio                      31698         C3         26       Gr:      14              M                9/15/84               N
Uriarte, Joseph A.                    18423                   1 C3       23      27      C                        4/4/94        B       N
Uriarte, Petrinila C                  31696         C3         26       Gr:      13              F                4/2/84                N
Uriate, Joseph                        31496         C3         23       Gr:      27              M                3/30/94               N
Urie, Harry James Sr                  28211                                                      M                4/2/52
Urie, Harry James Sr                  28213         E          12       Gr:      5               M                4/2/52
Urman, William T.                     40360         A          31        5               6                      03/20/1871
Urnola, Espinnon                      42641         A          52        5               1                       12/12/10
Urquiza, Nicole V                     45210         C          34        6               3       F               11/14/80
Usher, Mary                           40093         A          29        10              3                      10/11/1887
Uvalle, Jesus J.                      31618         C3         25       Gr:      7               M               12/12/75               N

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