Did you know?
The CA State Archives has over 105,000 cubic feet of
records of all types are represented including millions of
documents and bound volumes, 20,000 maps and architectural
drawings, 250,000 photographs, 7,500 video and audio tapes,
as well as hundreds of artifacts.
Do you need a look-up?
Quick links to:
Special County pages:
Resources for Tehama County research
Tehama County Vital Records
633 Washington Street,Room 11
Red Bluff, California 96080
(530) 527-3350
(530) 527-1745 fax
Contact: recorder@co.tehama.ca.us
Office Hours - 8 a.m. through 5 p.m.
(Monday through Friday )
Genealogical Societies/Historical Societies
- Tehama County Genealogical & Historical
P. O. Box 415,
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of
each month*,
at 6:30 p.m - 7:55 p.m. at:
Tehama County
Conference Room
645 Madison Street
Red Bluff, CA
Phone: (530) 527-0604
*Regular meetings of the TCG&HS are held every
month except July, August and December.
Libraries / Archives
- Tehama County Library
645 Madison Street
Red Bluff CA 96080
- Red Bluff Branch:
645 Madison Street
Red Bluff CA 96080
- Lost Molinos Branch:
7881 Hwy 99E
Los Molinos, CA 96055
- Corning Branch:
740 3rd Street
Corning CA 96021
Family History Centers
Corning California
111 Marguerite St
Corning, California
Phone: (530) 824-4445
Hours: W 4pm-8pm Open by appointment.
Closed: Month of August every year.
The week of Thanksgiving. 2 weeks for Christmas.
Closed the week of Easter.
Attention: Please call 530-824-5361
Red Bluff California
545 Berrendos Ave
Red Bluff, California
Phone: (530) 527-9810
Hours: T 9am-9pm
Closed: Closed the week of
Thanksgiving; for 2 weeks of Christmas and New Year
and the month of August
Note: These are not mailing
addresses. Due to limited staff, Family History
Centers are unable to respond to mail inquiries. |