*** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs. *** ---page 6-42--- 42 Page 15 John Lee Will continued Witn: J. G. Lawton: Jno M. Brown and A. J. Chapman **real estate known as the Metropolitan Hotel, Vallejo, Calif. ** Mary Williams of Solano County, Calif. Will filed in records of County Clerk, Solano Co. Dated: 28 June 1867 Probated: 17 May 1870 Son: Thomas Morgan Adopted daughter: Elizabeth Ann Hickson, wife of Geo. Hickson Sisters: Jane, Sarrah and Hannah. Execs: Thomas Morgan and John Frisbie Witn: S. G. Hilborn and L. G. Frisbie ** all of which I possessed to my son Thomas Morgan, and I direct him to give $400.00 to my adopted daughter, Elizabeth Hickson Will signed by X Daniel L. Ross of New York, N. Y. Will proved N.Y. Surrogate Court 3 March 1886 Copy on filed in records of County Clerk, Solano Co. Will dated: 8 December 1866 Mother: Sarah Ross Son: Arthur B. Ross(Other children mentioned but not by name or sex) Exec: John Elliot Witn: EL Fancher, New York: J. H. Stout, Brooklyn, N. Y. ***to my mother, an annuity of $250.00 per year ** All to my dear children equally and I direct that my son, Arthur B. Ross act as the guardian of their persons and estate *** Authing N. Dozier, Sr. of Rio Vista, Solano Co., Cal. Will on file in records of County Clerk, Solano Co., Cal. Dated: 31 May 1870 Probated: 8 August 1870 Wife: Mary C. Dozier Sons: Linwood Dozier, A. W. Dozier and Edward Dozier Execs: Mary C. Dozier and sons Witn: A.H. Hawley, C. A. Price, U.S. Stone ** I direct that my executors shall buy my son Linwood a gold watch when he reach 21 years of age ** that $1000.00 shall be used to educate Linwood ** to my wife, the house in Rio Vista and the balance of my estate **