*** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs. *** ---page 6-29--- 29 Page 2 Hiram Wheeler, aged 51, Martinez, Contra Costa Co., Calif. Will filed in records of County Clerk, Solano Co. Dated: 27 June 1854 Probated 25 January 1859 Wife: Letitia T. Wheeler Witnesses: Thomas A. Brown, Martinez: J. H. Carothers, Martinez. William F. Williams, Solano County, California. Dated: 4 June 1859 Probated 1 August 1859 Wife: Mary Williams Executor Mary Williams Witnesses: Evan Williams: Isaac Bivin. **All I possess to my beloved wife, Mary*** that she be instructed to pay to John Williams who has lived with me since childhood fair and reasonable wages for his services for me since he arrived at the age of twenty years ***** Thomas M. Page, Solano Co., Califronia. Will filed in records of County Clerk, Solano Co. Dated 16 September 1859 Probated 17 October 1859 Nephew: Solomon Scott (address unknown) Nieces: Elizabeth Scott and Leonard Scott (possibly of Maryland) Executor Solomon Scott Witnesses S. A. McMeans: Curtis Wilson: both of Rockville, Solano Co. **To my partner, James Gilmore of Solano Co. Calif. my half of that store building, stores and supplies situated in Solano Co.********* Andrew Johnson, Solano County, California Will filed in records of County Clerk, Solano Co. Dated 10 January 1860 Probated 2 April 1860 Mother: Anne Kundsatter, Krayero, Norway Executor James Madison Witnesses Nels Anderson, George Nelson, Robert C. Page. Signed with a mark and so witnessed.