Siskiyou St Joseph's Cemetery M-P photos

St Joseph's M-P

Up St Joseph's A-B St Joseph's C-D St Joseph's E-H St Joseph's I-L St Joseph's M-P St Joseph's Q-R St Joseph's S-T St Joseph's U-Z

Bernice Machado

Anita Madero

George Madruga

Mary Madruga

Elizabeth Madson

Don & Joy Manuel

Laura Manuel

John & Angela Marin

Joseph Marion

Fred Markwick

Magelina Markwick

Maria Martignoni

Jerome Martin

Galiano Mastelotto

Mabel Masterson

Brice Mathews

Joseph Mathews

Edward & Carrie Mathewson

Helen Mathewson

Marjorie Mathewson

Lenore McAboy

William McAboy

Thelma McCormick

Patrick McGarvey

Edward McGinnis

McGrath Family Plot

Edward T. McGrath

George McGrath

George McGrath

William McGrath

William J. McGrath

James McGraw

Charles McNeil

Francis & Fayette McNeil

Henry McNeil

Matthew McNeil Jr.

Matthew & Rita McNeil

Velma McNeil

Edward McNulty

Mary McNulty

Clara Meamber

Clara Belle Meamber

J. C. Meltner

Frank Mello

S. J. Meyers

Attilio Michelon

Giovanni & Olimpia Michelon

William & Grace Micke

Manuel Miller

Emma Mills

Harold & Eileen Mills

Leslie Mills

Miner Family Plot

James Miner

Jane Miner

Matthew Miner

Philip & H. S. Miner

Thomas Mitchell

Louis Monnot

Louis Monnot Jr.

Minnie Monnot

Giovani Montagner

Ellen Moore

Agnes Moran

Thomas Moran

John & Kathryn Morgan

Betsy Morningstar

George Morningstar

G. W. Morningstar

Lena Morningstar

Vicki Moser

Nicola Narciso

Baby Naumes

Jerry Neldon

Emily Nelson

Horace & Edna Nettles

Olympia Newton

Alice Nunes

John & Sarah Nunes

Mamie Nunes

Sarah Nunes

Wilhelmina Nunes

Josephine Nussrallah

Taft Nussrallah

Manly Oakes

Harold O'Leary

Orlando Olivolo

Margaret Orndorff

Bridget O'Shaughnesy

Robert Ouimette

Blas & Mary Paskovich

William & Rose Paul

Mario Paulazzo

Clyde Peck

Mary Pedrotti

Walter Pedrotti

Antonio Pereira

Perry Family Plot

Anthony Perry

Anthony & John Perry

Barbara Perry

Frank Perry

Gerald Perry

Gerald & Gezelda Perry

John Perry

Lawrence Perry

Marie Perry

Mary A. Perry

Mary S. Perry

M. W. Perry

S. J. Perry

Victoria Perry

Helene Petersen

Emelia Petery

William Philippe

Alexandrina Phillipe

Arthur & Genevieve Phillipe

Carl Phillipe

Carl Phillipe (2nd marker)

Joseph Phillipe

Joseph Phillipe Jr.

Joseph & Mary Phillipe

Addison & Constance Phillips

Richard & Joan Pies

Adrian & Rosaline Pieterick

Antonio & Lydia Pimentel

Gilbert Pimentel

Nicola Piperio

Manoel Pires

Carl Pizzi

John Poalin

Katherine Powell

Bradford Powers

Jose Primintell

Copyright February 16, 2002

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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