Siskiyou Northern Journal Newspaper

Northern Journal

Up Dunsmuir Northern Journal Weekly Journal Western Sentinel Yreka Union

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The Northern Journal begins with the date of February 2, 1860 and finishes with the date of June 28, 1860.  From that point we will carry on with the Yreka Weekly Journal.  Some of the notices listed here are from small articles, one rather lengthy news story and reports by the County Sextonof burials.  The information presented is all that was written in this newspaper.  This newspaper was published on Thursdays, thus the entry for the "little child" (second entry below) would place the date of death on February 14, 1860.

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Newspaper Date Notice
February 2, 1860 Interment in the City Cemetery of Catherine Cortes, age 25, formerly from Maverlo, Mexico.  (Sexton's report of burials).
February 16, 1860 A little child of Mr. Drummonds of this city, died on Tuesday morning.
February 16, 1860 Death of MaCauley.  Bard MaCauley died December 28th of a heart disease.
April 26, 1860 In this city, April 23d, Margaret A., wife of John H. McClosky, aged 17 years, 10 months and 21 days.  The deceased was followed to her grave on Tuesday evening by the Odd Fellows and the members of the Yreka Engine Co. No. 1, together with a long line of mourning friends.
May 10, 1860 Charles Boquet, aged 51 years, died in San Francisco on the 1st inst., of poplexy (as spelled in the newspaper...probably apoplexy).
May 10, 1860 Interment on May 1st, 1860, of Henry Sherman, aged 28 years, formerly from Germany (Sexton's report of burials).
May 10, 1860 Interment on May 5th, 1860, Franklin G. Cooley, aged 19 months (Sexton's report of burials).
June 14, 1860 Last Friday afternoon, Mr. John Hughs (later spelled Hughes) was killed near AEtna Mills, in Scott Valley of the caving of a bank.  The circumstances attending this sad event were as follows: A company was engaged in groundsluicing a high bank; they had picked in under the bank some considerable distance, and on going to dinner they had turned a small stream of water along the surface for the purpose of making a "cave."  A large quantity had fallen when they returned and the water was running off as much dirt as the leading sluices would carry.  Seeing this, the workmen sat down and took things easy until late in the evening, when Mr. Hughs took up a shovel and walked near the bank, which he had hardly reached when a small portion of the "cave" that had not fallen with the main slide, suddenly gave way and entirely covered him up.  The dirt in this claim is very hard and breaks up in large chunks; these chunks of earth rolled over and upon the unfortunate man to the depth of two and a half feet, breaking his neck and crushing his chest.  His remains were interred in the Yreka cemetery on Sunday last.  Mr. Hughes was a native of Ireland but had lived long in the United States.  He was, we believe, about 52 years of age; had resided for sometime past at AEtna Mills, where he leaves a wife and five children, together with a large circle of friends, to mourn his loss.  The sons and daughters of Mr. Hughes are all grown, or nearly so.
June 21, 1860 Interred in City Cemetery, Z. Archer on June 5, 1860, aged 41 years (Sexton's report).
June 21, 1860 Interred in City Cemetery, A. J. Farrington on June 6, 1860, aged 13 months (Sexton's report).
June 21, 1860 Interred in City Cemetery, Denise Wholey, June 7, 1860, aged 18 months (Sexton's report).
June 21, 1860 In this city on the 14th inst., of Typhoid fever, John Reid, formerly of Mobile, Alabama, aged 40 years (There is a second mention in this paper and an Odd Fellow's memorial in the newspaper dated June 28, 1860.  That memorial gives no additional information).
June 21, 1860 Died in Cottonwood, May 22nd of apoplexy, Richard C. Coffin, formerly of Hudson, New York, aged about 40 years.
June 28, 1860 In this city on Saturday the 23d inst., at the residence of her brother, Dr. E. Wadsworth, Mrs. Pamela Reid, a native of Ohio, aged 29 years.


Siskiyou Cemeteries Central

Copyright July 31, 2003

Siskiyou Cemeteries Online

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