Family history C. W. Nutting

C. W. Nutting

Up Martin Andrews J. S. Beard Joseph Cavanaugh Jerome Churchill David Deeter HEddyObit Josiah Edson C. W. Nutting Alexander Parker Festus Payne Peter Peterson Elijah Steele Patrick Tierney Ignace Wagner

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C W Nutting photo

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Was born at Barnesville, Pike county, Georgia, October 3, 1852.  His father was James Nutting, still living near Marietta, Cobb county, Georgia, and engaged in farming, aged about fifty-five years.  His mother's maiden name was Epsie Adeline Holmes.  She died in her fortieth year, in November, 1872.  When sixteen years old, the subject of our sketch finished his school days at the private school of Profs. Baker and Manget, at Marietta.  In January, 1870, he went into the bank of John H. James, Atlanta, twenty miles from his home.  He continued there four years.  He left the bank in January, 1874, and began studying medicine in October of that year, and also attended lectures at Atlanta Medical College, of the regular school.  He graduated near the head in his class in 1876.  In anatomy and surgery he ranked the highest among all graduates for ten years.  For two successive collegiate years he held the position as demonstrator of anatomy with considerable credit to himself and the institution, being one of the city physicians at the same time.  In 1878 Dr. C. M. Hill, of Etna, withdrew for his old home in the southern part of Georgia.  Dr. Nutting, then in his twenty-sixth year, corresponded with him and took his practice, which he still holds to the present day.  The practice is very extensive, he being obliged to travel much by night and day.  Although quite a new-comer, the doctor, by prompt attention to business, by his skill as a surgeon and physician, and gentlemanly bearing to all classes, has become quite popular and bids fair to remain as a permanent citizen of the county.  The other members of his family are:--Millard H., teller in the Atlanta National Bank, the eldest; James R., a cotton buyer at Atlanta; Lutie A., wife of Mr. Brown, a planter near Marietta, Georgia; and Minnie F., now at her father's home.

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The above picture and text are from: History of Siskiyou County, Harry L. Wells, D. J. Stewart & Co., 1881; pg. 152B

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Charles Wilbur (Wilber) Nutting is buried in Etna Cemetery

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Copyright February 16, 2002

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