Known as Sim. Leased and conducted the Eagle Hotel at Shasta in 1855 with Charles T. Lewis. Leased and conducted the St. Charles Hotel with Judge E. K. Shed in 1856. Married Emma Lafferty at Shasta in 1856. Leased and conducted the Empire Hotel at French Gulch in partnership with S. F. Black from 1856 until 1858. Moved to Dog Creek in the Sacramento River Canyon and became associated with J. S. Cameron in the operation of the Dog Creek House in 1858. Elected Justice of the Peace for the Sugar Loaf Township in 1859. Moved to the Hazel Creek area in 1859 and built a log and shake cabin/trading post on a plateau overlooking Hazel Creek. Eventually enlarged the log cabin into Southern's Hotel and Stage Station, which became a popular, widely known trading post, stopping place and hotel.

Corrals and sheds were built in 1861 for the Greathouse & Company stage stock when his place was made a home station. Filed for a homestead claim in 1865. Established the Hazel Creek Post Office at his hotel; served as the postmaster in 1886. Guided many sportsmen on local fishing trips. The California & Oregon Railroad stationhouse at Sims is named for him. Owned approximately 700 acres. Died in 1902. Sims Exit on I-5, Sims Bridge, Sims Road, Sims Lookout, Sims Lookout Road, Sims Flat, and Sims Flat Campground are all named for him.

SOURCE: The Dictionary of Early Shasta County History - by Dottie Smith - copyright 1999

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