*** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs. *** ---page 6-6--- 6 Will of Martha Williams (widow of John J. Williams) San Jose, California. (Will filed in Will Book A., San Jose, California.) Date: 12 January 1853 Probated 27 April 1853. First: My desires is that my body be buried with decency and propriety, and that all my debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as can conveniently be done..... Second: I give and bequeath unto my only and dear child Mary Ann Williams all my property of whatsoever nature, kind or description.... for her sole use and benefit. Third: It is my desire that my said daughter, Mary Ann, be well educated in the different branches of education suitable for ladies, and I do earnestly recommend unto her to be diligent and attentive to her studies, and virtuous, modest and circumspect in her intercourse with the world. Fourth: I desire and will that none of my property either real or personal be...disposed of or sold, but desire all the real property I own be rented or leased by my Executors.... . Fifth: In case of the marriage of my said daughter, Mary Ann, I desire that all property remaining... be paid over to her. Sixth: I do hereby name and appoint as executores Isaac Branham and Peter O. Miner of the said County and State... no bond or security be required..... they take into their charge and custody all said property, both real and personal and bequeathed to my said daughter, and to collect all moneys which may be due, to attend to all suits....to amke [make] any compromises...to pay all debts........and, generally to do and perform all such acts and things as to them may seem proper and best...... Seventh:.....my said executor Isaac Branham, and I do hereby give unto him the care, custody, and guardianship of the person of my said daughter, Mary Ann, until she shall arrive at the age of twenty-one, or until she may marry. I desire that....Isaac Branham shall take my said daughter into his family and raise and educate her as one of his own children. And I desire my daughter to conduct herself properly in said family, and to be dutiful, kind, and obliging to the said Brnham. ...no bond required of said Isaac Branham. by any court or officer and that ...Isaac Branham as such guardian shall give a good and polite education to my daughter, to furnish her with all necessary books, clothing, instruments, furniture and other things necessary for her education... the amount to be paid out of the estate. ---end---