*** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs. *** ---page 6-17--- 17 Will of Alexander Wells, City and County of San Francisco, California. (Will filed in Will Book A, Records of County Clerk, San Jose, California). Dated: 15 October 1853 Probated: 2 2 January 1855. I, Alexander Wells, of the City, County and State aforesaid being now of sound and disposing mind and memory do make, publish, and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say-- First: I give, devise, and bequest all and singular my real and Personal Estate, lands houses, money, goods, chattels and property of every kind and nature soever within the State of California unto Alexander M. Schell, H.P. Hepburn of this City, County and State aforesaid and Aristides Welch, purser in the United States Navy, the Execcutors of my last Will and Testament.....and appoint in Trust for the payment of my just debts and the Legacies specified and for the sole use, benefit and enjoyment of my dear wife, Annie V.R. Wells of Grove Hill, Sing-Sing, Weschester County, State of New York, and to this and I hereby authorize my said executors to sell and dispose of the said real and personal property.. and to remit the money from said sale to my said wife with the least possible delay. Or to convey the said real estate to my said wife to and for her sole use, enefit and behoof forever..... Second: I give and bequeath my watch and chain to my friend S.R. Mlls, M.D., of the City of San Francisco. Third: I give and bequeath unto William Wright, my servant, if he shall remain in my service until the day of my death, the sum of one hundred dollars. Fourth: I direct my executors to have my body conveyed to New York, it being my desire to be buried in the Family Burial Ground at Croton. Fifth and lastly: I hereby nominate and appoint my firends Alexander M. Schell, H.P. Hepburn, and Aristides Welch...to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other wills heretofore made by me...... No bond shall be required of them..... In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of October 1853. Signed: Alexander Wells. Executors: Alexander M. Schell. H.P. Hepburn. Aristides Welch. Witnesses: J.M. McCorkell, San Fransisco. P.K. Woodside, San Fransisco. J.A. Lynch, San Fransisco. (Wells died about 28th October 1854.)